Shoulder Kitty for Male Toons




I have been asking since 2005 for a shoulder kitty for male toons, my main tank Sir Hell I think as well as others mentioned he would look kwel with one. Just take a look at my avatar.



I completely agree and think it would suit your Tanker very well, now my Brute absolutely needs a pink panda to complete his cuddly look.



I support this idea and also want the devs to add parrots as shoulder pets.



Now I could go for parrots or organ grinding monkeys! That would be seriously cool, but are there REALLY any male toons out there who want kitties?



But that's just silly, cute little animals are for GIRLS!

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Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
Now I could go for parrots or organ grinding monkeys! That would be seriously cool, but are there REALLY any male toons out there who want kitties?
A Parrot and a Dragon for me, let someone have there kitty, as long as i get my Mini-Dragon or Parrot i don't care.

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I don't know if I'd have it on my male character, but I might! But then I couldn't use the celetial shoulder pieces...grrrr...

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I've wanted the kitty/panda available for male models for some time as well.

Also cigars for womens please.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
Also cigars for womens please.
Uhm, we have that already. We got it with the Gunslinger costume set.

Option 2
Gunslinger 3



Now I want this



Can we have a crow as well plz :S



I would totally use the kittens on at least one male character.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Uhm, we have that already. We got it with the Gunslinger costume set.
Forbin, I do believe you read an ette where there was not. I also do not believe a paid for option suffices for something female characters should have had since day 1 with the males.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I would totally use the kittens on at least one male character.

Forbin, I do believe you read an ette where there was not. I also do not believe a paid for option suffices for something female characters should have had since day 1 with the males.
No I'm going on what I think the graphics look like,

and that is a cigar not a cigarette.

It doesn't even look a little like a cigarette. Also Cigars come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

I do agree with you about it shouldn't have to be a paid option.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
No I'm going on what I think the graphics look like,
I'll admit I never looked that closely at the graphic. Yeah, that's a cigar.

But they should still get the classic one.

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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
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Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
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Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
That would be seriously cool, but are there REALLY any male toons out there who want kitties?
Actually yes I have a few male toons that i want it on IE my FA/Fire tank Sir Hell the one I have as my Avatar ( He is a cuddly demon after all) and a few others.



Signed for shoulder pets for male toons.

Someone mentioned a dragon shoulder thing too, which would be great also, even better if it was animated and breathed fire, but I may be getting in over my head asking for that 0.o