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  1. Lightning_Rod

    Dr Who 23/04/11

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    They are, Father and Son.
    Yep (or as I like to call them, "Badger" and "Data's Grandpa"). :-)

  2. Rest in peace, you will be missed, and remembered.


  3. My wife and I have started quoting Robin a lot, as we're both fans. "Whelmed" "Aster" that sort of thing. :-)

    Even one of my co-workers used "whelmed" the other day, after seeing that episode. I'm really enjoying it, and even things that I thought my bug me (Earth-16's differences) are becoming part of the show's charm.

    I hope it gets a long run.

  4. Since I outleveled some of the Praetorian content while I was still a Praetorian, I had hopes that Ouroboros would let me go back and redo my Praetorian missions (and finish the ones I had outleveled). Sadly, that seems to not be the case. :-(
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    Never start a day without caffeine man... nevah!
    At one point, from my understanding, the plan was to tell The Hobbit in one movie, then build a bridging story to connect the events of The Hobbit to the events of LotR. However, I believe it has since changed (from what I've read, at least) to simply splitting The Hobbit into two movies, rather than try to tell it all in a single movie. They've also stated that some of the events mentioned in the book (specifically, Gandalf attending a meeting of the White Council) may be actually shown, rather than simply stated. To that end, they've confirmed Cate Blanchett will return as Galadriel (a member of the White Council). If they ARE going to show that meeting, I hope they get Christopher Lee to return as well, since Saruman was also a member of the White Council.

    Likewise, since they spend multiple scenes interacting with Legolas' father, in his home, it would be reasonable to have a cameo by Orlando Bloom, in those scenes (as well as in combat alongside is father at the Battle of Five Armies).

  6. Dang, I just noticed this.

    Best of luck Castle, you did great things while you were here, and I know you'll do great things in the future.

    This Blaster thanks you!!!

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
    Loved the "Widow's Bite" Episode. Especially the scene of Hawkeye's shot to save Mockingbird.

    -Let's see I think all I need now from this show is an awesome version of Tigra and I'll be good.
    I am intrigued by your ideas, and should like to subscribe to your newsletter....


  8. Lightning_Rod

    Blaster Nukes

    To borrow a cliche from another message board:

    "Oh look, it's THIS thread again...."

    I would honestly consider ending my here-since-beta subscription if they mess with Thunderous Blast. It's not supposed to be like Rain of Arrows, or any of the other "less damage but shorter timer and no crash" powers. Nor should it be. It's a NUKE. It's putting everything you have into one massive blast that leaves you drained, but everything you hit is either dead or seriously messed up.

    There's an art to using it. If you die because you missed someone and you didn't have a blue left over just in case, then you did so knowing that was a possible outcome, and have no one to blame but yourself. You know that going into the fight.

    I also solo quite a lot, and you're correct that the nuke isn't something you use when soloing, unless you just feel like it for dramatic flair. :-) You should have more than enough other powers to deal with the enemies you find in solo missions. No one is making you take that 9th tier power. But if you do, don't ask the Dev's to change it simply because you would rather it act like some other power. Just use it for its intended use, or ignore it.

    To sum up, I do not want them changing the true nukes to match the rains/sprays of the non-nuke tier 9 powers. I like mine just the way it is and I hope they don't change it.

  9. Just got back from seeing it with some friends, and we all enjoyed it tremendously. There are a LOT of little moments and visuals that are there specifically for fans of the first movie (which my friends and I are).

    Definitely was a TRON movie, and there's certainly room, and a setup, for the story to be continued one way or another (movie, comic, game, etc).

    Great use of 3D (as others have mentioned), great score, lots of fun.

    Thumbs up from me.

  10. John: Boy, you been LYIN' to YO DADDY! You KNOW who YO DADDY is! TELL him who his DADDY is D'ARGO!

    D'Argo: I'M YOUR DADDY!

    Awesome frelling show. :-)

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
    This exact thing happened to me.


    With MY wife!
    Whew! Thanks for the clarification! ;-)

  12. My wife watched the trailer and insisted on seeing this with me.

    We both loved it.

    I'm a lucky man. :-)

  13. Rest in peace, sir.

    I just want to tell you good luck. We're all counting on you.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
    For all the random hacking he does in the premiere, I'm just going to assume that it's Tim even if they tell us in an episode differently anyways.

    Definitely enjoying it so far. Looking forward to more of it.

  15. Was anyone else waiting for her son to change into a dog? Especially since he had a fever and had been feeling sick?

    Just me?

  16. Not too bad.

    It was fun playing "name that obscure character".

    The voice acting ranged from good, to horrible. Not sure what they were thinking on some of those choices. Always good to hear Jeffery Combs though.

    The fight scenes were well done, though once again, they prove that in the Marvel Universe, there's no problem so big that you can't solve it simply by throwing the Hulk at it.

    They couldn't decide which Nick Fury to use, so they blended them both into one hybrid. Not sure that was the right move. Just pick one. The original, or Sam Jackson. Not Sam Jackson with the original's hair. ;-)

    I'll keep watching it, because there's more positive there than negative, imho, but nowhere near the quality of "Woverine and the X-Men", or "Spectacular Spider-Man", (and much much MUCH less than anything from the DCAU, but that goes without saying).

  17. There goes a LOT of my childhood.

    Rest in Peace, Mr. Cannell.

    And Thank You!

  18. "Yeah, but she's OUR witch. Now cut her the HELL down!"

    "We're still flyin'...."

    "That's not much."

    "It's enough."

    "I'll be in mah bunk."
  19. Lightning_Rod

    True Blood, 8/15

    The part that really, REALLY got me about Russell's closing comment was that he turned and looked at a different camera, just like they often do on news shows when they pitch it to the weather. THAT had me rolling on the floor!

    Another great episode, and a hilarious finish. :-)

  20. &lt;QR&gt;

    Welcome Synapse! Whatever you do, don't "scout ahead".


  21. Best of luck to you, Lighthouse!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Claire from Heroes &amp; Kirsten Dunst's character from Bring it On.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm amused that this was posted by Captain_Obvious. ;-)
  23. [ QUOTE ]

    Among other reasons, that is why we tend to look at things on a macro level, and even then deciding how, when, and how much to adjust things is difficult. It allows us to see whether or not how players are using the characters makes them 'balanced' or not. Obviously, there are problems with that practice, and I am constantly working at improving how we look at powers and powersets. A large part of that process is talking to you folks to see how you are looking at things.

    And with that, back to the discussion!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's how I'm looking at it: Defiance (by any name) was a bad idea for the Blaster Inherent. It is counter-intuitive. It is counter-productive. It is not thematically appropriate for Blasters. I do not want it.

    To elaborate: Giving us an inherent that is linked to our Health, that fluctuates inversely with said Health, that maximizes only when we're a breath away from dead....was a bad idea. I'm sure it sounded good to *someone* once upon a time, and was thematically appropriate for Tankers (who came up with the idea in the first place), but this idea of "the closer I am to dead, the more damage I do" is neither thematically appropriate for Blasters, nor wanted by many of the Blaster community (who have vocally said so many times).

    The first inkling we had that this was going to be foisted upon us was when someone heard Statesman talking about it at a convention, and relayed that news to use here on the forums. "Desperation" was coming our way, and many of us immediately realized that this was a BAD idea. We voiced that. We also pointed out that the name was less than ideal. Unfortunately, the only response was that the name was changed. So instead of a badly named, ill-conceived inherent, we got an inherent that was merely ill-concieved. How Statesman or anyone else could have imagined that this would be "a good thing" for Blasters, I cannot understand. Had anyone bothered to ask us, before commiting to this path, I'm sure we would have been glad to point out the flaws in this bad idea.

    I don't want an inherent that requires me to pay for it with my Health.

    I don't want a damage/accuracy boost that is dependent upon me being at a particular state of Health.

    I *especially* don't want a damage/accuracy boost that is dependent upon me being in a state of lowered Health.

    The benefit (increased damage/accuracy) is fine. That's something we need/want *all the time*. The conditions under which that benefit is rewarded (being in a state of lowered Health), however, is a state that any intelligent player is going to actively work to avoid. Thus, we're actively working to avoid our own Inherent. Furthermore, I believe that putting yourself closer to defeat, in order to receive a bonus, will wind up getting you killed more often than helping you win. Hence, I feel it is counter-intuitive and counter-productive.

    And, as long as we have this Inherent, we won't be getting anything else as an Inherent (I don't see them giving us two Inherents anytime soon), so it does take away something from us: the potential of ever getting a good Inherent.

    Please ditch this bad idea and give us something else. I would prefer a straight buff to our damage, but barring that, I'd like to see our "Damage Resistance Bypass" perk from PvP brought over into the PvE side of things, and have that be our Inherent. If Defiance-for-Blasters must exist somewhere, then let it exist only in the PvP zones, since I'm told that it is of use there, and many PvP'ers would miss it were it gone.

    But for the love of all, please get rid of Defiance in PvE zones and give us something useful instead.

    As always, this is just my opinion, and I acknowledge that not all may share it.

    Thanks for reading, Castle. I have high hopes that you can make positive changes for Blasters.
  24. <QR>

    I don't have any form of Stealth on this character, but I'd swear that during my level 50 Safeguard mission, the Malta were spotting me from much further away than they did before Issue 8 went live. Normally, I can get a certain distance from them before the Engineer notices me and puts down an AT. Last night, they were activating them a LOT sooner than I expected.

    Could be something specific to the Safeguard mission, I suppose, but these weren't dispatched ambushes, nor vandals, these were just Malta guys milling about until I walked up.

    Based on that, and the reports here, I'm thinking there was possibly some kind of boost to NPC perception (as opposed to any change in Player stealth abilities).

    Just theorizin'.
  25. &lt;QR&gt;

    I'm still getting randomly kicked out of my base. Rent is paid, stuff works, but I randomly get ejected from the base.