NCSoft's Official Response to Us




City of Heroes® Players and Fans,

We wanted to let you know that your voices have been heard and your concerns have been taken into serious consideration. We appreciate the overwhelmingly constructive and positive messages in the emails, notes, and packages you've sent in support of the game. It has not been an easy decision for us to close Paragon Studios® and prepare to shut down City of Heroes. We've exhausted all options including the selling of the studio and the rights to the City of Heroes intellectual property, but in the end, efforts to do so were not successful. City of Heroes has a special place in all of our hearts, and we want to ensure its reputation and the memories we share for the game end on a high note.

Once again, we will be holding events throughout the process of preparing for the game's end, and we encourage players and fans of the franchise to join forces and enjoy their time in a game that we've enjoyed supporting for more than eight years.

The NCSOFT® Team
I have a couple of problems with this - firstly the 'exhausted all options' regarding the selling of the studio. If they were serious about that before the announcement there would have had to be rumours flying about surely? If they were doing it without informing Paragon then that was less than fair too. After the announcement, I'm pretty sure an intact Paragon Studios with a demonstrably loyal playerbase would be a far more attractive proposition than an 8+ year old IP with the devs who could make it sing scattered to the four winds and an angry, shocked and fractured playerbase.

Then as far as the game ending on a 'high note' surely keeping Paragon Studios together as an entity right to the end would fulfill that more accurately, giving the Devs and players a chance to really say a proper goodbye - roll out Issue 24 and go out on one of the most anticipated Issues for quite a while instead of just slamming the doors shut, sacking nearly everyone, letting us be taunted as various upcoming features (SSA's and costume parts) turn up in the store but remain inaccessible for many if not all players. So much for generating great memories as the last months of the game wind down.

Somehow PR speak, promotional emails for upcoming NCSoft products, and even double XP and special events don't quite cut it as a fitting farewell to a great game and a development team that prided itself on interacting with and supporting their players.



Originally Posted by GreyScribe View Post
I have a couple of problems with this - firstly the 'exhausted all options' regarding the selling of the studio. If they were serious about that before the announcement there would have had to be rumours flying about surely? If they were doing it without informing Paragon then that was less than fair too. After the announcement, I'm pretty sure an intact Paragon Studios with a demonstrably loyal playerbase would be a far more attractive proposition than an 8+ year old IP with the devs who could make it sing scattered to the four winds and an angry, shocked and fractured playerbase.

Then as far as the game ending on a 'high note' surely keeping Paragon Studios together as an entity right to the end would fulfill that more accurately, giving the Devs and players a chance to really say a proper goodbye - roll out Issue 24 and go out on one of the most anticipated Issues for quite a while instead of just slamming the doors shut, sacking nearly everyone, letting us be taunted as various upcoming features (SSA's and costume parts) turn up in the store but remain inaccessible for many if not all players. So much for generating great memories as the last months of the game wind down.

Somehow PR speak, promotional emails for upcoming NCSoft products, and even double XP and special events don't quite cut it as a fitting farewell to a great game and a development team that prided itself on interacting with and supporting their players.
Well said, mate. Well said.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Why I asked how much they were wanting for it.

If they said a million dollars, Id say that sounds reasonable if they had no plans to ever do anything with it again.

If they said 20 million dollars, Id say that doesn't sound reasonable if they had no plans to ever do anything with it again.

But I don't know their plans at all, but since they said they were willing to sell the IP but there was no takers, I just wonder why no one would spend the million.
A million is nothing, the playerbase would cover that in a week. If everyone who signed the petition donated 100$, we'd easily have that million and more than enough to buy a bunch of servers. That said, it's doubtful that NCSoft's willing to give away something that was generating 5 million a year for that little cash, and to a direct competitor, no less, even if it means antagonizing the hardcore fans. Plus, as you said, even assuming whoever bought the game cut production and maintenance costs to a minimum, it'd take at least 4 years plus taxes to regain that initial 20 million investment, even assuming the playerbase wouldn't dwindle by 2016.

In a nutshell, it's just not profitable for any outside company to invest in the game, just as it's unprofitable for NCSoft to give it away for "free". All we could do was appeal to their decency and hope they'd accept releasing an old IP to the players as a PR boost, but apparently NCSoft sees it otherwise, so the game is stuck in a limbo until hell freezes over.

Me? I blame the absurdity of intelectual property laws...



Some people are talking as if we either have to enjoy our last few months in the game and say goodbye to it or continue to support efforts to try and save the game despite this new announcement. This is a false equivalency though, doing one doesn't lead to the other. I'm quite capable of continuing to enjoy the game and prepare for it to end on November 30th, while at the same time hoping that efforts to save the game may yet succeed.

Granted, this statement can be seen as a blow. But all this really reiterates is what we knew at the end of August, NCSoft want to close the game down. Simply saying that they haven't found a way to save the game and are going to stop trying doesn't remove their ability to save the game if they're convinced to do so. However genuine they've been over 'exhausting all options' they still have the ability to sell this game to somebody else who does want it to continue. This message is another statement of their intent, but it doesn't change their ability to sell the game.

Who knows, but if we stay positive and keep getting our message across, keep getting positive coverage and keep up in-game events to show that CoX has life in it yet then we can't hurt the chances of the game surviving somehow vs not doing any of that. Maybe NCSoft can be convinced that doing a good deed by finding a way to pass the game on to somebody else will be good PR for them. I'd certainly feel very good about NCSoft if they did something like that and would go out and buy Guild Wars 2 the next day to thank them.

I think most people realise that the odds are against the game continuing. But that doesn't mean that it's totally pointless to hold out hope.



I am a little surprised that NCSoft issued any statement at all. They had seemed pretty content to let the silence speak for them.

I don't expect they'll say anything further on the matter after this, though.



Figures. Corporate business is as corporate business does. This is disappointing but not in the slightest surprising, especially with NCsoft's recent conduct. That doesn't mean we can stop trying, but it does mean we may want to look for alternatives on the side, like the Titan Network's awesome if fledgling project.

I really don't think large corporations can be reasoned with, is all. The most they can be convinced to do is hire a spin doctor.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I really don't think large corporations can be reasoned with, is all. The most they can be convinced to do is hire a spin doctor.
Oh! Oh! Oh! They should totally hire me for that job. NCSoft? Sorry, that name just won't do in the west, it screams 'vague corporate acronym', and us westerners hate that. No, over here you want to 'speak to the people', as it is. You want to see eye to eye with your customers. You want to speak to the lowest common denominator. So, I'd like to present you with your new corporate identity in the western hemisphere: Jerkhats Inc.

Would you buy a game from Jerkhats Inc.? I know I would.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
Friend of mine (@vhaillor2003) in-game posted the following, which I copy/paste here:

"It was basically a "We feel really bad for setting that puppy on fire. We want you to know that we loved the puppy too. But once we doused in in gasoline and lit it on fire, we just couldn't put it out."

"We even tried waving a fan at it to put the flames out and everything, but sadly all options are exhausted. Now let's please stop trying to put the puppy out, and instead hug and share happy memories of the puppy while it burns to death."

And also please stop mentioning to everyone how we set puppies on fire."

I wanted to respond to them with an "Oh NCSoft, I'm trying hard to see things from your perspective, but try as I might I just can't get my head lodged that far up my A**."

Which I thought was one of the best summations I've yet seen.
Best and most accurate summation to date.

'Exhausted all options'...BULL fething HORSE dookie!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
In a nutshell, it's just not profitable for any outside company to invest in the game, just as it's unprofitable for NCSoft to give it away for "free". All we could do was appeal to their decency and hope they'd accept releasing an old IP to the players as a PR boost, but apparently NCSoft sees it otherwise, so the game is stuck in a limbo until hell freezes over.
Yep. That angel investor isn't coming.

Oh, and if you want a real good hoot? NCSoft's going full-bore into social gaming, and they have all these IPs in their portfolio. Coming soon to your iPad: Angry Skuls.

Originally Posted by KnightOwl View Post
I am a little surprised that NCSoft issued any statement at all. They had seemed pretty content to let the silence speak for them.

I don't expect they'll say anything further on the matter after this, though.
Yep, and yep.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by KnightOwl View Post
I am a little surprised that NCSoft issued any statement at all. They had seemed pretty content to let the silence speak for them.

I don't expect they'll say anything further on the matter after this, though.

When I read their statement, my first thought (after I could think after the blind fury of being so obviously patronized) was that all the negative publicity they're getting is starting to have a real effect on them.

They didn't HAVE to make this statement. They made their views known loud and clear on Aug. 31st.

If they're still repeating this exact same message, but with warm and fuzzy words, then something's getting to them.

If the above is true (and by their own actions, it's the only thing that makes any sense), then this is NOT the time to sit down and cry about how we've lost. Now is the time to kick up the heat and MAKE MORE NOISE!



I'd say the one hope of "Una salas victis..." has now been fulfilled.

Time to cry havoc and go all Vanguard on them.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Not aware that any of them sold at a premium.
They sold for what they were worth: in other words what the interest parties were interested in offering.

The CoH property has zero value to NCSoft if they will not use it (and we know they won’t) even as a tax write-off it makes no sense. The write-off, from what I understand, can still happen if they sell the property at what can be considered a legal loss.



They put out a response because they already have taken hits being known as a MMORPG killer. This is probably one of the bigger ones they are trying to kill in the western market. Regardless what they do they are monitoring the situation for sure.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
You already bought it. Can't return it. So, wouldn't it be better if you kept playing it, but never bought an in game item, that way you took up space on their servers?
Actually... there is an interesting thing, how freemium games work (and despite the box price, GW2 IS a freemium game.)

You see, there is an expectation that a huge percentage of the playerbase will never spend any money in the game. Just a smaller chunk ever will. Those that don't spend any money are likely going to serve as publicity for new players.

If a friend asks "what were you doing last night" and you replied "playing Guild Wars 2" that is publicity.

I’m not saying you should stop playing, but by stopping and spreading the word about how backstabbing this company is towards their fan base (with 5 killed MMOs in their trophy wall) you CAN do something that is even more effective than a personal boycott.

If enough people quit GW2 over this, they actually will notice the harm they have brought to themselves.



Well. you, NCSoft.



There is one thing that's bugging me.

Why dafuq do they keep posting in the Announcements section of these forums when they know a good majority of us aren't VIP and can't post replies? It makes much less sense when Hit Streak just closed down multiple threads people started to discuss the announcement on other sub-forums.



All this did was pull back the cover clouding the view of how companies actually view MMO's and the MMO player base. They do not see them as long term "unless" they are massive continuous revenue makers.

They are not satisfied with profit, they must make a "certain" level of profit or be shut down without any concern over the community built around the revenue stream.

So while companies use the "community" and "social" aspects of MMO's as a MAJOR selling point, once they get your money they could care less about the "community" built within the game, unless it is large enough not to just make a profit, but a profit at the levels they feel are needed "not" to shut it down.

My view on NC SOFT and MMO's is no longer clouded and my subsequent buying and playing habits will reflect this new knowledge.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
They are not satisfied with profit, they must make a "certain" level of profit or be shut down without any concern over the community built around the revenue stream.
Greed is the new good and the concept of "enough" is heresy.

Yay for immortal and amoral piles of money that only have one purpose!



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Why I asked how much they were wanting for it.

If they said a million dollars, Id say that sounds reasonable if they had no plans to ever do anything with it again.

If they said 20 million dollars, Id say that doesn't sound reasonable if they had no plans to ever do anything with it again.

But I don't know their plans at all, but since they said they were willing to sell the IP but there was no takers, I just wonder why no one would spend the million.
I think the stuff is worth more and they probably was asking for more than a million but I do get the point there.

There a couple of things to factor in. The pruchase price they paid for to aquire this stuff, the money they put into it, the money it was making, the potential money to be made if it was handed over, and more. And maybe they are attached as much to the game as the players are and want to keep it forever and ever without having to spend money on it.

Now, they just the got rid of expenses they normally would spend to maintain the game/pay employees. So, the IP and stuff is an asset. They might be able to get x amount of dollars of taxes, and still keep asset and maybe sell the IP off in peices at their leisure. Or even if they just put the IP in a vault, they probably will not lose anything in the end. Remember that when someone is sitting on an asset that wont bother them just sitting there then they can basically name their price. Depending on how desperate they are to get rid of it usually ends up with lower price with greater desperation. In this case, it seemed like they are content on sitting on it.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Gutted almost in tears again - I knew it was unlikley to be saved - it is obviuos that some people dont want it to be saved



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post

There's still hope for private servers though, right?
It's kinda laggy...



" We've exhausted all options including the selling of the studio and the rights to the City of Heroes intellectual property."

BULL ******* ****.



Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
" We've exhausted all options including the selling of the studio and the rights to the City of Heroes intellectual property."

BULL ******* ****.

This is what I posted in the Titan forums...

Here are my thoughts on negotiations to sell CoH were exhausted:

Potential Buyer: Can we buy CoH from you?

NCSoft: No

Other Potential Buyer: Hey, I'd like to buy CoH!

NCSoft: No

Still Other Potential Buyer: We would like to bu...

NCSoft: No

NCSoft: Man, this stupid phone keeps ringing. I'm exhausted!



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
This is what I posted in the Titan forums...

Here are my thoughts on negotiations to sell CoH were exhausted:

Potential Buyer: Can we buy CoH from you?

NCSoft: No

Other Potential Buyer: Hey, I'd like to buy CoH!

NCSoft: No

Still Other Potential Buyer: We would like to bu...

NCSoft: No

NCSoft: Man, this stupid phone keeps ringing. I'm exhausted!
Hehe, yeah, that seems about the size of it.



Originally Posted by Chill_Arrow_EU View Post
Gutted almost in tears again - I knew it was unlikley to be saved - it is obviuos that some people dont want it to be saved
Chill, please don't let this get to you.

Their re-announcement is spin-control. A week ago, in the media we were the plucky underdogs, fighting the greedy mega-corporation. Now we're getting feedback from that latest announcement that we're crying, game-addicted children who can't accept reality.

What changed?

NCSoft PR department changed who was making the latest news, that's what.

They have never sold the rights to any game they own, and they own a bunch. Thus, from the track record, they never wanted to sell this one, either. We always knew that. What we CAN do, is make this a PR nightmare for them. We have been successful at that, and we know this, because they were forced to make this latest announcement.

Nothing at all has actually changed, only which side the media is reporting on. Nothing more!