Random Rewards Suck.
Yeah, can't blame you there. My mastermind gets nothing but commons and occasionally just the ten thread trial reward. It's a little frustrating, though I suppose that's the nature of an MMO endgame.
I've had the opposite problem... been grinding down extra Rare Salvage because I never get commons. I have all the Rares I will even need stockpiled, the rest get ground up just so I can make commons and Uncommons from Threads.
RNG indeed
Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu
I thought the reward in the end is very well done. So far, I've had 4 Uncommon lists and 1 Rare list. You get to pick the specific Uncommon/Rare from the list which is not really random.
And even if I don't get Rare ones, I still get exp and Thread/Astral Merits. The Uncommon/Common ones will always be needed.
And I believe you can break down Rare ones into Uncommon or maybe Threads? I haven't looked through the whole conversion because I don't have many yet.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I thought the reward in the end is very well done. So far, I've had 4 Uncommon lists and 1 Rare list. You get to pick the specific Uncommon/Rare from the list which is not really random.
And even if I don't get Rare ones, I still get exp and Thread/Astral Merits. The Uncommon/Common ones will always be needed. And I believe you can break down Rare ones into Uncommon or maybe Threads? I haven't looked through the whole conversion because I don't have many yet. |
Rares can be broken down into 20 threads.. which just happens to be the amount needed to craft a Common.
Also, I was surpised at how uncommon Threads seem to drop. The Vast majority of Threads I get come from breaking down Salvage and Astral Merits along with doing 10 for 10 conversions of Shards.
Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu
It is steady...
20 threads = A Common
60 Threads = An Uncommon
8 Empyreans = A Rare
30 Empyreans = A Very Rare
1 Astral = 4 threads
Completing a trial for the first time of the day = 1 empyrean
4 days nets you a rare, 15 a very rare. 5 astrals is a common, 15 astrals is an uncommon. You can get Astrals as many times as you can complete the objectives. Threads drop randomly. There's even a couple other ways to get uncommon and rare components, but the ones I listed seem to be the steadiest, and most likely route of acquisition for people.
The reward for successful completion is just that, a reward to help break up the steady but slow acquisition for the others.
If my memory is correct here....
1 Astral merit for defeating Security Team (EB Warwalker)
1 Astral merit for Destroying 10 Weapon Cache (In Phase 3 only)
1 Astral merit for Destroying 10 Containers (In Phase 3 only)
1 Astral merit for completeing both in the time limit (In Phase 3 Only)
1 Astral merit for Defeating Marauder in the time limit
Current Thread averge per completion: 5
*was awarded a bonus uncommon salavge the first time completing the Destroying 10 each.
1 Astral merit for Defeating Nightstar
1 Astral merit for completeing Escapee Phase
1 Astral Merit for Defeating Seige
2 Astral merits for Completing Trial (aka killing both Nightstar and Seige within 10 secs)
Current Thread averge per completion: 4
Lost count number of Trials I have completed, but easy to say 90% of my Salvage drops have been Rare, 10% Uncommon.
So per Run:
5 Threads
5 Astral Merits
1 Salvage
Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu
What I'm stuggling to understand is why the system works like this at all, actually. What is the purpose of "exotically named" salvage except to make me puzzle over the screen, when it all had to do was be "small, medium, large, and huge 'orbs'" or something? Not hating on the whole system, but spending 15 minutes trying to figure out which special piece I need to slot where seems like a waste. Unless later they plan to let us sell and auction this stuff or something, which would appear to go against the whole point.
What I'm stuggling to understand is why the system works like this at all, actually. What is the purpose of "exotically named" salvage except to make me puzzle over the screen, when it all had to do was be "small, medium, large, and huge 'orbs'" or something? Not hating on the whole system, but spending 15 minutes trying to figure out which special piece I need to slot where seems like a waste. Unless later they plan to let us sell and auction this stuff or something, which would appear to go against the whole point.
I try to plot my path and write down what I need so I don't have to guess. Done this ever since I built the wrong kind of Cardio earlier.
"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"
What I'm stuggling to understand is why the system works like this at all, actually. What is the purpose of "exotically named" salvage except to make me puzzle over the screen, when it all had to do was be "small, medium, large, and huge 'orbs'" or something? Not hating on the whole system, but spending 15 minutes trying to figure out which special piece I need to slot where seems like a waste. Unless later they plan to let us sell and auction this stuff or something, which would appear to go against the whole point.
Totaly Argee.... I hate having to take a few minutes at the end to make sure Im picking something I might use/will use etc. Since the rewards are not TF specific like the Alpha ones, thiers no reason not to have used a simipler system Like say...Incarnate Salvage Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare Or something similiar. Makes it an instandly recongizeable drop.
aka... Oh I need 3 Uncommons and a Rare.
List pops up and has.... Uncommon Incarnate Salvage, Super Inspirations, Reward Merits.
Pick the one you need and move on. Could remove 3/4 of the named salvage we have now doing this.
Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu
You can get extra Astrals for completing badge requirements to -
So for BAF:
1 for defeating Warworks
1 for completing Escapee Plan
1 for letting No prisioners Escape
1 for defeating Siege
1 for defeating Siege and Nightstar seperated during defeat
1 for defeating all spawn before the AV's go down
1 for no clicking computers to disable the turrets
So for the BAF you can get at least 7 astral merits.
The objectives on the Lambda are bugged for the awards so I do not know if you can get an award for the No Grenades/No Acids. But the list mentioned above for the Lambda seems pretty accurate.
Totaly Argee.... I hate having to take a few minutes at the end to make sure Im picking something I might use/will use etc. Since the rewards are not TF specific like the Alpha ones, thiers no reason not to have used a simipler system Like say...Incarnate Salvage Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare Or something similiar. Makes it an instandly recongizeable drop.
aka... Oh I need 3 Uncommons and a Rare. List pops up and has.... Uncommon Incarnate Salvage, Super Inspirations, Reward Merits. Pick the one you need and move on. Could remove 3/4 of the named salvage we have now doing this. |
In general, I think the theory is as follows:
The excitement for "getting lucky" (with drops, I mean, c'mon ppl

I believe this is the theory behind "the lottery" in its many incarnations.
Flame away!

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
Got one uncommon from trials. All the others have been Commons. I have got a few uncommons from getting the badges, none of whuch I've actually needed.
The Merit costs of Rares and V.Rares I object to because of the sheer grind of it all. I would like to have a shot at getting them as drops, but the table says No...
I don't need commons. I get enough threads fast enough to craft them all. I DO need the damn Rares and V.Rares. But apparently thats too much to ask...
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
1. if i get common reward table, i pick super inspirations
2. if i get uncommon table, do a quick check to see what i need for those since im working up 2nd tree to get the tier 4 boost
3. if i get rare, do same as 2
4. if i get very rare, do same as 3 until i got all the stuff i need, but will most likely not stop taking these to stockpile them for future content since they are very rare

The Bacon Compels You.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
What I'm stuggling to understand is why the system works like this at all, actually. What is the purpose of "exotically named" salvage except to make me puzzle over the screen, when it all had to do was be "small, medium, large, and huge 'orbs'" or something? Not hating on the whole system, but spending 15 minutes trying to figure out which special piece I need to slot where seems like a waste. Unless later they plan to let us sell and auction this stuff or something, which would appear to go against the whole point.
My quick and dirty method, especially for rares and ultra-rares, is to look at the Tier & Power you want to slot.
The tiers of powers correspond to the tiers of salvage (Uncommon Tier, Rare Tier, Ultra Rare Tier)
Example (ignoring the lower Tier power(s) that is also needed):
Tier 4 (Ultra Rare Power)
This will require common components and 1 ultra rare salvage.
The ultra rare salvage is listed at the bottom.
Tier 3 (Rare Power)
This will require common components and 1 rare salvage.
The rare salvage is listed at the bottom.
Tier 2 (Uncommon Power)
This will require common components and 1 uncommon salvage.
The uncommon salvage is listed at the bottom.
And IIRC, there are only 4 named salvage for each Tier from Uncommon to Ultra Rare.
That is all. I would trade any number of random chance for an equal steady road.
IE, instead of a 20% for something really good, give me the 20% of the really good thing. That way I KNOW I will have it by the 5th mission - and no sooner.
And yes, this means incarnate salvage, among other things.
PS. Make it tradeable too.
For Great Justice!