Incarnate problem, Create screen not as expected

Agent White



My August Sirs,

Let me start by saying I have read as many post as I can find on my topic and I have tried everything I can think of before posting here.

I am trying to create a second level enhancment in the Alpha slot. I want to craft the second level Musculature and eventually the third level to get the status change. I have obtained all of the salvage required for the Musculature second level and the colors of the text in the Create screen have changed for everything but the required first level enhancement. Now here is the rub, I HAVE the first level enhancement. I can slot it and it shows up in my Powers table. The Incarnate Create screen just does not recognize it.

I also have the first level Cardiac enhancement for my Alpha slot. The Incarnate Create screen WILL recognize the first level Cardiac enhancement and I could make the second level Cardiac, but I don't want that. I have been working under the assumption that maybe the Incarnate Create screen only sees the Cardiac enhancement (first occurance in table or something).

Why does the Create screen not see my Musculature first level enhancement?

I have tried switching toons and comming back.
I have tried login off and back on.
I have tried rebooting (hey, stranger things)
I have attempted to delete the Cardiac enhancement but there is no way to do this that I have found.
I have unslotted all of my Incarnate slots and while doing that learned about "remove this enhancement from tray" option on the right click menu.
I have slotted Musculature, and then slotted Cardiac, and then unslotted both.

None of this does anything. The Create screen does not see my Musculature first level enhancement which is required to create the second level enhancement.




have you tried creating another Tier 1 musculature to see what happens?



That's very odd. When you equip your Musculature, what does it say is the name of the equipped power? I'm wondering if somehow you ended up with, say, a t2 Musculature Core Boost instead of a t1 Musculature Boost.



My August Hopeling,

THAT WAS IT! I must have made the second level Musculature some time back. Sheesh.




For future reference you might want to notice that on the creation screen the ones you already have are highlighted somewhat relative to the ones you do not. Depending on how you look at it, you may see it instead as all the ones you don't have being somewhat greyed out, and the ones you do being normal. Once you know what to look for you can avoid that same mistake in the future.