Blaster Nukes
U my friend are wrong I have been gaming as a blaster since beta and I prefer the nukes the way they are a a trple elec is one of my fav, learn to find way to deal with the end loss and get your recharge up and u will love them to
I nuke evey min on my blasters
Maybe not "blaster" nuke, exactly. But I BUILT my ice/dark Corr around a tar patch, aim, ice storm, and Blizzard combo as an initial concept.
and you know what? I still use that combo regularly, solo and teamed.
This works especially well since he can stun, fear, and hold foes to keep them in the nuke area.
The REAL problem with most blaster nukes is that they're PBAoE (forcing you into melee), and the leave you mostly helpless in melee, and quite a few fail to do quite as impressive levels of damage,* as say Blizzard or even rain of arrows.
Though the former aspect is mitigated by the fact that most tend to have high KB components.
*This is spoken from the perspective of someone who's only personal experience with those PBAoE nukes has been staring at mids and a defender with energy blast.
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U my friend are wrong I have been gaming as a blaster since beta and I prefer the nukes the way they are a a trple elec is one of my fav, learn to find way to deal with the end loss and get your recharge up and u will love them to
I nuke evey min on my blasters |
Higher damage nukes with long recharge times don't seem to fit with the theme of the game much these days. |
The fact is, there is no central theme to the way the game is played. Some players still play the game exactly as they did 6 years ago. TO's into DO's into SO's with story arcs and task forces. Actually, we have evidence from the developers that a good percentage of the player-base doesn't even participate in the Invention System on any level. The number of players with "omgIamIObuffedtohearandbeyond" is pretty low.
The fact is, the blast sets are balanced around how the entire set functions, not how they function in relation to other sets. The presence of a half-nuke in Archery, Dual Pistols, and Assault Rifle is one of the reasons you'd take those sets. The flip side of that token is that the full blown nukes like Fire Blast's Inferno, Ice Blast's Blizzard, or Energy Blast's Nova is why you would take THOSE sets. Some sets are more effective solo. Some sets are more effective on a team. Some sets are designed to clear mobs. Some sets are designed for hardened single targets. No set combination is going to be perfect for all enemies, all the time, regardless of the team. The game is designed that way.
Given this, there is no reason at all to address the set-up of the blast sets.
If you don't like how they play? Fine. Don't play a set you don't like. By the same token, don't make suggestions trying to force sets you don't like to be turned into sets you like.
i agree with saist, she pretty much put it all out there plain.
P.S. im one of those dont use invention system people
The OP is perfectly entitled to like some sets more than others. I find Defender nukes to be way more fun than blasters because they have access to tools that effectively eliminate the end and recovery crashes. Besides kins and colds, all defs can get an end bar filling power out of the dark epic pool.
You can take my BU+Aim+Inferno mob-slayer combo when you pry it from my charred, dead fingers.
If anything, tier 9s do NOT need changing. Some could simply do with a damage or, hey, even acc increase. Some of them are too weighed down by their secondary effects, which tend to be superflous when compared to simply making stuff fall over in huge numbers.
Hell, my Empath/Psi defender is more than capable of making whole mobs fall over with her Psi nuke.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Ok...back the truck up here one minute.
I'm not a powergamer or min/maxer in any sense of the word.
I have played blasters almost exclusively since Issue 1(specifically an elec/elec/elec).
Please also read my post what you seem to be accusing me of I have actually addressed in my post.
This is basically my observation as I came from elec, ice and energy blasters into assault rifle and more so archery as my preferred blasters. I've recently added Dual Pistols to that list.
Also, there is no way you 'nuke every minute' with your elec blaster...unless you are talking about using Incarnate abilities to mitigate ED on recharge. You don't even nuke every spawn(unless you take spawns really slowly).
I can literally nuke every spawn with my archery/devices(I sometimes simply choose not to). And I also run no risk of cratering my end without recourse if I happen to be out of blues(AFAIK being out of blues isn't an impossibility).
I don't have a problem if you disagree that other nukes need tweaking...but please stop attempting to put words in my mouth.
The point of my post is this: With an AR or Archery blaster, my nuke is used to great effect very often at little to no detriment to my character. This is not as much the case with my elec/elec or my fire/fire.
As I noted before, I didn't go out of my way to try to come to this conclusion, nor am I trying to belittle the effectiveness of a 'huge nuke'. I actually stated that I love the effect of the bigger nukes...not so much the downtime, recharge and end cratering.
You can take my BU+Aim+Inferno mob-slayer combo when you pry it from my charred, dead fingers.
If anything, tier 9s do NOT need changing. Some could simply do with a damage or, hey, even acc increase. Some of them are too weighed down by their secondary effects, which tend to be superflous when compared to simply making stuff fall over in huge numbers. Hell, my Empath/Psi defender is more than capable of making whole mobs fall over with her Psi nuke. |
I'm not exactly sure how I'd change every big nuke...but for elec I would probably start by giving it a chance to return a significant portion of end per mob hit.
Pretty much what Alpha said. If they were made "more useful" they'd likely be made weaker. Sorry, but there is nothing more satisfying than having a tank herd a room and Nuke them. What little is left is easily mopped up and onwards.
Couldn't disagree with you more and, disturbingly enough, with saist more.
To borrow a cliche from another message board:
"Oh look, it's THIS thread again...."
I would honestly consider ending my here-since-beta subscription if they mess with Thunderous Blast. It's not supposed to be like Rain of Arrows, or any of the other "less damage but shorter timer and no crash" powers. Nor should it be. It's a NUKE. It's putting everything you have into one massive blast that leaves you drained, but everything you hit is either dead or seriously messed up.
There's an art to using it. If you die because you missed someone and you didn't have a blue left over just in case, then you did so knowing that was a possible outcome, and have no one to blame but yourself. You know that going into the fight.
I also solo quite a lot, and you're correct that the nuke isn't something you use when soloing, unless you just feel like it for dramatic flair. :-) You should have more than enough other powers to deal with the enemies you find in solo missions. No one is making you take that 9th tier power. But if you do, don't ask the Dev's to change it simply because you would rather it act like some other power. Just use it for its intended use, or ignore it.
To sum up, I do not want them changing the true nukes to match the rains/sprays of the non-nuke tier 9 powers. I like mine just the way it is and I hope they don't change it.
Lightning Rod
"I am certain that all CoX will be humbled by the might of the Lightning Rod." -Lady_Sadako
i think the end crash is the only annoying part of the big nukes
i think they should be either drainage of the end OR recov debuff (a la em pulse)
the end crash along with the recov debuff IMO makes them extremely annoying and i avoid nukes that do this as much as possible and/or only use them if im about to die as a last ditch kind of thing

The flip side of that token is that the full blown nukes like Fire Blast's Inferno, Ice Blast's Blizzard, or Energy Blast's Nova is why you would take THOSE sets. |
I do not consider the flatlining of my Endurance to be worth the damage output of most nukes; especially on a team. Nukes are at best a situational power, if one likes them fine but to state that they are the sole reason one picks a set, well.... lol. Blackstar is especially laughable. I could not respec out of that one fast enough. I will grant you that I was experimenting with it as a Corruptor, not a Blaster but still.
Pretty much what Alpha said. If they were made "more useful" they'd likely be made weaker. Sorry, but there is nothing more satisfying than having a tank herd a room and Nuke them. What little is left is easily mopped up and onwards.
Couldn't disagree with you more and, disturbingly enough, with saist more. |
A single trip mine plus a gun drone summon gives me around +66% damage boost. Then I add Aim(+60%$) and nuke...what's left is mopped up by an explosive arrow and my gun drone. Maybe I'll add a single red inspiration if I want to go overboard. Oh...and add caltrops and smoke grenade for an extra 8% or so.
It might not quite get up there with Thunderous Blast...but I sure as hell repeat it more often. What's more is I can use that solo and at no time is it a risk of me crashing my end bar. So in a sense its a hell of a lot more helpful on teams since I can do it repeatedly and consistently.
I'm pretty sure I've saved my whole team more times with that simple combo(or a variation using Time Bomb for even more damage) than I ever have with Thunderous Blast(awesome though it is to look at).
In the end I'm left with a nuke that is more helpful on teams and solo than TB or Nova.
I use Inferno every time its up. Oh and I don't solo I play with RO so there's always venge and/or Fallout to take advantage of my suicidal tendencies.
Werd. I see a spawn when i'm on a team, it gets Inferno if it's up. Blue, Consume, turn on Fire shield and carry on. Every time it's up.
Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2
The only Blaster nukes I like are Hail of Bullets, Full Auto, and Rain of Arrows.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

lets see if I want some of my bukes changed ???
Elec/Elec/Elec Blasters
Aim. Bu. ball Lighting, Static Discharge, Thunderrous Blast ????? dead mobs... nope..
Rad/MM Blaster.
Aim. BU. Irradiate, Psi Schock Wave, Atomic Blast.... Dead mobs... nope. ..
Aim. BU Fireball, Psi Shockwave, Inferno... Dead Mobs.. nope...
Coserve Power..Aim BU Power Boost. Dead mobs flung 40 feet away... nope...
nah thats ok.. Ill stick with what I got..
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
I just hope no new blast sets that get added to this game have a nuke that crashes your end bar. It's not a fun game mechanic. I hope to see more Full Autos and Rain of Arrows and no more Infernos or Dreadfully Wails.

Some of the blaster nukes are situational attacks for sure. That situation being "whenever you have a blue candy in your insp tray, or you're able to make one". And I've got to say, I love it the way it is. Sure, I may not use Inferno as much as my other attacks... but then again my other attacks don't make entire groups disappear in one shot either. So there's a good balance there.
Fire/fire/fire blaster: nuke, blue, [consume], fun!
I just hope no new blast sets that get added to this game have a nuke that crashes your end bar. It's not a fun game mechanic. I hope to see more Full Autos and Rain of Arrows and no more Infernos or Dreadfully Wails.
As far as I am aware, the current power developers (Synapse, Black Scorpion, and Sunstorm if memory serves) are largely happy with sets that have full nukes. Case in point being the porting of Psychic Blast to Blasters in Issue 12, and Radiation Blast port to Blasters in Issue 16.
As far as I am aware, the only definitive power guidelines that have been expressed for the Blaster archtype are that any future secondaries would be built on the Mental Manipulation model; and that Energy Manipulation is considered to be an aberration, one that won't be addressed due to the cottage rules.
We'll probably be waiting a couple of issues to see if Synapse and Black Scorpion do anything differently from F.Grubb ... but after the goodbye thread from F.Grubb, I somewhat doubt that they will.
lets see if I want some of my bukes changed ???
Elec/Elec/Elec Blasters Aim. Bu. ball Lighting, Static Discharge, Thunderrous Blast ????? dead mobs... nope.. Rad/MM Blaster. Aim. BU. Irradiate, Psi Schock Wave, Atomic Blast.... Dead mobs... nope. .. Fire/MM Aim. BU Fireball, Psi Shockwave, Inferno... Dead Mobs.. nope... Nrg/Nrg Coserve Power..Aim BU Power Boost. Dead mobs flung 40 feet away... nope... nah thats ok.. Ill stick with what I got.. |
If you read my post above, I gave an example of how I can achieve similar results with my Archery/Devices blaster. The major difference is that after I get done with the nuke, I can still rip away with every other primary attack and my end bar will not crater, and I will not have needed to use a blue.
Then I can do it again for the very next mob, for the entire mission, if I so choose.
We both get a screen full of dead mobs...I'm just way safer when I do it with my AR/ice and my Archery/devices. And I get to keep on doing it without a break.
Higher damage nukes with long recharge times don't seem to fit with the theme of the game much these days. Especially when you're a solo player. I get much more mileage from Rain of Arrows, Full Auto and the Dual Pistol nukes than I ever do from Thunderous Blast, Blizzard or Nova.
Anyway, I think the main reason the sets you point to (Archery, Dual Pistols and Assault Rifle) get non-crashing mini-nukes that recharge faster is because the sets consist primarily or wholly of a highly resisted damage type.
The other sets, like psi blast, ice blast, fire blast, etc. have less resisted types of damage by comparison. Also, sets like Sonic Blast, Electric Blast and Dark Blast have particularly potent secondary effects that are also prevalent in their nukes while Archery and AR kind of don't have supreme secondary effect (more of a mix) and DP has watered down versions.
It's like there is a price one must pay to get a mini-nuke (or depending how you see it, perks you get for taking a crashing set). I wouldn't expect any more sets with mini-nukes unless it's a weapon blasting set or the set does primarily smashing or lethal damage.
Seriously, if the devs made a new blast with great toxic damage mixed with fire damage. Would you expect a potent mini-non-crash-nuke on top of your -speed/-regen/holds secondary effect? Conversely, if a new toxic blast set *did* have a mini nuke, I'd expect it to do a mix of toxic and lethal damage with mainly just some -speed and immobilize thrown in...

The only thing I hate about my Electric/Energy blaster's nuke is the End crash. Of course, I have Boost Range on auto so I can shock-nuke them from a respectable distance and possibly be able to run/jump away should there be anything left to retaliate.
Personally, I find the End crash to be annoying and unnecessary given the lengthy recharge times.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I have no idea how often this gets brought up, or if there is a suggestion thread similar to it, but I just felt like I had to say it.
Some of the blaster nukes need some reworking.
I was playing my elec/elec/elec blaster the other day and I realized just how little I ever use his nuke solo and how little sense it makes to even do it.
Higher damage nukes with long recharge times don't seem to fit with the theme of the game much these days. Especially when you're a solo player. I get much more mileage from Rain of Arrows, Full Auto and the Dual Pistol nukes than I ever do from Thunderous Blast, Blizzard or Nova.
While in theory, I don't like homogenizing powers across all sets(tier 1 and 2 blaster powers*cough* *cough*, I just feel like the lower damage, shorter recharge nukes simply outperform the other nukes because they are much less situational.
I can let loose with ROA in the middle of a fight even if I'm relatively low on end and have no blues. I cannot do that with Thunderous Blast and expect to survive if everything doesn't die.
Don't get me wrong, I love to see everything drop from a single power, but I also realize that not having a more useful nuke, leaves the other sets a tad behind. I'm thinking more of elec blast here than anything else...but I think all nukes should be similarly useful.