An Open Challenge...




Maybe you just dont understand West.

If I team on Virtue, I build the team "myself". I Rarely... join other peoples teams. I dont need to read a guide on how to build a team, for gods sake its not the frakkin hard.

Open up the search and go. Send tell to BLUE names not grayed out. Make a broadcast, "Hi building a sewer team lvl 1 - 5 please send a tell or make a shout in broadcast, Thanks"

If there are no PEOPLE then it doesnt matter how many tells you send, or how nicely you speak in broadcast. No people = No team.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I've already used this "challenge" in other isolated threads on the boards, server merger threads, "ghost town" threads, "game is dying" threads... and so far not a SINGLE person has even taken me up on it!

Either they ignore my post entirely or they try to say that such a challenge "doesn't matter" or "doesn't count" for some reason or another... even the threads where people say directly that they can't get a team. I find that fascinating, that people would rather try to deflate, avoid, or ignore an argument than to be proven wrong.

Oh, people do so HATE to be proven wrong.
Referring to me, heh?

Well, it doesn't matter. As I said in the other post, you go to blue side at 9:30 am and try to form a Posi TF. You can't do it as fast as you claim. Period.

And as far as the numbers...look at the freaking numbers before you say we're wrong. Subscriptions have dropped drastically.


According to the earnings report, City of Heroes accounted for 8% of NC Soft's earnings in the 3rd quarter of LAST YEAR.

This year, CoH accounted for only 4% of their earnings in the 3rd quarter.

Subscriptions were halved.

There's your truth. Deal with it.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
A large number of "merge the server" threads are us EU players unfortunately I'ld be happy to set up a trial account for you to witness our busiest server at peak time or set up different search results on numerous days at certain times.
The solution for the EU players is not to merge the servers but give you guys complete access to the NA servers. That would increase you from 4 servers to 15, and all the people that go with it.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
A time I could meet you ingame, at least ONE WEEK in advance so that I can get off of work somehow. Any time of the day, any day of the week

Dude... you are going to take off work to show some basement dwelling mouth breathers how to get a team in a video game?

You. Are. Fired.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post

According to the earnings report, City of Heroes accounted for 8% of NC Soft's earnings in the 3rd quarter of LAST YEAR.

This year, CoH accounted for only 4% of their earnings in the 3rd quarter.

Subscriptions were halved.

There's your truth. Deal with it.

Crackpot speculations like yours are always amusing.

Just because NCSofts other games have shown an increase in popularity doesn't mean CoH has lost subscriptions. Subs can easily be up for this game and still seem dwarfed by the popularity of other games like Aion, Guild Wars, etc.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
According to the earnings report, City of Heroes accounted for 8% of NC Soft's earnings in the 3rd quarter of LAST YEAR.

This year, CoH accounted for only 4% of their earnings in the 3rd quarter.

Subscriptions were halved.

There's your truth. Deal with it.

Or their other games were more profitable.
Or they released other games (like Aion).
Or the 8% year was uncharacteristically good and 4% the norm...

There are many equally valid ways to interpret those numbers. Neither of us has all the pieces.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Or their other games were more profitable.
Or they released other games (like Aion).
Which has sold, what, 970,000 copies? Trivia like that couldn't affect the overall numbers.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Which has sold, what, 970,000 copies? Trivia like that couldn't affect the overall numbers.
Somehow, when I typed that, I knew someone would focus on just that and ignore the rest of them.

I have no idea how many Aion sold. Nor do I know what defines a "year" in the numbers that were handed to me. Nor the source...



Originally Posted by SlimPickens View Post
Dude... you are going to take off work to show some basement dwelling mouth breathers how to get a team in a video game?
Hey! I am NOT a mouthbreather!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
You're kind of missing the point Spade. I'm not a "maestro", anyone can do this if they actually put in the tiny amount of effort to use the tools that the developers have provided us with.

I even wrote a guide for those that can't figure out how to use those tools. But there is no "secret" in the guide, it's all basically just COMMON SENSE.

[Nice picture but snip anyway]

Sometimes people just need to be told things that they already really know, just to hear it from someone else. That's why Dave Ramsey has a career.
I did get you point but admit that my post can make it appear I don't. I even read your guide a while ago. I am not to happy about the alt-tabbing thing though.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
Referring to me, heh?

Well, it doesn't matter. As I said in the other post, you go to blue side at 9:30 am and try to form a Posi TF. You can't do it as fast as you claim. Period.
Well there we go. We have a challenge. 9:30 a.m. A weekday, I assume? Which server? Of course, you have to be there to watch him do it. And nobody said anything about the Posi TF. But a full team at 9:30 a.m? Go ahead and watch him do it.

Throwing in Posi is just a smoke screen. I wouldn't run that TF again if you gave me $10. Getting people to play lousy content has nothing to do with anything. Getting a full team of people is the challenge, and I'm sure PK will take up the challenge as soon as you finish specifying the details and commit to being online at that time yourself.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
and I'm sure PK will take up the challenge as soon as you finish specifying the details and commit to being online at that time yourself.

Yup, I would take the challenge, if he actually challenged me. Instead he puts it up as a rhetorical situation that's "impossible". In fact...

He did offer me that "challenge" in another thread, and I DID respond to his post, suggesting that I WOULD do it if I thought he was serious, but he basically SAID in the same post that it doesn't even matter if I can, because he speaks "the sacred truth" which "cannot be denied!"

And if you look in that thread, he still never responded to my response. Not even an, "oh ya! do it! I DARE you!" Seeing that the thread was locked, he could have at least sent me a PM. But what did he send to refute? Nothing.

Funny, that.

EDIT: And Angel, no, it wasn't targeted at YOU specifically. You're not special in the slightest, I've had the same situation MANY times with people that have the same attitude. And as soon as I offer to "put up" at that point THEY always either "shut up" and pretend like I didn't say it, or they try to deflate the challenge and say something to the likes of... "it doesn't matter". So predictable.