Are the Lambda badges bugged?




we tried an Lambda Mo attempt last night... we got the 10 acid grenades and the 10 pacifiers from sabotage stage..... we passed all of them in one player. we got out in courtyard and we started beating Marauder without using pacifiers and without closing the portals.... we were doing quite good, and when 1:30 min left, we had him at 24 HP but he was in unstoppable... we decided to use 1 pacifier to complete, and we took him down... but the badge for killing him, without using acid grenades to close the portals was not awarded to us... are the three badges linked, was it a bug, did we did something wrong. ?.. can anyone give some info?

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I am pretty sure it is bugged. At varying times, varying teams, I have completed all the different badge objectives (get all 10 acids and grenades, use none...get all 10 acids, use none...get all 10 grenades, use non...synchro weapon/acid destruction) and the only one I received was the synchro one. I have bugged it each time, and they finally got sick of me petitioning it and sent me a nasty "dont send any more petitions" e-mail.



I got Master lambda on my ice/rad corr and got all 3 badges +the MoBadge, but...

Later that day we tried again, i was on my brute and we did pretty much the same, at some point we decided to use grenades, but not the acids. Once we completed, we got no badge at all, where i was expecting to at least get the badge for not using the Acids.

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Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
are the three badges linked, was it a bug, did we did something wrong. ?.. can anyone give some info?
You're not the only one. I was on a similar run where we got all the acids and pacifiers, did not use any of them until time was getting close and we decided to use one pacifier on Marauder to finish him but did not get the "use no acids" badge. Apparently they are in fact bugged so that you have to get all 3 "grenade usage" badges together or you get none at all.

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Did a master run on Lambda on Saturday and did everything correctly to earn all the badges. We should have gotten them all but got none. Petitioned it and it's been "elevated" to a senior rep. I doubt we'll get anything for it other than the form letter.

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Originally Posted by xeaon View Post
I got Master lambda on my ice/rad corr and got all 3 badges +the MoBadge, but...

Later that day we tried again, i was on my brute and we did pretty much the same, at some point we decided to use grenades, but not the acids. Once we completed, we got no badge at all, where i was expecting to at least get the badge for not using the Acids.
I'm pretty sure I was on that run with you (the 2nd one you mentioned) and yea, I didn't get any badges either.

I can't say I'm surprised though... there's always issues with new releases that take a week or so to iron out.

Hopefully folks will still be willing to try for the Mo badge in the coming weeks.

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We just did a MO Lambda run and got all badges. Took 11 minutes to take out marauder but we powered thru. I think there were only 4 deaths total.
I will say that the first run we did someone used a grenade but we kept going. we should have got the badge for using no acids, but we didn't.



Just curious to those that have the master badge. What was your team make up and did you use ultimate inspirations to make you +4? Tried a few lately with multiple debuffers and ignoring the ambushes and we never have enough time to kill him.

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Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Just curious to those that have the master badge. What was your team make up and did you use ultimate inspirations to make you +4? Tried a few lately with multiple debuffers and ignoring the ambushes and we never have enough time to kill him.

Good balanced team of all ATs. good debuffs and good damage. And Lore Pets, they helped a great deal.

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I thought they were bugged, but got it tonight. We got all items, didn't use any. It came down to the last second, but we killed him. It was pretty awesome



Originally Posted by ir0x0r View Post
I thought they were bugged, but got it tonight. We got all items, didn't use any. It came down to the last second, but we killed him. It was pretty awesome
Grats r0x. Did you have to overcome a 2nd Unstoppable, or did you drop him before it kicked off?



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Grats r0x. Did you have to overcome a 2nd Unstoppable, or did you drop him before it kicked off?
i was on same lambda as rox was, and honestly i have no idea, so much lag and we were so freaking tight on time that i wasnt really paying attention

fairly positive that he only hit unstop once though



/nerdrage 1

2 MoLam runs this Sunday:

First run, no acid used. Not enough damage output, so we ended up using a pacifier at 8% to complete. No badge awarded for open doors.

Second run, smooth sailing. All doors open, no pacifiers used. Zero badges awarded. Petitioned w/entire league still in mission. We were assured by GM_Harris that the situation would be looked into and badges would be awarded retroactively ~Monday. Logged in today..... zero badges awarded.

Thank you kindly for your support.

/nerdrage 0