263 -
Always find it funny when someone tosses Elec to the "other" catagory, knowing well that those other tanks buckle under many battles that Elec breezes through
I definitely would go with Elec for tankest tank (since you tossed out stone). Inv might have a edge here and thier, but elec also has the edge over Inv here and thier, and Unlike Inv elec is immune to sappers/energy drain. And caps the 3 most common damage types in the game.
As for ultimate tanky elec combo.
I have to say... Elec/DM
DM gives you another heal that you fire.. all the time, along with more -tohit debuffs to make your Def work even better (-tohit debuff might not be DDR, but it has similiar potental on those you hit).
As to your epic/patron...
Soul or Energy would be my picks for tankest. each does it a different way.
Soul... Has a toggle debuff, and gives more tohit Debuffs. It also has gloom, a fantastic attack.
Energy... Has Physical Prefection. This will give you more reg, and potentialy more hps (since you can slot more IO sets that have big Hp boosters).
Over all I have to give the win to Soul, considering that Elec has End tools already it can run Soul easyly.
Other sets that are tighter on End, I would say Energy for the extra reg and rec.
Going into Incnarte area... Rebirth or Barrier (many argue ether way).
Interface.... Diamagnatic (sp?) Most people go Reactive, but for pure tanking on a elec tank you can't go wrong with putting up to an additional -20% tohit debuff on everything around you.
The Incarnate with DDR in it has potentail, but Im still on the side line on that one for elec tanks. A little DDR vs the other ones beneift doesn't seem to weight out.
My Tank currently (without the new res changes) Sits at...
S/L Def: 52%
En/Neg Def: 38%
Range Def: 30%
S/l Res: 90%+
Fire/Cold res: 70%
En Res: 90%+++
Neg Res: 56%
Psi res: 70%
Toxic Res: 9%
When I copyed him to beta all those numbers went up 4-10% each. (avg was about 8%).
So your looking at 90s and 80s % res vs everything but Negative and toxic (Neg was 60% and toxic 14%).
Thats better resist then many other sets after they pop thier tier9s !! -
Havn't played a MM with Time, but I have played MMs and cor/def with time.
I doubt you will haev any issues missing the bots shield, Time has its own Def buff, along with plenty of -tohit debuffs to toss out (the PBAoE Toggle alone is -9.38% tohit debuff... and you can slot it). Farsight is a base 9.38% Def vs all buff. You can make it perma, and buff its defense up as well. So thats a huge plus in your def well over the 11% on the protectors shields.
If your doing Thugs as well, Thugs themselves have manuver from thier enforcers to help with thier def. (Both enforcer have thier own toggles of Manuver, Tactics, and Assault. They dont effect you however). -
Np Blue_Centurion
What I would call my main is a Elec/SS/Mu tanker, 15 billion biuld (well was... I hear Glad has come down in price). I have rebiuld him... 10+ times to fine tune him hehe.
Errattic missed that you have taunt, but his comment about AoEs is valid. I dont think however I would go Shadow Maul, other then sands of Mu I have never used shadow maul. Its slow, and clunky to me. Seeing as your not really useing Physical Prefection, prehaps you might want to look at other epics.
Soul is a good pick, you may lose some reg/rec loseing physical prefection, but Soul has Darknest night anchor (-tohit -dmg), that helps with tanking as well. Dark Obliteration is a decent Target AoE, that also has -tohit in it. With not haveing any DDR gaining -tohit debuffs if the next best thing to boosting up your Def numbers.
Gloom of course is bar none, one of the best DPE/DPS attacks a tanker can take. It again has -tohit in it as well.
You didn't mention any incarnet intentions... but Ill throw this out thier.
I might suggest looking into Cardaic as it has a very nice Endredux buff, and +20% res buff. Elec armor has you know really likes +res buffs to increase your already high res numbers even more.
On the side line... I also found the Diamagnatic interface very nice. Many scream GO DAMAGE GO DAMGE. Diamagnatic (sp?) at best will give al your attacks a 100% chance for -5% to hit debuff... stacks up to 4 times per target. Its very quick, and easy with a Damage Aura to nail everything around you with the 4 tics of this debuff. Giving you more "phantom" Def boost.
It also comes with Reg debuff which helps a bit.
Destiny... kinda a preference. Some say Rebirth for reg, others barrier. Kinda a personaly preference really.
Lore person preference.. go with what fits your theme (since they are changing all the DPS to be more leveled).
Again looking at pure tanking potential that you seem to be intersted in.
My Electric tanker has tanked everything in the game, even stood toe to toe with Buffed Recluse.
What incarnte (if any) are you going for? I ask because right now you have almost Zero net gain on your end bar. Thats going to drain your bar lightning fast (no pun intended).
Also you skipped Smite.... If I recall correctly Smite is one of the best DPE attacks in the game. I realize your focus was on tanking but, to lose one of your best DPE attacks, I dont feel tthats worth it.
Recharge in midnight grasp? Your ACC in it is very low, I think you would be a lot better off throwin a Acc/Rech into the power vs a straight up Rech. If you have trouble hitting things, it doesn't matter how fast the Rech on the power is.
I would also swap out the mods on soul drain to obliteration (find the 6th slot from somthing). This will give you another 1.88% to your S/L. 42.9 might seem "close", but when you break down attacks, that last 2.1% can mean a lot.
6 Slot on tactics has me scratching my head. If you used Retified Retical you could net another 1.88% S/L real easy here, (considering you would lose a 1.25% gives net gain of .63%... added to the above swap will give you your 45% soft cap S/L which Elec Desperatly needs to attain).
If your not totaly set on useing assault, I would drop it for Vengence, and put another Luck of Gambler Global in thier.
Dark Consumption feels over slotted (espeialy for damage) and Energize feelts under slotted. Since you mention wanting to tank, have your big heal with decent numbers is a good idea.
Just some quick thoughtsI salute you for trying to push your Res as far as you can.
Guess Im strange... I really like the Umbral beast in dark control. However I do agree that it seems a little odd that you start with little spector guys and end up with a shadow beast, dire wolf. I think with the effects in the game they could have easyly come up with a more... Spectorish/beast like model. say.... Spectral Werewolf model, with the umbral beast aura?
As to your other wolf comment. I would kill for a Artic Dire wolf.. useing the current Umbral Beast graphics. A Big White dire wolf, with glowing blue eyes, useing the beastly fury Aura for a ice cold breath, and the ubram beast aura with blue colors.
Yeah.... thats the jack frost I want. Rename it... Fenrir(sp?)
Totaly agree with all the MM pet swap out abilities. Thier are SOOOo many models in the game with animiations, and it really would be easy to let people swap a few of them out and poof. MMs just became massiely customizable. They could even release these custom mods as Packs. People would buy those packs up left and right for a chance to customize thier MMs and concepts. Be just like printing money for NCsoft. -
I like a lot of the idea's for Merc/Solider. With that in mind... I just tossed this together. Probley broken but seems to fit many of the suggestions.
Teri1: Summon Soliders
2 Basic Soliders.. single shot, Burst
First upgrade: Improved Body Armor *see Wolf Spider Armor*, Combat Training: Offensive
Second upgrade: Pummel
Sniper : single shot, Executioner Shot (No fancy, just a single aimed shot)
First Upgrade: Aim (Quick recharge), Stealth power
Second Upgrade: Sniper Rifle (useing new Snipe mechanics for instant shot)
Tier 2: Heavy Weapons/Support
Heavy Weapon (Big MG): Burst, Heavy Burst
First Upgrade: Combat Training: Offensive, Vengence type power (Him only), only triggers when MM pet goes down, Small Heal/end and +Dmg/Rech buff for 15s *Does not trigger from called reinforcment pets)
Second Upgrade: Full Auto
Tier 3: Commander
Basic: Backhand (High Damage, KD attack), Burst, Rally Troops (ST Heal +Rec +Rech for 10s. Will not target a solider generated by Call Reinforments)
First Upgrade: Tactical: Assualt, Tactical: Manuvers
Second Upgrade: Lock On! *Surveillance*, Call Reinforments *Calls 3 basic soliders, stat wise like gang wars*
Damge Focus is on the Tier 2 pets, and the Sniper. 2 Basic soliders add an interesting mechanic due to them having some Status protection. Commander is all about supporting the rest of the team. I used Tactical: A/M due to them having higher base %.
The only other thing in mercs that really stinks.... Serum. I really dont know what to do with that power. Looking over the other MMs serveral have pet spawning power here, 1 has a heal, 1 has a placate power, 1 has a pet AoE buff.
Guess it would really depend on how this set plays with the above changes. -
Have to agree... I saw the wolves and went ... Cool. Then I noticed the Lions.. and went Lame.
The set visualy doesn't make sense to me, so its one set I won't bother picking up.
As to the last pet... I do like the direwolf. But as far as a simple swap that would look different and is in game.... Use a Werewolf3 wolves, 2 lions, and a big old Werewolf. That might work.
I do agree... bear was the best choice thier, but we didnt' get that.
Is it sad or good that I can almost read that post prefectly
I've often wondered about doing that myself, running Cardiac atm.
However, as odd as this might sound Im not sure how well my End would do without Cardiac. I'm slotted very light on end reduction, and thou I have power sink and energize to help refill, I do burn the bar down quickly. Part of this is my Double Stacked Raged, every 1m I have a 20 end crash. Something many people that talk about double stacking rage dont think it. I have to make sure I never drop below 25% end or I risk a nasty detoggle.
I'll have to play around with some numbers and seee.... I wonder how close to capping Fire/Cold/Psi res with resilent and the new res changes I can get. -
I would never suggest chaseing bonus down to fill them up, I ment more of the slotting.
Like only putting Stead Fast Global into Static and calling it a day.
But your point is takenI kinda went for an high end Res all approach.
Your Elec/Stone looks like he has very similiar slotting to my Elec/SS given what numbers your showing. -
Electric Armor is probley my favorite Armor set in the game, because it does do everything.
My Main is my Tanker who sits at..
52% Smash/Lethal Def
38.5% En/Neg Def
30% Range Def
90%+ Smash/Lethal Res
70% Fire/Cold Res
90%++ Energy Res
56% Neg Energy Res
70% Psi Res
9% Toxic Res
*If the IO res mods goes live, he tacks on 3-8% F/C/Neg/Psi/Tox.. S/L/E also gain but.. their capped already.
Only thing I have found in the game to give me any sort of trouble, are NPCs with "cheat" powers. Like the Mag. 30 stuns in some of the iTrials, or when running +4/x8 and you aggro multi spawns together of certain types of NPCs (like getting 5 master Illusionist on you, who jsut perma hold you).
From my experience, you definitely wan the Lightning field, beside damge the taunt aura is fantastic. Definitely do not skip... However.... At low levels I wouldn't take it. You dont have the End to properly use Lighting Field at low levels. Its definitely something to pick up a bit later, like after you get DOs to help reduce the End Drain.
Definitely between Energize and Power Sink you should never run out of End, and as mention your immune to sappers. Most people attack and kill sappers first, with Elec you can leave them for last, because they just keep trying to sap you, and do nothing. Thier less dangerous then the other mobs around them to a elec.
Something else worth adding... I have seen many biulds of Elec shy away from slotting up thier Psi and Neg Energy Res. I feel this is a loss, Elec has one of the best Psi Res in the game, so why ignore it. Likewise, other then the Toxic issue, elec weakness is negative energy. I have seen many skip slotting this res saying its low to being with so why bother.
I haev the opposite approuch to it. Slot it up to lessen this weakness. As you can see above, I have mine up to 56%, thou this number is greatly lower then my other res its no wear near weak. Between the 38% neg Def, it greatly reduces the effects of this weakness. -
I just started up my En/En toon again, which got me thinking again about the lack of En Melee toons running around.
I totaly agree with the above about character concepts. If you dont want elemental attacks, or swords and sticks or fancy MA moves. Your basicly stuck with SS. En Melee definitely fits a lot of those in between character types that just dont look right with other power sets.
As to its preformance.
Changes i would love...
Whirling Hands Radius increase (no brainer). 10ft would probley do. If it was to be given 15ft like the Dominators, It might need to be moved from its current spot. Which one of the things I like about En Melee is the AoE earlyer in the set.
Make Stun AoE power, ala handclap sorta power (but no crappy KB).
Shorten animation time of Total Focus (use current Energy Transfers animation ) or make it a AoE attack like Thunder Strike and Tremor (both use the same style of animation but are AoEs.). And give it back its Mag 4 stun (in AoE case, Mag 4 only to the primary target). Honestly I lean more towards making it a AoE and keeping the animation.
Energy Transfer, hard one. IF total focus gets ET animation, then ET needs a new animation obviously. But otherwise I like it the way it is. As mention it breaks the rule formala they use to balance powers. So the damage it inflicts on yourself makes sense, and its pretty themy.
If I could wave a magic wand, I would over haul the set completely. But thats not going to happen hehe. Energy Transfer name... screams Sould Drain style power up. -
Things I would change....
Sonic Siphon
-- Now since the name does have "Siphon: in it.. why not let it do that as well.
So on top of its -30% res debuff, give it a 10% Res Boost for the Defender. The Defender... who already is the weakest Res memeber of the team due to how Barriers work, could use the little Res boost. Sonic Siphon doesn't stack on targets, so also make it so it doesnt stack on the Defender as well to keep it balance.
Sonic Cage
-- Change to your standard Mag 3 hold, call it a day.
Disruption Field
-- add Minor Damage (Smash)
This would give a uniqueness to the power in now only is it a debuff, but it is a minor AoE damageing attack. Adding the Damage aura to the power, its End cost would be in line (most Damage auras are .52/sec and debuff aura's the same. Giving us its current 1.04 end/sec cost). Also be a very unique features of the sonic set.. a debuff and damage aura in one.
Sonic Repulsion
-- Change to a Target Location AoE , the is -movment like Tar patch and applies a -15 defense and -15% Acc (notice not To Hit Debuff) while under is effect. (same recharge etc as Tar patch).
This makes it a bit like Liquefy, but minus the knockdown. But A LOT more useable as its up more often.
Theme: Sonic Repulsion is pushing back on anything trying to enter its bubble. This slows them down as they fight to move forward, making it harder for them to dodge and to damage things in the proccess.
-- Change to a Superior (Dot) Cone
Range 30ft
Arc: 90
Recharge: 120 sec
-15% Def -15% Res -500% Reg for 30 secs, 80% for Knockdown proc on first tic.
Idea behind Liquefy.... the name to me just implies Massive Debuff and Damage. This would also make sonic unique for defenders in haveing a big attack as a debuff in thier primary. Cone's of course fit the theme of the sonic wave very well.
Maybe I went over board *shrug* but its a wish list after all hehe. -
PS - Remove all the Knockback
* well most, Radiant Strike is fine as a protection power*, making your group angry with you because half your powers scatters everything is not fun. Its not even the kind of KB that you can control (like Energy Torrent which has a directional KB you can manipulate).
Having played the VEATs and coming back to PBs/WSs I have to say #1 thing that stands out to me as a failure on the PB/WS is lack of status pro, other then dwarf form.
Both PB/WS like to be inthe thick of things with thier attacks. Thier not a support class, and they dont have the raw DPS of a Blaster. Its obvious thier ment more as a blapper with scrapper like res. However without having no status pro destroys this roll.
Looking at the VEATs crab we see 2 Innate passive powers with status pro biuld in. itsn ot much status pro but its enough for most activity. Looking at the PB/WS we see a passive right off the bat. I would really like to see a Mag 2 basic Status pro package (leave out the KB as they do the same on Veats).
I also would like to see Dwarf and Nova share thier like attacks with the human form. As in you only need to slot them once. As many have mention Slots are at a preimeum with tri-form/bi-form biulds. Why force a Kel to burn slots in 2 copies of the same power.
Its also rather annoying that right out of the box the Dwarf has a massively incomplete attack chain... you dont even get to use Brawl!!!!
I also like to see the resistance bonus that PB (not sure if WS have the same types I forget) to not be just Res. 85% of the time when I group with my PB I hit Res Caps in Human form (without Light Form) due to this bonus. It kinda makes Dwarf form pointless... the only reason I use Dwarf is for the status pro and then my DPS goes into the Toilet. And if your in a large group the liklyness that you need to "tank" is very very small leading to even more reason Dwarf is pointless.
I think if instead of +10 res, if It gave +5 Res and +2.5% Def it would work out better.
Also instead of +20% damage switch to +15% damage and +5% to Hit buff
This is without getting into the whole damage/support aspecs of the class vs thier villain counter parts (VEATs) who not only bring damage but support to thier team with thier tanking capacity. ( I have a crab that puts my PB to complete shame in just about every way). -
I did a TW/Inv and just didn't like it. never been a fan of Inv so I dropped that at 22, was thinking maybe a WP, but as mention EVERYONE is a WP. So Forget that, EA was a possiblity but after looking at my costume (Black Knight theme), I went back to my orginal idea... DA. I was talked out of it due to End drain.
Doing a Mock up in Mids as best I could figured out what I could do and rerolled. Im at level 30 and dont have any problems. Yes its a End heavy Combo but paying attention does wonders for the end bar. Yes the combo isn't a click and forget set up due to the drain but I like the Tools DA has. And I've never done a DA toon so its a double win for me.
Certainly got a lot of funny comments from people when they realized I was DA hehe. -
Quote:I was just pointing out that if hes going to compare the two, you at least need to start with the right numbers. Notice I didn't say anything about which is better, just a simple Rebirth vs Barrier.the defense doesnt matter because a well built invul is usually soft capped already. Even 6% isn't good enough to match the heal and regen of rebirth.
Quick knee jerk reaction tells me that the + Reg works best vs softer hitting targets were as the + Res works better vs hard hitting targets, until of course you cap. (enraged bobcat anyone?). Asumeing both have soft-capped Def.
But it is a bit on the extreme end of things. (1000 dmg/sec kind of thing)
I would point out that even the Mighty Inv Tanker doesn't have enough DDR to make his defense prefect. You can still easyly find your Def getting debuff to oblivion. So I wouldn't write off that +5% Def of barrier so quickly. Espeicaly if you combine it with Diamagnetic's to hit Debuff. It can give you a lot of extra play room to not have to worry about your Defs failing.
Does depend a bit also on your archtype which is better (and powersets) but of course this is in a Inv/SS so we can throw tht out the window a bit here -
Except that Barrier on the low end gives you 5% not 3%, along with a Def 5% Def boost.
5% Res/Def barrier vs 15-20 hp/sec Rebirth (useing your numbers).
Whats more.. if you take Cardiac Alpha (like he did above).. its 6% not 5% on the res part for barrier
6% Res + 5% Def Barrier vs 15-20 hp/sec Rebirth. -
Yes they all work, save for the Rez power.
Great thing about Pain + Bodyguard mode, is your spreading all that dmage around to your pets, and Suppress Pain is giving them all big Reg boosts and of course Aura Heals.
Add in World of Pain Res boosts, and IO Res boosts. You have your damage being spread out to pets that are very resistance and reg quickly. -
T4 Barrier at its weakest is +5% Def +5% Res
I know On my Thug/Pain Im taking barrier.
Bot/traps... that is a big more of a tough call. You really can't go wrong with ether i would say (Rebirth or Barrier). The Biggest plus prehaps to Rebirth is it gives you a big heal. Something Bot/traps doesn't have. Were as my Thug/Pain has heals but needs more Def/Res. -
Quote:Woah no no, I wasn't intending to insinuate you where a noob or anything offensive like that -- I really didn't mean to offend sorry if I did. I'd much rather be friendly with everyone ;P We poor downtrodden MM's need to stick together in these harsh times
That said, the problem with killing a GM's regeneration is that they'll resist regeneration debuffs at the same 87%. So you'd really have to pile on a lot of -regen to do anything noticeable.
I haven't attacked any GM's by myself in aaaages, so I could be out of date on things but I've never seen anyone bother much with debuffing anything, they just resist it too much. I usually see the marathon method working.
Anyway /Pain is a great set that can do some seriously mean damage, throw in things like reactive and barrier and you'll eventually get through the rough early-incarnate stuff ok.
No worries I wasn't insulted, more found it comical and wanted to play it up
Aye, GMs resist even the - reg, but then again this is why - reg powers have MASSIVE numbers compared to other debuffs. Case in point a Pshyic Dom can hit over - 1000% Reg. Even a GM with thier resistance feels that one in the morning -
Quote:Grounded and Static...This is great help. Thank you so much for the responses.
I am at work right now so I don't have Mids.
So I am going to pick up tough and weave. I will use the slots from Mu Striker and add Reactive to Tough and drop a LotG in to Weave.
Ball Lighting and Electric Fences will have Posi in it once I earn the cash/Merits for it.
I can add a single recharge IO to Power Sink to speed it up, but to be honest It is always up when I go looking for it.
Should I switch the sets on Grounded and Static Shield and add another slot to Static Shield?
What would you guys suggest I slot in Lightning Rod? I am running Kinetic Crash for the 7.5 recharge but if I am getting another LotG that will make up for switching to something else with a lower recharge. I have a couple of Obliteration and could start working on that set too.
Personaly I would 4 slot Reactive Static, and just drop a IO res into Grounded. Then use the Steadfast Res/Def IO into Power Surge (good mule slot for it, along with Gladiator PVP IO if you ever go that route).
Steadfast set bonus is ok, but you really dont need the KB IO. I have never had a issue with KB on my Elec Tanker. I realize Grounded doesn't work for KB when your in the air. But really... how often are you in the air?? Add to this once your Def is decent the time and chance of a KB happening in midair become VERY slim. its really not work the slot, and I feel Elec to hit your Def while keeping everything else up to par can be rather slot hungry on end biulds.
Lightning Rod... Definitely Obliteration full set. Its quick, easy, and relatively cheap for what it does. Certainly dnt want to amp up the KB on Lighting rod.
Power Sinks recharge.... I currently run it at Ed Recharge cap, along with 80% global. I feel this is the base ballpark you want to reach for on powersink. Its up A lot, and I use it a lot to drain everythings End, includeing EBs. This in itself can help pretty dramaticly with yoru tanking and keeping your group safe, plus it turns you into a energizer bunny. Letting you not worry as much about End Reduction in your other powers.
Just in case you didn't know... the 7.5% recharge off luck of the gambler is not the same type of recharge as the 7.5% boost of IO sets. Thier technicaly 2 different IO bonuss, hense you can have 5 7.5% IO set bonus, and 5 7.5% Luck of the gambler Recharge boosts. -
6 Slotting Siphon life without a heal mod.. a puppy dies again
Shieldwall is a good IO, but also very expensive. Before adding a PVP IO I would fix other things with the biuld. Also if your going to spend that kind of Influence your better off gettting Gladiators +3% Def vs the Res on a Shield Toon if you have to choose one. If money not a problem.. both.
Ancients are a decent for extra Recovery. The IO defense in most of your Def sets you might want to replace with Luck of Gambler. Shouldn't hurt your Def to much, and give you a nice +7.5% global Recharge boost.
Shield already has good KB dont really need to go that far into Steadfast protection Set. Just the Def/Res is good. Can use the other 2 slots else where.
Hover is empty.... Luck of the Gambler again for more Recharge.
Confront is empty... at least put a Accuarcy IO in it.
Might I also suggest looking into Regenerative Tissue: + Reg IO, along with Miracle: +Rec and Numina's : +reg/rec IOs.
They give a lot of bang for buck.