Suppose an emulator shows up, How many of you would go on?




Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
You miss the point. After how many adjustments and changes when does the emulator cease to be a CoH emulator and becomes a game vaguely like CoH ?

The market was an important part of the game and while it may not be a core system for you it was for many of us. While I personally think the worst decisions the devs made about the game were market related ,Not merging the markets until I18, making merits, hero merits, tickets all character bound, not providing better search tools, not making remote auction much easier to obtain, were all horrible. None of them compare to writing off an entire section of the game and the community.
Adding these two statements together, the current City of Heroes is a game only vaguely like the original City of Heroes. If the current City of Heroes is a legitimate continuous extension of the original game, an emulated successor does not need to replicate the current game any more precisely than the game itself originally did as it was developed.

But that's mostly a tangent. The question was whether a game built upon an emulator could have a successful market implementation. That success rests primarily upon participation not implementation. I did not say that an emulated game wouldn't have a market implementation; that's a weird thing to claim one way or the other. I was responding to the assertion that without a viable market the logical conclusion is that the entire invention system becomes untenable. That's obviously false on its face, because the use of the markets is not mandatory to make the rest of the invention system function.

In no way does stating that "write off an entire section of the game and the community."

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Adding these two statements together, the current City of Heroes is a game only vaguely like the original City of Heroes. If the current City of Heroes is a legitimate continuous extension of the original game, an emulated successor does not need to replicate the current game any more precisely than the game itself originally did as it was developed.

But that's mostly a tangent. The question was whether a game built upon an emulator could have a successful market implementation. That success rests primarily upon participation not implementation. I did not say that an emulated game wouldn't have a market implementation; that's a weird thing to claim one way or the other. I was responding to the assertion that without a viable market the logical conclusion is that the entire invention system becomes untenable. That's obviously false on its face, because the use of the markets is not mandatory to make the rest of the invention system function.

In no way does stating that "write off an entire section of the game and the community."
Welcome CoH the monkey's paw edition.



OK, so lacking a "true" marketplace with community-driven economics, the coders can change things to compensate by coding different drop tables, etc. I get that. I can't imagine going back to a world of just SO's, any more than I can imagine a world of free drops for all (as in the Test Server).

What else needs to change? And how many of these changes will each emulated server instance replicate from one another? I'm certain there would be more than a single server instance out there. Do I jump from server to server and maintain a consistent experience, or am I better just sticking to a single emulated server, one with the least amount of "balancing code" going on? And how can I tell?



Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
I think she means places like Russia.

Oh. You're one of those people that think that all of us Kins are trying to troll you. No wonder you're so negative!
To be honest, a fair amount of Kins WERE drive-by trolling. Null the Gull was perhaps the most welcome sight I've ever seen in this game: one bird, nullifying a million intrusions into other's gameplay.

Back on topic: hurry up with that emulator.



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
OK, so lacking a "true" marketplace with community-driven economics, the coders can change things to compensate by coding different drop tables, etc. I get that. I can't imagine going back to a world of just SO's, any more than I can imagine a world of free drops for all (as in the Test Server).

What else needs to change? And how many of these changes will each emulated server instance replicate from one another? I'm certain there would be more than a single server instance out there. Do I jump from server to server and maintain a consistent experience, or am I better just sticking to a single emulated server, one with the least amount of "balancing code" going on? And how can I tell?
Are you saying your position is that the problem with server emulators is that there will be too many of them?

If only that were the problem.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I Would if Such a thing Does Show up (Wink) however I just think it's Impossible to do (Wink, Wink)

I would Find it really amazing if somehow this Emulator can be Update like any other Mno, with new Content and all.

If Something like this is really Real (Wink Wink) I would donate Money to make it a really Hot Emulator (Wink Wink Wink)

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



In a heartbeat, provided they make PvP accommodations.






Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Now, I don't know if this is ironic...

But on the inifite Aion forums, they are saying that the server is closing down.
I haven't actually touched Infinite Aion, myself. As with most MMOs that aren't City of Heroes, my information is second-hand, from a friend of mine who plays all manner of **** if it has grind in it. Lineage II, Aion, WoW, 9Dragons, etc. He pretty much gave up on Aion altogether when the F2P official version proved to have far too slow a progress rate and Infinite Aion proved bugged up the ***, with constant crashes and non-working missions. I'm not surprised to see it go, but I don't think it's going down due to a C&D order... Is it?

Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
Back when COXEmu was first released (before it was shut down), there wasn't a Marketplace aspect to the game. Just SO's and Inspirations, which were effectively unlimited from vendors. I'm pretty sure emulators will totally bork the marketplace model, if it can exist at all. And without market economics in place, IO'ing out your character is going to be tough unless (wait for it) someone jerk-hacks the marketplace code to address this.
My personal opinion on the matter is: Big deal. Sell the bloody things at the vendors and get rid of the whole loot grind far as I'm concerned. Being able to actually get Inventions might remove a lot of my animosity for the entire system.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Well, someone please work on Infinite Heroes based on I24 pretty please!



In response to the original question, I'd give it a try.

Tanker Tuesdays: Meet in King's Row by IP Gate 6pm PT9pm ET.
1st Tuesday on Champion, 2nd Tuesday on Justice
3rd Tuesdays (Odd months) Freedom, (Even months) Virtue, 4th Tuesday, Tour, Server TBA
Brutal Thrashing Thursdays: Justice (ask Papa Slade when),meet in RWZ 6pm PT9pm ET.



I would play an emulator.

Whether or not I play it as much as I play City of Heroes now depends on many factors, the most important of which would be whether or not I'd be able to use the Titan Network's Sentinel tool to export my existing characters into the emulator. Other factors would be the general quality of the emulator and just how much of the original game was reproduced.

But regardless I'd definitely give it a look.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I would play an emulaor.

I am wondering what people's reasons are for playing or not playing an emulator. Is it a moral reason? Paranoia?

My reason is because I can make my own fun through the costume creator and roleplaying, so even if an emulator is buggy and missions are lacking, there's still plenty to do. I'm not afraid of legal repercussions because its highly unlikely to happen. Should the original game be revived, I'd go back in a heartbeat. If the real thing exists, what need is there for the emulator after all?
At this point, I'd be happy with a cistume creator login ability.

I'd be really happy over an emu that did single player stuff.

I'd be all over anything that allowed teaming and more play.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
QR: Just wondering, but what the maximum number of reward merits you can get ingame, by running everything just *once*.

side switching is allowable for so you can get all story arcs. Assume you are at the correct level for everything (so you will not outlevel contacts)

*edit* I think i broke my finger working it all out.

According to Paraogn wiki, doing *everything* just once (all the Gm's once, every story arc just once), all the task forces... 3566 Reward merits.

I believe that is enough to slot out one character (although not purple out), because those are not available via Reward Merits.
Hero/Villian merits make it very easy to get all non purple/pvp recipes by the time you are 50.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
Emulators=eventual hacked gameplay and "fixes " that won't fix anything. Stalkers with blaster nukes and tankers with Defender debuffs. Emulators will kill an already dead game, perverting the gameplay.
Sounds fun to me. Not likely I'd be using an emulator for super serious balanced gameplay purposes anyways.



I would and I would support it in the same fashuion as I have for the past 8+years. I would just like to keep my original name which I've used since 1983 in the first Pen and Paper Superhero game American Valor, yea I'm that old

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I would try it out, illegal or not.

Would I stick around? That would depend on what the new "devs" do with it.
Close to this. If it was something that just emulates whatever the server feeds the client on my local computer, and it was just me solo (or me and a few friends connecting to my "server"), I guarantee I'd install it, re-import my 'saved' characters (if possible) and get right back to playing. How long I stuck with it would depend on how modifiable it was. If it was just locked to how the game plays right now (or even the I24 beta), it'd probably take me about two more years to do everything I'd wanted to do before I felt "finished" with the game. I doubt I'd ever uninstall it, but I'd probably play it less and less - then not at all (much like all the other games I've loved, but don't really play anymore).

On the other hand, if it was modifiable, "solo" CoH, I'd probably be messing with it for at least as long as I could get my computers to still run it. Heck, I'm 100% sure the first thing I'd do is try to convert as much of the game as possible that isn't currently "solo-friendly" to something that is. (That'd include probably some really tricky things, like how to handle the lack of a market - maybe up reward merit rates? Or see if I can't populate the market with copies of everything at 'inf' prices that I'm used to seeing?) But I'm getting way ahead of myself.

If it was a private, emulated server, but not feasible to have my own personal copy of it, then I'd certainly check it out - but whether or not I'd stay would depend on exactly what its "devs" did with it -- just like Bill said...

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Depends who was running it. In the right circumstances, yes.

The one player who has already made statements on these forums to the effect that he is already decoding an emu and will be running one at some point? I'm all over THAT.



Honestly? I wouldn't go near an emulator. I want to let COH rest in peace rather than be party to copyright infringing necromancy. It would be more depressing than the live servers currently are to me.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Honestly? I wouldn't go near an emulator. I want to let COH rest in peace rather than be party to copyright infringing necromancy. It would be more depressing than the live servers currently are to me.
I'm not seeing how a well-made emulator could tarnish CoH's good name any further. If anything, it'll just make NCsoft even MORE hated. Which is an accomplishment.



To me, exploits/mods are the main draw of an emulator. x10 XP/inf rate, x100 Merit rate, and the buffs from that one Alpha slot mission at all times? Sign me up.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
To me, exploits/mods are the main draw of an emulator. x10 XP/inf rate, x100 Merit rate, and the buffs from that one Alpha slot mission at all times? Sign me up.
/emote glares at Tenzhi.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
/emote glares at Tenzhi.
::shrug:: MMOs tend to have progression and reward rates that I find tedious, and CoH was no exception (though it's certainly one of the least tedious MMOs I've played). Add to that that characters have never felt "super" enough to me in this game (with the exception of that one aforementioned Alpha Slot mission the purpose of which seems to be to sow disappointment with the actual Incarnate abilities) and you can bet I'd be looking forward to the prospect of a heavily modified game.

But then, I'd also be happiest if I could run the game standalone.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Honestly? I wouldn't go near an emulator. I want to let COH rest in peace rather than be party to copyright infringing necromancy. It would be more depressing than the live servers currently are to me.
Well it couldn't very well be City of Heroes when everyone playing would be breaking federal statutes.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
To me, exploits/mods are the main draw of an emulator. x10 XP/inf rate, x100 Merit rate, and the buffs from that one Alpha slot mission at all times? Sign me up.
Jerk-hacking, coming soon to a buggy emulator near you.