What are your favorite boosters?




Hi guys, I'd like opinions. Just came back, got GR, and thinking about buying a booster pack or two.

I know I can see all offer here and in Paragon Wiki, but I'd like to ask my gaming fellas: Which booster(s) did you like the most and why? I'd love to hear your reasons for liking/disliking them.

I have the Cyborg and Martial Arts - the Cyborg I liked for awhile because of costume parts but meh, I barely use them anymore and I always forget to use self-destruction power even when it's useful at low levels and I'm about to die. So it wasn't a good purchase (for me of course). The Martial Arts pack was good because of Ninja Run, I hated the costume parts.

(I'm tempted to get the Wedding one because I saw some impressive female toons using their costume parts, but if any booster offer a power as useful as Ninja Run, which essentially made me change all my builds, I'd love to know)

EDIT: Forgot to mention I have the GvE pack too, I bought it when I joined the game in a combo deal so I forgot about that one.




Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Hi guys, I'd like opinions. Just came back, got GR, and thinking about buying a booster pack or two.

I know I can see all offer here and in Paragon Wiki, but I'd like to ask my gaming fellas: Which booster(s) did you like the most and why? I'd love to hear your reasons for liking/disliking them.

I have the Cyborg and Martial Arts - the Cyborg I liked for awhile because of costume parts but meh, I barely use them anymore and I always forget to use self-destruction power even when it's useful at low levels and I'm about to die. So it wasn't a good purchase (for me of course). The Martial Arts pack was good because of Ninja Run, I hated the costume parts.

(I'm tempted to get the Wedding one because I saw some impressive female toons using their costume parts, but if any booster offer a power as useful as Ninja Run, which essentially made me change all my builds, I'd love to know)

Unless you want something NOW, I'd wait until the next issue when you can buy booster pack parts separately via the new Paragon Market with new Paragon Points: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=263587

As to your question: I don't really care about costume parts (for the most part, I admit I'd love some of the wedding pack ones but not buying the whole pack for a couple of costume pieces), emotes, etc., so the only booster pack I've bought (and that when it was on sale) was the magic one. Great costume parts (loves me some witchy goodness) and the Mystic Fortune is very useful. Oh, and I got whatever pack it was that had the Pocket D porter (for convenience and the badge ).



The Mutant Pack parts are pretty nice. I was pretty disappointed by the Cyborg pack, the textures on most of the parts are horrible resolution and as a result somehow manage to look worse than some legacy parts (probably because legacy stuff was less detailed, while the Cyborg stuff has more detail but is not at a high enough resolution to be worth it).

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We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



The Magic pack has the most costume pieces I actually use in it. Other than that, I've used the costumes and powers in the other packs very rarely (except, of course, for Ninja Run which I could not live without now).

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Originally Posted by Tahliah View Post
Unless you want something NOW, I'd wait until the next issue when you can buy booster pack parts separately via the new Paragon Market with new Paragon Points: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=263587
Oh that's a great point, thanks I had completely forgotten about that. I don't need it NAO so I can wait - I'll check the magic costume parts since mystic fortune is nice but not a game changer like ninja run, and the martial arts pack costume parts are fugly (imho)

And Darkgob you're right, I liked the Cyborg stuff a lot when I bought it (when it was released), now that I'm running Ultra Mode the costumes seemed ugly to me, and I didn't know why.

Looking at the trailer the beast pack seems interesting, from paragonwiki it seems like it has the most parts of all...



Good Versus Evil Edition In-Game Item Pack - I use the Jump Pack Prestige Power on my Super Speed toons whenever I need to go vertical, and the Pocket D VIP Card Teleport Power is very handy since the majority of iTrials form there (on Freedom).

Super Booster II: Magic - The Mystic Fortune power is a nice buff to have at the lower levels.

Super Booster IV: Martial Arts - Two words: Ninja Run.

Super Booster V: Mutant - I'm addicted to Secondary Mutation (Quick Reflexes is my favorite buff), but I also keep hoping to be turned into a lil' Rikti monkey.

Winteriel Ice/Fire/Soul Tanker | @TBoxer Global | City of Heroes R.I.P. (2004-2012)



I use the Wedding Pack and the Magic Pack costume parts more often than any purchased costumes. I use Ninja Run (skipping a real travel power) on almost every single character that doesn't have a concept travel power and Beast Run on a handful of more feral characters. I throw around Mystic Fortune and Self-Mutate a lot, but I wouldn't miss them if they were removed from the game.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I use the Origin Pack capes, Magic Pack cloak and the Martial Arts pack helmet pieces more than any other purchased goodies, I think.
I also use the Cyborg shoulders and the Science masks with decent frequency, to be fair, though.
The mutant pack stuff I haven't found a lot of uses outside of the full thematic costume for, with the exception of the organic armor gloves, which I have some sort of temporary obsession with.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



For me, Magic had the most useful costume pieces but Martial Arts has the most useful bonus power.



Originally Posted by TBoxer View Post
Super Booster V: Mutant - I'm addicted to Secondary Mutation (Quick Reflexes is my favorite buff), but I also keep hoping to be turned into a lil' Rikti monkey.
Oh I have the GvE btw, forgot to mention. But this one sounds sweet! I didn't like the costume pieces but I loved the descriptions on the mutations.

I saw a ingame friend with the beast pack... And according to paragonwiki there are over 60 new costume/faces/etc so it must be the most 'complete' pack out there in this aspect (besides coming with Beast Run but I already have Ninja Run which is the same, plus I wouldn't like all my toons running in all fours lol).

Oh and in the Repeat Offender Facebook group there's a doc about clarification of Paragon Points... Seems like I'd have to wait 2 months for one pack, so I'm gonna get one now, just undecided on which one. I like the magic costumes, the secondary mutation power looks cooler to me than mystic fortune - and at least on Freedom and Virtue you can't walk three steps without someone casting fortune on you so not a big deal if I don't have the power - but the beast pack has so many parts.... Oh decisions, decisions...

Oh about the Paragon Points-dollar equivalency (interesting stuff here, you can buy the magic costumes only for 400 points and the cape I loved at some trailer, the impervium one from the Origins Pack, for 100):

So I know that right now, 400 Paragon Points = $5.00 (USD) but what I don’t have an idea of is what exactly 400 Points can buy me.

As mentioned earlier, 400 Paragon Points is equivalent to $5.00 (US Dollars), and I’ve gone on record that 400 Paragon Points will allow players to buy a lot of “stuff”. I’ve listed a smattering of pricing examples below, including the new Signature Stories, that will hopefully give you a better sense of general Paragon Point values. Please note that these prices (and others in our Beta) are currently the *target* prices, and may change prior to City of Heroes: Freedom Launch.

Points * Dollar Equivalent * Item
20..........$0.25......................Wizard Beard (From the Magic Pack)
40..........$0.50......................Classic Steampunk Hat (From the Steampunk Pack)
40..........$0.50......................Pop Dance Emote (From the Party Pack)
60..........$0.75......................Bioluminesc ent Chest (From the Mutant Pack)
60..........$0.75......................Wolf Head (From the Animal Pack)
60..........$0.75......................Organic Armor Sword (From the Mutant Pack)
80..........$1.00......................Smoke Bomb Costume Change Emote (From the Martial Arts Pack)
80..........$1.00......................Wonderful Wind-Up Wings (From the Steampunk Pack)
80..........$1.00......................Runes Aura (From the Origins Pack)
100........$1.25......................Technology Origin Cape (Impervium Mantle) – (From Origins Pack)
400........$5.00......................Complete Magic Costume Set (from the Magic Pack)
400........$5.00......................Signature Stories
800......$10.00......................Character Server Transfer Token
800......$10.00......................Character Respec
1600....$20.00......................5 Character Slot Tokens



Mac pac, Magic pack, Ninja pack for costume parts. As nice as ninja run is I do not find myself using it once I have a travel power... So for usefulness in all levels its gotta be Magic pack as its random buff don't even have a real negative once your high enough that anyone you cast on isn't going to notice the Fool's minor to hit debuff and rather enjoy it's recharge. Random "mutation" (from mutant pack) Quick Reflexes is the best random buff though. I think...

Oh and the Vanguard freepac. They realy need to let the new folks or folks that missed this buy it with points. Nothing sells merchandise like Glowing swords.



I forgot about the Mac Special Edition. I use the Valkyrie gloves, belt, and boots all the time, and the Mission Teleporter can be quite handy.

Something you may want to consider for the Beast Pack is that, sure, it has a large number of items in it, but, they're not the kind of items that you're probably going to mix and match with a lot unless you play a *lot* of anthropomorphic animal characters, because it really amounts to a couple animal heads/tails and a whole bunch of animal patterned tights textures for the different body parts.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Easy first: Animal pack.

But, really, I love them all.

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Originally Posted by RogueDemonhunter View Post
Mac pac, Magic pack, Ninja pack for costume parts. As nice as ninja run is I do not find myself using it once I have a travel power... So for usefulness in all levels its gotta be Magic pack as its random buff don't even have a real negative once your high enough that anyone you cast on isn't going to notice the Fool's minor to hit debuff and rather enjoy it's recharge. Random "mutation" (from mutant pack) Quick Reflexes is the best random buff though. I think...

Oh and the Vanguard freepac. They realy need to let the new folks or folks that missed this buy it with points. Nothing sells merchandise like Glowing swords.
Well the thing is, Ninja Run made my builds easier because I don't pick travel powers anymore (except on toons that have powers to spare but I think only Kheldians fit into this category for me - and my trapper because superspeed helps a lot). But yeah I wouldn't use NR if I had to have a travel power in my builds. Good thing I don't need travel powers after NR because I honestly never used any costume piece from that pack, I think they all suck

I'll look further into the Mutation costume pieces although I think I won't like them, all those blobbery mutation things NCSoft associates with mutants do not attract me much. But I'm liking the 'sound' of the power, everyone else has mystic fortune anyway and from what I read you'll be able to pick all the magic parts for 400 paragon points

Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
I forgot about the Mac Special Edition. I use the Valkyrie gloves, belt, and boots all the time, and the Mission Teleporter can be quite handy.

Something you may want to consider for the Beast Pack is that, sure, it has a large number of items in it, but, they're not the kind of items that you're probably going to mix and match with a lot unless you play a *lot* of anthropomorphic animal characters, because it really amounts to a couple animal heads/tails and a whole bunch of animal patterned tights textures for the different body parts.
Good point, while I miss more animal and beastly options I don't think I'll make many anthropomorphic toons. Guess I was impressed by my friend's tiger scrapper I saw yesterday.



My favorite is the Magic booster. I think it was the first one I bought, and I never really regret it. The Natural booster was great too. The costume pieces are okay, but I've only taken a travel power once since I received Ninja Run.

Once Freedom comes, I'm definitely buying the mutant pack with accumulated points.

My least favorite, though, is probably the Steampunk pack. I mean it's nice, but there's so many problems with it. The pieces don't play well with older costume pieces, for a while there was no sleeveless option and when it was introduced, the corset started clipping through the breasts on all settings. In addition, the corset looks great with the matching belt, but you can't use that belt with the trench coats or magic bolero. And on top of this, They added an option to the choker to not have the little golden coin in the middle of it, but this option doesn't show up when using Masks with Hair. Yikes.

Edit: How could I forget the mac pack? I was skeptical at first, I bought it for one character's concept (and they've been long deleted) but the armor works so well with other costume pieces.



For me, it's a toss up between the Ninja Run pack (yes, I'm going to call it that) and the Mac pack. I like the extra power pick and travel power as soon as level 4, I also enjoy the TP to mission and find myself using the Valkyrie cape all the time.



Well the Repeat Offenders doc about Paragon Points on our Fbook group said that we'd receive Paragon Points in July 1st. Any of you got them yet? If I got 400 I'd be able to get the costume parts for the Magic Booster which I love, and maybe get the Mutant one (not keen on the costumes but liked the secondary mutation power). Gave up on the wedding pack seeing the costume pieces, seems I would only use it to make slutty female toons lol.



Starting last Friday, subscribers will accumulate 400 PP per month (as long as, during that month, they a) buy game time, b) apply a game card, or c) have a monthly anniversary of the day they bought a block of game time) until Freedom launches. And until Freedom launches, there is no way to see the points on the live servers, and nothing to spend them on anyway. When Freedom goes into open beta (or if you get invited to closed beta), you can go on the beta to see how much you have accumulated at that time.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I think my favorite may be the Martial Arts pack, not only for Ninja Run, but I also like and use a lot of the costume pieces.

A close 2nd for me would be the Origins pack, mainly because of the auras. There are a lot of really different and neat auras there that fit perfectly with some of my character concepts, and it's also nice to have access to a variety of auras without having to wait for level 30.

Probably the Cyborg pack would be my third choice, the costume pieces have helped with some of my android characters and Self-Destruct is a fun and often useful power to have.

Honestly, though, I don't think there's a single one I regret buying, and I have almost all of them.



So I guess nobody likes the costume parts on the Mutant Pack? I'm close to buying it for the powers but not sure I want to wait until Freedom releases to get my Magic costume parts, as much as I don't think I need Fortune because lots of times I have people casting it on me when I already have one, and I know they don't stack.




I wondered whether to answer this because this is pretty subjective.

Myself, I bought them all so I could get that unique look for my characters. Mix and match with the most options.

The ones I use the most are the archetypes ones(SBs I-V). For all of the talk about new booster packs(steampunk, animal, origins) I have not used a single selection out of those packs yet.

I would buy them now though. Pricing may change in the future(PP not finalized yet) and the 50% off sales are pretty sweet. With the $.50 per option you'll pay a whole lot more for the same stuff under pp.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
So I guess nobody likes the costume parts on the Mutant Pack?
This is one of the two I don't have. From what I've seen, the costume parts do look pretty cool, but until I get it and see everything I can't really compare it to my favorite packs. Also, interesting as they are, the Mutant costume parts I've seen don't look like they'd work with many of the character concepts I have, but of course that's just me.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
So I guess nobody likes the costume parts on the Mutant Pack?
I like the animated wolf tail. I use it on a few werecreatures and anime-esque spirit foxes. My creepy plant/thorn dominator uses the organic armor wings.



Oh yes - my favorite pack is the Superscience booster. Complete control over your character model and scaling at the tailor? Shazam!



Yeah, honestly, I like them all pretty much equally...

The Science Pack may be my most used... especially when I consider the ability to adjust height and body types at the tailor. It's allowed me to do some shape changer stuff that I always wanted to do (not to mention just adjust heights, if I felt like I chose the wrong height originally)...
Plus, I use the different goggles from the Science Pack a lot.

I also use the Martial Arts costume pieces and think they're great... so, our subjective opinions on these things are clearly different.

The Valkyrie Pack may be next on my list. I use some of the parts somewhat frequently (I like the varying shoulder options, the kilt/skirt, the chest piece, the boots and the belt the most... Plus the Mission Teleporter is quite valuable for that one mission that would require multiple zone hops and/or when I just want to get there immediately (especially if I just log in and team up, or something).

The Mutant Pack actually has some great costume options and much of it can be used in bits and pieces... The shoulder parts, the big head organic head detail (kinda like horns), the gloves, the chest and pant details aren't bad either... The wolf tail is very nice (if you have any use for it), the sword is rather different and large... And yeah, sounds like you'd like the power.

It really depends on what characters you have and what you might like to add and/or would like to make...
The Steampunk Pack has a backpack option... Plus a power much like the jump pack from GvE that could still be useful with Ninja Run. And it has a good amount of elegant looking costume pieces for females (since you've mentioned liking the wedding pieces).

Eh, I really like them all, hehe...

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