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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
    AV's are a lot easier than gms, and pretty much any toon can do it, with varying amounts of success and range of avs, if built properly.
    That really isn't true, since AVs do vary very wildly from one another as you suggested. Manticore or Chimera may be easy to take down, but the more hazardous AVs (such as Silver Mantis, Positron, Statesman and Recluse) blow any GM out of the water in terms of difficulty
  2. A magic carpet and a helicopter
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
    I believe th PI ones are "monsters," and not "giant monsters." I think that changes things quite a bit.
    No not really.

    If anything, those PI "Monsters" are significantly more difficult to take down than most Giant Monsters
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
    To kill a GM, you need at least 300 DPS I think it is.
    GM's regenerate at roughly 360 hp/sec
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Apparently, it's in Studio 55. I saw a message of such when claiming a vet spec, IIRC (or maybe trying to use a Freespec when I didn't have one).
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adelante View Post
    Any talks of city of heroes predecessor?
    City of Heroes has plenty of predecessors, as it is an MMORPG that came out in 2004.

    It has no predecessors as a superhero MMO though.
  7. I farm when I got nothing else to do because it's an efficient way to get rewards (I have 5 toons to feed, you know). I also offer to PL my friends and everyone is happy.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    Oh. Well, since some power sets are designed around having strong AoE damage and since strong AoE damage is usually what farmers look for...
    As well as... you know, the survivability.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    Not considering nukes, probably a stalker BU+AS on an AV (don't they do extra damage to harder targets?).
    No, but they should.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BeornAgain View Post
    to have in each of your builds:

    Inherent Fitness
    Heath- Numina's Convalescence: +Regen/+Recovery, Miracle: +Recovery, Regenerative Tissue: +Regeneration
    Stamina- Performance Shifter: Chance for + Endurance, Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification

    So, 2 extra slots added to Health and 1 to Stamina, so 3 slots away from your Primary/Secondary powersets.

    As of last night (2/24/2011), Numina's +R/+R recipe was going for 80 mil, Miracle for 150 mil, and Regenerative for 50 mil and change.

    Just the recipes...

    Performance Shifter was up and down yesterday, and the second PS:EM could be replaced with a 50 End Mod IO if you don't really want the 5% Movement increase (since MOST builds at this point are already capped for Movement speed).

    If you start cold; no recipes or salvage for the above, you are talking 325 million inf to deck out your AT.

    I did the math in Mids, but my Mids-Fu is weak...

    So, number crunchers, what say you?
  11. If it had been like this from the start I would've had no problem, but changing it at this point would be a d*ck move
  12. DE would require alot more than 60%; they can stack the Quartz aura, and if you're really unlucky you may get 3 of those per spawn (ouch!)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    See Giant Monsters vs. your level for the mechanics.

    I haven't tested it, but for most giant monsters there should be no change. Nearly all GMs have a hidden level lower than 50 and your attacks will be reduced to the level of the GM. The one exception I can think of is probably U'kon Grai. I've heard that it's hidden level is 54, which seems likely, though it's hard to test in the middle of a mothership raid. In that case, according to the way things work, the level shift might work, giving your attacks damage as if you were 51 attacking a level 50, instead of a level 50 attacking a level 49.

    Against Devouring Earth Monsters, the level shift should help. They have a hidden level and do not use the GM attack code.
    You can "easily" see the "hidden" level of any GM by checking their hitpoints and extrapolating the number. Ukon Grai has 73k hitpoints, which is the equivalent of a level 54 GM (same with Rikti Dropships during invasions)
  14. WAWG also prevents knockback, which also amplifies the usefulness of Frag Grenade x10
  15. When you Benumb a Cold in PvP, his/her Benumb will come out weaker. Bonus points if the offending Benumb is powerboosted
  16. Silverado

    Patron Powers

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    You have to do the first set of missions. It will give you a badge and a free respec.
    Nitpick: it's not really free if you earn it now is it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
    If I use Benumb on the Pestilence War Rider (I think he's the one with Weaken) would that lessen the effect of his -Heal, etc?
  18. While I always appreciate sonic buffs in my team, I don't particularly see the set as memorable in any aspect, and I also don't see any particular synergy with Radiation Blast
  19. This is interesting... I wonder how it'll turn out when a HelpMe asks for help against the infamous Honoree/Captain whatsherface in the "Retrieve Canister" mission, and the Helper isn't up to the task...

    Or when they need help against any other tough AV in their patron arc, etc
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    I hope people aren't confusing me with another person again.

    It's happened before with stuff like the Imperious, Apex, and Tin Mage TF. People will understand, exploit, and conquer the new content as they have in the past.
    I disagree with you on this one, Golden_Girl
  21. Sonic Blast and Psychic Blast (especially on Blasters) are underrated
    Dark Armor is sorta underrated (except for when it isn't)
  22. What IP really needs is a direct ferry to PI