not sure if this has been asked but here goes.
I'd get a new SG if I were you. Leader sounds like a micromanaging doosh.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

The ones I can think of from the top of my head are Energy Melee, Energy Aura, and Gravity Control.
The two Energy sets I have on two separate toons, both level 50. Honestly, I don't get the hate. I mean, yeah, compared to the "uber" sets they're not as good, but they are still totally viable options. Sure, my Energy Melee Tanker would love more AoE, but he still kicks butt and is a blast to play. And while my Energy Aura Stalker could definitely use some more survivability options, he's still one of my favorite characters.
Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero
Got Inf?
yeah my current main is a 50 dual blade/ninja stalker i lvl'd him soloing on red side originally moved him to blue side and since i came back last week i haven't been able to play him like i used to so been trying to find another powerset i can get to 50 and work in raids.
right now i have a 15 thug/trap mm and my 33 ele/ele the only issue i have on these is just getting abit bored after doing afew missions each lol but still they don't suck lol.
I'd throw Trick Arrow in there. It does a lot of things well, but doesn't really do any of those things better than other sets. Oil Slick Arrow is phenomenal and the set as a whole is busy in a fun way. But since you don't heal, you'll be yet another unappreciated support type.
With Energy Melee, it isn't the crap AoE that bugs me. I just wish I had another ST attack early. Maybe swap Energy Transfer with an earlier power (20 or 28?). As is on my tanker, it just feels slow and plodding, which sucks because I love that tanker.
Elec/anything stalker. I'd say it's comparable, if not better than elec/anything (except shield) scrapper, with only elec/shield possibly better. Better Single target chain, nearly equivalent AoE attacks (with deciding factor being whether in a group). Basically, most of the complaints about stalkers, is not applicable to elec stalkers.
A close second would be spines, but spine scrappers are probably better than spine stalkers due to the damage aura.
I echo what has been expressed about the SG leader: sheesh. There are non-viable builds I don't like such as petless masterminds, or characters that try to take as many pool powers as possible. But, as Jimmy would say on South Park, c-c-c-COME ON!! Electric Control Dominators are viable if not able to solo the Hamidon.
Of the Defenders, there seems to be a resurgence in Forcefields and trappers. Defense is pure and simple, hard to beat. I would suggest a sonic corruptor. Specifically a Sonic/sonic defender or corruptor to your taste. Disruption field is one of the best toggles in the game, since most teammates have a hard time killing it, unlike dark or rad anchors . The sonic debuff benefits your team, the sonic shields are very handy, and sonic disruption is a fine mezz protection. Liquefy is easily not the most powerful tier 9 defender/corruptor power but it's nothing to sneeze at either. It's an AoE tohit debuff and defense debuff with a less frequent knockdown as you may be familiar with in earthquake of the earth control set.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Force Field defenders are... not for everyone. Very much not for everyone. I have been playing mine lately (well, two or three of them) and I still like the set a lot, but... heck, I wrote a miniguide on Force Fielders And Why You Shouldn't Play Them.
Sonic/* defenders might be worse. I still haven't decided. You buff the team much less defensively, somewhat more offensively, you have very few oh-sh** tools and you're squishy yourself.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Another underrated set would be Ice Melee for tankers. It seems to still have the 'crap damage' stigma from before it was buffed. Not top end, but the set does well.
Dual Blades seems to be a bit under-rated for stalkers. Any time AoE is mentioned for stalkers, all I hear is Electric and Spines. My Dual Blade stalker puts out very good damage, knockdown, and a bit of debuff with her cones. It's beautiful to see a pile of Rikti flop on their butts with "WEAKENED" flashing over their heads in big orange letters.
Dual Blades seems to be a bit under-rated for stalkers. Any time AoE is mentioned for stalkers, all I hear is Electric and Spines. My Dual Blade stalker puts out very good damage, knockdown, and a bit of debuff with her cones. It's beautiful to see a pile of Rikti flop on their butts with "WEAKENED" flashing over their heads in big orange letters.
OP head to City Hall in Atlas Park and find the SG registrar.
Click the "Show me all of the registered Super Groups" button.
Click the Top 100 Supergroups button. From this list you can find some successful SGs that list recruiting information.
If you are unhappy with the SG you are in just find a new SG. There's a bunch of SGs out there that are just going to let you play your way and build whatever toon you want. I think you could find one of those SGs from that list.
*I don't know GuildAngels they just had the best message out of the SGs at the top of an alphabetically sorted list.

Sonic Blast and Psychic Blast (especially on Blasters) are underrated
Dark Armor is sorta underrated (except for when it isn't)
What is the most underrated powersets ?
its a decent question really instead of looking for the OP powersets i'm looking for the ones that don't get the love. right now i have been working on my ele/ele dom which my SG leader was telling me why having ele/ele was a bad choice when i could've done better and i told him this character i started when GR came out and was working on it for awhile this toon is currently only 33 but its fun to play and he told me i need soul for my epic pool for whatever reason. but after soloing a mish or two i didn't really see an issue but back to the question at hand. |
Any AT and power set can be made to perform by a good player. (not even a great player, just good) some are able to go to higher peaks then others, they will all however work.
I have an Ele/Ele dominator (lvl 30) as well as many higher level characters. After getting used to the play style I have found it to be a very powerful mix of abilities. Decent control, decent team buffs, decent foe debuffs and workable damage to solo. I look forward to getting 'Nicoli Tesla' to 50 and giving him an Alpha.
There are some, few, players who are very ridged in their mind sets and play styles, who for reasons I dont understand, think there is just one right way to play the game. Please for your own sake dont stay with a SG like that. (If in fact that is how things are for you)
Dont become an unsung martyr by putting up with another person telling you how to play your character(s) and, in effect, spend your $15/month.
What is the most underrated powersets ?
its a decent question really instead of looking for the OP powersets i'm looking for the ones that don't get the love. right now i have been working on my ele/ele dom which my SG leader was telling me why having ele/ele was a bad choice when i could've done better and i told him this character i started when GR came out and was working on it for awhile this toon is currently only 33 but its fun to play and he told me i need soul for my epic pool for whatever reason. but after soloing a mish or two i didn't really see an issue but back to the question at hand. |
2) You can have lots of alts.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
Only sets I find people underestimate would be Trick Arrow, Assault Rifle, Bane sets and Sonic Resonance.
Trick arrow (Defender) is capable of AoE -tohit (10%), -perception (90%) -speed (180%), -recharge (20%), -damage (31%), -defense (83%), -resistance (40%), -regen (1000%), -end (109%), as well as an ST hold and immob plus a really powerful AoE hold. All available against pretty much ever group you fight, except for EMP Arrow and Oil Slick Arrow, which will decimate every other group if you cycle between them.
Assault Rifle's damage can be surpassed by more specialised sets, it can be heavily resisted, it can even be slow to animate, but it's pure brute force of damage and mez and DoT is enough to make you charge ahead and let loose. It can use a little boost numerically, but it's really fun and by no means weak.
Banes have the same deal as Assault Rifle. Crabs have more desired powers, more efficient AoE damage, better survivability because they can stay at a range but the raw power and potential DPS a Bane can throw out is spectacular, it feels powerful and it can floor an EB in seconds should the need arise.
Sonic Resonance is like the debuff and utility cousin of Kinetics' buff and support abilities, I wouldn't be able to make a choice between the two if I was on a melee toon as both are crazy good, but Kinetics are more obvious. Sonics has a constant AoE -res which can anchor to you, buffs which can put you up to 50%+ resistance to most damage, protection from mez, AoE control and an ST resistance debuff which can turn even a weakling ally into a damage and surviability powerhouse.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Everyone has their pet sets in this game. It's just that some people accuse you of playing "wrong" if you're not using them, or not using them the way they want to.
For example, I'm a big fan of Fiery Aura on Tankers. Yes, it means having to balance your use of offensive and defensive abilities, but I like being able to notice the difference in an AV's health bar when I can stand there and keep attacking, as opposed to when I need to go taunt something else.
Basically, every set has a mindset that helps it work well. If this fits you, you'll be better off playing that AT than any of the so-called "optimal" powersets. I know I make a terrible Trapper - having everything be on long cooldowns makes me hesitant to use anything, so I wind up in harder fights for longer because I'm "saving" my cooldowns. Fiery Aura, on the other hand, lets me have Fiery Embrace up for every other spawn, and I save Consume for using with RotP unless someone's draining my endurance. And that's no slight on Traps - it's an amazing set. I just can't play it right. Fire/ tanks, on the other hand, I get. You can't go toe-to-toe with the toughest foes in the game for very long without help, but in 99% of cases you don't need to fight for very long. Just longer than the other guy.
So go out there and play characters you enjoy. Why else would you be playing?
What is the most underrated powersets ?
its a decent question really instead of looking for the OP powersets i'm looking for the ones that don't get the love.
right now i have been working on my ele/ele dom which my SG leader was telling me why having ele/ele was a bad choice when i could've done better and i told him this character i started when GR came out and was working on it for awhile this toon is currently only 33 but its fun to play and he told me i need soul for my epic pool for whatever reason. but after soloing a mish or two i didn't really see an issue but back to the question at hand.