Remove the fear from Arsonist's Molotov Cocktail




I'm...a little confused on this. Thugs' Arsonist can throw a Molotov Cocktail and set folks on fire. It doesn't create a Burn-style patch, but it sends enemies flying to the far corners of the map just as well as Burn used to. Heck, since there's no patch created, it keeps them running even longer! Is there any justification for this at all? It end up finishing missions faster without him, just because I don't have to worry about having runners constantly aggroing extra groups, or wait for stragglers to wander back. Especially when considering the fixes to Burn, and the fact that, say, Fireball, has never caused this, I don't see why the Arsonist should be any different.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Is there any justification for this at all?
Realism? Do a test. Make a bunch of Molotov Cocktails, go outside and throw them at a crowd of people. I bet you'll see that nearly all of them will run away in a panic.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Realism? Do a test. Make a bunch of Molotov Cocktails, go outside and throw them at a crowd of people. I bet you'll see that nearly all of them will run away in a panic.
If we're going for realism, the same should be the case for all the other guys with guns bearing down on them. Or maybe a small armies of demons and walking hellfire? Or a Lich crawling out of the ground?

I suppose if absolutely every power in the game caused similar levels of fear, it would make sense. Heck, personally, I think Paragon is a pretty scary place. Everything out to automatically default to "panic" whether it's engaged in combat or not...



Doesn't one of the Arsonist's bombs cause burn patches, though?

Masterminds have a problem with enemies running away. It's not just your Arsonist. My Bots/Traps Mastermind can't fight an elite boss without said elite boss taking off running about four times for seemingly no reason. I don't get why this is, but enemies seem to fear Masterminds more than any other AT. It's endlessly infuriating.

Personally, I don't like "run away" powers in general. I would get it if powers like Burn or Caltrops just caused the AI to run our of the patch, then stop and keep fighting as soon as that happened, but that's not the case. The AI starts running and running and running until it runs so far away it loses aggro. I have never been able to comprehend why this was ever considered a good thing in this game.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
My Bots/Traps Mastermind can't fight an elite boss without said elite boss taking off running about four times for seemingly no reason.
That's the traps, not the MM. Specifically Acid Mortar. It seems to cause enemies to flee, and when they flee they don't mess about. They flee and flee, then flee some more. Then they finally come back, take another shot from the Acid Mortar, and do it all over again. It's one of the things that keeps me from rolling another trapper.



I hate the run away AI in this game. Always have always will because they are not going to change it, because they (the devs) think it is a good idea and makes sense.

Then again these are the same guys that thought gating additional incarnate powers behind 15EM's made sense. Go figure.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
If we're going for realism, the same should be the case for all the other guys with guns bearing down on them. Or maybe a small armies of demons and walking hellfire? Or a Lich crawling out of the ground?

I suppose if absolutely every power in the game caused similar levels of fear, it would make sense. Heck, personally, I think Paragon is a pretty scary place. Everything out to automatically default to "panic" whether it's engaged in combat or not...
Hey I'm not saying I agree with it, just offering a possible reason why the devs have it work that way. Sometimes getting answers from them is like pulling teeth.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I hate the run away AI in this game. Always have always will because they are not going to change it, because they (the devs) think it is a good idea and makes sense.

Then again these are the same guys that thought gating additional incarnate powers behind 15EM's made sense. Go figure.
And their adamant refusal to make it easy for us to invite our own characters into our SG's.



I just want the arsonist to explode for decent AOE damage when he dies. Since he does it a lot.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I just want the arsonist to explode for decent AOE damage when he dies. Since he does it a lot.
Could he run around on fire before collapsing?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Could he run around on fire before collapsing?
While flailing his arms in the air screaming?




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
While flailing his arms in the air screaming?
Pretty much.