303 -
That wasn't the only thing though, it also implied that
1) CoH is the definitive superhero MMO to be compared to, and
2) CoH succeeds despite that WOW eating up every other MMO, and
3) Since it talk about the comparison between CoH and DCUO, then says that DCUO trips over, it implies that CoH is better, period. -
Quote:Depending on your definition of empire. If you just mean beyond Praetoria (City) then I'm apt to agree, if you mean beyond the influence of Cole, I'm apt to disagree. And besides, there're bigger hints than that, like world leaders visiting Praetoria City (which according to Lore are fully supportive of Cole). I think it is a fairly safe assumption that each world leader has under them at least a functioning city of each still existing country.Still, my point is that there are definitely cities well beyond the borders of the Praetorian Empire.
On a borderline offtopic note, it's nice to compare Praetoria to 4U city. -
Some would say that Praetoria City itself is more or less Syndicate controlled, given that the Syndicate seems to have a controlling interest in most/all business related activities, and seems to have significant infiltration in other related activities like research. So I wouldn't directly take information regarding Syndicate controlled cities to be the Syndicate actually leading them.
Funny, I find that a lot of times Ambushes totally get lost and give up looking for me. Majority of them are syndicate ones though, so it may be some AI issue specific to Syndicate than actually not targetting me.
Quote:No one said that hospital is anywhere close, and thus far, we really haven't seen the full effect of Cole's influence on the whole world, only on Praetoria (City).Praetorian Rogue Isles? I think it's to close to Praetoria City to be that
Also, in terms of the Resistance escorting people outside the city, we already know that there are people living beyond the jurisdiction of Praetoria City without sonic walls; Belladonna Vetrano's family was one of them, before Chimera "liberated" BV. Both BV and Chimera confirms this, so there's no reason to believe an unreliable narrator is involved, unless BV is somehow mentally controlled. -
Quote:General contacts AFAIK doesn't stop giving missions until you've outlevelled them, they seem to have a core set of random missions, along with 1-3 story arcs. Once you get an arc the contact will continue to give you missions for that arc even if you're outlevelled. There're some special contacts which contact you though, and may follow different rules.Thanks so that's how you do the drones.
I just got the rhythm of setting up traps, then pulling the whole mob of monsters on the traps that I've laid out. Then I have my bots go into town with them. This works so far. I'm going to up the difficulty to 0/6 and see if I can still do it then. I'm currently lvl 33 and about to be lvl 34 so I won't have electrifying fences for a while but I'll really keep those in mind in case my trap and run tactic stops working.
Also, just making sure, in order to get contacts for the main story arc is to complete each of the missions for each contact of the previous zone? I know about the doing 5 newspaper missions to get a contact. But I just finished doing missions for that contact and he didn't give me another contact and he only gave me a measly 8k bonus exp for completing all the missions. Usually, the story arcs one give great bonus exp after finishing all their missions. Is there a guide that lets me see which contact I need to finish in Sharkhead or Cap Au Diable in order to be given another contact going to St. Martial?
Thank you again and have a nice day.
As for a guide, Paragon Wiki is generally updated save for very recently added content. -
Quote:I don't really count group fly, since that defeats the point of having super jump (SS could be argued as stealth power.. I guess we can replace the jumping pool instead of fighting (fighting uses the least end of the pools though)I count 17 toggles you can run simultaneously on the controller vs. 20 on the scrapper. The controller is also forced to take more powers that aren't toggles.
We could also increase endurance consumption by taking group fly.
Also, the scrapper can only run 19, not 20.
if we did replace leaping with fly, the end consumption of all non-wasted toggles would be 9.67 pre-enhancement. -
A fire/forcefield controller taking mace mastery for scorp shield and focused accuracy (the hot feet gotta hit stuff!) has even more expensive toggles though, from my quick checking: 8.39 end per sec before enhancements vs 7.56.
It also have PFF as an emergency toggle! -
Quote:Correction: It should be" Do you use Aim once every 10 seconds IN COMBAT. This is the key factor. Only when in combat does the proc matter, so talking about Aim outside of combat is just as wasted as a buildup trigger outside of combat. There's also the minor matter of timing Aim for use with the recharge of high damage powers, but the moment you have to use said high damage powers more than once each fight, the factors start to favor the proc in Leadership.This is a commonly stated, but mathematically false opinion. The simple fact is that there is no such thing as a "wasted" firing. There is only one factor that you should use to determine whether it goes in Aim, or Tactics: Do you click Aim more or less than 1 time every 10 seconds?
If more, put it into Aim. If less, then you will have build up buff your attacks more often by putting it into tactics and on top of that you won't interrupt your attack chain either.
Those firings outside of combat do not in any way shape or form reduce the number of times it fires during combat. they aren't "wasted" they are "extra".
Having said that, this would then totally be dependent on these key factors:
1) How long each combat lasts.
2) Combat cycle of each combat.
3) Is Aim recharged between each combat.
Granted having said all that, it's unlikely for Aim to be recharged each fight and major use of high damage powers and for each fight to last shorter than 10 seconds. (an argument can be made for the BU/SC/LR combo because of point that BU would coincide almost perfectly with SC and LR, though that has the issue of overbuff anyway.)
There is only one build which I would consider the buildup proc in Aim: Archery builds. Chances are you'll use Aim with RoA, and the timing's not quite so bad to link them together. In this case, it may make sense to fit all the +damage abilities to work with RoA for better burst damage in exchange for lesser ST damage. (ST damage would be lesser because the ST attacks would cycle more than once in a 10 second cycle and are more often used in fights which last longer than 10 seconds.) -
Quote:1) Due to how pseudo pet powers work, Elec Shield brutes are much weaker than elec shield scrapper.It's also considering which sets perform best in the following situations:
Soloing at level 31 (So... close... to... tier 9)
SO'd at level 40
Reasonably IO'd at level 40
Reasonably IO'd at level 50
Level 50 with a billion-inf build
Level 50 with a seventeen billion inf build [I don't even know if you CAN spend 17 billion on a single character. If not now, maybe next week...]
An Elec/Shield brute doesn't hit its stride till level 38, for instance, and a Fire/Kin controller isn't much of anything till 32, and doesn't really take off till Fireball [level 41? 44? I don't play controllers.]
2) Elec Shield Scrappers and Brutes hit it's stride at about 36/37 (when LR can be slotted up). It's Tankers which gets their second nuke late (thus hitting it's stride at 39/40). There's for all intents and purposes no builds which hits it's stride at the point a power is picked, simply because you still need to slot it up. Only one exception: Masterminds at lvl 32, since the pet upgrade does not require slotting for full effect. -
Quote:Mainly cause PBAoE is generally superior to melee cones in dealing AoE damage. Also, both Elec and Spines have more AoE attacks and more AoE attacks which hits 10 or more targets.Dual Blades seems to be a bit under-rated for stalkers. Any time AoE is mentioned for stalkers, all I hear is Electric and Spines. My Dual Blade stalker puts out very good damage, knockdown, and a bit of debuff with her cones. It's beautiful to see a pile of Rikti flop on their butts with "WEAKENED" flashing over their heads in big orange letters.
Quote:I don't think it's autohit though, which means capped def would likely make it miss most of the time, I think.Corrupted Lightning Bolt has a long and visually distinct animation. He raises his right hand up slowly over his head, stares at it, and then throws lightning at his feet. Here is a frame from the Apex of the animation.
In theory it should be possible to see the animation starting and move out of the way. In games were you fight a solo boss or the boss is way bigger then the other NPCs it's pretty easy to see the animation and move away. When the boss is the same size as every other model on the map and the players are spamming all that FX it's almost impossible to tell the lightning bolt animation form a sit emote. -
Just one question, if there's supposedly only one single Enriche plant, and there's supposedly more to Praetoria than just the city (we know there's supposedly at least Japan, for instance), there's likely some discrepancy here.
1) Unless those other places have very small populations (I'm talking in the hundreds), there needs to be some very specialized water transportation. Which probably wouldn't be possible for the Resistance to build, unless they hijack part of said water transportation... which is implausible unless said water transportation already is controlled by the syndicate... in which case they don't really need to blow up the Enriche plant anyway.
2) Unless of course those other places have their own Enriche plants... then blowing up the plant in Praetoria (city) wouldn't make much of a difference, since water can just be imported.
3) Unless of course those other places in Praetoria don't really exist... which is a whole new conspiracy plot.
Which is more likely, 1, 2, or 3? -
There are some sets which are generally considered above average though. A quick sampling:
Defense: Shield Defense due to ease of softcap, some resistance, and general offense, Ninjitsu due to ease of softcap and versatility, Fire for sheer offense, Dark for all-rounded defenses (requires IO sets to shine), Stone for sheer defense (requires IO sets to remedy negatives)
Melee: SS due to Rage, Spines and Claws due to speed of AoEs.
Buff/Debuff: Traps for overall versitility, Dark for debuffs, Rad for buffs and debuffs, Ice for debuffs and shields, Kin for sheer offense.
Control: Illusions for PA and confuse, Fire for sheer damage and reasonable recharge AoE stun, Plant for versatility between damage and controls, both soft and hard.
Blasts: Archery for great single target damage with a fast recharge nuke, Fire for great AoE damage with reasonable single target.
Support: Mental for sheer versatility.
Summon: Robotics for self-sufficiency with good AoE damage (requires lv 32 to shine)
Tell me if I missed anything or if someone thinks something else should be considered instead of what I've listed. -
I understand the threat level. But I was the only one attacking the mob when it decided to attack one of my pets instead (pets were facing away, so no AoEs could've hit the mob accidently). Does threat leach between linked mobs?
Quote:I can't remember who did this summing up, but it sounds just about right to me:This assumes every single loyalist has the knowledge of the player themselves and knows everything. This, from an in character perspective, is not true.
The crusaders are also not "bad cops". They are straight up villains. Just because they have a noble cause does not make blowing up innocents and torturing civillians heroic. I have psychotic murdering villains that don't go as far as your average crusader.
On the flipside, most of the loyalist stuff (all I've done, atleast) doesn't even come close to the evil of the crusaders.
Loyalist Power: Rogue
Loyalist Responsibility: Hero
Resistance Warden: Vigilante
Resistance Crusader: Villain
Only thing I would change is that Responsibility and Warden's status as hero/vigilante is almost interchangeable, depending on your point of view. -
Elec/anything stalker. I'd say it's comparable, if not better than elec/anything (except shield) scrapper, with only elec/shield possibly better. Better Single target chain, nearly equivalent AoE attacks (with deciding factor being whether in a group). Basically, most of the complaints about stalkers, is not applicable to elec stalkers.
A close second would be spines, but spine scrappers are probably better than spine stalkers due to the damage aura. -
On the note of pet aggro, I just wanted to ask, do pets have some form of punchvoke? I've had pets take aggro from me despite not being in bodyguard mode and not touching the mob, and having me grab aggro first.
Just a thought: I don't think it would be far-fetched to say that Calvin Scott is a by-product of the actions of Mayhem/Cole (with the assumption that Cole sanctioned Mayhem's action regarding Aurora Borealis). We also know that Cole does sanction "turning a blind eye" on specific events to justify his actions. The resistance may be indirectly playing right into his hands.
If Enriche actually controlled people there wouldn't be a need for seers, nor would there be a need for enriche advertisements or new flavours. I still believe really just mind altering to make people relaxed and calm despite the chaos around.
Quote:The mind altering agent is a relaxant meant to keep you calm and relaxed. It does not actually control minds... Controlling minds is what we see at the BAF.per one of the Resistance members, he claims to have seen Cole standing a top a building during the Hamidon Wars, watching the DE destroy a city before "he came in to save the day."
The Resistance play more like "Good Cop Bad Cop" obviously enough the Wardens are the Good Cops, while the Crusaders are the Bad Cops. The Wardens are trying to achieve their goals with as little casualties as possible. The Crusaders are trying to achieve their goals by any means necessary and basically take the phrase "for the greater good" to the extreme.
How is Arachnos less evil than Tyrant? There's no "less evil" here, both sides are evil, but Tyrant is more of a global threat than Arachnos (Black Scorpion's in game dialogue even mentions that The Malta Operatives can easily rival Arachnos, and we see how the Praetorian Clockwork mopped them up in the Tin Mage TF).
As for the Loyalists...it's easy enough to define them as villains when they let the populace continue drinking Enriche which contains a mind altering agent.
If you want a similar situation, Alcohol and Coffee are legalized mind altering drugs.
At the current point of time, it would only lead to a complete massacre of all human troops. There's an absurdly higher percentage of mechanical troops vs human troops currently if I recall right, and that includes warworks (also, the military as far as I know does not include the supers, since those are under the purview of Praetor White). The only possible scenario which I foresee could work is if he convinces Antimatter (or Metronome) to work with him against Cole. *hinthint*