Biggest "single hit"/Highest Damage for one attack
Knock out Blow on my SS/fire Brute running ~cap fury, rage, and firey embrace is pretty awesome. I don't have numbers on me but it will one-shot the glowie boxes on AE farms most of the time.
Pretty sure blaster Blizzard is the strongest attack if the target stays in it for the whole time.
Not considering nukes, probably a stalker BU+AS on an AV (don't they do extra damage to harder targets?).
Pretty sure blaster Blizzard is the strongest attack if the target stays in it for the whole time.
Can I add [Backdraft] to the hat for highest damage power?

It may not be available to players, but Backdraft can 1-shot any target, no matter how much HP they have and no matter how much Fire resistance they have.
I remember trying to figure something like this out, ive even thought of the idea of starting a thread (today in fact), only i was also counting at the -res cap to find out the highest dmg that can be delt for one attack in game. I gave up after awhile but so far it ended up being energy transer+FE (dont worry i know about the dmg it deals to you) on a brute.
Clocking in at approx 7238.9625 dmg unless i dont know how -res works
Edit: stalker AS ended up not actually being all that great because they dont get FE.
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Blasters Defenders and Corrupters all get the same damage blizzard. Corruptors get the most damage from it because of scourge.
A BS/Shield scrapper's Headsplitter combined with BU and a fully saturated Against All Odds can do some pretty insane damage. Blasters will likely always hold the title "Kings of Damage," though.
Blasters get buildup, so they do a lot more damage in the first 10 seconds. Corrs may do more damage in the final few seconds....but only if the target is at low HP. The blaster thing is consistent; the corr one is not. Blasters win, at least in this scenario.
BU animation + Blizzard Animation + 15 sec duration > 10 second BU duration.
You lose even more time if you add Aim into the mix, AND the fact that -res works on total damage and not base damage. And then there is Scourge.
EDIT: And Corruptors can get PowerBuildup from Power Mastery, which would greatly shrink the gap between damage bonuses and any -res + scourge would win it for Corruptors.
"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton
-Lord Azazel
Read the thread Stratonexus linked, there's a full break-down of Blizzard vs. Inferno. This conversation has already been had.
"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton
-Lord Azazel
That was a full breakdown between a Blaster's Blizzard Vs a Blaster's Inferno, the math for Corruptor's Blizzard vs Blaster's Blizzard has not been done yet. All the math in that thread were done without Scourge or any Corruptor Secondaries.
Blizzard is a pet, and thus has a 400% damage cap, not the 500% I was using. It still has the top spot in conditional and corner cases, but not as a general case: if all of the ticks hit, and all of them Scourge, it will do 4002 damage to each target in a single activation (note that this means it deals a capped damage of 2001 for Blasters and Defenders, and edges higher only due to Scourge for Corruptors).
Blasters get buildup, so they do a lot more damage in the first 10 seconds. Corrs may do more damage in the final few seconds....but only if the target is at low HP. The blaster thing is consistent; the corr one is not. Blasters win, at least in this scenario.
Blaster Inferno beats Blaster Blizzard. Corruptor Blizzard can beat Blaster Inferno if enough ticks Scourge, but on the average Blaster Inferno will do more. And as posted in the other thread, the highest single orange number you're likely to see from a player power is a little over 30000 damage from the critical portion of Assassin's Strike - it was calculated at 30030 at +49 difference, but you can get to +50 now. I'm just not sure that it goes higher than *6 for that extra level.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
+300% > +162.5%, even assuming they both last the full duration, and the base damage for both versions is the same.
Fulcrum shift will push the Corruptor to the pet damage cap, regardless of slotting or other bonuses.
Aim (+62.5%) + Build Up (+100%) + ED Capped slotting (+99%) + 28.5% damage buff from Defiance, Call to Justice, set bonuses, or anywhere else (Easy enough to do), will also push the Blaster to or past the Pet Damage cap.
If the enemy stays in the Blizzard for the full duration, both will do the exact same damage - unless the target drops below 50% hp, then Scourge will make the corruptor pull ahead, since that's extra ticks of damage, and not +damage over the cap.
Ok I stand corrected regarding the corr Blizzard vs the blaster one, but I'm not sure about the quoted part. Unless something was changed, I specifically remember blizzard doing more damage than inferno, at least on average. Its weakness is that it very rarely hits the target for the entire duration.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
I can never remember if the pet damage cap is 300%, or +300%. Let's assume it's +300%.
Fulcrum shift will push the Corruptor to the pet damage cap, regardless of slotting or other bonuses. Aim (+62.5%) + Build Up (+100%) + ED Capped slotting (+99%) + 28.5% damage buff from Defiance, Call to Justice, set bonuses, or anywhere else (Easy enough to do), will also push the Blaster to or past the Pet Damage cap. If the enemy stays in the Blizzard for the full duration, both will do the exact same damage - unless the target drops below 50% hp, then Scourge will make the corruptor pull ahead, since that's extra ticks of damage, and not +damage over the cap. |
But Build Up doesn't mean anything to the discussion: a Kinetics Corruptor can maintain Fulcrum Shift for the full duration of Blizzard, a Blaster hitting Aim and Build Up will have Aim, then Build Up wear off before it finishes dealing damage, and while they can hit the damage cap by using those they still need extra sources of +dam above typical slotting.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
On mids:
BU>FE> 3 damage slotted 50 IOs using Energy Transfer on a Brute with 85 Fury running Assault and using Musculature Core Paragon -1356.33 more if you use the -res power from the Leviathan APP
Aim>FS>Assualt with Core Paragon Musculature Blizzard from a corr does 2500 damage assuming all damage ticks hit and before scourge kicks in.
Related to this, I always get a chuckle out of that mission where you fight Tyrant and rescue Statesman. Leave some minions around for Statesman to KO Blow. Give him some buffs and it's over 9000, literally. I'm not sure why that one particular mission version of Statesman is so over the top, but it is amusing.
The Bacon Compels You.
My troller has [Siphon Power] and thus enhanced I think [Brawl] has to be the hands down winner.. Totally vicious. Then again I have it 6 slotted for damage.
I have hit Reichsman with a BU+Head Splitter that landed a crit.
My final damage to him was a hair over 3,000.
Granted, I was under some pretty serious buffage and he was debuffed into the dirt, but that was very much a "HOLY $#&@!" moment when I saw the twin 1523s float up over his head.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I just like Arcannaville's answer in the linked thread about the building in Skyway hitting the Kronos Titan for multiple blows of several million each. Heh.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I'm mildly curios about the biggest damage a single attack can put up on a single target.
Some clarification: PVE only. I'm not asking about damage-per-second or damage over an attack chain. I'm not limiting this to single-target attacks -- Shield Charge would work, for example...but (for the purposes of this argument) I'm looking for what it would do to one guy's life bar, not what it would do if it hit all 16 guys. I am interested in damage-over-time as long as it comes from a single click/attack, so Incinerate could be considered, for example.
Bonus damage from things like Build Up, Aim, Against All Odds, and Fiery Embrace, count too.
Crits I'm not sure about -- I guess highest not considering crits "but it would be cool if it critted on top of that" is what I'm looking for, since crits aren't an every-time phenomenon.
Blaster nukes should count, but I'd like to find something usable a little more frequently, so if it IS a Blaster nuke, I'd also like to know the highest non-nukes.
Fulcrum Shift counts only if the character doing the damage can cast it (i.e. for purposes of this discussion, you're solo).
Without consulting any sources (such as Red Tomax or the wiki), just off the top of my head, it strikes me that the top competitors would be:
Not sure if a Sonic Blaster would be competitive, if he built up Defiance while stacking -resist.
I'm mostly motivated by seeing a few large hits I've dealt out and thinking, "that was cool...I wonder what the biggest single hit possible would look like?"
What do you think?
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog