NCSoft Is Not Our Enemy, But I'm Really Questioning Their Business Sense

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Don't know about that. Carbine is directly controlled by the parent company in Korea
Rather than by NC West? Are you sure?



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
Rather than by NC West? Are you sure?
Yes, it's listed in the Aug 2012 Investor's Relation's presentation (IR_Report_ENG_1208) as Carbine Studio (under NCSoft Corporation). PS was listed as Paragon Studios (under NC Interactive).

Interestingly enough, the entity called NC West doesn't appear in any of the charts or reports. That may just be the name used to encompass NCSoft's western interests.

Edit: Searching around about info on NCSoft West, I found that they hired, in the same week as our closure announcement and GW2's rollout, a new advertising agency.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Cartoony, sci-fi WoW, etc etc -
You know what? I am perfectly fine with that.
I'm not as completely burnt out on such games as some (especially those who've been playing WoW for the last eight). Auto Assault was like that, in some ways, but this looks much more polished than that game ever was. (The driving was okay, but as we used to say in Interstate '76, never get out of the car.)

If it offers me decent gameplay that improves slightly on the standard, with explicit support for playstyles like explorer and builder, combined with an art direction and sensibility that makes me think of Firefly crossed with Titan AE (mmm, Bluth-y)... I'm there.
It's just that now, I think that in the back of my mind there'll always be that nagging "don't get too attached, because who knows"

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Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Edit: Searching around about info on NCSoft West, I found that they hired, in the same week as our closure announcement and GW2's rollout, a new advertising agency.

NCSoft keeps finding new and innovative ways to twist the knife AND pour salt in the wounds.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Cartoony, sci-fi WoW, etc etc -
You know what? I am perfectly fine with that.
I'm not as completely burnt out on such games as some (especially those who've been playing WoW for the last eight). Auto Assault was like that, in some ways, but this looks much more polished than that game ever was. (The driving was okay, but as we used to say in Interstate '76, never get out of the car.)

If it offers me decent gameplay that improves slightly on the standard, with explicit support for playstyles like explorer and builder, combined with an art direction and sensibility that makes me think of Firefly crossed with Titan AE (mmm, Bluth-y)... I'm there.
It's just that now, I think that in the back of my mind there'll always be that nagging "don't get too attached, because who knows"
I was all set to be just as excited to play Wildstar. I liked the art, I liked the style. I liked the whimsy.

But I'm sorry. They are an NCSoft product. And now Wildstar is dead to me.



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post

NCSoft keeps finding new and innovative ways to twist the knife AND pour salt in the wounds.
That might just be part of the whole "realignment of company focus." Further investigation shows that the ad agency is the one ArenaNet was using to hype GW2, so now they are offically using it for to represent the all of their games in the west.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Edit: Searching around about info on NCSoft West, I found that they hired, in the same week as our closure announcement and GW2's rollout, a new advertising agency.
NCSoft named Hill+Knowlton Strategies as agency of record in late August but they've been partnered since 2 months ago in July heading pr for GW2 in preparation for it's launch. After GW2's launch in Aug 28, NCSoft liked them so they named as AOR.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Some. I think I heard a lot more anger when they introduced anime inspired pieces, about how a LOT of players hated them in the game, than I ever heard before or after about CoH not being animeish enough.

That's the interesting bit. If you fly around the game you will find that super-sized boobs are not as common as we may guess at first. Perhaps its because we have a lot of female gamers playing female characters, but we have a farily good mixture of player created characters in all spectrum of breast slider settings.

That also may be key to Warcraft's success. It's not offensive to most women because unlike most MMOs it does not go crazy in the skinemax fan-service.

I think almost every case of MMO cancelation in the past (outside NCSoft) can be traced to either economical losses (Asheron's Call 2) or licensing agreements (Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies.)
Maxed out. No. I wouldn't say that's common. Above 50%, I would.

But my comment on artistic style, was that artistic style is basically in the eye of the beholder. CO is an american made game, and what did people do? they complained about the look of the game.

I wouldn't say it's an asian or western thing, I'd say it's a personal thing.

I hear lots of postive comments about Elder Scrolls graphics, and I look at them and go "WTF THIS IS THE UGLIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!"

But then, I've loved the look of WoW (hated the game tho), TERA, and CoH.

As for them going the sexy/revealing style route with clothing on some of them. I think back to economics sells.

Actually, lots of things sell that would have the PC going "OMG WTF"

So basically, to that, I say, if you don't like it, don't buy/play it. This isn't me encouraging people to go out and get these games. But the idea that "OMG Standard Asian art" is somehow bad, because /they/ don't like it, when obviously enough people do.

But at least with B&S they seem to have more character customization than most other MMOs, and it looks pretty to me, I'll be checking it out. I was planning on checking it out long before the CoH news. Not happy about the CoH news. Not happy with how the company went about it.

But I imagine we'll be seeing some of CoH's devs playing other NCSoft games, both willingly and as part of their job, if they stay in the MMO field of things.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Cartoony, sci-fi WoW, etc etc -
You know what? I am perfectly fine with that.
I'm not as completely burnt out on such games as some (especially those who've been playing WoW for the last eight). Auto Assault was like that, in some ways, but this looks much more polished than that game ever was. (The driving was okay, but as we used to say in Interstate '76, never get out of the car.)

If it offers me decent gameplay that improves slightly on the standard, with explicit support for playstyles like explorer and builder, combined with an art direction and sensibility that makes me think of Firefly crossed with Titan AE (mmm, Bluth-y)... I'm there.
It's just that now, I think that in the back of my mind there'll always be that nagging "don't get too attached, because who knows"
I always have that nagging feeling I had that nagging feeling for CoH long before the announcement. Not because it was failing (to my knowledge it was in the black, and was at the moment of the news) but because I knew at some point, the doors would close.

this is why the news shocked me. I knew it would come at some point, but I figured it would be when we saw CoH was losing money, not making it. :/ And especially not when a new issue was right around the corner and looked to be bringing back players.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It looks like the legs, torso, breasts, and head from four different anime characters were stitched together without first being scale normalized, then was sprayed with latex, and then the latex turned into an inflatable doll.
So... Asian Liefeld? Or does one give the other a bad name?



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
So basically, to that, I say, if you don't like it, don't buy/play it. This isn't me encouraging people to go out and get these games. But the idea that "OMG Standard Asian art" is somehow bad, because /they/ don't like it, when obviously enough people do.
In my case, I am arguing that the Asian market has a history of rejecting western art styles. The west, on the other hand, tends to be much more accepting of Asian styles. Non-Asian masses tend to be more open minded in this respect. So at least my arguments are about the high chance of Wildstar failing in Korea.

However, on the art discussed in this thread, I think the point is about that particular female's head, not just the Asian style. It just seems broken... perhaps it's just an example of a character creator allowing users to create abominable things, though.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
In my case, I am arguing that the Asian market has a history of rejecting western art styles.
You know how Osamu Tezuka (The 'Godfather of Anime') created his art style originally, right?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm questioning their design sense if they tie open world PvP flagging to your costumes.
Oh lord. This is a thing?



Remember folks, they conveniently gave us a 'new' MMO bringing 'Asian' gaming to a 'Western' audience....and they conveniently gave it the appropriate initials.

Bull and......

Seriously NCSoft. You're about 3 years behind Perfect World Entertainment with regards to the East to West schtick and they have a far, far better F2P model than you as well.

P.S. Take that creepy child-furry race elsewhere. Seriously. What part of that do you think Western audiences want? What Western audiences are you appealing to anyhow? Those few that are in prison for suspect reasons?

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Originally Posted by Quin View Post
You know how Osamu Tezuka (The 'Godfather of Anime') created his art style originally, right?
Yes, he had a lot of Disney inspiration. But that was then, this is now. Times changes and in the last couple of decades the asian market has been a bit protective of their art style.



How blizzard manage to stay in business is an interesting story IMHO. After WoW's launch for almost 4 years all of Blizzards resources were directed to that single game. Blizzard was both developer and distributor of many of its titles and this gave them more freedom than many think.

Taking Blizzard as an example and trying to follow its footsteps while trying to do with divided resources is a ....... hmm not any noninsulting words come to my mind for this so I will skip that.

Secondly Blizzards game was what Asians like a grindfest for better equipments over and over again. Especially in Korea people are playing games as pro's and earning their life from that much like MTG pro's. For west however it was a continuation of an original works story. This is also what sets one of Blizzards success instead of using a well-known title they used their own original product and without any licensing problem they can add anything they want into game and story.

Thirdly compared to other games that were around WoW started rather simple no big character generation (There was SWG and CoH and god knows what else that you can practically create your character as you wish even if it is not equipment base) no complex character progress (Ultima Online, SWG, CoH and some others had vast selection for character progression even some were gated behind class/race etc the choices had enough variety) very colorful enviroment (When I first saw WoW I was thinking that I am playing a cartoon game) including Blizzards die-hard fanbase game quickly spread around like a fire in both people who want to spent time with their die-hard fan friends and it draw younger audience with being simple and having colorful enviroment.

On the topic: Only title I am waiting is Wildstar but I don't keep my hopes high especially if BS is imported to west than it needs extra cash from somewhere and from what I see carbine is next in the line. After all canceling a game before its launch is far more easier than what they are doing to CoH.



Originally Posted by Knightward View Post
So... Asian Liefeld? Or does one give the other a bad name?
It did bring Escher Girls to mind for me, although the summation I gave to Tacitala was actually, "a Lady GaGa blow-up doll, as viewed through a funhouse mirror."



Originally Posted by BViking View Post
It did bring Escher Girls to mind for me, although the summation I gave to Tacitala was actually, "a Lady GaGa blow-up doll, as viewed through a funhouse mirror."
Ooooh, I need to remember that one!



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
In my case, I am arguing that the Asian market has a history of rejecting western art styles. The west, on the other hand, tends to be much more accepting of Asian styles. Non-Asian masses tend to be more open minded in this respect. So at least my arguments are about the high chance of Wildstar failing in Korea.

However, on the art discussed in this thread, I think the point is about that particular female's head, not just the Asian style. It just seems broken... perhaps it's just an example of a character creator allowing users to create abominable things, though.
It very well could be. I know in TERA, I saw plenty of people go gaga over what someone would have done for the characters face sliders, and all I thought was "That's ugly"

It's like a discussion I got into with a friend the other day who couldn't understand how someone could look at Van Gough's work and think it was ugly. To which I replied "You realize everyone thought he was terrible when he was alive, right?"

Art's just subjective. There's people on the forums who love the "realistic" comic book style art, to which I think it just looks terrible

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Again, those numbers are revenue, income before costs are deducted, so not profit. Those terms are not interchangeable.
I know. But they've at least had the appearance of expanding over the last year or two. Expansions, with same or lesser revenue, means a smaller profit margin. Unless they've actually been cutting back while putting on a good front, which, given other posts, doesn't seem to be the case.

Of course, without exact accounting from the offices, it's speculation. I can, however, change the post if me speculating bothers you muchly.



Originally Posted by Tiny Bolt View Post
Unless they've actually been cutting back while putting on a good front, which, given other posts, doesn't seem to be the case.
I'm sure they've had cost cutting measures over time, but that's not something they'll publicize as a matter of policy. Though probably could guess at some of the effects like when they discontinued french and german localization.

Not sure if it's related but there was also some layoffs that BaBs was a part of. Of course there were also the ending of the EU offices some time ago.

And this is just conjecture on my part but i had the impression that Paragon had fewer or lessened presence among the trade shows and such. (Didn't follow that closely, could be mistaken)



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
I'm sure they've had cost cutting measures over time, but that's not something they'll publicize as a matter of policy. Though probably could guess at some of the effects like when they discontinued french and german localization.

Not sure if it's related but there was also some layoffs that BaBs was a part of. Of course there were also the ending of the EU offices some time ago.

And this is just conjecture on my part but i had the impression that Paragon had fewer or lessened presence among the trade shows and such. (Didn't follow that closely, could be mistaken)
If anything, recently they have been having *more* of a presence at shows over the past couple of years.

Sure, NCsoft might not have been there themselves, but Paragon Studios/City of HEroes were there.

Also, there have been the player pummits, which only started recently. They must have cost a bit to arrange.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Thirdly compared to other games that were around WoW started rather simple no big character generation (There was SWG and CoH and god knows what else that you can practically create your character as you wish even if it is not equipment base) no complex character progress (Ultima Online, SWG, CoH and some others had vast selection for character progression even some were gated behind class/race etc the choices had enough variety) very colorful enviroment (When I first saw WoW I was thinking that I am playing a cartoon game) including Blizzards die-hard fanbase game quickly spread around like a fire in both people who want to spent time with their die-hard fan friends and it draw younger audience with being simple and having colorful enviroment.
I think that the graphics had a lot to do with the success of WoW. The graphics are very simplistic which meant that the game could be run reasonably well on a low end machine (so long as you stayed out of Ironforge). This really opened up the available consumer base since people could play it without needing a dedicated gaming rig. At the same time although the graphics were simple the art was top notch meaning that the game itself still looked very good.

This is a lesson that I think many game companies really need to learn (although not Paragon Studios, they clearly understand it). Good graphics does not mean good art and good art will cover up poor graphics a lot better than good graphics cover up poor art.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
If anything, recently they have been having *more* of a presence at shows over the past couple of years.
Was mostly talking about the big shows. Think i remember Paragon not having a presence in this year's san diego comic con and pax...maybe there's more but can't place it.

Or i'm making more of it than i should.

Think i would count the player summit differently since it was funded or at least partially funded from the attending players tickets (verify).



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
Was mostly talking about the big shows. Think i remember Paragon not having a presence in this year's san diego comic con and pax...maybe there's more but can't place it.

Or i'm making more of it than i should.

Think i would count the player summit differently since it was funded or at least partially funded from the attending players tickets (verify).
I bought a ticket to PAX specifically to meet with PS and see any details on CoH. So sad when I found out they weren't going to be there.

In fact, I had just arrived in Washington when I heard the news. I may not have even made the trip, if I had heard about the news before I left (which I left RIGHT before the news was sent out).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
I'm sure they've had cost cutting measures over time, but that's not something they'll publicize as a matter of policy.
And why should they, when we have you around to share your incredible insider access with us, the great unwashed?

Your services to the game only grow more amazing with the passage of time.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone