Invul / SS - Incarnate
I'm not trying to put you down or anything, but IMO Spiritual yields the best results on an Invuln. Dull Pain gets much better, more recharge=more damage, and most importantly the best Destiny power available to invuln, Rebirth Radial, gets much more effective. If you have the tier 4 Rebirth Radial, Spiritual gives you about 20 additional HP/Sec if your HP is capped.
But if you have endurance difficulties, Cardiac is a solid choice for now. You can always get Spiritual later.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
I don't really have too big an issue with my regeneration though. I have a 24% boost in regeneration from my sets. A lot of damage, I literally seem to just heal through quite efficiently. I don't need to use dull pain very much at all.
Cardiac is quite helpful with boosting non s/l resistances to more tolerable levels as well as eliminating endurance issues.
As for interface - I recommend diamagnetic or paralytic for an non farm tanks, as two ways to reduce incoming damage for you and your team.
Rebirth is the best option on destiny powers for an invul, imo, because you already have defense and resistance. Incarnate content will see your hp dive in large spikes, having a second heal to hit combined with extra regen is massively helpful.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
I was thinking either Diag or paralytic for interface,
For Destiny, I was truthfully leaning to barrier over rebirth. So that's an interesting suggestion.
Assuming even con foes using say 100% energy damage for an incoming dps of 1000. If you can soft cap energy defense that will reduce the dps to 100. An invul has around 30% energy resistance, taking you to 70 dps. Barrier, at the low end 1m buff, is 3% resistance. In this example that translates to taking 67 dps instead of 70. Rebirth, at the low end 1m buff, will give you 15-30 hp/sec depending on your max hp. 15-30 hp/sec > 3% resistance in most situations.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
Except that Barrier on the low end gives you 5% not 3%, along with a Def 5% Def boost.
5% Res/Def barrier vs 15-20 hp/sec Rebirth (useing your numbers).
Whats more.. if you take Cardiac Alpha (like he did above).. its 6% not 5% on the res part for barrier
6% Res + 5% Def Barrier vs 15-20 hp/sec Rebirth.
Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu
the defense doesnt matter because a well built invul is usually soft capped already. Even 6% isn't good enough to match the heal and regen of rebirth.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
Assuming even con foes using say 100% energy damage for an incoming dps of 1000. If you can soft cap energy defense that will reduce the dps to 100. An invul has around 30% energy resistance, taking you to 70 dps. Barrier, at the low end 1m buff, is 3% resistance. In this example that translates to taking 67 dps instead of 70. Rebirth, at the low end 1m buff, will give you 15-30 hp/sec depending on your max hp. 15-30 hp/sec > 3% resistance in most situations.
Resistance to fire and cold though that I have managed to get from 34% ish, to just short of 38% thanks to a few set bonuses. And thanks to frankenslotting Aegis strategically, its quite tough to land a successful fire or cold attack on him.
I hope with later incarnate abilities there is a way for Invulnerable tankers to plug some of their holes... The only hole I wouldn't want plugged would be psychics they have to vulnerable to something.
Well the +regen and heal of rebirth is a good catch all that helps against psi damage as well as toxic.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
I'm of the opinion that, absent compelling reasons for another Alpha, Cardiac is the default choice for any character who has any endurance concerns at all; I likewise have the 45% tier 4 on my Invuln tanker. It's hard to go wrong with more endurance.
On Interface I haven't really studied the current situation since Reactive got hit by a tac nuke of a nerf but it's still a good choice with the 75% chance for more damage.
For Destiny it's really hard to get anything other than Radial Rebirth; even on the low end it's a ton of regeneration and another (AOE even) large heal can be useful when things get really tough.
I actually find myself anymore using Dull Pain very infrequently; between my resistance, my S/L/E/N soft capped defense and the regen, both natural and from Rebirth, that I very seldom find my HP dropping below 75%. The exception would be Lambda with those Augers and the occasional lucky shot from Lord Recluse while his towers are still up.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
the defense doesnt matter because a well built invul is usually soft capped already. Even 6% isn't good enough to match the heal and regen of rebirth.
Quick knee jerk reaction tells me that the + Reg works best vs softer hitting targets were as the + Res works better vs hard hitting targets, until of course you cap. (enraged bobcat anyone?). Asumeing both have soft-capped Def.
But it is a bit on the extreme end of things. (1000 dmg/sec kind of thing)
I would point out that even the Mighty Inv Tanker doesn't have enough DDR to make his defense prefect. You can still easyly find your Def getting debuff to oblivion. So I wouldn't write off that +5% Def of barrier so quickly. Espeicaly if you combine it with Diamagnetic's to hit Debuff. It can give you a lot of extra play room to not have to worry about your Defs failing.
Does depend a bit also on your archtype which is better (and powersets) but of course this is in a Inv/SS so we can throw tht out the window a bit here

Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu
Hands down, Cardiac is the best Alpha boost for Invul. It allows you to keep on attacking when before you had to pace yourself. Plus it gives you a boost in the main area that Invul shines which is dam res.
I'm sorry, but Spiritual, in my opinion is wasted for invul. If you are relying on regen as an invul. tanker then you are doing something wrong.
Now the next step is choosing your next slots.
Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind
OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!
Hands down, Cardiac is the best Alpha boost for Invul. It allows you to keep on attacking when before you had to pace yourself. Plus it gives you a boost in the main area that Invul shines which is dam res.
I'm sorry, but Spiritual, in my opinion is wasted for invul. If you are relying on regen as an invul. tanker then you are doing something wrong. Now the next step is choosing your next slots. |
My tank has plenty of endurance to boot without Cardiac, my resists are capped to S/L and sitting at 38% to Energies and Elements. Which is more than enough when you are running soft capped defense to all. I run the spiritual which allows me to get my Dull Pain to perma, it also increases my regen and my heals from both Dull Pain and my Rebirth.
So running soft capped defense and a high regen, works perfectly together. I don't totally rely on regen to survive, but I will say it is a very big part of a invulns survivability.
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All thought I won't disagree Cardiac is very good, I do have to disagree on the rest of your comment.
My tank has plenty of endurance to boot without Cardiac, my resists are capped to S/L and sitting at 38% to Energies and Elements. Which is more than enough when you are running soft capped defense to all. I run the spiritual which allows me to get my Dull Pain to perma, it also increases my regen and my heals from both Dull Pain and my Rebirth. So running soft capped defense and a high regen, works perfectly together. I don't totally rely on regen to survive, but I will say it is a very big part of a invulns survivability. |
I'd further add that, if anyone ever feels tempted to say something on the order of, "If you're doing this differently than me, then you're doing it wrong," then you're most likely the one that's wrong. It may be safe to say, "If you're always out of end you're doing something wrong," or "If you constantly faceplant, you're doing something wrong," but this games character design is massively flexible, and if you think that there is only one right way to produce results, that's probably your failure on the creative thinking front, not the other person's failure.
To further illustrate, many people have said that if you have end issues, it's a hands down choice, Cardiac. If you have 'serious' end issues, I might agree, but for minor end issues, I've found Musculature's End Mod bonus often enough to cover a slight gap in end usage vs end production. YMMV.
Heck, if your mileage doesn't occasionally vary at least a little, you're doing it wrong.

One thing that should be mentioned is that if you don't have end issues with Invuln/SS, then you probably took either Energy Mastery or Cardiac. Energy Mastery lets you take Spiritual for better HP/Sec and recharge, while Cardiac lets you take Soul Mastery which has a -Damage toggle and good attacks.
So for me, it's either Soul Mastery+Cardiac, or Energy Mastery+Spiritual at the top end.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Well, if I go for rebirth then that's effectively like giving your character an advanced healing factor. Which is nice. So you take something that's hard capped to smashing and lethal damage, and at about 35% resistance to everything else, and add super healing to the mix. That's very potent.
You get something that can withstand merciless punishment and then just heal right through it, top that off with tier 4 cardiac alpha, and you can literally punch and pound your way through it all. The ability to return the punishment with interest.
I am definately liking the idea of rebirth. I must admit, I haven't bothered to cap the smashing and lethal, I don't really see the point at the moment for normal content, as Im hardcapped and I can easily solo smashing and lethal farms on +3 x8 without hassle. Capping smashing and lethal seemed, to me at least, a bit pointless. Although, when the time comes that I'll be forced to do those trials... I might well have to yield and do the capping I've put off. I have tried to up my defence to fire and cold and energy and negative as much as possible.
A few purples and a few greens which is all I carry now by way of insps makes all the difference.
Well, I've finished my alpha slotting on my Invul / SS tanker. I went for cardiac and I am a Core Paragon. I now enjoy 45% endurance reduction, 20% damage resistance boost, and 20% range boost. Overcoming 2/3 of ED.
I was kind of sceptical about using this, however I like it. The 45% reduction is a major help, especially with obliteration in my footstomp as there is no end reduction in that set virtually. I can attack, stomp, punch, haymaker, knockout blow, run toggles, and my endurance bar doesn't move at all.
I genuinely feel like this character is almost what I would deem complete. I still need a few more bits and pieces to get there, but Im closing in on the prize and Im genuinely excited everytime I play this character. I haven't done any incarnate stuff with him yet. But, I am thinking the time is coming to get interface unlocked soon.
I thought cardiac was the best choice as I have a 17 or 18% damage boost from my IO sets. Plus being super strength you get 80% from rage. That puts me to almost double damage.