Lambda/BAF Reward Tables

Adeon Hawkwood



So, as I'm sure many of us have seen now, when you succeed in a BAF/Lambda Incarnate Trial, one of four Reward Tables will appear.

The four different reward tables are:

Common Component (Select any Common Component)
Uncommon Component (Select any Uncommon Component)
Rare Component (Select any Rare Component)
Very Rare Component (Select any Very Rare Component)

What is currently unknown is whether this is supposed to be completely random or not.

At the end of a trial, one of these award pools will appear.
However, the same pool will not appear for every player. Each player gets one at random.

Is this working as intended?


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You forgot Very Rare Componet as well. And it IS WAI. You will randomly get one at the end of every successful trial. It is weighted as well, with Very Rare being, well, very rare.
That being said, my first 3 completed BAF's last night all rewarding me the Rare option, with the fourth being a Common option. Guess the RNG was being good to me.



Originally Posted by CaptSammy View Post
You forgot Very Rare Componet as well. And it IS WAI. You will randomly get one at the end of every successful trial. It is weighted as well, with Very Rare being, well, very rare.
That being said, my first 3 completed BAF's last night all rewarding me the Rare option, with the fourth being a Common option. Guess the RNG was being good to me.
Yeppers, had no clue you could get Very Rare's as an option until today. Thanks.


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You forgot you can pick the Super Inspirations too...varying amounts



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
So, as I'm sure many of us have seen now, when you succeed in a BAF/Lambda Incarnate Trial, one of four Reward Tables will appear.
Actually, there is a fifth reward table. Which only gives Threads or a Super Inspiration.

Should have screenshotted it, but it exists - only seen it once though!



Speaking of Super Inspiration, does anyone know how long the level shift one lasts? Is it 60 seconds, the whole mission, or until you level up?

and can it be used by a level 50 +1 to make them level 50 +2?

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Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
Actually, there is a fifth reward table. Which only gives Threads or a Super Inspiration.

Should have screenshotted it, but it exists - only seen it once though!
Huh, that's weird. How many threads did it offer?



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Huh, that's weird. How many threads did it offer?
10 threads. I know because I got this at the end of my only successful Lambda. Pretty much a letdown. LOL.

Sir Zane (Lvl 50, Inv/SS/Nrg Tank);Atomic Jake (Lvl 50, Kin/Rad/Elec Defender)
Nikolai (Lvl 50, DM/EA/GW Brute);Raging Stallion (Lvl 50 MA/SR/Weap Scrapper)
Archmage Tristam (Lvl 50 Ill/Son/Psi Controller)



Originally Posted by Sir_Zane View Post
10 threads. I know because I got this at the end of my only successful Lambda. Pretty much a letdown. LOL.
Wow, that really sucks .



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
What is currently unknown is whether this is supposed to be completely random or not.
Anyone came up with the answer? Because as far as I'm concerned, it's definetly not random. 4/5 of my tables are uncommon. Is it based on participation? Damages dealt?



Originally Posted by Beber View Post
Anyone came up with the answer? Because as far as I'm concerned, it's definetly not random. 4/5 of my tables are uncommon. Is it based on participation? Damages dealt?
Same here. 4/5 of my tables are uncommon.

P.S: Dang it...I can never get the multi quote feature to work.....

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Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
Actually, there is a fifth reward table. Which only gives Threads or a Super Inspiration.

Should have screenshotted it, but it exists - only seen it once though!
I had this table twice. A fellow player came up with this theory "the less you do, the less you earn" so I just leeched the whole BAF (ie 2 recovery + 2 regen auras, a couple of fortitudes, no damages dealt, and I probably cast a Barrier).

Of course, getting kicked from BAF twice b/c of these damn crashes helped me a lot to achieve my goal !



Originally Posted by Nemzzz_NA View Post
I had this table twice. A fellow player came up with this theory "the less you do, the less you earn" so I just leeched the whole BAF (ie 2 recovery + 2 regen auras, a couple of fortitudes, no damages dealt, and I probably cast a Barrier).

Of course, getting kicked from BAF twice b/c of these damn crashes helped me a lot to achieve my goal !
I'm inclined to believe this for the 10 Threads or 1 Super! Insp table. I got an important call that took me away during a long loading screen into Lambda, and didn't get back to the game until the Raid the Labs/Warehouse section was almost over. I fully participated once I got back, but sitting out half or more of the trial limited my contributions, and I got the bad table as a result. The other tables might be random, but this one seems to be the "punishment table" for those who don't contribute, for whatever reason.

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Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
I'm inclined to believe this for the 10 Threads or 1 Super! Insp table. I got an important call that took me away during a long loading screen into Lambda, and didn't get back to the game until the Raid the Labs/Warehouse section was almost over. I fully participated once I got back, but sitting out half or more of the trial limited my contributions, and I got the bad table as a result. The other tables might be random, but this one seems to be the "punishment table" for those who don't contribute, for whatever reason.
The key question is to define what a "contribution" is trial-wise.
I raided these trial heavily with my Emp Defender (150+ Astral Merits 6 Empyrean Merits which I don't want to convert entirely) but I never saw anything but common/uncommon tables.

I know RNG is random, that's why I'm not too worried about this issue at the moment (and common/uncommon are all I need so far).
But if (and that's a big, hypothetical "if") "Contribution" is based on Damages inflicted or something like that, support toons are pretty much screwed.



I'm inclined to lean towards the "RNG is Random" theory. I've done 6 successful trials on my Traps Defender and gotten a Very Rare Table twice. That would seem to favor the random number generator theory since I really doubt I'm overperforming that much.



Originally Posted by Nemzzz_NA View Post
The key question is to define what a "contribution" is trial-wise.
I raided these trial heavily with my Emp Defender (150+ Astral Merits 6 Empyrean Merits which I don't want to convert entirely) but I never saw anything but common/uncommon tables.

I know RNG is random, that's why I'm not too worried about this issue at the moment (and common/uncommon are all I need so far).
But if (and that's a big, hypothetical "if") "Contribution" is based on Damages inflicted or something like that, support toons are pretty much screwed.

If it's contribution based, which if I recall they said at least some of the trials would be, it should follow the same formula as the Praetorian zone events, which took buffing and healing into account.



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
If it's contribution based, which if I recall they said at least some of the trials would be, it should follow the same formula as the Praetorian zone events, which took buffing and healing into account.
That's what I thought. I have a Fire/Cold corruptor.
I tried one Lambda keeping everybody buffed, using Frostwork everytime it's up, debuffing everything, and attacking on the spare time, i.e., doing the best I can, I got an Uncommon.
I tried one run basically just using my rains (no shields, no frostwork...), I got an Uncommon.
I tried on run just de/buffing, not attacking, I got an Uncommon.
I tried one run just attacking, not de/buffing, I got an Uncommon.

So far, on 50+ succesful trials, I got 1 Very Rare, 8 Rare, 1 Common and all the others are Uncommon (40+). So even though I accept "RNG is random" as an answer, I expected a very different repartition after 50+ trials.

PS : I also recall reading somewhere that it would be using the new formula for reward repartition. At first, I thought it was for XP, but it's not. If it's for trials rewards, I'd really, really, REALLY like to see that formula.



I am getting rare or uncommon all the time. Had all other options maybe once or twice.

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Originally Posted by Beber View Post
So far, on 50+ succesful trials, I got 1 Very Rare, 8 Rare, 1 Common and all the others are Uncommon (40+).
Originally Posted by CatAstrophy View Post
I am getting rare or uncommon all the time.
Can we kill a player and loot the body in this game?

I've gotten Very Rare once, Rare once, a couple of Commons and mostly Uncommons. This is in 11 successes.

So.. um... Uncommon seems more common than Common?

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Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
I'm inclined to believe this for the 10 Threads or 1 Super! Insp table. I got an important call that took me away during a long loading screen into Lambda, and didn't get back to the game until the Raid the Labs/Warehouse section was almost over. I fully participated once I got back, but sitting out half or more of the trial limited my contributions, and I got the bad table as a result. The other tables might be random, but this one seems to be the "punishment table" for those who don't contribute, for whatever reason.
... or perhaps not. I did a Lambda Sector Trial last night and contributed roughly what I would on any normal run, and I got this "Consolation prize" reward table of 10 threads or 1 Super! Insp again. Now I think that it might just be the other end of the bell curve, but one chosen at random. Sometimes you get really lucky, and receive a Very Rare table, and sometimes you get the shaft.

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I did a Lambda myself--my only one so far--and also had the 5th table. Of course, I spent a good deal of the supply search phase either lost or dead and never did get to destroy a crate, and died a lot during the portal destroying phase of the final battle, so in turn of powers used or whatever, I probably didn't do all that much, but it wasn't for lack of trying.

My guess is people are going to be getting this a lot from Lambda, because the common strategy is to ignore the mobs and go after the temp power storage containers, meaning that as far as the game is concern, people are doing basically nothing for that entire phase. I doubt it considers moving around "contributing."



Glad this info was posted, I have only completed it twice and I was surprised to see a different reward table. I believe I did get the 5th the last time, it was late, but I am going to start tracking this a bit more.


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Originally Posted by Beber View Post
Anyone came up with the answer? Because as far as I'm concerned, it's definetly not random. 4/5 of my tables are uncommon.
How is this not random? Is this another one of those things where someone is defining random as "equally likely"?

The reward window you get is random. It is heavily weighted towards giving you the "uncommon" reward window. "Rare" and "Very Rare" are correspondingly less likely to appear. "Common" is also less likely to appear than "Uncommon", presumably because it's not a very good reward. The window with 10 threads, which I have not yet seen and is incredibly sucktastic, is apparently extremely unlikely, as this is the first I've heard of it after dozens of runs with full leagues.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
How is this not random? Is this another one of those things where someone is defining random as "equally likely"?
Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
It is heavily weighted towards giving you the "uncommon" reward window.
I saw better definitions of "Random" before.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
"Common" is also less likely to appear than "Uncommon", presumably because it's not a very good reward.
Hence the "common"...

Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
So.. um... Uncommon seems more common than Common?
This is were "Random" seems to fail (imho).

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with having a lot of common/uncommon tables, that's the way it should work.
My problem is having "uncommon" tables way more than "common" tables.

That's not another "I've-been-playing-for-7-years-and-still-haven't-got-my-purple-so-far" thread.



Originally Posted by Nemzzz_NA View Post
This is were "Random" seems to fail (imho).
No, what you have a problem with has nothing to do with whether the table you get is random. "Random" means you have no control over what table you get. It's based on a random number. That it is random has nothing to do with the appropriateness of the labels applied to the tables. Simply because the "uncommon" table appears more frequently than the "common" table does not mean the way it does so is not random.

For what it's worth, on the topic of the components being "common", "rare", etc., this really has always been problematic, even in the Inventions system. For example, every single Pool B (mission end drop) recipe is "Rare"... which is pretty clearly hooey if you look at the supplies of them at level 50 on the market. (In fact, we think they are evenly weighted, so that every one of them is as likely to drop at mish complete as all the others, meaning that none of them is rare.)

It's really best to just think of the Incarnate "rarity" labels to be indicative of how hard or easy they are to obtain, not how frequently they appear in the reward window.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA