And now I'm getting hit with "contact window" causing lockups: problem related to Ultra Water
Running on my I7 system, crossfired RadeonHD 5770's. Running on Catalyst 10.12 and everything was running fine last night.
... So I'm wondering what in the world changed to suddenly make the system go haywire on opening the contact list with Ultra-Mode water? |
Those of us who rolled back to 10.9 have not had the issue occur again.
I don't think it's necessarily something that changed with your computer, other than the unknown variables that lead up to this event happening. Some people have issues all the time. Some never had it at all. Some people have the issue on one toon, but not another, so some people will blame it on specific contacts that don't have "backgrounds". Maybe they have issues with using reflections or shadows in the mini-renderings in the contact window. In some cases, the problem does happen to go away after leveling up to the next "tier" and outlevel certain contacts.
In short, you are not alone with that issue. You should be able to roll back to 10.9 or just play with some of the options turned down to prevent it.
rolling back to 10.9 doesn't do anything to help find and locate the specific issue as to WHY the lock-up occurs.
If I'm able to replicate / duplicate / or simulate any particular issue, then there is a possibility of being able to log-file system commands, events, API calls, driver calls, or other aspects of the running program and identify what causes the crash to begin with.
rolling back to 10.9 doesn't do anything to help find and locate the specific issue as to WHY the lock-up occurs.
If I'm able to replicate / duplicate / or simulate any particular issue, then there is a possibility of being able to log-file system commands, events, API calls, driver calls, or other aspects of the running program and identify what causes the crash to begin with. |
Anyway, all I can tell you is that when it happened to me, I got an error stating that the driver was stuck in an infinite loop and had to be recovered. I couldn't really screenshot the message or dig up any other "Active" data because the system was pretty much frozen at that point and I had to do a hard reset. lol
I wish someone on either side would fix this issue. It has made certain characters of mine unplayable.
I have this problem, also with a Radeon HD 5770, Intel Core2Quad Q9550, Windows 7 64-bit. It's part of the reason why I haven't logged onto COH other than for the weekly TF in a month. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
I have this problem, also with a Radeon HD 5770, Intel Core2Quad Q9550, Windows 7 64-bit. It's part of the reason why I haven't logged onto COH other than for the weekly TF in a month.
Now I'm using an Intel I7 processor with an Intel chipset as my play system... mostly because my Phenom II system sounds like a hurricane in this tiny apartment... and I'm starting to run into many of the errors. I'm beginning to wonder if this is an Intel specific problem, related to Intel's chipset drivers, rather than to anything Paragon Studios or AMD specific.
If it's an Intel specific problem, then that may be why Paragon Studios / AMD haven't been able to effect a fix for the crashes and lock-ups.
FWIW, I'm also using an old Intel Core2Quad.
MB= Gigabyte EP35C-DS3R
One difference is I'm still using WinXP Pro 32-bit, so at the very least, it's not a Vista/7 issue.
As for replicating the issue.. the funny thing is I didn't have an issue at all until I saw Leandro's thread a while back and started purposely messing with it. Then I had the problem on a regular basis on specific toons and could replicate it every time, but now that those characters have leveled up, I no longer have the issue anymore.
I'm currently having the same issue with one specific toon all the rest are fine.
Sapphire Maiden lvl 50 Eng/Eng/Flame Blaster
Misstrix lvl 50 Fire/Rad/Ice Controller
Foundations Claw lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Flame Tank
Lord Viscera lvl 36 Necro/Dark MM/Flame Mastery
Kestrell lvl 50 Rad/Kin/Soul Corr
Isn't that the "Television bug"? I.e. you have The Television in your contact, and everytime you open the contact window, game crashes. I had this bug before (came one day, out of nowhere).
It is indeed related to the Ultra Water settings, since a GM asked me to turn them off, and the problem (as the nice water) went away after doing so.
Then I bought a nVidia. Now, everything's perfect (I had a 5870).
Also, I had a Hero that briefly had the issue as well, but I suspect it might have been partly because each time the Hero had the problem, I was on one of the other affected characters and relogged onto the Hero. Something might have carried over in the memory that would have normally not affected that toon? I dunno.
For that matter, the issue Leandro originally described in his thread a while back referred to the Ouro crystal crashing him. IIRC, that happened on almost any contact he opened from the list, and I eventually encountered it as well.
Most of my problems were at the Oroboros mission list and I also had an issue with flickering water. 10.10 and 10.11 drivers were awful.
Running 11.2 with no problems with 6870 with Athlon 630. All AMD until Sandy Bridge MBs are more available.
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

Running on my I7 system, crossfired RadeonHD 5770's. Running on Catalyst 10.12 and everything was running fine last night.
Logged in this morning to the avatar I was on last night... system locked up.
Okay, maybe it is a problem with the computer having been in sleep mode and there's a memory leak.
Go through a reboot. Open CoH again. Log into the character from last night. Lock up.
Okay.... this is odd. So I start CoH in safe mode. Run around grandville. No problems.
Set my desktop resolution. Log out. Quit. Log Back in. Everything's fine.
Start turning up details. Everything's fine. Ultra Mode back on. Everything's working.
hit contact window... LOCK UP.
So I moseyed over to AMD's site and grabbed the 11.2 drivers. Since something already was screwy I figured I'd give them a try.
Same process as before. Launch in safe mode. Try contact window in Safe mode. Contact window... works.
Okay, turn up the resolution, log out, quit, back in... try contact window... works.
Start turning up Ultra Mode settings.
Shadows? Check, contact window works.
Environmental reflections? Check, contact window works.
Ambient Occlusion? Depth of Field? Draw Distance? Detail Level? Check, Check, Check, and Check.
Ultra Mode Water... CRASH
Now, what gets me is that there are no patch notes in the Community Digest.
I know for a fact that no system updates could have occurred since I put the machine into sleep... and for those familiar with the AMD Card on Intel regression, that results in Windows NT6 systems entering Hibernate instead of sleep.
So I'm wondering what in the world changed to suddenly make the system go haywire on opening the contact list with Ultra-Mode water?