Achille's Heel Proc




What's the % chance of this going off? The in-game help only says "chance" and the wiki quotes it verbatim.

My guess is 5% but I'd be pleasantly surprised if it was higher.


D3 Bible I6/ED
Bots /FF Guide



Wow. I thought 5 or 10% but not the usual 20% of damage procs.

Granted, it doesn't stack but I've got Achille's Heel procs in 4 of my AoEs...should go off a lot then.


D3 Bible I6/ED
Bots /FF Guide



Originally Posted by BlackestNight View Post
Wow. I thought 5 or 10% but not the usual 20% of damage procs.

Granted, it doesn't stack but I've got Achille's Heel procs in 4 of my AoEs...should go off a lot then.

Your Combat tab should say when it's going off. I think it's displayed in green when you have "Healing Received" displayed, but I'm not 100% positive of that.



It doesn't stack from the same source. A Trick Arrow char can slot it in Acid Arrow and Oil Slick Arrow, and it should stack since the Oil Slick arrow actually summons a pet Oil Slick. A Merc MM can slot it in EVERY SINGLE PET, plus Burst. So a Merc/TA MM could potentially stack it 9 times. Of course TA already has Acid Arrow and Disruption Arrow for a 30% Resistance Debuff. The debuff lasts 10 seconds, and the MM and most pets will attack at least twice in that time, so a hard target will have on average 3 extra debuffs for a total of 90% Resistance Debuff. That could increase by about another buff (20%) if the behavior is broken in Oil Slick and it check every 0.2 seconds, because that would make it effectively perma. Or it could go down by a lot if it doesn't actually work in the henchmen at all.

Why yes, I do have a Merc/TA that I'm currently leveling up. Why do you ask?

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
It doesn't stack from the same source. A Trick Arrow char can slot it in Acid Arrow and Oil Slick Arrow, and it should stack since the Oil Slick arrow actually summons a pet Oil Slick. A Merc MM can slot it in EVERY SINGLE PET, plus Burst. So a Merc/TA MM could potentially stack it 9 times. Of course TA already has Acid Arrow and Disruption Arrow for a 30% Resistance Debuff. The debuff lasts 10 seconds, and the MM and most pets will attack at least twice in that time, so a hard target will have on average 3 extra debuffs for a total of 90% Resistance Debuff. That could increase by about another buff (20%) if the behavior is broken in Oil Slick and it check every 0.2 seconds, because that would make it effectively perma. Or it could go down by a lot if it doesn't actually work in the henchmen at all.

Why yes, I do have a Merc/TA that I'm currently leveling up. Why do you ask?
Hush man.. Mercs suck....

Skorpion.. level 50 Merc/TA on Justice Server...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
It doesn't stack from the same source. A Trick Arrow char can slot it in Acid Arrow and Oil Slick Arrow, and it should stack since the Oil Slick arrow actually summons a pet Oil Slick. A Merc MM can slot it in EVERY SINGLE PET, plus Burst. So a Merc/TA MM could potentially stack it 9 times. Of course TA already has Acid Arrow and Disruption Arrow for a 30% Resistance Debuff. The debuff lasts 10 seconds, and the MM and most pets will attack at least twice in that time, so a hard target will have on average 3 extra debuffs for a total of 90% Resistance Debuff. That could increase by about another buff (20%) if the behavior is broken in Oil Slick and it check every 0.2 seconds, because that would make it effectively perma. Or it could go down by a lot if it doesn't actually work in the henchmen at all.

Why yes, I do have a Merc/TA that I'm currently leveling up. Why do you ask?
I thought I heard that the Fury of the Gladiator -res proc didn't even stack from different casters, because <reason I don't precisely remember, involving it applying an auto power to the target affected.> Assuming that's true, why would the Achilles proc work differently?



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I thought I heard that the Fury of the Gladiator -res proc didn't even stack from different casters, because <reason I don't precisely remember, involving it applying an auto power to the target affected.> Assuming that's true, why would the Achilles proc work differently?
it doesnt stack from multiple casters because it applies a temp power to the target

the fury of the gladiator and the achilles heel will stack with each other because they apply slightly different temp powers

its essentially like interface incarnate abilities except the stack limit is 1 instead of 4



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
it doesnt stack from multiple casters because it applies a temp power to the target

the fury of the gladiator and the achilles heel will stack with each other because they apply slightly different temp powers

its essentially like interface incarnate abilities except the stack limit is 1 instead of 4
That's what I was trying to say, which is why TopDoc's post about stacking Achilles from pets (ie: stacking the same proc from multiple casters) confused me.



I stand corrected. I thought it used to be stackable, so perhaps it was fixed. It looks like now you can have at most one each Achilles and Fury proc affecting a target. The Achilles Proc grants a AchillesHeel -20% Resist All power with Number Allowed=1, and the Fury proc grant the target a Fury -20% Resist All power that also has Number Allowed=1. I expect this was done to avoid stacking it in PvP. So a Merc/TA MM can probably keep one Achilles debuff on every target around, but that's it.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by BlackestNight View Post
Granted, it doesn't stack but I've got Achille's Heel procs in 4 of my AoEs...should go off a lot then.
The Achilles proc isn't great in AoEs, by the way. Basically, just to break even with a normal damage proc, you have to do 350 damage to the enemy within the debuff's duration before counting the -res - minions usually won't even have that much health left after you hit them with an AoE to apply the debuff. You can come out a little ahead against lieutenants, but only on bosses and hard targets does the Achilles proc really shine. Plus, there's the stacking limit as mentioned, so 4 of them gets pretty redundant.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
it doesnt stack from multiple casters because it applies a temp power to the target

the fury of the gladiator and the achilles heel will stack with each other because they apply slightly different temp powers

its essentially like interface incarnate abilities except the stack limit is 1 instead of 4
That's true, though there's actually a new stacking flag now that prevents stacking from multiple casters without having to use tricks like granting a temp power with a limited number of copies.

The MA version of Caltrops (which Knives were also modified to use) takes advantage of this, which is how its slow effect no longer stacks when you're standing in 10 patches at once.

There's also a fairly new stacking mode that allows stacking up to an arbitrary number of times. It can optionally be combined with the collective flag to stack X times, regardless of the caster. Interface DoTs (including Reactive) do exactly that. Only the debuff portion uses the old-style Grant Power method.

Using the new stacking modes have the advantage of being able to use the caster's damage modifiers, and also not causing issues like aggro and who gets damage/kill credit.