GR issue number?




So is Going Rogue considered an issue number (ie i17, i18)? I had a friend tell me it was considered issue 18 which would mean there is another issue coming out before it? Can anyone shed any light on this?



Going Rogue is an expansion, not an issue. That said, I *believe* BAB mentioned some time ago the synch issue would be I17. Given the gap before GR hits beta, though, that may no longer be true.

Edit: The difference -
Expansion: Praetoria zones, all Praetoria missions, having the choice of it as a starter zone with (as I recall what was said at HC) all ATs. Having the choice of "Rogue" or "Vigilante."
Synch: *As a guess* I'd say the visual upgrades would be part of the "issue," as would the Praetorian models (in other words, you won't be fighting "new, shiny" Tyrant at the end of A Hero's Hero "only if you have GR," and fighting the old version otherwise.) Since the powersets are listed as a blaster and MM, those would *likely* be in the issue.

Those are, of course, *guesses.*



What Bill said, mostly. From the sounds of it, it'll be I17 for the sync, unless they can fit anything (IE the graphics upgrade) in beforehand. Which would, to an extent, already involve cutting it off of the main body and independently beta testing. It's probably easiest if they just leave it all as one big lump and wait to test next spring.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Going Rogue is an expansion, not an issue. That said, I *believe* BAB mentioned some time ago the synch issue would be I17.
All he said was (fixed old forum formatting):
  • Issue 15 will be released before Issue 16.
  • Issue 16 will be the issue coming out after Issue 15.
  • Issue 16 is not the "Going Rogue" expansion.
  • Issue 16 will be released before the "Going Rogue" expansion.
  • The "Going Rogue" expansion will not be coming out as the next issue after Issue 15.
  • The "Going Rogue" expansion will not be coming out between Issues 15 and 16.
  • The "Going Rogue" expansion will not be coming out at the same time or before Issue 16.
  • The "Going Rogue" expansion will be coming out sometime after 16.
  • Issue 16 and the "Going Rogue" expansion are not related to each other in any meaningful way.

Are we going to need a Dev to repost that list with "I15" and "I16" incremented to 16 and 17, and then 17 and 18, and so on until GR actually comes out?

Character index



When COV came out, a few days before launch CoH got Issue 6.

This had all of the general changes associated with the expansion, access to the PvP zones, the little thing called ED and the like.

There will be an issue 'associated' with GR in the same way.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
When COV came out, a few days before launch CoH got Issue 6.

This had all of the general changes associated with the expansion, access to the PvP zones, the little thing called ED and the like.

There will be an issue 'associated' with GR in the same way.
Indeed, but as mentioned, there is a considerable amount of time between now and when GR comes out (2nd Quarter 2010). Without knowing what other content we may or may not get before then, it would change the Issue number that releases with GR.. so there is no point trying to figure it out. It's only a number.