True Blood, 8/15
they still managed to stall on what Sookie is. Starting to piss me off.
they still managed to stall on what Sookie is. Starting to piss me off.
Just think about it. According to the show as of last night:
1) We know vampires exist.
2) We know werewolves exist.
3) We know shifters (weres that aren't strictly wolves) exist.
4) We know other magical immortals (like Maenads) exist.
5) We know there seems to be a garden-like "alternate world" where both Sookie and Bill have seen elven-like 'magical' people.
6) We know both Sookie and Bill have seen Claudine there, who used the same "light blast" power Sookie has used.
7) We know that Claudine cares for Sookie, claims to have protected her in the past, and worries that someone will "take her light".
8) We know Sookie's grandfather apparently had a famous "sixth sense".
9) We know Sookie's little cousin Hunter apparently has the same mind-reading power Sookie has.
and so on...
So if we know all this stuff exists why wouldn't it be possible for other classic "fantasy" creatures to exist? And not only why couldn't they exist but why couldn't Sookie be related to them? I guess if you still don't have a vague idea at this point then once you do find out you're just going to have to have a "D'oh! Of course that's what she is!" moment. Have fun.

P.S. It turns out that the type of thing Sookie is just happens to be almost like catnip for vampires blood-wise. Vampires typically have a very hard time resisting the smell/taste of her kind of "no blood type" blood. That basically explains why most of the vamps in the show are fascinated with her.

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Now time for the weather... Tiffany?
What can I say. That was probably one of the most magnificent episodes I've seen from the series. I was wondering about Winston (think that's his name.. drawing a blank atm) and the fact that Tara smashed his brains in. That shouldn't have killed him and I was proved right last night... though his 'return' wasn't that long lol Man... I guess Sam has finally shed his 'goodie two shoes' image and gone all mirror-universe on us heheh Once again though I HATE where they are taking Jason this year and basically his whole story line with Crystal is boring as hell and I basically fast forward through it now. That's sad too because Jason when written right can actually have some really interesting plots.
I think at this point they are REALLLLY dragging out the whole 'What is Sookie' thing and personally it's starting to really get old. I mean is the revelation of what she is really THAT earth shattering that it will change everything on the programme and be a game changer? It was touching though to see Eric and Pam together and that when she's not putting on her whole 'Ice Queen' act that she's actually a totally devoted child to her maker and that she loves him very much. I love the fact that Russell has basically gone completely bonkers and is going all Terminator now on humanity. Though from the previews of next weeks episode he's 'slightly' set back the whole pro-vampire image and now vamps have a bit of a PR nightmare to clean up. Maybe though this will get them off their butts and lend resources to Eric in order to take the King down once and for all. I mean after all Russell is so old and powerful he could basically wipe out an entire room before you can blink.
The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]
Yeah the whole "Russell on TV" scene was pretty amazing.
Looking forward to seeing how the Authority deals with it.
And I also figured that Franklin (Tara's vamp) would come back for a one more appearance.
It's cool that Jason was the one to save her (yet again) from something bad.
As far as the "What is Sookie" thing goes the TV show is clearly giving that plot point a lot more significance than the books did. The books didn't even really begin to seriously hint at it until like the 5th or 6th book in the series. It's an important part of Sookie's character, but I wouldn't really quite call it the central core of the entire story. Clearly the TV show's producers and Charlaine Harris (the author of the books) had different priorities there.
The thing with Crystal and Jason has been a weird plot thread. Crystal was a girl from Hotshot that Jason gets involved with in the books. But pretty much the entire story of the two of them portrayed on the TV show has been almost 100% different (so far) than what they did together in the books. About the only thing the TV show copied from the books was that the relationship was always rocky and full of angst. I sort of prefer the book version of their story myself.
I loved the interaction with Eric and Pam as well. I always liked Pam and the TV show has translated her character pretty well from the books. The whole "Eric seeking revenge against Russell for 1,000 years" story is something they invented for the TV show, but it's turned out to be an interesting thread.
Here's looking forward to the rest of the season.
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--{=====> Virtue ♀
1) We know vampires exist.
2) We know werewolves exist. 3) We know shifters (weres that aren't strictly wolves) exist. 4) We know other magical immortals (like Maenads) exist. 5) We know there seems to be a garden-like "alternate world" where both Sookie and Bill have seen elven-like 'magical' people. 6) We know both Sookie and Bill have seen Claudine there, who used the same "light blast" power Sookie has used. |
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Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
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--{=====> Virtue ♀
I can't wait to see how the VLA folks discredit Russell, no doubt it settles whatever doubts the Authority may have had about what Eric told them
I'm not going to give away what Sookie is based on the books, although I will say that I think they will go further with it, than they did with the books
I have a feeling that Lafayette may be something else as well
I really do want to see a showdown with Sam and his brother on one side, and the hillbillie werewolves on the other side.
Great episode. Didn't mind delaying Sookie's bit personally, just because there were far more interesting things to cover and its probably better to put it earlier in an episode rather than later. Personally, right when Sookie gasped I expected the credits to roll. Assuming its what it obviously appears to be, had Bill actually answered at the end of the episode, it would have left a pretty boring final scene. Instead we got one of the best final scenes the series has ever done.
Also, props to the classic horror movie tunes used when Russel is looming on top of Fangtasia. All he needed to go full classic Dracula there was a billowing cap against a full moon with one of his werewolves howling in the background.
What can I say, Russell's TV debut was masterful. Full-on LOL moment when that happened. So random. So "True Blood". The Urn of Talbot Sludge was a funny yet disgusting touch as well.
I love the fact that Pam (my favorite character from the books) is getting her much deserved screentime this season.
I also love the fact the spokeswoman from the AVL is a total figures. I like her character though. Her scenes at Fangtasia and her interactions with Eric were fun.
I believe the "payoff" for Jason and Crystals story will be worth it though in the long run. The issue is giving the character something to do for season 3/book 3 (Jason has very little presence in the book) so they took a lot of book 4's story and are using it to set up "what's up for Jason next". I'll leave it at that for you non-bookies.
Personally, I'm not digging Sam's storyline this season.
I also don't care for how they are handling Calvin Norris. (leader of Hotshot) While his people are a bit creepy in the books (but not meth/V dealers), he is never treated as a bad guy. In fact he's downright trustworthy and a helpful ally for Sookie. It's going to be interesting how they turn his character around.......if they do at all.
I really do want to see a showdown with Sam and his brother on one side, and the hillbillie werewolves on the other side. |
You do know the Hotshot folks are not werewolves, right? What they are, I'll leave out incase someone accidentally peaks.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
What can I say, Russell's TV debut was masterful. Full-on LOL moment when that happened. So random. So "True Blood". The Urn of Talbot Sludge was a funny yet disgusting touch as well.
I love the fact that Pam (my favorite character from the books) is getting her much deserved screentime this season. |

I also love the fact the spokeswoman from the AVL is a total figures. I like her character though. Her scenes at Fangtasia and her interactions with Eric were fun. |
I believe the "payoff" for Jason and Crystals story will be worth it though in the long run. The issue is giving the character something to do for season 3/book 3 (Jason has very little presence in the book) so they took a lot of book 4's story and are using it to set up "what's up for Jason next". I'll leave it at that for you non-bookies. |
Personally, I'm not digging Sam's storyline this season. I also don't care for how they are handling Calvin Norris. (leader of Hotshot) While his people are a bit creepy in the books (but not meth/V dealers), he is never treated as a bad guy. In fact he's downright trustworthy and a helpful ally for Sookie. It's going to be interesting how they turn his character around.......if they do at all. |
Book Spoiler Alert............................................. .. |
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--{=====> Virtue ♀
If you think about it the TV show has already apparently redefined Debbie Pelt as far as this goes. In the book it's established that she's one type of thing but in the TV show they've apparently simplified that into making her the same kind of thing as all her friends, if you know what I mean. Maybe they're planning on "simplifying" the Hotshot folks too in the same way. *shrugs*
I also love the fact the spokeswoman from the AVL is a total figures. I like her character though. Her scenes at Fangtasia and her interactions with Eric were fun.
. |
My feeling is this, at some point the vampire leadership realized it was becoming harder and harder to exist in modern society with increasing technology w/o being caught. True blood was a conveniant out for them, to just come out and try to co-exist to some level, now that they could present themselves as vegetarians. I really don't think they care too much how vampires feed, as long as its discreet, especially if its with vampire groopies, who you can always argue consent with anyway. There big concern is this, they know they will lose in the end, IF society views them as a threat. So in public at least pretend you survive on true blood, and stay discreat. Heck it wouldn't suprise me if the Authority was behind developing True Blood, and it wouldn't suprise me if their working on means on making it more palitable than drinking V-8 (maybe there is a True Blood Fusion in the works). While the magistar may have been against V on moral grounds, I imagine the Authority's opposition was based on more pragmatic grounds, that Vampire's being the source of supernatural Cocaine may be bad for PR.
Russel, who by the way is the best villian yet in the series, doesn't care. He really thinks vampires can live out in the open, be total beasts, and dominate normal humans, he really does think Vampires are master race. His use of werewolves is all about shoring up the Vampire's main weakness (daylight challenged), and can guess in his Vampire World order,
at the top would be the Vampires (with him as the supreme Vampire), with werewolves( and maybe other supernaturals), being the Knights to the Vampire Lords, and humanity at its bottom
Oh I know, I was curious if they would make any changes in that direction, but I think it was last weeks episode( or was it the week before) that settled that?
They haven't come right out and said what it is they are because................................
(Book spoilers)--------------------------------------
I think they want the audience to assume they are wolves then BOOM someone is going to change into (what they are) and one more layer of the Were onion will be pulled back. If they were wolves I think they would have come right out and either said it or shown it already.
If you think about it the TV show has already apparently redefined Debbie Pelt as far as this goes. In the book it's established that she's one type of thing but in the TV show they've apparently simplified that into making her the same kind of thing as all her friends, if you know what I mean. Maybe they're planning on "simplifying" the Hotshot folks too in the same way. *shrugs* |
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Probably in a similar way, though a couple oddly connected lines in last night's episode lead me to believe they might be planning to do so in a different way.
It keeps the spirit of the books, goes into further detail than the books, and uses the books as a broad outline, rather than being constrained by them, while reading the books may ruin some revelations, there is still stuff that will catch you by suprise
Not really, all Sam or his brother said is something like, (paraphrased) Do you smell what they are, too? Oh crap.
They haven't come right out and said what it is they are because................................ (Book spoilers)-------------------------------------- . |
(Book spoilers)--------------------------------------
Actually Debbie Pelt was two different things in the books. (A known continuity error) At first introduction she says she is a Werelynx, then later she is said to be a WereFox. Interesting side note: Charlaine Harris attended Rhodes College in Memphis their mascot....a lynx. |
Of course I only recently bought and read the first 9 paperbacks within the last year. (thanks to interest in the show)
Maybe the latest printed editions cleared up the continuity error about this?
Either way this doesn't seem to be matching what she is on the TV show.

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while I won'r ruin what Sookie is, in the books its only impied she is a half-breed of whatever she is, based on Claudine's first talk with her, I think she can become a full blooded version of whatever she is
Also I think Jason isn't completely left out in gifts either, even though he may not have the same potential. Doesn't he seem a little TOO lucky with the ladies.
Lafayette (who if they were going stricly by the book, would've been dead in Season 1), I think is a witch/ warlock or whatever
Interesting: I only knew Debbie to be a Werefox in the books.
Of course I only recently bought and read the first 9 paperbacks within the last year. (thanks to interest in the show) Maybe the latest printed editions cleared up the continuity error about this? Either way this doesn't seem to be matching what she is on the TV show. ![]() |
My contention though, is the HotShot crew are, in fact, going to turn out true to the books.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
I was actually of thinking of when Jason went up to their place with his shotgun, and what he saw there, before he confronted Crystals father

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
while I won'r ruin what Sookie is, in the books its only impied she is a half-breed of whatever she is, based on Claudine's first talk with her, I think she can become a full blooded version of whatever she is
Also I think Jason isn't completely left out in gifts either, even though he may not have the same potential. Doesn't he seem a little TOO lucky with the ladies. |
Lafayette (who if they were going stricly by the book, would've been dead in Season 1), I think is a witch/ warlock or whatever |

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
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Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
while I won'r ruin what Sookie is, in the books its only impied she is a half-breed of whatever she is, based on Claudine's first talk with her, I think she can become a full blooded version of whatever she is
![]() Also I think Jason isn't completely left out in gifts either, even though he may not have the same potential. Doesn't he seem a little TOO lucky with the ladies. Lafayette (who if they were going stricly by the book, would've been dead in Season 1), I think is a witch/ warlock or whatever |
It's Buffy the Vampire Slayer with nudity.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
Nobody responds when I make True Blood threads.
But might as well do my normal recap:
- Thought for a moment that the episode would start with Eric walking, or rather flying, in on Sookie and Bill doing the deed.
- Good once again to see a happier Lafayette, but I'm worried that all the homosexuality floating around will be used as an excuse for some viewers to tune out.
- Surprised that Eric played his hand against Russell so relatively early; given that he complains about Russell being three times his age later, you would think he wouldn't go the wound over the kill.
- I'm glad that Jessica survived her encounter with the werewolf, but even gladder that she wasn't the one making all that noise with Tommy that night.
- Speaking of Jessica, I'm still kind of worried that Russell will kill her since she isn't in the books as far as I know. He's had her blood so maybe he can track her, and they might have him kill her, but if they do I hope somehow Hoyt gets to be the one to kill Russell.
- I gather that if you drain one of whatever it is that Sookie is, you can become a permanent daywalker, which will make her blood so valuable; Russell may use this knowledge to turn the tables once the rest of the vamps come after him.
- Furthermore, when I saw Russell holding that jar of blood in the preview, I was worried he got a hold of Hadley's kid.
- Hadley's hawtsome.
- Jessica's hawtsome.
- Sad to see Sam start to tread steadily toward the dark side just because his little brother teases him.
- Even sadder to continue watching Jason's storyline; I'm sure they realized that's their weak point and tried to rectify it somewhat with having Jason kill Franklin and put that wooden buckshot to use.
- I hope that Jason and Tara finally get together, and maybe having Sam and Andy getting involved with the folks from Hotshot will provide another means of introducing their story, so there's no obligation to have Jason maintain that plot connection.
- Got a weird vibe from that new waitress at Merlotte's when she was talking to Arlene; could she be a spy from Hotshot?
- Eric finally came clean with the Authority about everything, but part of me was hoping they'd give him resources to take down Russell so we could have a full out vampire and werewolf war, while the other part was hoping they'd leave him to his own devices like they did.
- That chick with Flanagan at the end was just, damn.
- Speaking of the end, I somewhat saw that coming as soon as I saw the last scene involved a television; now that the country will see a tide of anti-vampirism, will any of our beloved characters be safe? And is there anyone powerful enough to take on Russell?
- And I have a bad feeling that when Russell does go down, Debbie will come back to deliver a heart-crushing blow and provide the finale's cliffhanger; if not, we can always hope for another catfight between her and Sookie.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
You know, until the last five minutes of tonight's episode, I didn't care much for Russel.
After that scene, he has become awesome.
That is all.