Some I20 questions




I see that I am earning two types of new XP on my 50s in the trials -- How much XP unlocks each of the slots it's earning toward? Is there a page or note area for information about this.

I've mostly figured out the conversion of items to create the various things in the new sltos, but man, this is all so confusing. Too many "currencies" in the game now. It's work to organize it all.

The other question I have on leagues -- I know how to get myself in a queue, but is there a menu for finding others who are looking for a league? I've been loaded into far too many Lambda's and BAF's that have too few people. I'd love to be able to get the league together then start something. As for starting--where or how do you start either of these trials. I've never started one, just been queued in or invited to a league.

Any help is appreciated.



1. I don't know the numbers on Incarnate XP, so I'll let someone else handle that one. Based on my experience thusfar, it takes about three raids to get the first slot unlocked, and four more for the second.

2. The thing to remember about all the new Salvage is that, outside of the occasional badge-Salvage, everything is made by converting threads, or through a reward table where you get to pick what you want. I put together a "shopping list" for the characters I wanted to take through the trial. Basically just went up each tree, to the Rare level, and wrote down what I would need. Took about 15 minutes, and now I just check off stuff as I get it. Probably the easiest way to handle things.

3. I don't think there's a way to search for people who want to get into a raid specifically, but you can always advertise via global channels and pre-form your league before you start. I'll note that, again, based on personal experience, I've been on three BAFs so far, two succeeded and one failed, and the one that failed was an "organized" one. The raids still scale to party members, so going in with a minimal group actually seems to have helped, since it limited the number of 9CUs that spawned.



Previous poster answered your questions pretty good I think.

As far as to many in game currencies..once you have a T-4 Alpha, as long as you do not want another, EVERYTHING get converted to threads. Thats just what i am for me.



Thanks for the answers -- I've done a handful of 'failed' raids on the one character I'm working on. I don't think I've unlocked any of the slots yet. I'd just be interested in knowing what my progress is toward them besides some arbitrary XP number.



On the incarnate tree, under the equip tab, it shows the percentage you have completed in each tier. (I'm assuming it's the % needed to "unlock" it)

For example, My brute has only run one (failed) BAF and has 25% of one (judgement or destiny, I can't remember which) complete. It doesn't give an exact number of new type xp's needed, but it can't be too much.

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



great, thanks!



Puging the trials (solo into the LFG) has been a much better experiance than preformed pugs. On a preformed it seems to take forever to get whatever the hell the leader is looking for before they will enter the trial. To make it even worse people in league chat start gettting nasty which causes people to drop, which makes it take even longer to start. To top it off the one preformed 16 man lamb that actually started, failed the same trial that I had just completed on a 8 man solo pug!

So I think I will stay away from the preformed PUGs for a bit. Its much quicker to just jump in solo and be done with it.

The all RO BAF started out great. We had 16 people and we jumped in. The strange thing was that we got hooked up with 8 pugs. It would have been much better if we could have locked the league and just did it with our SG. We had no trouble winning the BAF, but we could have probably gotten some badges if we didnt have the others join us.

Bots/Traps Guide for I19.5
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One other question -- if I form a team of 8, can I then queue into a league...and is that done the same way as doing it solo?



about the xp requirement on slots, if you look into the badge tab, the progress bar for the unlock badges shows exactly how much xp is needed for them, "lore unlocked" badge requires 2,250,000 xp (as thats also when you unlock the lore slot too)

i think judgement and interface are 1,500,000 xp and lore and destiny are 2,250,000 xp (the badge progress bar also shows a more accurate % of the unlock too since it goes into 2 decimal places)