NCSoft's Official Response to Us




Originally Posted by Kimball View Post
Far too many people are carrying on the delusion that they can still save CoH. It isn't going to happen, and holding onto the hope that it will will only make the end bitter.
hmm.... no. Perhaps that's how you would react to such a situation. Not me. Accordingly, I will keep hoping.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Yep, we're going to respond like we have been since August 31.
They publicly addressed us and acknowledged the subject of selling... claiming that they exhausted their efforts.
Well, now we're going to let everyone know that we look negatively upon their "efforts" and we're not going to stop spreading the word, passing on information and working towards what we want to see happen.
The only thing that can happen is delays.
Failure only comes when you quit. Until then, it's just taking on each obstacle on your path towards success.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Ahh, so coming here and telling everyone how their waisting their life in your own opinion makes you that much better? What's the cut off from spending time foolishly and investing time wisely then? What makes it okay to play a game at all when all the time anyone as ever used to play a game particularly as an adult - as it seems your message is more directed toward an adult audience - and not put it toward a more time worthy cause?

I've personally met people who believe adults who spend any time enjoying: sports, tv, movies, video games, board games, rpgs, toys, magazines, comic books, both fiction and non-fiction novels, and on it goes - are waisting time and all time outside of immediate work and family must be put towards more "worthy causes". So anyone who isn't as dedicated to this mindset lives foolishly and they often come off as haughty, and holier-than-thou.

I've been involved in several of the calls to action to help save the game, and I still hold out hope against hope. I also give money to a local shelter, volenteer time speaking and working with men from said shelter, monthly funds to St. Jude, sponser an orphan child in Africa - and keep ongoing correspondence with said child, and I'm involved with several ministries at my church. Oh, and I'm a father of two, and spend way more time with my kids than playing this game. But I still find small ways to help, and still hold a hope that something can change, because...

This is not just a game. It is a community of people, many of them wonderful. People have begun charities, met spouses, kept in contact with distant loved ones, met friends, lost friends, created written, drawn, and painted works of art, and so many more things. All of them spokes on a wheel at which this game is the center. My own deaf son has learned so much from watching me play and playing this game on his own. So manynew words have been adopted into his ever-growing vocabulary thanks to his interest in this game - words he probably wouldn't have spoken until much later if this game didn't exist.

All of this and more is why this game is worth saving.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Well, if you can't be bothered to use proper English, why should we be bothered to give a **** about whatever the **** you just posted?
You should see his post in the other thread where he said people should kill themselves if they can't get over the fact that the game is shutting down. He's an all-around classy dude.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
Think of the bigger picture.
You can't think of the big picture without thinking about all the little elements that make up the big picture. If you let those elements disappear one-by-one because they seem unimportant, eventually that big picture is going to be rather empty.

Far worse things happening that people should care about but they arent...
Caring about one thing doesn't necessarily preclude caring about anything else.

Sink your money into the bum dieing on your street corner, help fight you wont, will you...
No, I won't. I don't have enough money to give to charities that experience has shown me I cannot trust, and I no longer offer direct help for similar reasons.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
You can't think of the big picture without thinking about all the little elements that make up the big picture. If you let those elements disappear one-by-one because they seem unimportant, eventually that big picture is going to be rather empty.

Caring about one thing doesn't necessarily preclude caring about anything else.

No, I won't. I don't have enough money to give to charities that experience has shown me I cannot trust, and I no longer offer direct help for similar reasons.

Good for you man...Good for you and the rest that think that way...I can always count on people like you and the rest. I am glad you exist. Thank you so much



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
This is not just a game. It is a community of people, many of them wonderful. People have begun charities, met spouses, kept in contact with distant loved ones, met friends, lost friends, created written, drawn, and painted works of art, and so many more things. All of them spokes on a wheel at which this game is the center. My own deaf son has learned so much from watching me play and playing this game on his own. So manynew words have been adopted into his ever-growing vocabulary thanks to his interest in this game - words he probably wouldn't have spoken until much later if this game didn't exist.

All of this and more is why this game is worth saving.

This, my friends.
And let the petty insults a few send our way be absorbed by the masses of us who stand together.

I do believe it is time for a unity rally this Saturday... I'ma get to work on making that a go.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post

This, my friends.
And let the petty insults a few send our way be absorbed by the masses of us who stand together.

I do believe it is time for a unity rally this Saturday... I'ma get to work on making that a go.
Virtue as usual?



Ewww, wait...oh yeah that place...what? I had someone try and RP ra ping my toon there not just 4 days ago..Odd stuff I tell ya..

wow this stuff ************************************************** ***



How can anyone ever trust and play NCsoft games knowing they will just shut the game down at any time. I will never play any NCsoft games.... come to think of it i dont play any other NCsoft games. Everyone should boycott NCsoft and show them who really owns them. They are nothing without us giving them money. They dont care about us the gamers so ** them. Dont buy or spend money on any of there games.



All I can say to NCSoft is...I am gona stick my ************ right in *********** and *** to your ***** * ************** *** ******* ***
you bunch of ***** ** ***** ** ***** mother ******* ************************************************** ************************************************** *******************************************




Originally Posted by REDRUM View Post
How can anyone ever trust and play NCsoft games knowing they will just shut the game down at any time.
Nuff said.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Keekat View Post
Ewww, wait...oh yeah that place...what? I had someone try and RP ra ping my toon there not just 4 days ago..Odd stuff I tell ya..

wow this stuff ************************************************** ***
Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
All I can say to NCSoft is...I am gona stick my ************ right in *********** and *** to your ***** * ************** *** ******* ***
you bunch of ***** ** ***** ** ***** mother ******* ************************************************** ************************************************** *******************************************

Maybe you two ran into each other?
i've never had anyone try to RP any sort of sexual activity, and i've played on Virtue about half the time for years. That's even with occasionally stopping in Pocket D. Honestly, the most common RP activity i run into besides people chatting about general superhero stuff in character is "(("...
i've had more come-ons from players on other servers.
Some people have all the luck.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Maybe you two ran into each other?
i've never had anyone try to RP any sort of sexual activity, and i've played on Virtue about half the time for years. That's even with occasionally stopping in Pocket D. Honestly, the most common RP activity i run into besides people chatting about general superhero stuff in character is "(("...
i've had more come-ons from players on other servers.
Some people have all the luck.
Well, the real reason NCSoft is doing this is because...
Every time they ask someone if you are a girl in real life, ask for address, and how old you are, they would get the response...I am 12 and yes im a girl, and I live blah blah blah. They would show up, and a big creator faced fat bearded dude would answer the door and say, I didnt think you would show up! Pis sed them off, so this is what is happening now...go figure.



I had a come on once, from a "hot chick" heroine type.

I was playing The Pink Guy, who is a large dude in a pink leotard.

Some people are weird.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Originally Posted by REDRUM View Post
Everyone should boycott NCsoft and show them who really owns them. They are nothing without us giving them money.
I believe most of their money comes from players in 'internet cafes' (they don't call them that) in Asia. If every CoH player boycotted every NCSoft product for the rest of their lives, I question whether the impact would even be measurable.

Bad publicity, on the other hand, might be more noticeable. Maybe.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I believe most of their money comes from players in 'internet cafes' (they don't call them that) in Asia. If every CoH player boycotted every NCSoft product for the rest of their lives, I question whether the impact would even be measurable.
Well, CoX was bringing in roughly $800K/month revenue according to their financial releases. It is peanuts compared to all of the other titles (ok, Guild Wars 2 brings in roughly 1/2 the amount, but lets see what this quarters financial statements say to actually make judgement on it... side note: GW1 has brought in roughly $30million more than CoX over their respective lifetimes).



Editing just to acknowledge that I was completely wrong! Nothing to see here... move along!
(but I'll leave the actual post unaltered)

Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Well, CoX was bringing in roughly $800K/month revenue according to their financial releases. It is peanuts compared to all of the other titles (ok, Guild Wars 2 brings in roughly 1/2 the amount, but lets see what this quarters financial statements say to actually make judgement on it... side note: GW1 has brought in roughly $30million more than CoX over their respective lifetimes).
I think it is odd that you attack others for using numbers that you don't think are true, but you're throwing around that 800k estimate as fact... and it is not.
I'm not joining in the debate about how small of a chunk CoH and/or the western market is within NCSoft's stable of games, but - unless I am mistaken - that 800k mark was whipped up with a bunch of guesstimates on things that we have no idea about and, more importantly, it used salary figures using all of the Paragon Studios staff and tied it to CoH, which is completely incorrect (even if the guesses on the average salary were close at all).

I have no issue with you personally and I have no problem with what you're saying other than throwing around that figure as a matter of fact.
It's not doing me harm, but it's spreading falsehood and possibly making you look a bit silly!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I think it is odd that you attack others for using numbers that you don't think are true, but you're throwing around that 800k estimate as fact... and it is not.
I'm not joining in the debate about how small of a chunk CoH and/or the western market is within NCSoft's stable of games, but - unless I am mistaken - that 800k mark was whipped up with a bunch of guesstimates on things that we have no idea about and, more importantly, it used salary figures using all of the Paragon Studios staff and tied it to CoH, which is completely incorrect (even if the guesses on the average salary were close at all).
Actually, you can get the financials from here (Linkage to Ncsoft Financials page, where you can download different quarter/end of year reports if you desire)

You will need to unzip it 1st, and the you are looking for IR_ Consolidated FactSheet_ENG(2QFY12)-public.xls (yeah long name i know). The important information is on the Game Sales tab of that spreadsheet (it is listed in Millions of Korean Won, so you will need to get your currency conversion out here).

What I did, was take the Q2 results (2,855,000,000 Won) and just go to and use the currency conversion there.

2,855,000,000 Won = $2,570,678 for the Quarter (3 month period).
$2,570,678/3 = $856,892 per month

This is *revenue* and not profit. This does not take into consideration *any* expenditure from NCsoft/Paragon Studios. It doesn't need to take them into consideration as i never mentioned anything concerning profit.

I have no issue with you personally and I have no problem with what you're saying other than throwing around that figure as a matter of fact.
It's not doing me harm, but it's spreading falsehood and possibly making you look a bit silly!
Well, I am just using the same system as Father Xmas (and other posters) have used in the past, and actually using the relevent documents as well. Now, if we are *not* allowed to use these documents as evidence, then surely the fact that NCsoft lost roughly $7million last quarter *cannot* be used either, as they come from the same sources (well in this case, other files in the zip file i linked to). Infact, you know that nice graph that gets posted up every now and then showing revenue and "number of subscribers"? The information that it used to be generated was *from* the same set of reports.

So, do you believe me now? Or are you going to dispute everything that has been put up to support the game in the past?



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post

This is *revenue* and not profit. This does not take into consideration *any* expenditure from NCsoft/Paragon Studios. It doesn't need to take them into consideration as i never mentioned anything concerning profit.
Doh! Revenue, yes. I sincerely apologize as I made a mistake. I thought this was a number based on those guesstimate average salary numbers I'd seen before (this being revenue though, that was just a brain failure moment on my part).
I was honestly surprised, because it seemed like it'd be the last thing you'd do... Hah! I guess there was a reason for that!
Again, my apology! I stand corrected.
And, for the record, I've never had anything to do with any business numbers in the past. It's not my thing nor my interest. And none of what I was saying was pro this or pro that. I was just surprised and confused... but, that is because I was wrong!

Sees the word revenue clearly now, lol.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Doh! Revenue, yes. I sincerely apologize as I made a mistake. I thought this was a number based on those guesstimate average salary numbers I'd seen before (this being revenue though, that was just a brain failure moment on my part).
I was honestly surprised, because it seemed like it'd be the last thing you'd do... Hah! I guess there was a reason for that!
Again, my apology! I stand corrected.
And, for the record, I've never had anything to do with any business numbers in the past. It's not my thing nor my interest. And none of what I was saying was pro this or pro that. I was just surprised and confused... but, that is because I was wrong!

Sees the word revenue clearly now, lol.
No worries I was kinda of surprised that you called me up on this one, but at least everyone know now how to get the information up if need be (which reminds me, will add a link to the financials *page* as well)



Originally Posted by REDRUM View Post
How can anyone ever trust and play NCsoft games knowing they will just shut the game down at any time. I will never play any NCsoft games.... come to think of it i dont play any other NCsoft games. Everyone should boycott NCsoft and show them who really owns them. They are nothing without us giving them money. They dont care about us the gamers so ** them. Dont buy or spend money on any of there games.
We *don't* trust them. The problem is that ANY creating house will shutter one of their games, any time they feel like it. Its not like you can go from an NCSoft game to any other, secure in the knowledge that the rug will never be pulled out from under you.

Not defending NCSoft's decision in the slightest, believe me. But its not like they are the only ones doing this.

With that said, I wish companies everywhere would exhibit a little more sensitivity toward the feelings of fans who have lived a second life in their games for literally years. To them its a 'business decision," to us its an eviction notice on top of having all our pets put to sleep with no hope of reprieve. Its kind of a big deal [understatement], and I think that totally escapes them.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
We *don't* trust them. The problem is that ANY creating house will shutter one of their games, any time they feel like it. Its not like you can go from an NCSoft game to any other, secure in the knowledge that the rug will never be pulled out from under you.

Not defending NCSoft's decision in the slightest, believe me. But its not like they are the only ones doing this.

With that said, I wish companies everywhere would exhibit a little more sensitivity toward the feelings of fans who have lived a second life in their games for literally years. To them its a 'business decision," to us its an eviction notice on top of having all our pets put to sleep with no hope of reprieve. Its kind of a big deal [understatement], and I think that totally escapes them.
The problem here has is not and has never been anyone thinking it would last forever as has been stated many many times now. It was the when and how. Right before an issue launch for this game, right after the launch of GW2, the literally overnight manner in firing all the people at paragon AND the entire last part I bolded.

It was the perfect storm of crap served to us on a garbage can top as the platter. As yes it is clear that a lot of things escape them, starting with ever getting a penny of my money again.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
Well, the real reason NCSoft is doing this is because...
Every time they ask someone if you are a girl in real life, ask for address, and how old you are, they would get the response...I am 12 and yes im a girl, and I live blah blah blah. They would show up, and a big creator faced fat bearded dude would answer the door and say, I didnt think you would show up! Pis sed them off, so this is what is happening now...go figure.
Um, yeah. This is even more incoherent and irrelevant than most of your posts. So... uh... good job? (Incidentally, "creator faced"=face of a god, or maybe Rick Dakan? Not clear what that meant, but a lot of your posting barely qualifies as English, so i guess it's par for the course.)

Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
The problem here has is not and has never been anyone thinking it would last forever as has been stated many many times now. It was the when and how. Right before an issue launch for this game, right after the launch of GW2, the literally overnight manner in firing all the people at paragon AND the entire last part I bolded.

It was the perfect storm of crap served to us on a garbage can top as the platter. As yes it is clear that a lot of things escape them, starting with ever getting a penny of my money again.
This pretty much encapsulates why the shutdown was so jarring and aggravating to me. This wasn't a cutting back on resources or other sorts of winding down common to properties performing below expectations that tends to happen. This was a game studio going full bore on expanding a long-running game with a major update nearly ready for release and a second project well under way being told with no warning at all that everything they'd been working on up to that day was terminated completely. Doing the day before a major US holiday was also really poor manners.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...