NCSoft's Official Response to Us




Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Ah yes, there's more of that wonderful CoH community spirit everyone talks about.
Indeed! If you're not overflowing with enthusiasm and hopefulness then YOU MUST BE THE ENEMY! Grr, rawr, etc.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Ah yes, there's more of that wonderful CoH community spirit everyone talks about.
You play on Virtue, man?

Who are you?

Really. I just want to know what you play. You roleplay? Grind?

This is an honest attempt to reach out even though I don't really like the job NC did.




Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
You're the troll here.
Now now. People always insist on thinking that "troll" means "person who says things I don't like and/or don't agree with."



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
Nothing wrong with my community spirit, it's a serious question. What do you have to gain from spreading negativity into every. single. thread. people post about their reaction to this?

I guess you could just be trolling, but I actually hope you're getting paid for this.
oh hell not this "mole" stuff again.

While we at it, ask him where is Ahkman John Flemenheimer is hiding.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post

"Sock puppet." "Serious question."

You're the troll here.
So... you're not a sock puppet? You just think it's A-OK to stop by every thread talking about this and tell everyone their wasting their time?

I promise you, I will not follow you around to every thread.

Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Indeed! If you're not overflowing with enthusiasm and hopefulness then YOU MUST BE THE ENEMY! Grr, rawr, etc.
I'm not particularly hopeful at all. But there's nothing wrong with people that are. They're choosing to spend their time trying different things. I see nothing wrong with that.

And there's folks that spend their time trying to tell everyone else that they're wasting their time. Nothing wrong with that either, except they go to every single thread to say it. And that makes them look like a jack.

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Now now. People always insist on thinking that "troll" means "person who says things I don't like and/or don't agree with."
Wait? Isnt that what it means?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Kyuuen View Post
You play on Virtue, man?

Who are you?

Really. I just want to know what you play. You roleplay? Grind?

This is an honest attempt to reach out even though I don't really like the job NC did.
Not sure what it has to do with anything, but yes, I played on Virtue. Casual RPer. In no way a grinder, less than a dozen 50's. Been around from the beginning as you can see from my forum reg date.

Regarding what NC did, I'm of the camp that believes that the main decision NC made was to close Paragon. They did so because they didn't believe that the secret project Paragon was working on was going to be successful. Once the decision was made to shut down the secret project, it made no sense to keep part (half?) the studio just to run CoH.

As in many situations, it's misleading to think that NCSoft are the black hats here. They may have been the ones pulling the plug in the end, but it's the result of numerous factors, which also include Paragon's inability to build up CoH (no matter how much you love it, the game was in a slow decline) and Paragon's inability to succeed in making a second game that fit NCSoft's requirements. NCSoft is no doubt complicit in both those failures. But to say that Paragon is blameless is both naive and, in a way, insulting to Paragon.



Originally Posted by Kyuuen View Post
Community Managers for $1000, Alex.

"He was a class act through the City of Heroes sunset, also known as Zwillinger."

Correct! And that brings you to the lead.

He;s still unemployed?

I'm sure with his skills, he'll get picked up in no time.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Not sure what it has to do with anything, but yes, I played on Virtue. Casual RPer. In no way a grinder, less than a dozen 50's. Been around from the beginning as you can see from my forum reg date.

Regarding what NC did, I'm of the camp that believes that the main decision NC made was to close Paragon. They did so because they didn't believe that the secret project Paragon was working on was going to be successful. Once the decision was made to shut down the secret project, it made no sense to keep part (half?) the studio just to run CoH.

As in many situations, it's misleading to think that NCSoft are the black hats here. They may have been the ones pulling the plug in the end, but it's the result of numerous factors, which also include Paragon's inability to build up CoH (no matter how much you love it, the game was in a slow decline) and Paragon's inability to succeed in making a second game that fit NCSoft's requirements. NCSoft is no doubt complicit in both those failures. But to say that Paragon is blameless is both naive and, in a way, insulting to Paragon.
I think it was only making a portion of what it was making a few motnhs after the launch compared to what it was making as recent as 1 August 2012.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Acroyear2 View Post
That is their PR dept trying to get the CoH player community to stop making waves over the shutdown of the game. Don't buy into it. They want us to be quiet because we are drawing attention to their poor business decision to close down a game that has a strong player base and is making money. Keep fighting. It's not over yet.
Indeed. Like I said earlier, people, CRANK UP the heat.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Wait? Isnt that what it means?
A troll is someone who says things specifically to get a rise out of people and anger them. Often such people don't even care what the topic is really about or even bother to have opinions on it one way or the other. Their goal and their focus is to raise the ire of the other posters. Once they know what gets under their skin, whatever that happens to be, they will use that to get as many people mad as possible, and then laugh at the results.

Sometimes, trolling can evolve into a form of performance art. But only sometimes.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
A troll is someone who says things specifically to get a rise out of people and anger them. Often such people don't even care what the topic is really about or even bother to have opinions on it one way or the other. Their goal and their focus is to raise the ire of the other posters. Once they know what gets under their skin, whatever that happens to be, they will use that to get as many people mad as possible, and then laugh at the results.

Sometimes, trolling can evolve into a form of performance art. But only sometimes.
Ah that was my understandng too but it seems this forum have a different defintion.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
So... you're not a sock puppet? You just think it's A-OK to stop by every thread talking about this and tell everyone their wasting their time?

I promise you, I will not follow you around to every thread.

I'm not particularly hopeful at all. But there's nothing wrong with people that are. They're choosing to spend their time trying different things. I see nothing wrong with that.

And there's folks that spend their time trying to tell everyone else that they're wasting their time. Nothing wrong with that either, except they go to every single thread to say it. And that makes them look like a jack.
We'll let the "every thread" part go as hyperbole.

I still don't see why you think I've told anyone that they're wasting their time.

The closest I've come to it today was when I said that Kickstarting a new MMO development studio wouldn't work. And I'll come right out and say that one plainly, that *is* a waste of time. You know what else? Any sane person would agree with me - you can't raise the kind of money you need on Kickstarter.

If Clayton and Co want to start a new studio, more power to them, but they won't be getting their startup funds from Kickstarter.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Ah that was my understandng too but it seems this forum have a different defintion.
That's human nature diluting the original meaning of the term. You get mad at someone arguing with you on the Internet? Well, obviously that person is a troll! It's a way of trivializing your opponents in an argument so that you don't have to actually think about their point of view as being at all relevant. Pretty insulting, actually.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
That's human nature diluting the original meaning of the term. You get mad at someone arguing with you on the Internet? Well, obviously that person is a troll! It's a way of trivializing your opponents in an argument so that you don't have to actually think about their point of view as being at all relevant. Pretty insulting, actually.
tell me about it.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Not sure what it has to do with anything, but yes, I played on Virtue. Casual RPer. In no way a grinder, less than a dozen 50's. Been around from the beginning as you can see from my forum reg date.

Regarding what NC did, I'm of the camp that believes that the main decision NC made was to close Paragon. They did so because they didn't believe that the secret project Paragon was working on was going to be successful. Once the decision was made to shut down the secret project, it made no sense to keep part (half?) the studio just to run CoH.

As in many situations, it's misleading to think that NCSoft are the black hats here. They may have been the ones pulling the plug in the end, but it's the result of numerous factors, which also include Paragon's inability to build up CoH (no matter how much you love it, the game was in a slow decline) and Paragon's inability to succeed in making a second game that fit NCSoft's requirements. NCSoft is no doubt complicit in both those failures. But to say that Paragon is blameless is both naive and, in a way, insulting to Paragon.
2 50's here. Since 2004. Hope for a 3rd 50 is closing. Casual/Moderate roleplayer who occasionally pretends to be slightly more than moderate.

(EDIT: Also author of very bad story here:

I didn't say that Paragon was blameless. I was simply saying - a bit on the acerbic side, that between Zwill and the unnamed NCSoft rep, I'd pick Zwill every time.

Was Zwill part of a declining product. Yes.

Did he contribute to the decline? I'm leaning 'No, that's a terrible thing to say.', but the case could be made for it, I suppose.

For me, it was because the game was starting to feel like the same old cake with a new layer of icing added every issue. When the new icing was added, that was great. We'd spend a few days licking at it, but after you did that - you just had the same old cake again. Then you're left wanting for new, delicious icing, which was really starting to get sweeter.

I don't claim to know the internals, or how things worked - but I wanted the Dev and art teams to possess a lot more horsepower and start making the game 'new', somehow.




Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
tell me about it.
Just remember that if someone calls someone else a troll, and there's no actual signs that the person they're arguing with is just saying whatever to get rises out of people, then that person is really saying they've run out of any actual points with which to back up their arguments. It's name-calling. They might as well be saying, "Oh yeah? Well you're a big doody-head!"

Well, unless of course the person calling other people trolls is actually a troll himself! That sometimes happens too.



Originally Posted by Kyuuen View Post
Did he contribute to the decline? I'm leaning 'No, that's a terrible thing to say.', but the case could be made for it, I suppose.
No, I would never say that Z contributed to the decline. However, I would say that Z was in more of a position to try to do positive things to improve CoH's position (and he did do a lot of things, they just didn't happen to work on a big scale) than an NCSoft PR person. That NCSoft person really had no impact on CoH one way or the other.

So while I think it's very unfortunate that the people of Paragon are having to find new jobs, I don't think it's particularly unjust that an NCSoft PR person still has their job.



To paraphrase (a.k.a. put words in their mouths):
We wanted to let you know that your voices have been heard and your concerns have been taken into serious consideration. (We want you to buy our other games, so we will act like we really thought about this.)

We appreciate the overwhelmingly constructive and positive messages in the emails, notes, and packages you've sent in support of the game. (Especially the ones that explain, rationally why you crazy people love this old, moldy game. Those are so funny!)

It has not been an easy decision for us to close Paragon Studios® and prepare to shut down City of Heroes. (We had to call a meeting and order lunch and stuff.)
We've exhausted all options including the selling of the studio and the rights to the City of Heroes intellectual property, but in the end, efforts to do so were not successful. (When they asked, we said sure...for a zillion dollars. Ha ha ha.)
City of Heroes has a special place in all of our hearts, and we want to ensure its reputation and the memories we share for the game end on a high note. (We don't care, really, but we can word sentences to make some of you think you're acting childish and feel bad. Silly Amerians!)

Once again, we will be holding events throughout the process of preparing for the game's end, and we encourage players and fans of the franchise to join forces and enjoy their time in a game that we've enjoyed supporting for more than eight years. (That way you can stop protesting, signing things, holding marches, contacting the media, writing letters, sending costume pieces and generally making us look like the d-bags that we are.)

The NCSOFT® Team (by way of an outside firm that makes us sound better.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
So while I think it's very unfortunate that the people of Paragon are having to find new jobs, I don't think it's particularly unjust that an NCSoft PR person still has their job.
I think the argument is that Zwill worked his *** off for the game and showed a ton of passion for everything he did, and the NCSoft PR person takes 5 weeks to write a single paragraph saying "Sorry we ****** your game (but not really)."

But then again, it's a pretty ******* unjust world we live in.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I think the argument is that Zwill worked his *** off for the game, and the NCSoft PR person takes 5 weeks to write a single paragraph saying "Sorry we ****** your game (but not really)."

But then again, it's a pretty ******* unjust world we live in.
Really? You think it took 5 weeks to do that?

I think it was dropped on his desk this afternoon and he was told to make it look nice and get it out right away.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
No, I would never say that Z contributed to the decline. However, I would say that Z was in more of a position to try to do positive things to improve CoH's position (and he did do a lot of things, they just didn't happen to work on a big scale) than an NCSoft PR person. That NCSoft person really had no impact on CoH one way or the other.

So while I think it's very unfortunate that the people of Paragon are having to find new jobs, I don't think it's particularly unjust that an NCSoft PR person still has their job.
Ok. I get you. I'm not for tossing people in the street (which is kind of why I was upset the better man got shown the door), but comparing the actions of Zwill and NCSoft_PR_Writer after the sunset announcement, there is simply no contest.

NCSoft's PR arm should have had a better plan the moment that the shutdown notice was served if not before.

They could have affected the reaction greatly simply by being a bit more hands on, instead of passing vague condolences to Zwillinger and IGN.

I do suspect that the home office gave them -nothing- to work with, but then I guess that wouldn't be just a PR failure, but a failure of communication on a deeper level.




Originally Posted by blackjak View Post
To paraphrase (a.k.a. put words in their mouths):
We wanted to let you know that your voices have been heard and your concerns have been taken into serious consideration. (We want you to buy our other games, so we will act like we really thought about this.)

We appreciate the overwhelmingly constructive and positive messages in the emails, notes, and packages you've sent in support of the game. (Especially the ones that explain, rationally why you crazy people love this old, moldy game. Those are so funny!)

It has not been an easy decision for us to close Paragon Studios® and prepare to shut down City of Heroes. (We had to call a meeting and order lunch and stuff.)
We've exhausted all options including the selling of the studio and the rights to the City of Heroes intellectual property, but in the end, efforts to do so were not successful. (When they asked, we said sure...for a zillion dollars. Ha ha ha.)
City of Heroes has a special place in all of our hearts, and we want to ensure its reputation and the memories we share for the game end on a high note. (We don't care, really, but we can word sentences to make some of you think you're acting childish and feel bad. Silly Amerians!)

Once again, we will be holding events throughout the process of preparing for the game's end, and we encourage players and fans of the franchise to join forces and enjoy their time in a game that we've enjoyed supporting for more than eight years. (That way you can stop protesting, signing things, holding marches, contacting the media, writing letters, sending costume pieces and generally making us look like the d-bags that we are.)

The NCSOFT® Team (by way of an outside firm that makes us sound better.
Good analysis. Spot on.



Has NcSoft even sent out any invites to their other games to VIPs? No "Hey. We know you really like that game that we killed, but here's a shiney to make it all better." mentality? I'd think that some sort of sub package for GW2 at least to make the hurt better (for them) would be in order.