An Open Challenge...
This is a good point there will allays be doomsayers but I would have rather seen this kind of thing before Super Sidekicking was implemented and have you do this with less than 3 SK's or exlampars.
I often run full teams my self and when I leave its allways a pane trying to give some one else the star because no one wants that responsibility for what ever reason.
What this game really lacks is leaders, and an effective team search interface.
I don't even need a full team. If I can log in and get a team of 6 running, that's already pretty darn awesome. With the SSK system, I've been getting invited to teams, when I'm usually the one forming them.
Improved search interface would be nice, to display:
* Only people who are not teamed at the moment. All those grey names don't matter to me when I'm trying to find people to add to my team.
* Trial Account status. If I know I can shoot a tell then a blind invite to those accounts because they can't reply back, I won't be mortified for blind inviting.
* Some sort of "Looking For More" team status. I can enter some basic parameters (say I want a tank, level 20 to 30) and then a tank can pull a list of teams that are looking for someone just like him. Then I get a little popup saying "Tankname wants to join your team!" and the team size increases like it's some sort of black magic voodoo thing. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
Give 'em hell Wes!
The Solitarian Party has prepared a special reply to this well thought-out challenge...
Ghost TOWN?! Dang it, I can't even go into the game without some fool askin' me to team with 'em. My symbol says "Not Looking", my character name is "I H8 Everyone" and my search message is "I'll RSVP now: NO!!" and they STILL send me invites.
So's I go an' set my team response to "Accept no invites", right?! You'd figure that'd stop 'em... Aw, hell no! Danged ingrates are sending me tells sayin' "Hey, how come you got your Invite turned off? How'm I s'posed tah team with you?"
Where in the heck are you whiners FINDING these servers? Is there a way I can rent-a-server for private parties like that? And then you got the gall to COMPLAIN about it?! Holy hand grenades, I'd give anything to find a server where there weren't no other people!
Dear lord, sometimes I think MMORPG stands for "Malignant Mental Orangutans Resembling People Gathering"!!
So please! Please, tell me where these empty servers are! I'll give you all my slots on the servers I'm with now! You can deal with these intrusive putzes and I'll somehow cope with blissful, lovely loneliness.
This has been a message from the Solitarian Party. The views expressed here may not represent those of Steelclaw Studios, its parent company or subsidiaries.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
I agree that you can find teams with effort*, but all your challenge is showing is that a long time vet of 5+ years (with the implication of a large global friends/chat channel list) can find a team (consisting of any level?) with a weeks notice.
* effort in your example being 15-20 minutes
Note that I dont believe there is a problem finding people, or that it requires 15+ minutes to form something and go.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
Dear lord, sometimes I think MMORPG stands for "Malignant Mental Orangutans Resembling People Gathering"!!
I am so useing that alongside
MMORPG "Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls"
(with the implication of a large global friends/chat channel list) |
I play in nothing but pick up groups, almost always have. So I KNOW what I'm talking about when I say anyone can get a team together. And the timeframe is only for my JOB. If I didn't have a job that took up so much of my time, I'd open the challenge without a warning time frame in it.
It's not like I'll be preparing or anything, I just have to have that much time to get off of work.
WRONG! I have virtually no friends in game. And I haven't used any global chat channels in months. Haven't had any luck with SGs either, too much work.
I play in nothing but pick up groups, almost always have. So I KNOW what I'm talking about when I say anyone can get a team together. And the timeframe is only for my JOB. If I didn't have a job that took up so much of my time, I'd open the challenge without a warning time frame in it. It's not like I'll be preparing or anything, I just have to have that much time to get off of work. |
But as the challenge stands, it wont automagically make anyone who doesnt agree with taking your challenge an 'invalid fool'. It means they don't like the restrictive terms of the challenge.
Out of curiosity, do you mean a team with any level members or a team with a close level range to the person looking?
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
Anyone who tries to take you up on this challenge doesn't know what they're doing. You're 100% right, the game is not dying and it's pretty easy to form teams
There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"
WRONG! I have virtually no friends in game. And I haven't used any global chat channels in months. Haven't had any luck with SGs either, too much work.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
My god I am lazy. really that my answer.

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!
Definitely an interesting proposal.
Although I would like to point out you've already made an exception for Redside.
Well if the proposed 10-15 minutes won't work Redside that would be indicative of a decline in Redside activity. A decline in activity means less players overall, less players overall can lead to game dying.
Not saying I believe that though.
Definitely an interesting proposal.
Although I would like to point out you've already made an exception for Redside. Well if the proposed 10-15 minutes won't work Redside that would be indicative of a decline in Redside activity. A decline in activity means less players overall, less players overall can lead to game dying. Not saying I believe that though. |
Definitely an interesting proposal.
Although I would like to point out you've already made an exception for Redside. Well if the proposed 10-15 minutes won't work Redside that would be indicative of a decline in Redside activity. A decline in activity means less players overall, less players overall can lead to game dying. Not saying I believe that though. |
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
WRONG! I have virtually no friends in game. And I haven't used any global chat channels in months. Haven't had any luck with SGs either, too much work. I play in nothing but pick up groups, almost always have. So I KNOW what I'm talking about when I say anyone can get a team together |
I couldn't care less if the game is dying or not. I like the game so I play the game. Maybe I'll be the last to jump off a dead and decaying corpse but I'll ride that corpse for as long as I'm enjoying it... (kind of gross imagery there if ya have a perverted mind...)
as for the challenge, I would find it amusing if enough people banded together and arrainged challenge times such that the OP either had to surrender his challenge or lose his job for never coming in... I'm just mean that way.
Seeing as there are no connections,channels or sg's involved inexperience with the redside game would have no bearing on Wes' ability to form a team. My conclusion is that the exception is being made because of the known population disparity.
My guess is that he really is not confident that he could easily form a good team if he has to try it on a level 1 alt.
I believe there are servers he does not have villains on at the moment, and would have to run a newly created one.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
PK posted his confidence that he can form a team blue-side because he has, because he knows he can, and because he knows the population. He's not as confident he knows red-side because he hasn't played as much. Is it really that hard to understand that instead of suspecting?
It's easier to bash someone or disbelieve them.That's the problem with alot of posters.
I like this challenge, it's a great idea. Maybe to avoid the heat about the weeks notice, you can list some times that you will likely be online, and also maybe your global so someone can send you a global tell and, if you're free, you can go to their server of choice and take up their challenge.
PK posted his confidence that he can form a team blue-side because he has, because he knows he can, and because he knows the population. He's not as confident he knows red-side because he hasn't played as much. Is it really that hard to understand that instead of suspecting?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I like this challenge, it's a great idea. Maybe to avoid the heat about the weeks notice, you can list some times that you will likely be online, and also maybe your global so someone can send you a global tell and, if you're free, you can go to their server of choice and take up their challenge.
Good idea, but my job is as a service repairman, so my hours are... to put it mildly... "weird". I'm on call every other week, so I could have to go fix a broken machine at 3 AM sometimes, and that has happened.
And I would give out my global name, but that would take out the PUBLIC aspect of this. The point of this challenge is to show others, that's why those that accept the challenge need to post here. Do it all ingame, and it becomes more private, thus defeating the purpose.
As far as redside goes, the PRIMARY reason why I'm less sure about redside is NOT because I doubt "my skills". Honestly, the reason why I wrote my teaming guide is to take skill out of the picture, as my guide shows my entire process to forming a team. Now everyone can "do what I do".
It's also not because of the population disparity, which does indeed exist between redside and blueside.
No, the reason WHY I'm not as sure on redside is something else entirely: culture.
In my "adventure" taking my villain up to the top level recently, I've seen a DISTINCT difference in culture between the two sides that I'm not sure anyone has realized before. Heroes LOVE to team whenever they can, villains are more ambivalent about it. I'm not sure if that's because of the nature of their POWERSETS, with villains being more "self-sufficient", or if it's in the nature of the game's "story" that conditions villains to be more "selfish" and thus dislike to team as much. But the fact still remains, from my experiences I got a LOT more "nos" trying to form teams villain side as a PERCENTAGE of the population's answers than I ever did hero side.
Villains just simply say "no" to teaming MORE than heroes do, it's that simple. At least that's been my experience. And teaming is ENTIRELY based on someone ELSE'S willingness to join you.
P.S. I really like "quotation" marks for "some reason".
Villains just simply say "no" to teaming MORE than heroes do, it's that simple. At least that's been my experience. And teaming is ENTIRELY based on someone ELSE'S willingness to join you. |
I solo. I'm known for soloing. Yet even *I* can build a small team in little time redside on Pinnacle should the mood strike me.
And I'm dealing with the drunkards.
Be well, people of CoH.

I've already stated this challenge in a few of the threads, but I decided to make it a big, wide, open challenge.

Some people are saying that the game is "dying", and that they can't "find teams". I can't speak for the Euro servers because I'm an American player, but for all the American servers... that's complete BULL.