NCSoft's Official Response to Us




Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
Guess what? Time to destroy this game for the western market.
How? DDOS attack the game servers forever?

(No I'm not suggesting this.)



If we keep getting the word out about what happened to COh through social media we MIGHT be able to put a little dent int heir projected numbers for Blade and Soul.

At the least I'd love to show them they can't feed us another sword and sorcercy pile of **** to replace COH.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The Hundred Years War online

20 years and still going strong.
Yes but what about those games that didnt make it that long and no longer among us?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
Trying to find GW2 in my list of programs to uninstall & dont see it. How do you uninstall this game?

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
You don't, NCsoft cancels it.
Haha! +1!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Yes but what about those games that didnt make it that long and no longer among us?
That's not the issue—plenty of MMOs have made it only a few years before being shut down for various reasons (usually financial, of course). Such games include Asheron's Call 2, Lego Universe, and The Sims Online, to name only a few. NCSoft, as we all know, has a significant number among them for just one publisher.

This, however, is a case of a long-time MMO being abruptly and arbitrarily sunsetted, even while it was generating a solid profit. There isn't exactly a huge number of MMORPG games as old as CoH to begin with, but those in that group tend to have stood the test of time.



"In corporate South Korea, NCSoft cancels you!"

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post

The **** you got against Mr. Rogers, Hit Streak?

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I have absolutely no desire to play any of their games again.
It's not about "hurting" NCSoft...I just refuse to help them.
Actually, the last time NCSoft made any money off of me was August 31. Not because I refused to give them any more, but because they stopped charging me for the only game they had that I had any interest in.

I almost was interested in Wildstar and I might still be... if NCSoft weren't behind it.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
That's not the issue—plenty of MMOs have made it only a few years before being shut down for various reasons (usually financial, of course). Such games include Asheron's Call 2, Lego Universe, and The Sims Online. NCSoft, as we all know, has a significant number among them for just one publisher.

This, however, is a case of a long-time MMO being abruptly and arbitrarily sunsetted, even while it was generating a solid profit. There isn't exactly a huge number of MMORPG games as old as CoH to begin with, but those in that group tend to have stood the test of time.
Makes sense.

If are going to approach in this manner, maybe we should make sure that Paragon Studios in itself was raking in a profit and COX was not mere collateral damage. This may have already been done.

Then it's time to decide what approach is proper without coming off as being soley ticked off about them not selling the IP or the negotiations failing. I know that isnt what it's about but if it comes off in that manner then it will be dismissed as "Oh they are just gamers. There is no way we can expect them to know about buisness. Pay them no mind. Send out another message that says we are listening to to them and taking their opinion into consideration so they can shut up."

The approach must make them go "Hmmm." And while people may be angry and want to get back at them, and stick it to The Man, it wont help besides coming off as raging lunatics that probabaly would make them not want to bother with the community and make their decision stick even more so and feel even better about their decision. There is a thin line between coming off as passionate about something and really want them to listen and coming off as a bunch of raging lunatics that cant be reasoned with either way.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



That is their PR dept trying to get the CoH player community to stop making waves over the shutdown of the game. Don't buy into it. They want us to be quiet because we are drawing attention to their poor business decision to close down a game that has a strong player base and is making money. Keep fighting. It's not over yet.

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
That's what they say. What's the truth? NOBODY wants a great, albeit old game with a fanatically loyal fanbase? Nobody wants $$$$???? I don't have to give my $$$$ if nobody wants it.
They paid Cryptic some amount of money for CoH, and they've spent millions of dollars on salaries for the last few years. That's a huge investment, one that's worth a lot of money as a loss on their taxes.

I'm no expert on tax law, but I'm guessing that if they take a total loss on the game they can value it at whatever number they need to reduce their US taxes to zero.

If, on the other hand, they sell it for some paltry amount, that gives it a value, and that could mean they'll have to pay US taxes.

With all that cash rolling in from sales of GW2, they need a huge loss in fiscal 2012 to avoid a massive tax bill.



Originally Posted by Acroyear2 View Post
That is their PR dept trying to get the CoH player community to stop making waves over the shutdown of the game. Don't buy into it. They want us to be quiet because we are drawing attention to their poor business decision to close down a game that has a strong player base and is making money. Keep fighting. It's not over yet.

And Rodion,

That sounds about as plausible as anything, or at least it sounds like something that could have easily factored into their decision. And if is to be believed, NCSoft's usual reaction to any situation is a knee-jerk "Kill you NOW!"



Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
Actually, the last time NCSoft made any money off of me was August 31. Not because I refused to give them any more, but because they stopped charging me for the only game they had that I had any interest in.

I almost was interested in Wildstar and I might still be... if NCSoft weren't behind it.
This, right here.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Really? You'd rather be left believing that negotiations were still ongoing?
I never believed that any negotiations were being conducted in good faith in the first place, at least on NC's part.

Talking about it meant NC's drones had to shovel the usual we're-so-sorry codswallop, which everyone saw through instantaneously because anyone my age or older has been inundated by it all our lives. All that statement did was dial the h8 up to h9.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I knew NC wouldn't budge on CoH, no matter what we did. They've done it before, and they'll do it again (im looking at you GW1 gamers). Of course we can't forget what they did to Richard Garret and Tabula Rasa, forging his signature, making him lose millions just to dump a game they didn't want. Heck, you could probably offer NC 50 mil, and they wouldn't take it. CoH, Tabula, Exteel, Auto Assault... NC does indeed hold the title of 'Destroyer of Worlds' .

Look, I will admit next to the next person that CoH was showing its age, for the past month I have been choking this area's bandwidth downloading other MMO's to try out, and some of them are simply beauitful, next to the grey lackluster zones like Kings Row, though I would consider Praetoria up to par, but making the rest of the game look like that would be a huge effort.
But where it counted, CoH was solid, on NO other game have I found teaming as easy to follow as on CoH.

Having said that, there is no excuse for what they did and how they did it. Put me in the boat of not giving NC another cent of my money, I'm sure if I get involved in ANY other game like CoH, it'll just be taken away again.

Now, TonyV... about those private servers...

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



Andy Belford is looking for a job, while anonymous NCSoft reps still get a paycheck.

Very sad.




Originally Posted by Kyuuen View Post
Andy Belford is looking for a job, while anonymous NCSoft reps still get a paycheck.

Very sad.
Who is Andy Belford?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by kangaroo120y View Post
I knew NC wouldn't budge on CoH, no matter what we did. They've done it before, and they'll do it again (im looking at you GW1 gamers). Of course we can't forget what they did to Richard Garret and Tabula Rasa, forging his signature, making him lose millions just to dump a game they didn't want. Heck, you could probably offer NC 50 mil, and they wouldn't take it. CoH, Tabula, Exteel, Auto Assault... NC does indeed hold the title of 'Destroyer of Worlds' .

Look, I will admit next to the next person that CoH was showing its age, for the past month I have been choking this area's bandwidth downloading other MMO's to try out, and some of them are simply beauitful, next to the grey lackluster zones like Kings Row, though I would consider Praetoria up to par, but making the rest of the game look like that would be a huge effort.
But where it counted, CoH was solid, on NO other game have I found teaming as easy to follow as on CoH.

Having said that, there is no excuse for what they did and how they did it. Put me in the boat of not giving NC another cent of my money, I'm sure if I get involved in ANY other game like CoH, it'll just be taken away again.

Now, TonyV... about those private servers...
yea, they just did what they normally did, about what 4-5 times already.

Not sure how private servers will work without the IP (maybe someone can explain) and without getting sued and or shutdown.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Community Managers for $1000, Alex.

"He was a class act through the City of Heroes sunset, also known as Zwillinger."

Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Who is Andy Belford?
Correct! And that brings you to the lead.




Originally Posted by Kyuuen View Post
Andy Belford is looking for a job, while anonymous NCSoft reps still get a paycheck.

Very sad.
What's even sadder is how willing you are to hate on someone who had less to do with the closure than Andy did.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
What's even sadder is how willing you are to hate on someone who had less to do with the closure than Andy did.
Are you an NCSoft sock-puppet?

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
Are you an NCSoft sock-puppet?
Ah yes, there's more of that wonderful CoH community spirit everyone talks about.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Ah yes, there's more of that wonderful CoH community spirit everyone talks about.
Nothing wrong with my community spirit, it's a serious question. What do you have to gain from spreading negativity into every. single. thread. people post about their reaction to this?

I guess you could just be trolling, but I actually hope you're getting paid for this.

Global name: @k26dp




Zwill did a much better job during a similar situation.




Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
Nothing wrong with my community spirit, it's a serious question. What do you have to gain from spreading negativity into every. single. thread. people post about their reaction to this?

I guess you could just be trolling, but I actually hope you're getting paid for this.

"Sock puppet." "Serious question."

You're the troll here.