Silver Gale

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I don't mind the slang, really. What I mind is making fun of the Rikti, which is something of a recurring trend with the War Zone and the Midnighters' arc and...
    So in other words... you just hate fun.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas_Gray View Post
    I had an idea. I am curious if any of you have thought of world spanning ideas that change the game world.
    Yes. I have.
  3. Shipping your own characters between themselves seems sort of... weird.

    You'd do better to ship your characters with other people's characters. Plenty of good RP potential there.
  4. This is a move by the mods that is guaranteed to annoy anyone who had any sort of stake in the reputation mechanism. So, good job not showing favouritism, I guess.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    I don't think Blizzard literally throws money at the game. It does paint an awesome mental image of everyone at Blizzard standing around throwing wads of cash and coins at a boxed copy of World of Warcraft.
    Sadly, the word "literally" seems to be changing meaning to "metaphorically, but with emphasis", just like "really" or "seriously".
  6. To celebrate this booster, here are some ninja facts:
    1. Ninjas are mammals.
    2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
    3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    I love it when the 4+ year vets always scream that you can get teams at any level range any time of day no problem, on any server.
    That just isnt true, and I am sick of the lies.
    I play on Virtue, and Freedom if I am truley bored.
    I have tried to go to other servers in the past make characters mid day and just broadcast SPAM to try and get a sewers team together over the span of an HOUR sending EVERYONE in the zone a tell seeing if they want to do a sewers team.

    And guess what... Nothing ever happened. THAT IS REALITY.
    It could just be there's nobody to team with *you*.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    Out of curiosity, can anybody name even one proposed feature that the developers have put on a timeline for after Going Rogue? I can't think of one.
    Electric Control. It is in the works, no specific ETA. Could be before GR (I can only wish...), could be after.
  9. Paragon Studios' motto is "we'd rather give you entirely new zones than revamp the old zones". This is an approach that's focused on pleasing existing customers at the expense of incoming new customers, and it shows with GR.

    Something that a lot of older MMOs have been doing is "revamping the new user experience". LotRO has done work on the early level zones to streamline the quest lines and make it more obvious where a character needs to go at which level. WoW is gearing up to wipe the entire world clean and start again. Even Fallen Earth, in the first month after launching, has made changes to the early level zones to account for player feedback.

    Most players agree that the 1-20 game in CoH is somewhat stale and lacking. Since the game launched, there's been some updates to the first three zones (Atlas, Galaxy and King's Row) as well as a small makeover for the Hollows. However, the contact progression is still in the same state it was at the game's launch - a whole bunch of interchangable non-characters who send you on endless street-sweeping missions and to doors in distant zones (before you've gotten a travel power, and there is nothing to indicate that there is a way of getting a jetpack to make travel faster).

    Paragon Studios' answer? Make an entirely new early game that requires an additional purchase, and leave the existing early game exactly as it is.

    New subscribers are not going to compare the best of your content to the competition. They are not going to buy the game, and then buy the expansion, in order to see the better starting experience. They are going to start playing the game to see if they like it, and they are going to wind up in the Steel Canyon and Skyway content, and in the Mercy Island/Port Oakes mess redside. And they are going to compare *that* to other games.

    (Granted, those areas still compare favorably to the Champions early game, but that's no reason to get complacent.)

    I love what I'm hearing of Going Rogue so far. I'm looking forward to playing my Praetorian characters in the all-new early game together with all my long-time-playing SGmates. But I realize that while making new early game is fun for me, remaking the *existing* early game is important for the health of the game. I'm willing to accept not getting as many all-new zones if that's what it takes.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    Zombie, I agree with you for the most part. That was actually the point of my first post initially.

    What I was seeing was this:
    • players see a shiney in the patch notes
    • patch note thread becomes a rave about the new shiney
    • some players say "meh, I'd rather see something else", or some other non-shiney comment.
    • players and REDNAME put on their sarcastic hats and proceed to make fun of those who disagree with them.
    Actually, people were saying they want X (where X is something that is completely unrelated to animations) to be done instead of walking animations. Which would imply one of:

    1) They want BaB to work on X instead of working on animations,

    2) They want BaB to sit back and not contribute anything to the game until one of his colleagues successfully accomplishes X.

    Thus, mockery.
  11. Massively interviews City of Heroes' newest architect

    I wasn't aware the new Dr. Aeon was the "Joe the Longbow Eagle" guy! I need to work my way through his arcs one of these days.
  12. Good and Evil are terms each person defines for themselves, based on their culture, their own personality, and how much thought they're willing to put into it. Of course if a person tells you "I believe that general statement X", you can always say "but what about extremely specific situation Y where general statement X could be applied in various dramatically different ways". As I said: you can do that, but you really shouldn't, because the sort of person who always asks questions like that is considered to be very tiresome and doesn't get invited to parties.

    It's much easier, to avoid tiresome people like that, never to say "I believe that general statement X". Instead, you should create a world in which general statement X is always true without exception, and write a book or movie or game that takes place in that world and shows general statement X to be true, and then turn it into a bestseller. This way, when the tiresome person reads your book and comes up with their extremely specific hypothetical example that calls your belief into question, you are miles away enjoying a nice glass of sherry and counting the profits you made off the royalty fees.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
    ((There are corporations in the real world whose methods and ideals are downright evil. If that were not so, there would be no such thing as child labor and pollution so bad it causes entire villages to get sick. Some of them are American companies, and we all buy their products.

    There are corporations in business today that run mercenary armies in some countries, and some of their personnel are responsible for attrocities in those countries. Some of them are American companies and we all buy their products.

    There is at least one prominent European country where the government's leader is a media mogul with suspected organized crime ties who allegedly controls what is said about his government because he controls all the media in that country. ))
    Yes, but none of them go around major American/European cities in broad daylight shooting at cops, do they?
  14. Silver Gale

    GR issue number?

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Going Rogue is an expansion, not an issue. That said, I *believe* BAB mentioned some time ago the synch issue would be I17.
    All he said was (fixed old forum formatting):
    • Issue 15 will be released before Issue 16.
    • Issue 16 will be the issue coming out after Issue 15.
    • Issue 16 is not the "Going Rogue" expansion.
    • Issue 16 will be released before the "Going Rogue" expansion.
    • The "Going Rogue" expansion will not be coming out as the next issue after Issue 15.
    • The "Going Rogue" expansion will not be coming out between Issues 15 and 16.
    • The "Going Rogue" expansion will not be coming out at the same time or before Issue 16.
    • The "Going Rogue" expansion will be coming out sometime after 16.
    • Issue 16 and the "Going Rogue" expansion are not related to each other in any meaningful way.

    Are we going to need a Dev to repost that list with "I15" and "I16" incremented to 16 and 17, and then 17 and 18, and so on until GR actually comes out?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    Wow, that's... not funny.
    While I don't find the LOLBAT all that amusing, I have to admit I have a soft spot for The Secret Origin of the LOLBAT. I am filled with unreasonable glee whenever old memes are remixed or combined, such as in this picture:

  16. "Consistent mission level" is a rule that can be broken, you just have to think carefully about how you're breaking it and why. There's a great arc out there which makes use of level scaling to show that your character is gradually weakening. Also, you could make an arc where the first mission is a "prologue" or a later mission is a "flashback" to when you were a newbie hero, which contains a vital clue to the mystery you're trying to solve.
  17. Silver Gale


    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    A recent-ish text bubble change on the ITF has one of the 5th Column soldiers mentioning Atlantis - why this was changed remains a mystery - for now
    That text was in there since the ITF went live. You probably didn't notice it before.
  18. Silver Gale

    Personal Slang

    Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
    Among the folks I play with, "Bruce" as a verb means pet aggro, after a particularly excitable Stone Golem.
    It's Spacey's Fire Imps, which are all called Bruce (just to keep it clear).

    But yes, whenever a pet attracts additional aggro, it is customary to call out "BRUUUUUUCE!" in OOC.

    I'm still trying to make "we investigated the *crap* out of them" into a running meme.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Archon099 View Post
    Hmmm, my experience tells me it would be abused (perma everything, just keep clicking a million of those and nuke every fight or what have you).
    So you already keep yourself at the Defense softcap with full mezprotect by clicking "like a million" purples and breakfrees? Seriously, try it. See how far you get.
  20. My main hero is a Storm/Elec Defender. When CoV first came out, I decided to make her an Evil Twin. The problem was that at the time, none of the CoV ATs had access to anything like Electric Blast, much less Storm. I ended up going with a Dark/Cold Corruptor (Cold Domination being kinda-sorta like Storm if you squint and turn your head).

    I had to really think the concept through to justify the powersets, but eventually everything fell into place. By the time Storm Summoning and Electric Blast were proliferated to the villain side, I couldn't imagine Gale's Evil Twin as anything else than Dark/Cold. (I did roll an Ice/Storm Alternate Universe Evil Twin Completely Unrelated Person on a different server.)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
    I'll be pre-ordering for sure even though I can't get into the beta because I'm in Canada.
    You can still get into the beta. "US residents only" applies to the "handed out to HeroCon attendees" beta invites, not any of the other three methods.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LostCreation View Post
    CoH's experimented with part of this in Safe Guard missions (i.e. greatly increased the "agro" radius of mobs). I remember complaints (or at least, "is this WAI?" queries) when these missions were originally added, what's the consensus on that change, assuming there is one? It seems like a non-issue from where I'm sitting, but I have no idea if I'm representative.
    The funny thing about that is, when the critters in safeguard missions aggro, they start attacking their closest target - which with the increased range is inevitably some parking meter or cardboard box instead of the player who actually triggered the aggro. This creates not so much a situation of "there's a cop way over there, shoot him" as "there's a cop way over there, quick, start *wrecking everything*!"
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
    In this thread, people have made the comparison to other insps, and all I got to say is that they do not understand how this game works. If you're building a toon, you don't go for the +Dam IOs, you go for the +recharge IOs (which is why those sets are so much more expensive than anything similar). Recharge is more valuable than +Dam, globally, because of the disparity in the power of the attacks. Archery and Fire blasters are two more great examples of this where they add enough +recharge to get down to just Blazing/Blaze as their attack chain. In those two examples, that power is already at about twice the strength as the next most powerful ST attack. That disparity is what makes +recharge so good.
    Okay, let's take a look at other balance metrics and how they relate to Inspirations. For example, mez protection. Tankers have it, Scrappers have it, some Defender primaries have it, Controllers can get it from secondaries or Epics. Blasters don't get it. The common factor seems to be that ATs with good range damage don't get mez protect and vice versa.

    Clearly it would completely unbalance the game if a Blaster could get mez protection whenever they wanted it in insp form, right? Well, they *can*, and it doesn't seem to unbalance the game

    Inspirations have their own built-in limits: you can only carry so many at a time, and when they run out you either have to go back to a contact store or hope the right ones drop. Nobody builds their whole playstyle around the assumption they will have a stock of a certain type of inspiration.

    +Recharge is available by slotting powers, from IO sets, you can dedicate a power pick to Hasten, or you can team with one of various support sets that have it. Having it available in inspiration form would add new tactical options. No other kind of inspiration has supplanted the enhancements, power picks or teaming options that do the same thing, I fail to see why recharge insps would.
  24. *wanders sleepily through the room and moves a crucial piece of machinery a little bit to the right in the search for coffee*
  25. Okay, so people who are in the Closed Beta for an upcoming expansion are traditionally under a NDA, and it's generally considered poor form to even inform someone that you are in the Closed Beta. This is supposedly to keep people from being jealous or badgering the beta tester for info.

    But whenever I see a character ingame with the 60 months Veteran badge, or the Loyalty Program badge, I will immediately know that the player has been offered a chance to be in the GR closed beta. How are veterans and loyal customers supposed to keep jealousy and nosy questions away?