154 -
Try adding an "s" to the http in the address and see if it plays. If that fixes it, try deleting all your Temporary Internet files and see if that fixes it for normal addresses. A few people on another message board I read had this issue and it helped them.
I won't deny I am happy with a bunch of these new options (I have wanted to make a Broadsword Brute for a while now) but I kind of liked it that there were some power sets specific to certain ATs. It made the ATs more special and different from each other.
Also, I have said it before but I think a modified Illusion set would be a better fit for Master Minds rather than Doms. The set as it stands for Controllers almost seems a prototype for the MM AT. -
I would say it is definitely the ATI driver as I and many others have the same issue. Some have had success rolling back and some have not. You may want to try completely uninstalling the driver and re installing 11.2.
Edit to add: I did note you already rolled back, I was thinking maybe components of the newer driver were still on the system. -
For me, Magic had the most useful costume pieces but Martial Arts has the most useful bonus power.
Do you have an ATI graphics card? If so the recent drivers have been causing myself and others the same grief. There are a couple of threads about it in the tech forum. It seems that 11.2 was the last "safe" driver.
I just wanted to add my experience. I had been playing fine on 11.2 and upgraded to 11.6 because Dragon Age 2 asked me to and that was when the freezing and crashing started in CoH.
Edit: I tried the Hotfix mentioned above (thank you for the head's up). Unfortunately it made things worse. My PC actually froze to the point where I had to reset when logging into a character. Did a system restore. Guess I will wait until either ATI or CoH get their act together. -
Same here. Since upgrading to 11.6, my game freezes constantly and crashed several times today. Screen goes white and I have to close out.
So given your examples, what I am not clear on is once the game transforms into Freedom, will new content (beyond the monthly missions), e.g. powers, costumes etc. ever just get added to the game for VIPs and be available without us having to do anything or going forward is all of that content just added to the store and we need to use our points to purchase it?
In other words, I understand the store replaces Super Boosters but does it also replace the "free" costume sets, powers etc. that would be released as Issues. -
So is there any scenario at all where an existing player who has X number of character slots in the current game who transitions to VIP will lose slots they currently have?
Quote:Honestly you are being silly. I think their point is instead of a new player waiting X amount of time for the entire game to download, as soon as the costume creator is done, it opens and they can start creating their character. While they are working on that, the opening zones are downloading and will open as soon as they are done downloading or the person is done creating their character which ever is later and the while they play in the starting zone, the rest of the game is downloading.Yes.
I have problems with it not telling me what its downloading, or how big the file is.
Once again not everyone has unlimited broadband.
This is no different than how it always would have worked except you get to start playing quicker. -
Do we get the new powers for free just as a matter of being VIPs or are they "free" in the sense that they assume we will use the 400 points a month we receive to purchase them?
Quote:Thank youI think this may very well be my favorite thread of all time here.
Kudos to the OP. Can we get this poster some sort of an award?
Here is another one: I didn't team much in the beginning so finally I decided to try a Sewer Team to see what it was all about. For some reason I assumed the Sewer would instanced so when we entered and ran into another team in the maze I thought we discovered a huge program bug! Oops. -
Quote:This was my very first MMO, so in my first play session after playing for a bit I needed to take a break to go to the bathroom or get a snack or whatever. I had been introduced to the game by a friend who was in-game with me, so I asked him "How do I pause?" His response was, "You don't." My reaction:Quote:Unsure if this counts, but when I did the tutorial, I completely missed the thing about clicking "exit" to exit the map. I thought you had to run back to the entrance. And since I mainly soloed, there was no one to tell me otherwise. It was a couple of months before I finally found the button that let me exit the map automatically.
1. I was having a bear of a time beating Frostfire so finally I decided to stop for the night and log out. The next day I was shocked I had to redo the entire mission! "You mean it doesn't save my progress?!"
2. On my first character I missed the Tutorial message about training so I followed the map marker to City Hall and started doing missions. My character was at level 5 or 6 by the time I realized I had to train. -
Here are two of mine:
1. When I first discovered the Midnighter Club, I thought, "Oh so this is kind of like a Guild for Magic Origin characters to give out missions and stuff." And I assumed there would be a similar groups for the other Origins. Since my one and only character at the time was Mutant I figured I was only getting a part of what it offered and if I had a magic Origin character there would be more things going on (Note at this point my only character was around level 10 and I knew nothing about Cimerora).
I never played an MMO before and my mind set was games like Oblivion which often have something like that.
2. I was very confused about how Safeguard missions worked. I would enter the bank and then when the message said the crooks were getting away I would run out and go to the escape van and play goalie as the bad guys tried to enter it because that was what the Map Marker said to go. Stupidly, it never occurred to me to go further into the bank until I did one on a team.
I actually have one character who never earned the Raptor Pack because I kept failing when doing it this way until he leveled out of it.
Any one else make goofy assumptions? -
I didn't read the whole thread yet so these may have been mentioned:
1. I would love a "drippy" aura to simulate a character that is always wet or is "mushy" and falling apart like Clay Face or The Blob (the monster not the X Man villain).
2. Non sword options for all the Sword powers. -
Amazing and very professional looking. This should be on your resume if you aren't already in the business.
Okay because I am confused, let me ask this:
I have a character that has the Alpha slot unlocked but to date I haven't yet made use of it at all (I haven't yet gotten the shards and salvage I needed to create the Boost I wanted). I played in a Lamda Raid this weekend and now have a bunch of threads and some of the non alpha incarnate salvage that I earned from the raid. Right not I only have three shards. This thread seems to indicate the Incarnate XP and threads I earned are an alternate way to progress through the alpha slot. Is that true? -
Wanted a new Mind Dom and because I don't repeat sets, I had a choice between Thorn and Ice. Thorn fit the concept better so I went with that and I have to admit I was shocked by how much fun it is to play so far.
I am not even at level 10 yet and I was amazed by how much damage she can do. Locking guys down and then impaling them is awesome!
I know the combo is a little offbeat but if you are looking for a new Dom to play, I would recommend it. -
I always thought a Plane crash in the water would be a good mission of this type. Heroes would have to somehow get people off the the wreck before it sinks. My guess is a concern the Devs have is what happens if the event is ignored? Do civilians just sink and die? It may effect the rating of the game. Also what would be the equivalent Villain mission?
But yes, saving people from disasters is almost as common in comics as beating up villains. it's shame it is hard to translate into a game mechanic. -
I have a Stalker with this power and use it a lot. It is good for trimming mobs down so I can safely jump in and scrap it up.
Quote:I have said this before as well and thought I was the only one. It seems like with tweaking it would make a good MM set.Just a comment on Illusions. I think it would port to MM better than to Doms. With the lack of control powers, it would take a long time to build domination solo. But in making it a MM set, Decoys would have to be made to take damage and a second tier pet would need to be added. Even if they made Mobile SPectral Terrors, that would be too strong I think.
I use Secondary Mutation on every character. I just rationalize it as something within their origin. For example, for Magic characters, it is a spell they cast on themselves that has a random effect. Heck, that is how I rationalize inspirations as well.
I saw that today. How is that possible? I thought the earliest an "opposing" AT can show up is 20.