Stone mallet for seismic smash plus few other stone melee related stuff




I would just like to suggest a stone mallet animation for seismic smash. Also I would like to be able to use the same mallet for both mallet attacks like how for fire melee you can pick the same fire sword for greater fire sword and fire sword.



Adding a mallet to Seismic Smash will add animation (maybe even redraw) time and kill the awesome-sauce of the power. The reason it rocks so much is because it hits hard and fast. Yes, that pun was intended.

The second suggestion, however, is good with me.



I don't mean to remove the original just add another. I would love to be able to use a 3 mallet smash as my attack chain.

Also interestingly enough as far as I'm aware all the elemental weapon sets the weapons just appear and there is no re draw.



I think a hammer animation could be done that would fit withing the existing time for Seismic Smash. I kind of doubt I'd use it, but I'm all for more options. I love the existing animation. It's not that impressive when it's used for other powers but with the sound and the extra GFX, it's damn cool. If a hammer animation could be done that would retain that super smashy feel, I think that'd be just swell.



Hhmm... I think you're right. I'm trying to remember just how the animation plays out...

Because the hammer attacks animations have the player reaching backward to prepare for the swing, it had me thinking that was a kind of redraw. I think that's where I got confused.

And since it's an option and shouldn't slow the power down anyway, I fully support this idea. =)



yeah the mallet abilties (or any other powerset that mixes in "weapon attacks" like Fire melee fire swords) don't cause redraw. Seismic Smash uses a 1.5 sec bonesmasher/haymaker animation, a new mallet animation could probably be quite easily fitted into that amount of time as an alternate animation.