Tohit and Defense




Is a power which debuffs tohit, the equivalent to a power that buffs defense?

I am looking at /Time Manipulation for a Ninjas MM.

Ninjas already have great defense, and the +15% def from foresight puts the Jonin at about 30% Def(All). However Time's Juncture can give -15% Tohit. If this was equivalent to +Def, it would give Jonin the equiv of 45% Def(All).

Does anyone know the relationship between the two?



Short answer: yes.

Long answer: yes, but with some complications. Basically, against even-level enemies with normal ToHit chances, a -ToHit debuff of 15% is exactly equivalent to a 15% Def buff on your pets.

However, that defense buff will always be 15%, but against higher level enemies, the -15% ToHit debuff will get weakened, meaning that it's not quite as effective as the Defense buff.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



They're... roughly equivalent. Basically, Defense is subtracted from To-Hit to get the actual chance an attack will connect. So an enemy with a 75% to-hit chance attacking a character with a 30% defense has a 45% chance for the attack to actually hit.

There are times buffing one is better than debuffing the other or vice versa, though. The wiki explains it better than I would.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Defense will protect you and your affected allies from enemies.
-ToHit will protect you and your allies from affected enemies.



Aside from the purple patch, AVs also heavily resist -tohit. So -tohit becomes less and less valuable compared to +defense when you face higher level foes and/or AVs. AVs will pretty much just laugh at your tohit debuffs.



Good to know, thanks everyone. I learned Jounin has its own buffs, sometimes for 50% def, so I'm not too worried.

Even running on highest difficulty, while it may be less effective than a def buff, it's still pretty effective.



I'll just through this out there, Ideally you want both, -to hit and defense work great with each other, there is a very good reason why Scorpian Shield is the best epic/Patron toggle for Rads, Darks, and other -to-hit debuffers