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  1. I use a Stone/Stone brute..sitting at 1210+ badges (missing alot of the vet badges, Bug Hunter, Passport...the ones you can not really control )

    Got all of the others though
  2. I like a challenge as much as the next guy BUT...

    Loves a Challenge * -

    Pre-beta: Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Incarnate Trial without having anyone die or destroy any terminals in the final battle versus Anti-Matter.

    Currently: Complete the Keyes Island Reactor Incarnate Trial without having anyone die or destroy any terminals in the final battle versus Anti-Matter.

    This particular badge is the one i was refering to that harkens back to the old master style, exclusion of AT's runs. I do agree, that unless you have a FINELY tuned league (not a PuG) this is going to be a VERY hard badge to get, and even with a good league it will be hard.

    I also understand that it is still "in beta", but previous experience has shown, once it hits open, aside from a bit of tweaking here and there, it goes live "as is".
  3. These badges appear (at least to me) to harken back to the "no deaths" master runs. While I do not forsee a big problem with some AT's, I can see the writing on the wall for the howls of protest about the badges, being as some of them are dependent on no deaths among 24 people, which can be quite a feat.

    Bring on the badges!!!!
  4. My experience with an IO'd out /stone brute is fantastic.

    The -run, -rech is VERY easily mitigated by IO's..and /stone is all around tough as it is.

    The texturing of the armors is abysmal (the granite form blocks out your costume) but with just the one armor you can drop all the prerequiste armors, freeing up some power choices for other things (and the corresponding slots).

    If anyone chimes in with a "you didn't mention the -damage"...all I have to say is..its a brute, we dont have anything that is -damage :P

    Just my 2cents..your results may vary
  5. From all the trials I have done, which is 90+, combined BAF and Lambda, I am sure the rewards table is weighted toward participation to a point. I think the system looks for you to actually be participating (dealing damage, buff/debuffing, etc...), then sees what kind of team objectiveshave been completed (i.e. No prisioners escape, No Turrets disabled, etc...) then rolls on a tier of randomness based on that.

    Try to explain my thoughts further, say you are on a BAF, you let No Prisioners escape, but someone disables a turret, and you do not keep them seperate, but you do kill them with No Spawn. So far you have met 2 of the 4 points. You participate, but you had to afk for a minute or two, so your "participation points", for lack of a better term, is low. But not so low that it kicks you down to a Thread only reward. From what I see, based on all the different factors (the team objectives and the participation), that it rolls on for a Random, with a increasing/decreasing percentage, based on those factors. For a couple examples, I did a MoBAF, completed all the objectives in one go, did a "ton" of damage, and got a rare. Did another MoBAF, completed all the objectives in one go, but didnt do alot of the damage, alot of typing, giving instructions and such, and got an uncommon. Both of those runs were pretty much the same, except for the participation aspect. On the second one, I did enough to not get kicked to the thread only reward, but not enough to merit the better rare reward.

    But I am POSITIVE there is an element of randomness...I did middle damage and the league completed just one objective and I got a very rare...sooooooo who knows
  6. I will be on 50 Stone/Stone Brute if you have a need/spot open.

    I have all T-4's and the Seers Pets (I primarily use the Warworks but can switch if you need) if needed.

    Already aquired the Mo badge...just trying to help if need be.
  7. Kotchie

    Master of Lambda

    I have been of a few attempts, 1 successful and 3 that were VERY close ( one was 0%...we just couldnt "seal the deal", a 3% or 4%, and a 2%)

    I try to stack the team with Sonics, either sonic attack or sonic resonance, TA's, Therms, Cold's, Darks.

    On the one I was successful, we had 8 minutes left at the end. I believe that we had 4-5 people with sonic attacks and 2 TA's, it was stacked pretty heavy with -resist toons.

    I am POSITIVE that there are other makeups that can do it, these are just what i try to bring and what has worked for me.

    Gratz btw Beef on your victory...it is a badge well-earned!!!
  8. Kotchie

    Master BAF

    Originally Posted by CatAstrophy View Post
    Having people that have -resist Interface could also help.
    I do not know from numbers I have seen, but from what I have been told, the -resist factors of the interface against AV level targets is VERY low. But I am sure every little bit helps. I specifically asked for sonics (either sonic attacks or sonic res.) knowing that the -resist that they can stack is not to be undersold. I believe we had 2 rad/sonics (sonic as the attack), a sonic/dark corr, Arch/TA, /therm corr, and something else with sonic attacks. From what I remeber we had a total of 8 debuffers, 1 widow, 2 blasters, 2 scrappers, 1 tank, 2 brutes that comprised the league. It was a really good league/team.
  9. Kotchie

    Master BAF

    Not to derail thread...but just got MoLam.

    As everyone probably knows -resist is the whole key. We did not have any sonic resonance toons, but we did have 4-5 toons with sonic attacks. When we ended we still had 8 minutes and change

    On a subsequent run we came close again, had a different team and 1 less person. Thought that may be able to be made up by having a Sonic Resonance Def., but having that defender and 2 others with sonic attacks just wasnt enough. We got him down to about 5% right at the end, but was unable to seal the deal.

    Sorry for the thread hi-jack.
  10. You can get extra Astrals for completing badge requirements to -

    So for BAF:
    1 for defeating Warworks
    1 for completing Escapee Plan
    1 for letting No prisioners Escape
    1 for defeating Siege
    1 for defeating Siege and Nightstar seperated during defeat
    1 for defeating all spawn before the AV's go down
    1 for no clicking computers to disable the turrets

    So for the BAF you can get at least 7 astral merits.

    The objectives on the Lambda are bugged for the awards so I do not know if you can get an award for the No Grenades/No Acids. But the list mentioned above for the Lambda seems pretty accurate.
  11. To the OP, first day the new stuff dropped was brutal. Since then I have run probably 60 + BAF's and a dozen or so Lambda's. People on Freedom, in my opinion, generally have this new stuff down. You may run into a less than optimal leader from time to time, but nothing and no one is saying you have to team with them. Pocket D, RWZ, and Cim is where most of this stuff is being formed, with Pocket D being the most popular. I used the que system a few times, and I will keep my opinions to myself regardign the quality of teamingo be had in that manner.

    Just go to Pocket D and look for a Prophet of Supremacy (shameless SG plug ) and get on one of their teams/leagues, generally always successful, regardless of trial.
  12. I am pretty sure it is bugged. At varying times, varying teams, I have completed all the different badge objectives (get all 10 acids and grenades, use none...get all 10 acids, use none...get all 10 grenades, use non...synchro weapon/acid destruction) and the only one I received was the synchro one. I have bugged it each time, and they finally got sick of me petitioning it and sent me a nasty "dont send any more petitions" e-mail.
  13. You forgot you can pick the Super Inspirations too...varying amounts
  14. I think it really depends on your playstyle....

    If you like to aim at range i.e. a Archer blaster then Pyronic is a good fit ( I say it liek that because not everyone like to mess with a recticle to set up a attack)

    If you like to just play at pure range (not real familiar with Ion if it is a cone or just range) or just want some range attacks..Ion is a good fit.

    Personally, I like to play in the middle of a mob (playing a Brute) so I chose Void, PBAoE. But for my blasters I will probably go with Pyronic on the Archer/MM and the cone Judgement (name escapes me) for my DP/EM blaster.
  15. Previous poster answered your questions pretty good I think.

    As far as to many in game currencies..once you have a T-4 Alpha, as long as you do not want another, EVERYTHING get converted to threads. Thats just what i am doing...works for me.
  16. Kotchie

    Issue 20 badges

    I am wondering if you can get all the temps in the phase after security guard, all 20, and then only use the temps that drop for the Well-Stocked badge. It seems that would be the only way.

    My reasoning is that if you do the requirements to get the Well-Stocked badge, you automatically would get the other two. Doesn' t make sense that they would design it like that.

    I am going to try it this weekend (getting all the temps and only using the drops) to see what happens.
  17. Kotchie

    Master BAF

    Got it yesterday as well...Turg was there

    Running another MO attempt tonight on Freedom at 9 pm EST if anyone is interested

    Doing both BAF and Lambda...although Lambda may prove to be the problem
  18. This is a fun little TF...nothing overwhelming, nothing majorly off balanced. I will say the objectives in the first half of the first mish seems to be overwhelming to look at..but they are actually pretty simple...disarm the bombs and defeat all surface enemies.

    Took little under an hour, 45 minutes, and fun was had by all.
  19. Kotchie


    Ran 13 BAF's yesteday, all but 1 (due to massvie DC's) were successful, ran 3 this morning, successful. Got a good, solid strategy down.

    Looks to be the keeping them seperate and killing them will be the hardest part. Just for a completion..thats easy mode it seems.

    BTW I have unlocked and gotten T-3's in everything (except Alpha..thats a T-4 :P ), it really is easier with the level shifts.

    Lambda I have only run a couple times..both successes...badge requirements dont seem to difficult, only the one where we cant use pacification grenades seems to be hard.
  20. Kotchie

    Issue 20 badges

    We are actively trying to get these badges on Freedom if anyone wants to join us, 9 pm EST on Friday 4/8/11. Signups are in the Freedom Forums.
  21. Kotchie


    Well after a few run throughs on both, successful on one BAF, very close on 3, and 2 easy completes on Lambda, we will start with a Lambda. It is apparent we are going to need a VERY HIGH degree of concentration to get these badges for some of this stuff.

    It definately seems to be difficult to complete this trials, but I am sure given a couple weeks they will seem routine :P

    There definately seems to be some strategy behind this stuff, some good, some bad..but I am trying to soak up as much experience running through these trials as possible, so we can run them successfully. (Ran 8 1/2 hours the day it dropped and 3 hours this morning and plan on running 8 more hours when i get home)
  22. Kotchie



    Team sign-ups. (Please include toon name and build so we can arrange teams as needed)
    1. Kotchie - Stone/Stone Brute
    2.TK Kid - FF/Energy Defender
    3. Spine-Shank - Spines/Dark Scrapper
    4. Caliburst - Energy Blaster
    5. Dr. Turgenev - Ill/Storm Controller
    6. Infinite Agony - Mind/Thorn Dominator
    7. Master-Blade TBD
    8.Tarquin Fire/Devices blaster
    9. Toxsyn Fire/Rad Corr
    10. Sevenpenny Kat/Wp scrapper
    11. Takeo - Cold/Ice Defender
    12.Manta Striker - Fortunata
    13.Lady Attitude - Thermal Rad
    14.Lucrezia - Dark/Dark defender
    15.Flarearine fire/fire

    There are going to be 3 team totals (but will be splitting them further), will definately need holds...so if anyone knows a Dom/Troller that knows how to take some instruction...please sign them up

    If you can make the time and day please say so. Also, I am looking for people to be team leaders for the 3 other teams. It doesnt matter if you know the content, or what type of toon you want to bring, its the player behind the toon I am looking for.
  23. so it looks like we almost have 2 full teams of badgehunters that want to do this. That is fantastic.

    I am sure I can wrangle up another full team in game of Badgehunters (SG and Coalie)

    3 full teams of motivated players sounds like an excellent start.

    Just as a heads up...it should be dropping live next week at some point (probably Tuesday) according to this post http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...=256191&page=2
  24. Just throwing it out there...find brute you like it and use that one. But for the original post, the best is probably one already mentioned (ss/sd, ss/wp,ss/...) I personally use a stone/stone brute, uber surviable with decent damage, and built for +run speed and capped resists, not the L33T, but I like to play him and ultimately thats what I feel counts
  25. I do this map with a Arch/MM blaster.

    Pop Aim and Concentrate, RoA, Drain Pysche, The PBAoE from MM (forget the name), Explosive Arrow...repeat