Freedom to have staged downloads, hop into char creator as the game downloads
Some have said the constant upgrades to the game are akin to putting lipstick on a pig. At this point, it's rather more like pig on a lipstick; there is very little left of the original pig. More like a cow, I guess.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
Woouh-Woouh... Who are those cats in the screen shoot...?!!!?
New Smash Puppies....? The little screen shoots coming out about i21 are keeping me very interested....
But as for the ability to get into the game to some extent is not too bad of a deal... if your box can multitask that load...

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"
Okay, so let me get this straight. It's got free to play, they've revamped Atlas and Galaxy (at least) to look as nice as Praetoria, and you can hop in to play while the rest of the game downloads. I'd almost call the game an attention *****. "Play me! PLAY ME! PLAY MEEEE!" Some have said the constant upgrades to the game are akin to putting lipstick on a pig. At this point, it's rather more like pig on a lipstick; there is very little left of the original pig. More like a cow, I guess. |
Seriously, I can not make heads or tails of that screed. How do you make the ludicrous mental leap from "game downloads in the background" to "attention ******"? Downloading in the background is what's known worldwide as a "time saver". AKA, not having to look at a damn loading screen for a minute and a half.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
“Our hope is that a new player for the very first time that wants to try out City of Heroes is in the game within five minutes.” * |
Once again games, or anything for that matter, downloading stuff without my consent on my computer is something I have an issue with.
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You launch the updater and you have problems with it installing updates?
I have problems with it not telling me what its downloading, or how big the file is.
Once again not everyone has unlimited broadband.
What are you talking about?
Seriously, I can not make heads or tails of that screed. How do you make the ludicrous mental leap from "game downloads in the background" to "attention ******"? Downloading in the background is what's known worldwide as a "time saver". AKA, not having to look at a damn loading screen for a minute and a half. |
What I'm trying to say is that Freedom is geared towards showing itself off as much as possible. Free to try, no obligation, staged downloading, and some fresh content at the start. First impressions count, after all, and if this game really is going to use the free to play / freemium / whatever business model, there can be no half-way about it.
I still have... misgivings about F2P, and consider it to be a death omen in most cases, but I can't take issue with how they're going about it.
I would wager the NCSoft Updater will still say "City of Heroes needs X GB free space" upon installing the game. Other MMOs (which I am disallowed to mention) do this too. Staged downloading doesn't mean it obfuscates how big it is going to end up being, it just means you can play the game before it is entirely downloaded.
Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider
Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.
This system should work well. Can't see why this would bother anyone, it is clearly explained when you start the game up.
*Provided they possess a fiber-optic T-1 cable and unlimited broadband.
Once again games, or anything for that matter, downloading stuff without my consent on my computer is something I have an issue with. |
It sounds sort of like you're saying that you're incensed that players don't have to wait eight hours to download the entire installation package before installing.
Am I the only person who read the OP and thought he was complimenting the game? I interpreted his "screed" as yelling "Play me! PLAY ME! PLAY MEEEE!" in a good way. It's lipstick, not pig!
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
I have problems with it not telling me what its downloading, or how big the file is. Once again not everyone has unlimited broadband. |
This is no different than how it always would have worked except you get to start playing quicker.
Yeah, well I just had to reinstall the game and I can't play any of my characters until Stage 4 download is complete... but when will it be complete? The launcher doesn't tell me...
Am I expected to just sit at the character select screen and wait while it downloads the tutorial and mercy island and port oakes and atlas park and kings row? Or, I could do what I had planned to do and wait until it was all downloaded then play, BUT I have no clue how long that will be... because the launcher DOES NOT TELL ME.
They obviously are trying to copy another MMO's new patching system, but they failed at it when it can't load on demand. I want to log in to a character in Cap Au Diable it should say "Sorry, we need to load Cap Au Diable please wait" and download it then and there then voila... if I take the ferry to Nerva, it then immediately downloads Nerva giving me a special loading screen.
But really, please give us some indication on the launcher of what state the game is in and how much if at all we can play it.
Worst case. Exit the game. Stop the install. Exit the Launcher. Restart the Launcher. Restart the install.
Now you should have the installer window up and it should have the estimate.
Now should it be displayed in the game? Ideally yes but the game isn't the launcher and it's the launcher that's handling the download.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Worst case. Exit the game. Stop the install. Exit the Launcher. Restart the Launcher. Restart the install.
Now you should have the installer window up and it should have the estimate. Now should it be displayed in the game? Ideally yes but the game isn't the launcher and it's the launcher that's handling the download. |
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
It was ordained from the start that this thread would be revived from oblivion. Necrotron must've digitized it to awaken at a certain point.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
I noticed something about the launcher and it's staged downloads so I'll post it here instead of starting a new thread. If you have stage 3 (Atlas Park) downloaded you can play in instance 1 but you can't switch instances using the train station because it says you don't have stage 4 downloaded.
This pretty much means that all new/free players will all get crammed into AP 1. Lag city here we come.
No, that's not what it means.
What it means is that new players will be placed into the first non-full instance where they can be placed. Just like what happens whenever you log into a zone that has full instances.
The problem is not with load balancing. The problem is that people who want to play together will be in different APs and will not be able to move between them.
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I had a character on a second install that got put in AP 1 despite it being full.
What the dickens is this thread doing here?
Complaining about not being able to use your mains until stage 4 is finished is silly given you used to have to wait until the entire game was downloaded to do anything.
Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider
Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.
Okay, so let me get this straight. It's got free to play, they've revamped Atlas and Galaxy (at least) to look as nice as Praetoria, and you can hop in to play while the rest of the game downloads. I'd almost call the game an attention *****. "Play me! PLAY ME! PLAY MEEEE!"
Some have said the constant upgrades to the game are akin to putting lipstick on a pig. At this point, it's rather more like pig on a lipstick; there is very little left of the original pig. More like a cow, I guess.
Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider
Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.