11 Trials: 9 Uncommon and 2 Common. UGH.




Now, I'm not one to start consipracy theories or note stealth nerfs but ever since the last patch I've been getting screwed at the end of the trials.

Over the course of the weekend. I ran 11 trials and receive 9 Uncommon Reward Tables and 2 Common Reward tables.

I was on the AV team, the Ambush team, etc. No matter what I tried, I still received these terrible Reward Tables.

Does this echo anyone else experience?

If it helps, all trials were on my +2 Dark/Sonic Defender. I'm a very active participant in all stages of the Trials. I'm not the most aggressive DPS-er but I'm starting to think that might be what's preventing me from earning the Rare or Very Rare reward tables.



Try ignoring your primary almost completely and just targeting nearest, spamming your attacks for a few BAFs, see if that does anything.

Character index



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Try ignoring your primary almost completely and just targeting nearest, spamming your attacks for a few BAFs, see if that does anything.
Ok, I should be able to test this out later today. I will report back after a few runs.



My reward tables have been pretty random.

1 Very Rare, 2 or 3 Rare, about 5 Uncommon, and the rest Commons.

That was out of probably around 20 runs, and it is across all of my characters that I've run them with (currently only 3 of them have done either trial, I'm in no particular hurry to get everything)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I have taken note that you are not a player that receives good rewards, I will be inviting you to my Leagues more often ;D



Originally Posted by makerian View Post
I have taken note that you are not a player that receives good rewards, I will be inviting you to my Leagues more often ;D
And why would you want to do that lol.


When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Because I like to take the downtrodden under my wing?



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Now, I'm not one to start consipracy theories or note stealth nerfs but ever since the last patch I've been getting screwed at the end of the trials.

Over the course of the weekend. I ran 11 trials and receive 9 Uncommon Reward Tables and 2 Common Reward tables.

I was on the AV team, the Ambush team, etc. No matter what I tried, I still received these terrible Reward Tables.

Does this echo anyone else experience?
I receive the Uncommon table more than anything else. Heck, I get Very Rare more often than Common. I often rather get the 10 threads table because Uncommons usually only breakdown into 8.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Welcome to the Jungle, we got fun and games. No way to know the truth. I spent 15 hours gaming on Sunday, just trials, got zip, nothing, nad. Ran with a Widow who did a hat trick (if to be believed), 3 very rares, one right after the other.

I do know that I got one very rare when they first came out. Unfortunately, it disappeared in some kinda salvage rollback. I sent a e-mail request. They say they are busy.

For me the trials are horrid. I am only running them on my main, and just want to complete the content and move on. I crafted 4 rares I had collected since it began into one very rare last night. 400 million. I am very frustrated. At this point I do not even mind the cash, I would pay almost anything to be done with these two godsforsaken missions. Unfortunately, I still need 10 rares. (or 3 very rares, and it seems the odds of a tanky tank getting one of those is, zip, nada, nil)



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post

For me the trials are horrid. I am only running them on my main, and just want to complete the content and move on. I crafted 4 rares I had collected since it began into one very rare last night. 400 million. I am very frustrated. At this point I do not even mind the cash, I would pay almost anything to be done with these two godsforsaken missions. Unfortunately, I still need 10 rares. (or 3 very rares, and it seems the odds of a tanky tank getting one of those is, zip, nada, nil)

I'm having a blast running them. But then again my main reason for playing the game for this long is because I enjoy just blowing $#&! up.

I'm not even really worried about how long it takes me to get the epic shinies, simply because I'm having fun playing them. I'll be a sad panda indeed when all my characters have got all their stuff, because then there will be less reason to do them (probably won't stop me though)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Try ignoring your primary almost completely and just targeting nearest, spamming your attacks for a few BAFs, see if that does anything.
Well, I tried this and still received an Uncommon. However, my next two runs I focused much more on my Primary (Dark Miasma) and threw in Attacks when possible. I netted a Rare and Very Rare.

I thought I was on to something so I ran the trials twice more and netted uncommons. RNG is random. :/



It is NOT purely random. I'm thinking of collecting data through an experiment to reverse engineer their reward algorithm. But I assure you it is not purely or even significantly random.



Originally Posted by Enyalios View Post
It is NOT purely random. I'm thinking of collecting data through an experiment to reverse engineer their reward algorithm. But I assure you it is not purely or even significantly random.
I can't say one way or another but I have no reason to believe they are anything but random at this point. I will gladly revise my view based on any submitted evidence.



Purely anecdotal stuff here:

On my fire/dark corruptor I have *never* gotten the common table. I have gotten the Uncommon 4 or 5 times, The Very rare exactly twice, and the Rare about 12 (yep, the vast majority).

After I finally got him where I want him I pulled out my Dominator (plant/fire).

So far, after 2 Lambdas and 3 BAFs:

Unlocked Alpha, 1 Rare, 3 Uncommon, 1 Common. I ended up breaking down Astrals and Emps just to make enough commons to get my level shift on Alpha.

Do what you want/can with the above, it is all the experience I currently have.

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I can't say one way or another but I have no reason to believe they are anything but random at this point. I will gladly revise my view based on any submitted evidence.
From Baryonyx, a red name from this post: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...03&postcount=1
Reward System
Last, but certainly not least, we have been paying attention to your feedback and questions concerning the rewards from Incarnate Trials. Particularly, we understand the curiosity surrounding the way in which the Incarnate Trial Reward Tables are awarded. While we’re not going to give away the keys to the castle, here’s a few points we wanted to share with you:
As Second Measure previously said, the system rewards participation.
The Trials are a group effort, so working together to complete the objectives of the event will provide a more rewarding experience for all members of the league.
While there is an element of randomness, the system is not completely random.
Don’t forget that higher tier rewards can be broken down into lower tier components.
We are actively monitoring the reward system to ensure it continues to reward players for their participation as fairly and equitably as possible.
When a part of our community shows concern, such as Masterminds have, we will investigate the rewards and make tweaks as needed. In fact, you can expect to see some changes from the first round of metrics and feedback in an upcoming patch.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Well, I tried this and still received an Uncommon. However, my next two runs I focused much more on my Primary (Dark Miasma) and threw in Attacks when possible. I netted a Rare and Very Rare.

I thought I was on to something so I ran the trials twice more and netted uncommons. RNG is random. :/
Sorry man, you are behind the times. Its random by heavily weighted by participaiton.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Welcome to the Jungle, we got fun and games. No way to know the truth. I spent 15 hours gaming on Sunday, just trials, got zip, nothing, nad. Ran with a Widow who did a hat trick (if to be believed), 3 very rares, one right after the other.
Welcome to the world of the well-favored widow. I had to start standing around doing nothing for half of lambda, because I needed uncommons.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Sorry man, you are behind the times. Its random by heavily weighted by participaiton.
Other than a vaguely quoted passage from a Dev, I have yet to see any evidence that points to the participation being the main factor in determining the rewards. Feel free to point me to the evidence.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Other than a vaguely quoted passage from a Dev, I have yet to see any evidence that points to the participation being the main factor in determining the rewards. Feel free to point me to the evidence.
How do you get "vaguely" out of a quote where it is plainly and unambiguously stated that it is participation based? Do you know what words mean?



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
How do you get "vaguely" out of a quote where it is plainly and unambiguously stated that it is participation based? Do you know what words mean?
Oh, so we know the exact terms for participation that creates the Table Rewards based on that Dev response?

Wait, we don't know the exact terms? K.



Yeah Clouded, you said "I can't say one way or another but I have no reason to believe they are anything but random at this point. I will gladly revise my view based on any submitted evidence." Maybe you meant, I will only revise my opinion if you show me the source code and prove it's in the currently published build on my client.

I think that very recent Dev post, intending to clear up confusion "without giving away the keys to the castle", is pretty clear that the rewards are influenced by participation. Whether it's a formula "exclusively" based on participation is unlikely. Even if it was, there are 11-23 other moving variables that will affect the outcome, giving an appearance of randomness, making it hard to tell without looking at the innards.

My anecdotal evidence is that I've been afk a few times (for several minutes at a time, never the whole trial) because of RL issues and never got good drops, and have received the 10 threads/Super insps table 2 out of the 3 times. I've read of one person getting a rare despite being AFK the entire time, not sure [edit] whether it's credible.

I've also received VR/Rs while being the League leader, moving people who get dropped into empty teams, sending league, team, private tells, coalition, and help chat, and still using my powers. In other words, not actively 'participating'. Of course, I would also participate in combat, but I was spending significant time typing instead of button mashing.

I thought perhaps it had to do with buffing teammates/league as well as attacking. My widow has 4 leadership toggles, I pop Vengeance when I see the chance, Mind Link, and the Hero alignment power. I also have about 9 pbaoe and aoes which I use frequently. Nevertheless, I also use single target attacks on LT runners in BAF and the AVs, because I will run out of end otherwise. I also use Ninja Run, so I'm not racing from mob to mob before the team gets there; in fact, I'm often trailing a little bit because my long activations have me rooted a lot.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Wait, we don't know the exact terms? K.
True, but meaningless to this discussion.



Yes, I was wrong.



From all the trials I have done, which is 90+, combined BAF and Lambda, I am sure the rewards table is weighted toward participation to a point. I think the system looks for you to actually be participating (dealing damage, buff/debuffing, etc...), then sees what kind of team objectiveshave been completed (i.e. No prisioners escape, No Turrets disabled, etc...) then rolls on a tier of randomness based on that.

Try to explain my thoughts further, say you are on a BAF, you let No Prisioners escape, but someone disables a turret, and you do not keep them seperate, but you do kill them with No Spawn. So far you have met 2 of the 4 points. You participate, but you had to afk for a minute or two, so your "participation points", for lack of a better term, is low. But not so low that it kicks you down to a Thread only reward. From what I see, based on all the different factors (the team objectives and the participation), that it rolls on for a Random, with a increasing/decreasing percentage, based on those factors. For a couple examples, I did a MoBAF, completed all the objectives in one go, did a "ton" of damage, and got a rare. Did another MoBAF, completed all the objectives in one go, but didnt do alot of the damage, alot of typing, giving instructions and such, and got an uncommon. Both of those runs were pretty much the same, except for the participation aspect. On the second one, I did enough to not get kicked to the thread only reward, but not enough to merit the better rare reward.

But I am POSITIVE there is an element of randomness...I did middle damage and the league completed just one objective and I got a very rare...sooooooo who knows



I'm an illusion/empathy/mace controller, so I'm doing lots of things -- damage, buffs, healing, debuffing -- you name it, I do it. I've only gotten 3 common drops between beta and live (one of them in live, two in beta), a HUGE amount of uncommons, about ten rares, and four very rares.

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