Personal Slang




Do you have any in-joke slang terms from your time in CoX?

For instance, I have a controller named Blamm (earth/kin). She seems to draw more than her share of aggro, even taking earth control into account with all its AoEs. I thought I was being paranoid, but independent observation has confirmed things like huge mobs clawing their way over the top of the stone/fire tanker that she ran with, JUST to kill Blamm while she was standing quietly in a corner somewhere.

Some of my friends, when referring to having been killed at random by aggro that SHOULD have had nothing to do with them, say that they have been "Blammed."

So, got anything like that?

I'm not the droid I'm looking for.

MA Arc ID 8121: Rapp'Mas'Ta's War. The Rikti are trying to incorporate sonic effects into their weapons? THAT can't be good. Maybe we should ask them to stop.



My first L50 is a stone/stone tanker with invisibility and teleport (among other tertiary powers). His favorite tactic when working with a team is to granite/mud pots up, go invisible, teleport to the dead center of a group, and when the team indicates they're ready, drop the invis.

My SG began to refer to this character as the "stealthbrick."



Originally Posted by Mindscythe View Post
My first L50 is a stone/stone tanker with invisibility and teleport (among other tertiary powers). His favorite tactic when working with a team is to granite/mud pots up, go invisible, teleport to the dead center of a group, and when the team indicates they're ready, drop the invis.

My SG began to refer to this character as the "stealthbrick."
... ... hate to go off topic... but the second mud-pots hits an enemy... shouldn't the stealth turn off?



Originally Posted by El_Spark View Post
Do you have any in-joke slang terms from your time in CoX?
I've done the ITF so many times that non-Nictus Rommie is "The Rooster" and Requiem is "Shorty". Pulling Rommie on mission 3 often results in a number of Alice in Chains puns.

I usually have one bind dedicated to interrupting Rommie's cut scene. "So you're Nictus. I bet your momma's so proud."

But both Hopkins (Manticore) and Vandal (Citadel) are just "Fatso".

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



There's lots of stupid ones.

A completely failed pull-attempt carries the name of one of our friends. So everytime somebody succeeds in aggroing a whole room of enemies, when he only tried to pull a single mob, is called "a Jack-pull". (Jack's not his real name, I don't want to name-and-shame ).

In the Midnighter mission you got to defeat a Rikti, whose name somebody misread as Celine Dion. And in the same mission one of the players got confused with left and right, and decided to hide his mistake by saying "I meant Celine Dion's right, our left".
It's a running gag now. We say "Celine Dion's right" when we mean "left" and vice versa.

I told you they were stupid



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
... ... hate to go off topic... but the second mud-pots hits an enemy... shouldn't the stealth turn off?
Invisibility has an OnlyAffectsSelf component so Mud Pots won't hit until Invisibility drops.



Thanks to a typo, the little tics that each represent 10% of a level are Bibbles.

Paragon Protectors are also Pippies, due to an argument during about how to pronounce 'PPs' during a Manticore TF in the early days that took about six billion hours thanks to MoG/Elude ones.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Among the folks I play with, "Bruce" as a verb means pet aggro, after a particularly excitable Stone Golem. And "pulling with R" means forgetting to hit enter before starting to type a message, hitting the R key, and autorunning into the next spawn. "Facepulling" is doing much the same thing, only on purpose, particularly with a non-armored AT.

I play with some interesting people.

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Since the first night of CoV headstart, I've been calling Longbow Candycanes.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



This thread calls to me

Umm the term

"noob busted"
"busted "
"$target ! Consider yourself busted!"

Usually comes up when i play at least a few times a day. Especially if somebody recognises me for the first time, i usually get a message saying woo its the noob buster!!! I love people having their own signatures as such, gives a great individuality imo

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Lil Danny DeVito : Baby New Year

Cornflakes or Flakie : The name Carnifax ended up with on a PuG with a load of happy Elflings one night (if you don't know what an Elfling is you're doing well)

The Glass Landmine : The title bequeathed to me on a Hollows PuG when playing my short-lived (in every sense of the word) Spines/Dark scrapper.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Among the folks I play with, "Bruce" as a verb means pet aggro, after a particularly excitable Stone Golem.
It's Spacey's Fire Imps, which are all called Bruce (just to keep it clear).

But yes, whenever a pet attracts additional aggro, it is customary to call out "BRUUUUUUCE!" in OOC.

I'm still trying to make "we investigated the *crap* out of them" into a running meme.

Character index



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
It's Spacey's Fire Imps, which are all called Bruce (just to keep it clear).

But yes, whenever a pet attracts additional aggro, it is customary to call out "BRUUUUUUCE!" in OOC.

I'm still trying to make "we investigated the *crap* out of them" into a running meme.
I stand corrected. I just remember Zippyist's Golem and Tornado doing this a lot.

I also forgot about Plan A. Plan A: Hit it until it stops moving!

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when freakshow self rez we call it a "re-pop".
i heard it from someone one when i was teaming, and now most folks seem to know what it means, or they catch on quick.



I enjoy playing the nickname game:


Percy Winkley = Percy Useless
Lady Jane = Suicide Jane
C'idion = C'idiot

Posi TF:

Rollister = Rollercoaster


Captain Castillo = Fancy Pants
Fusionette = Fuzzy

many many more, trying to make the PuGs smile

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



There was a movement on the old EU boards to rename Speed Boost to crack. I think it was due to the effect of those who didn't get it.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
There was a movement on the old EU boards to rename Speed Boost to crack. I think it was due to the effect of those who didn't get it.

back on topic, some of mine are:

Loony the Mad
Ruladork the Weak
Lord Excuse
Cap'n Fish (Mako)
The Queen of Yap (first hostage in LGTF third mish)
The Princess of Yap (second hostage in LGTF third mish)
Magouch / Magoi (Rikti Magus)

Fiery Ball of Debt. (spines / fire scrapper)

And while it hasn't yet actually been called pulling a Sai yet, other than by one person who was with my in Planetside, I've got a rep for aggroing AV's, GM's, and mobs before the team is ready for aggro. Needless to say this results in a lot of "oops" and "sorrys".


Speaking of Planetside, the StealthBrick reminded me of the Stealth Bulldozer

Which basically was dropping a Magrider or Sunderer from a Loadstar into a locked CY and running over everything inside.



A longtime SG-mate got tired of hearing people say "void" or "Q" when playing Kheldians and started saying "bob" instead. Therefore, "bob" is a Void Hunter or Quantum gunner. I've sometimes caught myself saying "bob boss."

I often refer to Red Caps as "dopeys."

Like a lot of people, I usually call Lady Jane "Lady Suicide" and Fusionette "Dumbette." In a sort of extension of this that's more a habit than a term, every time I run the Serpent Drummer mission with the Vanguard party on a team, I make it a point to note that "Dumbette is dressed like a tart." This was really more fun when her skirt was on sideways.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Once, me and a team were doing a mission. (I forget which one.) But one-half of the team accidently got separated from the rest. Then the other half engaged a mob, and the lost half somehow managed to engage the same mob from the rear. I call this the "Sandwich Maneuver."

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
I'm still trying to make "we investigated the *crap* out of them" into a running meme.
So stealing that one.

Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Once, me and a team were doing a mission. (I forget which one.) But one-half of the team accidently got separated from the rest. Then the other half engaged a mob, and the lost half somehow managed to engage the same mob from the rear. I call this the "Sandwich Maneuver."
I think that's called flanking...



Any melee attack that results in knockdown/knockback, or defeating an enemy, is met with, "PIKKOW!"


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



100-pointer: a rezzing Freak Tank. Taken from a Freakalympics arc run with some SG mates; we decided that if the Freaks got points for fragging us, we should get points for fragging them. The ones that got back up were worth 100.

Dingrush: The period after a level-up when all the high-level inspirations are active. Also referred to as "killkillkill!"