NCSoft denied attempts at offers

Agent White



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
I do feel that you are making a *wild* conjecture here.
The "wild conjecture" is Garriott's not mine.

Items 22 and 23 of the original complaint:
22. Shortly after the "quarantine call," NCsoft prepared and presented an "open letter" to Mr. Garriott, announcing Mr. Garriott's departure from the company. That letter was drafted by NCsoft but purported to be from Mr. Garriott to the Tabula Rasa players. The letter announced that Mr. Garriott was "leaving NCsoft to pursue [new] interests." Though NCsoft's letter omitted details about the circumstances surrounding Mr. Garriott's departure, Mr. Garriott saw no reason at the time to object to those omissions, and he did not object to NCsoft posting the letter on the Tabula Rasa website.

23. With the benefit of hindsight, however, it appears that NCsoft's "open letter" was a prelude to the wrongful conduct by NCsoft to come.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
I didn't hear about this - can you explain or link it? I always liked BaBs.
Here's the relevant post:

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



The funny thing is that Garriott's departure had impacts on CoH/V's closure, but not in the way I've seen anyone mention.

The Garriotts - Richard and Robert - were toast as far as NCsoft were concerned after Tabula Rasa. Robert got backwards promoted to a position in the company that did nothing (and then apparently disappeared, given how little there appears to be about him since) which strikes me as the Korean way of dealing with him. He's too senior to just fire, so put him somewhere out of the way.

In the meanwhile, the ArenaNet guys were put in charge of then-new NCsoft West - Chris Chung, Jeff Strain and Patrick Wyatt (plus Microsoft's David Reid). The successful developers of Guild Wars were going to lead NCsoft West into a bright new future!

... right up to the point that at least Chung (as NCsoft West CEO) completely mishandled Richard's dismissal. It would have been fine for Richard to leave, but to shove him out the door and in such a way that led to a massive legal problem?

So NCsoft sent Jaeho Lee to replace Chung as CEO. And over time Strain, Wyatt, Reid have also gone. NCsoft West (or NCInteractive, which I believe they are called in the Earnings Reports) moved completely under NCsoft Korea's control.

Which is why the whole, "NCsoft forged the letter, so is a bad company!" strikes me as wrong. Firstly, they didn't forge it at all, but the result of what NCsoft West did was put Garriott in a place where he suffered financially due to contractual clauses regarding stock options. He successfully made the case that he didn't leave voluntarily, but was forced out, meaning he shouldn't have been forced to sell his stock.

The whole forgery angle is an emotive stab and ignores that the people who were likely involved in Richard's dismissal were all sidelined in part due to that event. It certainly wasn't business as usual for NCsoft.

Secondly, the way Richard was fired led to the point where NCsoft West lacked senior management that were independent of NCsoft Korea. It's possible that a stronger NCsoft West management would have decided CoH/V should remain open (although not guaranteed) or at least get Paragon Studios' next title out the door.

A stronger NCsoft West management would have certainly pushed for more game development within its region, which currently appears limited to Guild Wars 2, Wildstar (both of which had long development times that put them before NCsoft Korea took fuller control) and localisations of NCsoft Korean titles.

Instead, the fallout from Richard Garriott's exit led to NCsoft Korea in control of NCsoft West, which has led to a business decision to close the tiny-part-of-NCsoft-business-and-declining CoH/V title and use those resources elsewhere.



Folks, how many times are we going to derail a thread with the Richard Garriott letter? Every time someone tries to discuss the *current* state of affairs, the conversation goes south because one of two people (and always one of the same two people I'll admit) comes into the thread and kicks it sideways... And this is the FIFTH thread since the shutdown announcement to argue over Richard Garriott's forged letter...

There's no good to come of constantly debating its existence - and its not helping matters where the future of City of Heroes is concerned. The forum trolls love it when you get sidetracked like this because it means you're not staying on topic...



Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
Basically, we move forward by educating people about NcSoft's track record. Facts are facts:

1) Tabula Rasa's closure was so horrid it went to court and Garriot was awarded $28 million.

2) The staff on Dungeon Runners had plans to save the game, but were ignored.

3) Paragon Studios and City of Heroes were given zero time to prep.

4) Five MMOs down the drain, City of Heroes will be number six.

Their track record is horrid. The fudge the truth. If you're thinking of buying a NcSoft game (with a monthly fee, one they don't even support properly overseas) be ready hear these words when they decide to pull the plug, "I told you so."
I like this..simple but true. I can't trust NCsoft products any more becuase of this.




Understanding and truth is one thing.

Detailed, spirited defense of NCSoft is another.
I suspect my ignore list would have found a new member in the future... but now there is no future...

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



This is just speculation on my part, but I honestly think that the reason City Of Heroes is being shuttered is to provide more server room for Guild Wars 2 and Blade And Soul. Remember, it was Paragon Studios that was closed, not NC Soft West. It makes complete sense because they're willing to take a chance on something (Blade And Soul) that's done moderately well in their home country and feel they can make more of a profit by dumping that insipid anime trash onto us.

If you want to get servers on the cheap, why not dump an old game that's slowly brought in less and less revenue over the years to take a chance on a new one? I'm pretty sure this is why they were so adamant about closing City Of Heroes, they're taking a risk on two new games and crossing their fingers. Everything else, every other reason to close the game makes no sense to me. The realignment of company focus can be interpreted as Korean created games. Not to mention I'm sure they'll get some sort of return on their taxes.

Anyone else see what I'm seeing?

Edit: As far as selling City Of Heroes, I honestly believe that a developer could keep this game afloat for a few more years. How bad would it look if City Of Heroes kept going on for another five years when NC Soft said it was no longer profitable? Those a-holes at NC Soft don't want to further tarnish their image. Selling off Paragon Studios or City Of Heroes could potentially cause them a bit of grief with investors in the future.



Oh I do have problem with NCsoft and Paragon Studios...

Namely how their involvement with this years EU CoX playermeet, almost ended up in it being a catastrophy and being cancelled.

Kallandra and I started planning this years player meet between us in November of 2011. A few months later, we did the post up on the forums.

Zwillinger then got interested and suggested that Paragon Studios might be able to send over a developer or 2. We agreed to this plan, and started looking at larger venues, as the one that we had used for the previous 2 years was struggling to cope with the number of players that we already had, and if a developer showed up, it would have been overflowing.

So whilst we were looking at other venues, we got in touch with the marketing bods down in Brighton to see what they can offer to help out (maybe the hire of a larger venue, PC supplying if need be... generally just a feel out). We discover that the person who had *very* nicely helped us out for the previous 2 events, had since moved over to Carbine Studios.

Fair enough we thought, the person who replaced him could at least be brought up to speed, and might be able to suggest other things.

We waited.

We waited some more.

In April/May time, whilst we have been looking around at larger venues, we were told by the venue that we had used *last* year that they were moving to larger premises so they would be unable to host us this year...

We send more emails, asking what is happening. In june/july of 2012, we are starting to get worried. We have no venue booked, we have no idea what Ncsoft/Paragon Studios are planning to do, and we start to think about cancelling the event. We tell Zwillinger/Bod down in Brighton about this, and we receive an email a couple of week later, telling us not to do an announcement concerning the cancelling of the event.

Ok, maybe we might be able to salvage this. If they are telling us this, they have something in the works. A week or so later (mid july), we receive another email from Zwill saying that PS will not be able to send anyone over.

Great! At least we now know where we stand... time to look at another venue. We know we cannot use our regular haunt, because they were changing premises... hmm, this is getting shakey now... we *might* actually have to cancel.


Anyways, we receive an email at the end of *July* from the bod down in Brighton, that he was enquiring with the old venue about hosting us. *blinks* Now, this wouldn't normally be surprising but we had already mentioned in a previous email to them, that they were moving locations.

We wait for more info.

We wait a bit more.

In the end, we get in touch with the venue and ask "what the hell is happening? Has Ncsoft gotten in contact with you about the event". We receive the reply of "yes, we have told them how much it was, but we are waiting ot hear back from NCsoft as to what they want".

Hmm, interesting, this was something that we were not notified about.

Anyways, we try to find out the situation from NCsoft... no answer. In the end, we managed to use the old venue (thank god for them having problems getting the contracts signed so they could start moving).

To be fair, Ncsoft *did* send over a lot of posters, tshirts, pin badges, stickers, and Logitech dontated a few prizes as well, but we were only notified about this 1 week before the playermeet.

But, for christs sake, we (the organisers) were kept so out of the loop our stress levels were raising impressively. The delays in getting replies from Zwill or NCsoft were embaressing, especially as we were getting players asking us "What is happening, is the event still on?"

So yeah, I do have an axe to grind. It is that they (both parties) are *CRAP* at communication skills, especially when they initially say that they want to help out, and then don't tell you what the hell is happening.

And leave you waiting.




Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Oh I do have problem with NCsoft and Paragon Studios...

Namely how their involvement with this years EU CoX playermeet, almost ended up in it being a catastrophy and being cancelled.

Kallandra and I started planning this years player meet between us in November of 2011. A few months later, we did the post up on the forums.

Zwillinger then got interested and suggested that Paragon Studios might be able to send over a developer or 2. We agreed to this plan, and started looking at larger venues, as the one that we had used for the previous 2 years was struggling to cope with the number of players that we already had, and if a developer showed up, it would have been overflowing.

So whilst we were looking at other venues, we got in touch with the marketing bods down in Brighton to see what they can offer to help out (maybe the hire of a larger venue, PC supplying if need be... generally just a feel out). We discover that the person who had *very* nicely helped us out for the previous 2 events, had since moved over to Carbine Studios.

Fair enough we thought, the person who replaced him could at least be brought up to speed, and might be able to suggest other things.

We waited.

We waited some more.

In April/May time, whilst we have been looking around at larger venues, we were told by the venue that we had used *last* year that they were moving to larger premises so they would be unable to host us this year...

We send more emails, asking what is happening. In june/july of 2012, we are starting to get worried. We have no venue booked, we have no idea what Ncsoft/Paragon Studios are planning to do, and we start to think about cancelling the event. We tell Zwillinger/Bod down in Brighton about this, and we receive an email a couple of week later, telling us not to do an announcement concerning the cancelling of the event.

Ok, maybe we might be able to salvage this. If they are telling us this, they have something in the works. A week or so later (mid july), we receive another email from Zwill saying that PS will not be able to send anyone over.

Great! At least we now know where we stand... time to look at another venue. We know we cannot use our regular haunt, because they were changing premises... hmm, this is getting shakey now... we *might* actually have to cancel.


Anyways, we receive an email at the end of *July* from the bod down in Brighton, that he was enquiring with the old venue about hosting us. *blinks* Now, this wouldn't normally be surprising but we had already mentioned in a previous email to them, that they were moving locations.

We wait for more info.

We wait a bit more.

In the end, we get in touch with the venue and ask "what the hell is happening? Has Ncsoft gotten in contact with you about the event". We receive the reply of "yes, we have told them how much it was, but we are waiting ot hear back from NCsoft as to what they want".

Hmm, interesting, this was something that we were not notified about.

Anyways, we try to find out the situation from NCsoft... no answer. In the end, we managed to use the old venue (thank god for them having problems getting the contracts signed so they could start moving).

To be fair, Ncsoft *did* send over a lot of posters, tshirts, pin badges, stickers, and Logitech dontated a few prizes as well, but we were only notified about this 1 week before the playermeet.

But, for christs sake, we (the organisers) were kept so out of the loop our stress levels were raising impressively. The delays in getting replies from Zwill or NCsoft were embaressing, especially as we were getting players asking us "What is happening, is the event still on?"

So yeah, I do have an axe to grind. It is that they (both parties) are *CRAP* at communication skills, especially when they initially say that they want to help out, and then don't tell you what the hell is happening.

And leave you waiting.

They made you wait? Those bastids! Why didn't they just kill a kitten and eat a baby while they were at it.



This is really doom.



And making Gangrel wait proves NCsoft didn't forge Garriott's resignation... how?


(Nothin' but love, Gangrel!)



With regards to downplaying downix's article because he's a player on the titan network forums, he's consistantly posted over there that he's a journalist first, and this time it happens he was approved to write an article about this game.

Yes, he does have some bias (obviously), but to insinuate he's outright lying, making things up is just as incorrect. He's stated that the contacts he's had chose to be anonymous, they were not studios but actual investment firms, with real offers to make. He chose to honor his contacts so they'd continue to trust him and be useful in future articles - he does write articles on subjects not pertaining to this.

Could he be making everything up? Cetainly, but the details he's gone though in describing journalism, the finance industry, and politics places weight on the side that he's telling the truth. Perhaps he was being a bit liberal with a few choice pieces. Like the RG forgery thing. No it wasn't a forgery in the classic "someone penned his name for him", but what did go down showed NCSoft to be in the wrong and at the very least used his name in an incorrect manner. I remember reading the old PDF where RG himself said it was a forgery - this being probably a liberal use of the word himself, but the description "stuck" and it's how many people recall the incident. So trying to fault downix for using it in the same manner is rather nitpicky in the least.



Yes, he does have some bias (obviously), but to insinuate he's outright lying, making things up is just as incorrect.
Given the outlandishness of his claims, and given that he is biased as you yourself admit, it's not incorrect at all. I would in fact prefer to claim he's lying and be proven wrong than to bite down on his BS hook line and sinker.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
With regards to downplaying downix's article because he's a player on the titan network forums, he's consistantly posted over there that he's a journalist first, and this time it happens he was approved to write an article about this game.

Yes, he does have some bias (obviously), but to insinuate he's outright lying, making things up is just as incorrect. He's stated that the contacts he's had chose to be anonymous, they were not studios but actual investment firms, with real offers to make. He chose to honor his contacts so they'd continue to trust him and be useful in future articles - he does write articles on subjects not pertaining to this.

Could he be making everything up? Cetainly, but the details he's gone though in describing journalism, the finance industry, and politics places weight on the side that he's telling the truth. Perhaps he was being a bit liberal with a few choice pieces. Like the RG forgery thing. No it wasn't a forgery in the classic "someone penned his name for him", but what did go down showed NCSoft to be in the wrong and at the very least used his name in an incorrect manner. I remember reading the old PDF where RG himself said it was a forgery - this being probably a liberal use of the word himself, but the description "stuck" and it's how many people recall the incident. So trying to fault downix for using it in the same manner is rather nitpicky in the least.
He's a journalist first? I'd really hate to know what he's second at, because he's a crap journalist. He's an excellent yellow journalist though.

Exhibit A:

Here's a clear sample of our 'journalist' in action:

What will happen tonight is simple: you will have Ryan, a greedy little worm of a man who would rather throw grandma out onto the street than to see David Koch actually pay taxes to support the system which makes his lifestyle possible, standing up against Biden, one of the hardest-working, most loyal, and yes, adorably gaffe-prone men in Washington.
(BTW, I found it immensely ironic that said article featured a nice sidebar ad for something called EpicX, complete with scantily clad avatar and the tagline 'One Click for a Roman Orgy.' Can you feel the hypocrisy?)

Said 'article' then goes on and on about Biden's personal tragedies while conveniently ignoring Ryan's.

This is not journalism, it's just an attack piece. In fact, if you go to the master page, , the tagline says "One says what he means and means what he says, the other is a lying sociopath and a devotee of Ayn Rand."

Now I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty sure calling Ryan a sociopath is making things up.

Let's not demean the whole profession of journalism by calling a left-wing Limbaugh a journalist.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
With regards to downplaying downix's article because he's a player on the titan network forums, he's consistantly posted over there that he's a journalist first, and this time it happens he was approved to write an article about this game.

Yes, he does have some bias (obviously), but to insinuate he's outright lying, making things up is just as incorrect. He's stated that the contacts he's had chose to be anonymous, they were not studios but actual investment firms, with real offers to make. He chose to honor his contacts so they'd continue to trust him and be useful in future articles - he does write articles on subjects not pertaining to this.

Could he be making everything up? Cetainly, but the details he's gone though in describing journalism, the finance industry, and politics places weight on the side that he's telling the truth. Perhaps he was being a bit liberal with a few choice pieces. Like the RG forgery thing. No it wasn't a forgery in the classic "someone penned his name for him", but what did go down showed NCSoft to be in the wrong and at the very least used his name in an incorrect manner. I remember reading the old PDF where RG himself said it was a forgery - this being probably a liberal use of the word himself, but the description "stuck" and it's how many people recall the incident. So trying to fault downix for using it in the same manner is rather nitpicky in the least.
Lets take this quote from his piece.

Despite the game’s long-term viability and multi-million dollar current profit, the shutdown reason given in a company announcement was that it “no longer fits with our long term goals for the company.” To replace it in the company’s lineup, NC Soft is going to “introduce Western gamers to Asian martial arts fantasy with Blade and Soul.”
First, NCSoft's financial records indicated that game had revenues, as in income not profit, of only $10-11 million over the last 12 months. Factor in a staff of 80 at California salaries and their is no way the game could have been making a "multi-million dollar current profit".

Second is establishing the release of Blade and Soul in North America, a plan that NCSoft had talked about for well over a year in their investor's news releases (Aug 2011), as the reason they shut down CoH. Just after the announcement about Paragon and CoH people started blaming Guild Wars 2 as the reason and then the rumor about Perfect World and the gaming engine license and then Nexon as the secret masterminds pulling NCSoft's strings. Sure it makes a good story, two weeks after our closure announcement comes the B&S one so the later MUST have led to the former RIGHT? Then on top of it he included Turjin's cartoon which while described as a parody from the start suggests that the two announcements were at the same time and all the quotes are from NCSoft's CEO (only the last B&S one is) while the others are from generic company statements.

Lastly while CoH is more family friendly, it's still rated T in the US which means 13+, than B&S which I'm expecting to be M due to the blood (XCOM is M due to the blood), it's not because of the darn profanity filter. T rated MMOs have them so they can get the T rating. M rated MMOs don't need them. Sure parents and their children have played CoH (go Sister Flame and her siblings) but "family friendly" wasn't featured selling point of this game unlike E and E10+ MMOs like Wizard 101, Club Penguin or Fusion Fall.

It's a bias and shoddy piece of "Journalism" that's fact light and skewed by the strong opinions of the author. What NCSoft did to us and Paragon Studio and how they did it was cruel. But spreading rumors as fact to drum up support is wrong. We are better than that.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



That's not it. If I'm not mistaken, the one I recall was post-trial, possibly a consolidation of info(?), which included one or more statements by RG, not just his representation.

Either way, it doesn't matter. NCSoft - or management within the company, was proven to be wrong in that case. It's over and done with. One way or the other, the company tried to pull one over on RG and he went to court and won his settlement. Hence, the issue is settled. Arguing over wether or not it was a forgery or misrepesentation doesn't matter as the result is still the same, people within NCSoft did something wrong in the eyes of a court of law. That is what's important about that story.

How it pertains to what's going on with CoH is important because when the company says one thing, and some info begins to surface that something else was going on, you have to look at the company's past and if anything about how the company calls anyone to question them in the current situation, that doubt should give reason to pause and consider if they are being honest with players or not.

To summarize, NCSoft hasn't been quite honest with players in the past, has been proven to at the very least, skew the facts in order to prevent a pay out to a (former) employee.

Now NCSoft says they've exhausted all options in selling the game, and we've had several instances pop up stating other wise.

1. Formerly Paragon Studios was making an attempt to save the game

2. A small studio tried to contact NCSoft and was ignored completely.

3. Possibly another small studio tried as well (if I'm not mistaken).

4. Two seperate investment firms attempted to place offers to which neither received a responce.

This doesn't sound like NCSoft exhausted all options at all. It sounds more like they ignored most options. I may be wrong but I'm guessing formerly Paragon made some headway with NCSoft's NA branch, but when things went to their mothership in Korea, the offer was sat on until a proper meeting on it was finally scheduled where it was summarily canned.



How about the fact that Paragon Studios posted job openings on 8/21. If you don't have the funds to pay for a position, how do you create one?

I've said this before, but using one bit of data then with nothing else to go on but guessing does not make your statement any more factual.

If anything, taking into consideration that Parason Studios wanted to purchase the IP and game from NCSoft, they had another project in the works (some say 2 but I only know of 1), they had a healthy (not maitenance) staff developing CoH with several issues planned out ahead of i24 with general plans into next year, the studio was still hiring, all gives indication that the studio was opering on some type of profit.



I'm finding it hard to sift through the information with all the various axes being ground, conjectures being passed off as fact, anonymous sources, a writer moonlighting as a source, tantalizing tweets, currency exchanges, a Santa Claus imposter reading Korean financials, hints of secret (and, surprise!, anonymous PMs), rumours of skulduggery involving another studio, stories of white knights, the occasional flattering photo of a player, and ... oh my.

My inferior brain is left spinning.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Lets take this quote from his piece.

First, NCSoft's financial records indicated that game had revenues, as in income not profit, of only $10-11 million over the last 12 months. Factor in a staff of 80 at California salaries and their is no way the game could have been making a "multi-million dollar current profit".
I see this a lot, and I have to point out that around half of that 80+ staff were working on an entirely new game. That means that the 80+ staff were not all operational expenses related directly to City of Heroes. As such, it most certainly can be possible that the game was making a multi-million dollar profit and that a lot of that profit was being reinvested into the company in the form of development of future products.

I think this point is very important, because I keep seeing people questioning City of Heroes's profitability. To be blunt, the numbers that we're getting from the investor report can be fudged in a lot of ways--almost all of them perfectly legal--to tell just about any kind of story. Although I can't prove this, I highly suspect that some shared expenses for things related to non-City of Heroes games were being foisted upon City of Heroes to make other games that NCsoft poured craptons of money into look better, things like marketing expenses, legal expenses, accounting expenses, etc. If you don't believe that, fair enough; like I said, that's my opinion. It's not blatant enough to be considered "cooking the books," but it is enough that it has been dragging down City of Heroes's numbers (and thus perceived financial performance) to make NCsoft-exclusive efforts look better than they actually are.

That aside though, City of Heroes was making enough money to support 1) maintenance and upkeep of the game itself, 2) further development on the game, as evidenced by the continual updates it was receiving, 3) development of a completely new game, and 4) at least some profit that was being sent back to NCsoft for further development on their projects. Which projects? Well, I can say this: since 2Q 2008, even using NCsoft's reported numbers, Guild Wars has been consistently underperforming City of Heroes for all but one financial quarter in 2010. Many times, City of Heroes earned two or three times as much in sales than Guild Wars. In 2Q 2012, Guild Wars pulld in about 1.28 trillion KRW, City of Heroes pulled in 2.86 trillion, this on the even of Guild Wars 2 launching. Yet here we are today, Guild Wars with a shiny new sequel, City of Heroes shutting down and all of its staff laid off.

SOMETHING doesn't add up here. I might never be able to prove it, and you might not believe it, but I personally believe that something fishy is going on inside the halls of NCsoft that we're not privy to, an ulterior motive at work. Something has changed the past few years, something I can't put my finger on, but something that I think isn't in the company's best interest. Unlike how I felt when the game launched, it's pretty obvious to me that gaming communities aren't exactly a priority at NCsoft now. That's not to say that sometimes they don't luck out with studios that provide awesome community relations folks like ours did and that sometimes we even get good GM support like we did. But in the big picture, I feel like NCsoft just doesn't know how to treat its customers well, and I for one won't be supporting their games in the future. Right now, it seems that those "long term goals" they referred to are to churn out a new shiny every couple of years or so, let it run for a little while, then burn it down and move on to something else. As a gamer, I have to say no thank you.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Well, I can say this: since 2Q 2008, even using NCsoft's reported numbers, Guild Wars has been consistently underperforming City of Heroes for all but one financial quarter in 2010. Many times, City of Heroes earned two or three times as much in sales than Guild Wars. In 2Q 2012, Guild Wars pulld in about 1.28 trillion KRW, City of Heroes pulled in 2.86 trillion, this on the even of Guild Wars 2 launching. Yet here we are today, Guild Wars with a shiny new sequel, City of Heroes shutting down and all of its staff laid off.
I think you're off-base with the comparison to GW -- just going by Wikipedia's entry, , the game hasn't had a paid expansion since 2007. That GW had something even within spitting distance of CoH's revenue is surprising given the lack of subscription fees. And, frankly, I think GW's largely been on autopilot for the last few years while CoH has been under active development AND has had paid expansions.

Again, putting on my tinfoil hat, here's what I think:

NCSoft will claim some form of significant tax benefit for closing PS.

The offers didn't add up to the tax benefit + the hassle and legal fees involved in selling the IP.

NCSoft didn't like the Sekrit / didn't like the market conditions surrounding MMOs (SWTOR has been in a downward spiral, and that's gotta terrify most companies).



So journalism means never having an opinion?

Sounds pretty untenable to me.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



And they could just as easily not include the cost of the studio in at all when the word "profit" is tossed about, just the expenses related to running the game, hosting, bandwidth, website, forums, support. In that case it's possible that the game had millions in profits.

Also Guild Wars hadn't been under performing CoH. As I've pointed out a number of times GW has total revenues over it's life of $15 million more than CoH in a year's less time. Now where Cryptic and Paragon Studios used that money to release a steady stream of "free" content updates, since 2007 ArenaNet put most of that money toward the development of GW2.

Here's the chart of cummulative revenue over time of CoH (blue) and GW (red)

Note that GW hit $150 million in cumulative revenues in only 3 years, we took nearly 6 years (only $95 million in the first 3 years). When we went past $150 million, they went past $175 million. In big business, return on investment is more important that current revenues. ArenaNet proved that their game can earn income at twice our rate. And while we had monthly subscriptions they had only box sales. And while their monthly revenues dropped sharply after Q1 2008, it didn't go to zero, the game was still selling in it's legacy state. And since they didn't have a monthly subscription, they didn't care about churn. They made their money on the cover charge and not the drinks (okay poor analogy). Sure the last few quarters of revenue were quite low but that's true with any 7 year old game. How much money does Blizzard make on the Warcraft 3 or Diablo 2 Battle Chest?

Now our devs had to come out with a continuous stream of content, that's how a subscription and FTP MMO work because without new content folks move on and stop giving you money. ArenaNet took the traditional game approach of box sales with a later box expansions, like the Diablo series, and took those earnings to develop the next game. The last I heard ArenaNet had 2 million GW2 sales, I'm sure that'll compensate NCSoft for any extra monies invested above GW's revenues to finish the game.

And yes NCSoft could still be playing favorites. They bought ArenaNet way back in 2002 before they even had a game. Paragon was started as the left overs of Cryptic, NCSoft simply didn't like the lack of attention this game was getting and since they owned half of it they were simply looking out for themselves. It was already proven that this game didn't fly in Asia but the look of the GW2 as well as it's PvP aspect could do well there. There's nothing wrong in focusing on your region's customers first, they are the ones you understand best.

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Originally Posted by BurningChick View Post
Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Well, I can say this: since 2Q 2008, even using NCsoft's reported numbers, Guild Wars has been consistently underperforming City of Heroes for all but one financial quarter in 2010. Many times, City of Heroes earned two or three times as much in sales than Guild Wars. In 2Q 2012, Guild Wars pulld in about 1.28 trillion KRW, City of Heroes pulled in 2.86 trillion, this on the even of Guild Wars 2 launching. Yet here we are today, Guild Wars with a shiny new sequel, City of Heroes shutting down and all of its staff laid off.
I think you're off-base with the comparison to GW -- just going by Wikipedia's entry, , the game hasn't had a paid expansion since 2007. That GW had something even within spitting distance of CoH's revenue is surprising given the lack of subscription fees. And, frankly, I think GW's largely been on autopilot for the last few years while CoH has been under active development AND has had paid expansions.

Yes, it might be stretching it a bit to try and equate GW's performance and development with CoX's since they're basically different products like comparing a studio making console games versus one that does tradtional mmos.

But if we have to compare, i suppose we can use what they have in common...expansions.

Factions released in 2Q 2006 boosted revenue by about $10.6 million.
Nightfall released in 4Q 2006, spiked revenue by about $ 8 million.
Eye of the North in 3Q 2007 gained an increase of about $5.2 million.

CoV released in 4Q 2005 spike to about $8.8million. (under Cryptic)
GR in 3Q 2010 bumped to about $1.8 million. (under Paragon Studios)
F2P in 4Q 2011 nudged about $400 thousand.

* I know, Freedom is not an expansion but it's a note worthy relaunch of the brand. And since there's a distinct lack of other expansions.

And yes, GW's revenue has diminished in recent years starting mind you, at the time they shifted gears from another expansion to announcing they were working on a sequel. But also GW's earnings is not just the revenue number shown in the reports. NCSoft has partners to run GW in other regions which shows up under royalties.


The lack of definitive answers has sprung a myriad of speculation as to the reasoning for the closure. The problem with speculation is that it can be spun in different ways.

So just to add to that problem , the following will contain some tinfoil worthy elements.

Let's say for instance that after several years of NCSoft's commitment to the game started to waiver when CoX's revenue got cut by almost half 3 years ago through various reasons and that got NCSoft's top brass to start questioning CoX's long-term potential.

They waited to see what if anything the devs can do to reverse that.

But after trying an expansion which only provided a modest boost of about $1.8mil compared to it's last expansion before the big revenue cut that got a jump of $8.8mil and even after trying F2P which provided an even less of a temporary boost in revenue by just spiking about $400k. All the while, revenue is still declining.

Those lackluster performances possibly have gained the attention (not the good kind) of NCSoft's top brass.

If something changed in the past few years, maybe it's NCSoft's confidence in Paragon Studio's ability to develop a growing revenue stream whether existing or new, on top of the fact its only revenue source has dwindled from earning $25 million in 2007 when NCSoft bought Cryptic's 50% stake in it, down to possibly even about $9 million this year.



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
So journalism means never having an opinion?

Sounds pretty untenable to me.
Claiming someone is a sociopath because one does not agree with that person's politics, not to mention making up "facts" about them, which is generally called "lying", is not journalism, it is fascism.

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