An Open Challenge...




Originally Posted by Westley View Post
In my "adventure" taking my villain up to the top level recently, I've seen a DISTINCT difference in culture between the two sides that I'm not sure anyone has realized before. Heroes LOVE to team whenever they can, villains are more ambivalent about it. I'm not sure if that's because of the nature of their POWERSETS, with villains being more "self-sufficient"...
I'd say it is. I play both sides about half and half. I team whenever humanly possible on my heroes, but far less often on villains... particularly with Brutes and MMs, since I don't like how either plays on teams.

And, well, my Corruptors tend to skip ST buffs in favor of solo-based powers. Or in some cases, like my /kin corruptor, have powersets that I flat-out refuse to play on teams. So you can add my corruptors to that list. On the upside, a team of all dominators and stalkers would be fun!

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



If anyone else feels like being a challengER rather than a challengEE, feel free to sign up here too.



I think this is one of the best posts I have seen in a while. I wish you luck in people taking you up on it.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
You're on my friendlist
But unless you're on his friends list, you're just a creepy lemuridae stalker



Some people are saying that the game is "dying", and that they can't "find teams". I can't speak for the Euro servers because I'm an American player, but for all the American servers... that's complete BULL.
A large number of "merge the server" threads are us EU players unfortunately I'ld be happy to set up a trial account for you to witness our busiest server at peak time or set up different search results on numerous days at certain times.

I do agree with them though that a lot of the "core" of EU players have either transfered to the US or just taken a temp leave, but also agree with you saying that going OTT doesnt help either.

When i do feel like setting up a team [i'll probs play a bit this weekend for first time in 2 weeks, i've been that busy], i too dont find it hard to get a team going but you could put that down to numerous factors. Is it because we have become veterans that we know the "tricks" to getting a team going? For example, would a newer player have as much success in finding a team as us?
A lot of people check out a persons global before accepting a team invite [im one of those], could it be that us more "well known" players are more persuasive in getting a team together since more people recognise us? [good or bad].

Im all for your challenge though and hope it goes well.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
My symbol says "Not Looking", my character name is "I H8 Everyone" and my search message is "I'll RSVP now: NO!!" and they STILL send me invites.
My gf's search message says "I'll just say no." and she still gets tells like, "Go on, say yes, you'll like our team."

Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
It's easier to bash someone or disbelieve them.That's the problem with alot of posters.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



My gf's search message says "I'll just say no." and she still gets tells like, "Go on, say yes, you'll like our team."
To be honest i've had my status say things like that and i've also had people say that to me. You know what? It works! If it makes me have a good chuckle and they ask in a friendly/humourous way like that, then by george [why not by gary?] i'll join!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I love it when the 4+ year vets always scream that you can get teams at any level range any time of day no problem, on any server.
That just isnt true, and I am sick of the lies.
I play on Virtue, and Freedom if I am truley bored.
I have tried to go to other servers in the past make characters mid day and just broadcast SPAM to try and get a sewers team together over the span of an HOUR sending EVERYONE in the zone a tell seeing if they want to do a sewers team.

And guess what... Nothing ever happened. THAT IS REALITY.

I don't want at this point to go to another server just to prove I am right, I dont need to prove anything to you. You dont even have to see it with your own eyes. Because I honestly dont care that you do.

The fact is I have seen it. And that is good enough for me, I wont be making characters on dead servers anymore.

Its easier and better just to play on Virtue.



Apropos of what PP said, while I haven't seen much of a change in my personal teaming experiences, I have found that more and more players seem to be migrating to Virtue (and, to a lesser extent, Freedom). This bothers me a lot more than overall game population. If people gravitate toward the most populous servers because "the rest are empty all the time," doesn't the emptiness become a self-fulfilling prophecy?

The fact that I don't particularly enjoy playing on the populous servers doesn't help me here. Everything always seems overcrowded when I'm there, and then everything seems emptier than it really is when I get back to one of my primary homes.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Quote: do NOT accept the challenge, and yet you STILL want to rant about the game "being dead" or "dying", then I believe that you are a fool and will rant as a fool does.

Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I love it when the 4+ year vets always scream that you can get teams at any level range any time of day no problem, on any server.
That just isnt true, and I am sick of the lies.
I play on Virtue, and Freedom if I am truley bored.
I have tried to go to other servers in the past make characters mid day and just broadcast SPAM to try and get a sewers team together over the span of an HOUR sending EVERYONE in the zone a tell seeing if they want to do a sewers team.

And guess what... Nothing ever happened. THAT IS REALITY.

I don't want at this point to go to another server just to prove I am right, I dont need to prove anything to you. You dont even have to see it with your own eyes. Because I honestly dont care that you do.

The fact is I have seen it. And that is good enough for me, I wont be making characters on dead servers anymore.

Its easier and better just to play on Virtue.

I LOLed. It's the equivalent of P_P plugging her ears and going "lalalalalaa!!!!"



A lovely challenge!



I've already used this "challenge" in other isolated threads on the boards, server merger threads, "ghost town" threads, "game is dying" threads... and so far not a SINGLE person has even taken me up on it!

Either they ignore my post entirely or they try to say that such a challenge "doesn't matter" or "doesn't count" for some reason or another... even the threads where people say directly that they can't get a team. I find that fascinating, that people would rather try to deflate, avoid, or ignore an argument than to be proven wrong.

Oh, people do so HATE to be proven wrong.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I have tried to go to other servers in the past make characters mid day and just broadcast SPAM to try and get a sewers team together over the span of an HOUR sending EVERYONE in the zone a tell seeing if they want to do a sewers team.

And guess what... Nothing ever happened. THAT IS REALITY.
Most people I run with would flat out ignore (not necessarily /ignore) someone who was spamming AP broadcast repeatedly for a sewer team like that.

Likely to earn the 1 star avoid teaming with rank as well

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I love it when the 4+ year vets always scream that you can get teams at any level range any time of day no problem, on any server.
That just isnt true, and I am sick of the lies.
I play on Virtue, and Freedom if I am truley bored.
I have tried to go to other servers in the past make characters mid day and just broadcast SPAM to try and get a sewers team together over the span of an HOUR sending EVERYONE in the zone a tell seeing if they want to do a sewers team.

And guess what... Nothing ever happened. THAT IS REALITY.
It could just be there's nobody to team with *you*.

Character index



Hahaha funny from P_P, because I remember a past post where she won't team with strangers, only her husband and the only people in her SG was her and her husband.

Why would you care if a dead server or not! Too funny!



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I don't want at this point to go to another server just to prove I am right, I dont need to prove anything to you. You dont even have to see it with your own eyes. Because I honestly dont care that you do.
You know I love you, Double P, but it seems unreasonable to enter a conversation with "I'm right... so THERE!" It takes a shotgun to it and, far more importantly, you aren't going to convince anyone of your validity, which makes the post, ultimately, pointless.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
It could just be there's nobody to team with *you*.
Notes... gignore... awesome things.

Be well, people of CoH.



ANOTHER team thread, West? Jeez, man.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
You know I love you, Double P, but it seems unreasonable to enter a conversation with "I'm right... so THERE!" It takes a shotgun to it and, far more importantly, you aren't going to convince anyone of your validity, which makes the post, ultimately, pointless.
Then you didn't understand. I have already been to empty servers where no one knows me, or knows who I am what my global name is, during the day... And people do not team up, because WOW there is only like 4 people in Atlas Park and 2 people in galaxy.

I didnt save my screenshots from my old HDD but I took several screenshots and posted them on the old forums... no one is on some of those servers during the day... Sure maybe when people get off work they are magically populated, but I doubt it.

This is a game forum, people can either believe me or not. Doesn't make a whole hill of beans to me either way. Most smart people have moved their toons off those ghost town servers anyways.

It seems unreasonable to me to make this thread at all, trying to DISPROVE people on what they have seen with their own two eyes...

People dont make my server is empty threads just for the **** of it. They do it because there are no flippin people ONLINE to play with.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
People dont make my server is empty threads just for the **** of it. They do it because there are no flippin people ONLINE to play with.
Or, by chance, because they are too flippin' lazy to find the people that are on their server.

Just sayin'.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I love it when the 4+ year vets always scream that you can get teams at any level range any time of day no problem, on any server.
That just isnt true, and I am sick of the lies.
I play on Virtue, and Freedom if I am truley bored.
I have tried to go to other servers in the past make characters mid day and just broadcast SPAM to try and get a sewers team together over the span of an HOUR sending EVERYONE in the zone a tell seeing if they want to do a sewers team.
I play exclusively on Virtue. And I've never, ever, ever had that problem.

Then again, I'd also never spend an hour trying to form a sewers team. In that time I could form an actual mission team, and be level 10.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I play exclusively on Virtue. And I've never, ever, ever had that problem.

That was her point entirely.
She has done that on servers other than Virtue and had issues.



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post

That was her point entirely.
She has done that on servers other than Virtue and had issues.
I used to play exclusively on Pinnacle. And I've never, ever, ever had that problem.

Then again, I'd also never spend an hour trying to form a sewers team. In that time I could form an actual mission team, and be level 10.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I am tempted to take up Westley on his challenge. Just to see the maestro at work. Problem is, that I play on very inconvenient US times and I don't want to rob him of his sleep.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
I am tempted to take up Westley on his challenge. Just to see the maestro at work. Problem is, that I play on very inconvenient US times and I don't want to rob him of his sleep.

You're kind of missing the point Spade. I'm not a "maestro", anyone can do this if they actually put in the tiny amount of effort to use the tools that the developers have provided us with.

I even wrote a guide for those that can't figure out how to use those tools. But there is no "secret" in the guide, it's all basically just COMMON SENSE.

Sometimes people just need to be told things that they already really know, just to hear it from someone else. That's why Dave Ramsey has a career.