Which Brute I/Os best?




This has been bopping in my head for awhile, yet I never asked anyone. Which Brute Armors are easiest to I/O out and get "great performance" from. To be clear what is meant about "great performance" is survivability first, added damage second, extra Mez or Buffs third. the goal is to I/O the armors in as few slots as possible, therefore leaving more enhancement slots available for the rest of the build.

I run theme based characters designed around my wife's stories and my own art, so I have always come at Brutes from that angle. There are a number of reasons I gravitate to the Brute archetype specifically in the cities. Since I am determined to have a Brute, and determined to I/O it out to the 9s, I thought I should check with the community on which set of armors are "best" to do this with. I realize it might be subjective, but there must be 2 or 3 armor sets that really are easiest to work with, and one or two sets that fight you to get them smoothed out, if I know the cities at all.

Thanks for your input folks.



Fire Armor is good with IO's, build it up defensively and enjoy the built-in offense. Shield Defense is the same way, though they go about it differently.

Willpower is good defensively and can be made incredible with some defense.

SR is good by default and only needs a little bit to hit the softcap, letting you focus on your offense for the most part, but it doesn't do much to help you offensively like SD or FA.

Given what you said, I'd suggest SR or SD. Both are relatively easy to hit the softcap with (though it's a bit more work for SD, it pays off with Shield Charge and AoO).



The easiest to work with IMO are Super Strength and Electric Armor.

Super Strength doesn't require you to slot for much accuracy due to Rage, and Elec Armor doesn't require you to slot for much endurance reduction due to Energize and Power Sink.

This is purely in terms of "slots gained", which isn't a good criteria for choosing a character IMO.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



With as many brute alts and reasonsd for designing them as I've done over the years efficiency isn't an option? lol. Anyways, looking at Fire armor. i love the classics (literature/storytelling) and there are so many interesting variations on fire beasts. Plus, I rarely run fire armor since it's "squishy." This may be my next Brute for soloing the game. Be a nice break from the trials. If i do want to solo the game, anybody got a prioritized list of Procs I should slot at minimum level? KB protection comes right to mind, but then the question is 4pts or 12pts? And any other Procs i should be eyeing?



Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
The easiest to work with IMO are Super Strength and Electric Armor.

Super Strength doesn't require you to slot for much accuracy due to Rage, and Elec Armor doesn't require you to slot for much endurance reduction due to Energize and Power Sink.

This is purely in terms of "slots gained", which isn't a good criteria for choosing a character IMO.
Electric Armor also gets the benefit of being quite tough when going up against the energy damage heavy Praetorian such as IDF, Warworks, etc.



12 points of kb on fire armor. You'll also want combat jumping as it has no immobile protection except
for burn which only works when you use the power.



Any armor set has fine survivability with IOs. For damage, IOs don't really add enough to change the performance of any armor set's damage. Mezzes and buffs also do not play a role in the IO sets available to Brutes. Even the chance for build up procs are less useful due to the way damage bonuses are added to each other and Fury contributes a significant portion of Brute damage bonus.

I think you need to re-work your question. You should simply ask which armor set is best for the role you are seeking. If you want to be a damage-dealer, Fiery Aura wins hands-down. If you want to be a tough tank, Invulnerability, Willpower, or the defense sets can fill that role.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
This has been bopping in my head for awhile, yet I never asked anyone. Which Brute Armors are easiest to I/O out and get "great performance" from. To be clear what is meant about "great performance" is survivability first, added damage second, extra Mez or Buffs third. the goal is to I/O the armors in as few slots as possible, therefore leaving more enhancement slots available for the rest of the build.
I'd recommend SR for the armor. It's easiest to softcap, covers all positions, has great DDR, has Quickness for global recharge (equivalent recharge to 5pcs each of two purple sets), and has tons of defense powers to slot those wonderful LotG 7.5s in. Endurance isn't bad, either. With other sets, you'll run several extra toggles to hit softcap to even one position or type. Plus, with all your defense needs covered with Weave and a few slotting choices, you can go for other set bonuses. Recharge is the favorite, of course.

On the downside, it doesn't do anything but defense and recharge. The only resists you'll have would come from Tough or scaling resists based on damage you've taken, but you just won't get hit that often. It also lacks a self-heal, but you shouldn't take that much damage. Some people hate the click mez protection, but I just set it to auto. I'd rather be a couple seconds late popping Hasten or Build Up than mezzed.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Which Brute Armors are easiest to I/O out and get "great performance" from.
They all see huge performance leaps with a solid IO build.

Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
To be clear what is meant about "great performance" is survivability first, added damage second, extra Mez or Buffs third. the goal is to I/O the armors in as few slots as possible, therefore leaving more enhancement slots available for the rest of the build.
I find the resistance sets to be a bit slot hungry, as you have added things like endurance recovery tools, damage auras, etc to IO while simultaneously needing to cover things like KB holes in the armor set on top of the fact that you generally have much less native defense from the powerset to build off of.

Stone Armor is not something I have a huge amount of experience with so I'm leaving it out. I'll let someone else comment.

Which, for what I think you are asking, leaves:


Out of these, only SD will really increase your damage output directly through AAO & Shield Charge but it is not as tough as Invuln & WP against the toughest fights in the game (for all regular content, a softcapped SD is extremely sturdy for what it is capable offensively).

WP will increase your offense in an indirect way by allowing you to never stop attacking, but that doesn't mean you'll necessarily see a straight DPS increase. Its more of a playstyle improvement.

SR will give you 20% recharge, which can increase your DPS depending on your build.

Out of those 4 Invuln & WP are the toughest IMO, and all 4 have overall great mez protection.

I find all of these to be fairly lean in terms of slot requirements.



My experience with an IO'd out /stone brute is fantastic.

The -run, -rech is VERY easily mitigated by IO's..and /stone is all around tough as it is.

The texturing of the armors is abysmal (the granite form blocks out your costume) but with just the one armor you can drop all the prerequiste armors, freeing up some power choices for other things (and the corresponding slots).

If anyone chimes in with a "you didn't mention the -damage"...all I have to say is..its a brute, we dont have anything that is -damage :P

Just my 2cents..your results may vary



Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
My experience with an IO'd out /stone brute is fantastic.

The -run, -rech is VERY easily mitigated by IO's..and /stone is all around tough as it is.

The texturing of the armors is abysmal (the granite form blocks out your costume) but with just the one armor you can drop all the prerequiste armors, freeing up some power choices for other things (and the corresponding slots).

If anyone chimes in with a "you didn't mention the -damage"...all I have to say is..its a brute, we dont have anything that is -damage :P

Just my 2cents..your results may vary
I've been wondering about */Stone Brutes. They were popping up everywhere for a while, but I haven't seen any in the iTrials, so I assumed that people were either shelving them or rerolling. I decided to spec out a build just in case it was worth following up on.

I found that it's not too hard to softcap S/L/E/N/F/C, but the tradeoffs are rough. My build still has -20% global recharge after sets and LotGs, which means a weak attack chain and no permanent Earth's Embrace. You can get outstanding resists by going Cardiac Alpha, but it looked to me like Spiritual was needed for the recharge.

Regardless of the recharge issue, I decided that if I ever wanted to roll Stone Armor, it'd be a Brute over a Tanker. Not quite as survivable, but definitely good enough, with gobs more damage.



Originally Posted by streetlight View Post
I've been wondering about */Stone Brutes. They were popping up everywhere for a while, but I haven't seen any in the iTrials, so I assumed that people were either shelving them or rerolling. I decided to spec out a build just in case it was worth following up on.

I found that it's not too hard to softcap S/L/E/N/F/C, but the tradeoffs are rough. My build still has -20% global recharge after sets and LotGs, which means a weak attack chain and no permanent Earth's Embrace. You can get outstanding resists by going Cardiac Alpha, but it looked to me like Spiritual was needed for the recharge.

Regardless of the recharge issue, I decided that if I ever wanted to roll Stone Armor, it'd be a Brute over a Tanker. Not quite as survivable, but definitely good enough, with gobs more damage.
My Stoner is my toughest brute. He just never dies except when dealing with a lot of Psi damage mobs. However, it is also my least favorite brute because it is quite boring to play. I'm a very active player as I am constantly moving and shifting my position in combat and Granite form limits that.



My Stoner has been shelved since inherent fitness and the alpha slot. My SS/WP became so unkillable that the drawbacks of granite just don't seem worth it anymore. This has become even more so with destiny buffs. Unkillable isn't as good as unkillable thats able to run and jump.



I wouldn't recommend /Stone for general purpose builds just because of the penalties for using Granite. It's a great power and all, but you don't need that much survivability in general play. It's for people who want to be more tank-brutes than scrapper-brutes. SD and Fire are more offensive but can be made to be very survivable with IO's, enough for aggro control without gimping themselves.



Once in a while though, I wonder just how massively tough my stoner could be with all the incarnate buffs. Then I go play in MIDs for a bit until I look at the huge number of days he's been offline and once again question if its worth the effort.



I guess it depends on what you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for the armor set that requires the least amount of IO investment to get near it's max performance, I would say SR. SR has the most defense from it's actual powers, so gettting soft capped isn't hard, you can do it mostly from pure powers, with a very small number of IO sets to get your def up to cap. It has maxed Def Debuff resistance with very little effort, it doesn't have any major status protection holes.

The downsides to SR is that anything with +to-hit or high base to-hit, like iTrial content, is going to be harder. So the near max performance of an SR toon is good, but not as good as say a well IOed Invuln or WP. It does take less IOs to get it well slotted. On the flip side, it does take a fair number of power choices.

So it somewhat depends on what you are looking for. I have a SS/Fire toon that is my main. I have got her up to 40% S/L and Melee Def, and around 75% global recharge. Add in the the incarnate stuff and she's fairly durable. I wouldn't consider her a main tank, but she is plenty tough for most things. Plus she does a ton of damage and is fun to play. Rage crash takes some getting used to, and is somewhat a matter of taste though.

So if your asking what set is easiest to IO, then I would say SR. If your asking what set benefits the most from IOs, without having a multi billion inf build, then I would say Fire for an offensive set, or Invuln or WP for a more defensive set. Basically the idea is that you can add defense to most anything with IOs, but you can't add resist or high levels of regen/hp really. So invuln and WP both have some def, so it's easier to get capped then say fire, which has no def. But they also have some resist, and either some +hp or +hp and regen. So ultimately they are layered. A WP or invuln who manages to get capped or near capped def on S/L and E/N is a very strong toon defensively.



Once you start sinking time and money into it, Dark Armor goes from middle of the road to flippin' awesome.

DA brutes aren't quite as tough as DA tanks (or, strangely enough Sword/DA scrappers), but they can still get insanely survivable once you start adding IOs. And one IO alone turns DA's biggest end drain (Dark Regen, it takes a third of your end bar unslotted) into an end RECOVERY tool if the proc goes off on enough targets.

I just love DA in general, it's an awesome and very underrated set.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.