NCSoft Is Not Our Enemy, But I'm Really Questioning Their Business Sense

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Tiny Bolt View Post
And yes, the profits are much lower than they were.
Again, those numbers are revenue, income before costs are deducted, so not profit. Those terms are not interchangeable.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It looks like the legs, torso, breasts, and head from four different anime characters were stitched together without first being scale normalized, then was sprayed with latex, and then the latex turned into an inflatable doll.
Wait... didn't the Kardashians make you sign an NDA?


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Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
And it's things like this that make me believe NCSoft shut down City of Heroes because it was an embarrassment to them -- they bring Korean-style grinders to the US market again and again, and they keep sliding off into oblivion as people realize what a horrible, endless grind the game is for little payoff... while City of Heroes, almost the complete antithesis of Korean-style grinders, keeps bumbling along -- no sweeping success, but still making steady money for the company. By killing City of Heroes, NCSoft can look at its stable of MMOs and convince itself that when it brings a Korean-style MMO to the Western market and it flops, it flops because the Western market doesn't want an MMO about the subject of the MMO, and turn a blind eye to the reality that the Western market doesn't want Korean-style grinders, regardless of subject. By existing, City of Heroes is walking proof that NCSoft doesn't have a clue what the Western MMORPG market wants. So it had to go.



That's it! We have a winner! Game over! Everyone else can go home!

You have won not only the thread, but the entire subject. THIS is the truth. When everything is peeled away, THIS - IS - THE - TRUTH.



I'm going to look at the bright side: If they're bringing another game over, maybe some former Paragon employees will find some jobs supporting the new title.



Originally Posted by Sureshot_Liberty View Post
I'm going to look at the bright side: If they're bringing another game over, maybe some former Paragon employees will find some jobs supporting the new title.
So. Like, Positron as lead developer on BS (yes, that's a legitimate acronym)? And from looking at screenshots of the game, I assume that fetish gear is mandatory office attire.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Ugh... thanks for that lovely image. Now I need the brain bleach...



My stance on this is as follows: If NCsoft fancy themselves a Korean developer first and foremost, then I sincerely hope the Korean market alone can support them, because dick moves like theirs are not endearing them to the Western market. Look at their line-up of games very seriously and consider that Guild Wars 2 is their only even remotely Western game.

You know, I'm fine with City of Hero not doing well in Korea. Fair's fair that their Korean Grindfest MMOs don't do well anywhere else, though, isn't it? I know for a fact that Blade and Soul will not be getting my money, even if I didn't find the game itself laughable.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
My stance on this is as follows: If NCsoft fancy themselves a Korean developer first and foremost, then I sincerely hope the Korean market alone can support them, because dick moves like theirs are not endearing them to the Western market. Look at their line-up of games very seriously and consider that Guild Wars 2 is their only even remotely Western game.
I would say yes it would. Infact i would go sofar to say that if it wasn't for GW2 releasing recently, if you took the Western Market out of their costs, they would probably have been making a profit for the past Quarter.



Very sad i think the suits have decided it closes and that's it. NCSoft has shot themselves in the foot with closing COH. I will not be playing Blade and Soul even if its the best MMO ever nor GW2 which i was thinking of playing.

In fact the saying "it will be a cold day in Hell" seems to apply when thinking about playing another NCSoft game. And if anybody asks me about playing any of NCSofts games i will do my best to put them off.

I agree individually that will not hurt NCSoft but if all the players who play COH did it then it would start to hurt NCSoft



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
I would say yes it would. Infact i would go sofar to say that if it wasn't for GW2 releasing recently, if you took the Western Market out of their costs, they would probably have been making a profit for the past Quarter.
Well, like I said (here? elsewhere? I forget): If NCsoft want to give up on the Western market, then that's fine. I hope the Korean market can support them, because I'm not interested in their sloppy seconds.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Well, like I said (here? elsewhere? I forget): If NCsoft want to give up on the Western market, then that's fine. I hope the Korean market can support them, because I'm not interested in their sloppy seconds.
I don't think they want to give up on the Western market, I think they want to give up on the western culture.

They want to make and present games the Korean core company understands.

Guild Wars 2 is such a game. It's very easy to see how that game will fit perfectly in Asia.

Dungeon Runners, Auto Assault, Tabula Rassa and City of Heroes never fit there. Exteel... not sure what happened to that one. I would had figure that one would fit fine toward the Asian market.

Anyways, my prediction is that Wildstar will be a disappointment for them. The art direction of the game alone will be rejected in the Asian market, and the game will be lucky to live 3 to 4 years.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Well, like I said (here? elsewhere? I forget): If NCsoft want to give up on the Western market, then that's fine. I hope the Korean market can support them, because I'm not interested in their sloppy seconds.
Yes, the Korean/Asian market can support NCsoft alone... infact, that is where the vast bulk of their past earnings have come from.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Yes, the Korean/Asian market can support NCsoft alone... infact, that is where the vast bulk of their past earnings have come from.
95%, in fact - but, like every other MMO publisher, they're looking at Blizzard and wondering how they manage to have large market shares in the West and the East.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I don't think they want to give up on the Western market, I think they want to give up on the western culture.
Trouble is, that kind of cultural chauvinism is not going to endear them to a Western market too well, just like how City of Hero bombed. I'm not saying Korean games are bad (OK, I kind of am) so much as that a company which has options and games of different cultures has a wider audience.

Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Yes, the Korean/Asian market can support NCsoft alone... infact, that is where the vast bulk of their past earnings have come from.
The let 'em have it. But I'm not going to support that. Not with my money, nor with my business.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hmmm...the complaints on their artistic style has me thinking.

Isn't that what some CoH players themselves complained about in CoH

In fact, I believe that's what CoH players have complained about in many western made games

So saying, "Gaaaah typical asian style art" is well...retarded.

And about the breast size of the characters? Like CoH didn't have people maxing out or not leaving the breast slider at minimum (when the default was at the 50% mark).

Now, the questioning of whether or not NCSoft will keep a game up and running, is valid. But then, I have that question with any game period.

NCSoft isn't the only MMO publisher that has canceled games that had a fan base.

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Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Dungeon Runners, Auto Assault, Tabula Rassa and City of Heroes never fit there. Exteel... not sure what happened to that one. I would had figure that one would fit fine toward the Asian market.
All I recall is that Exteel died an abrupt, quiet death back in 2010. A lot like what they've tried to do with City of Heroes. I know that, like Auto Assault, Exteel did have a loyal core player base that still maintains a forum. I don't know whether or not they tried negotiating with NCSoft to sell the IP or let them host it out of their own pockets or what not.

Massively has an article on the shutdown notice.

Originally Posted by Massively
NCsoft said that the game was no longer "financially viable," adding, "We know that we have many loyal players who love Exteel. Although this decision was a painful one, in the end it was a business decision that had to be made. We encourage everyone to play and have fun with the game that you love in the time you have left."
I can't help but wonder if by "financially viable," they didn't mean "operating at a loss" but rather "the game's still making a profit, but we're going to shut it down anyway because we can use the money to make another shiny new MMO."



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Anyways, my prediction is that Wildstar will be a disappointment for them. The art direction of the game alone will be rejected in the Asian market, and the game will be lucky to live 3 to 4 years.
Don't know about that. Carbine is directly controlled by the parent company in Korea so I would imagine they would have plenty of oversight and the look reminds me a JRPGs like Phantasy Star Online and action/combo/block attacks tells me that it's not our old school "press key, watch animation, cool down, press key" style.

Yes it's not hyper stylized like GW2 or Blade & Soul but I don't think it's a complete cultural disconnect like spandex clad super heroes.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Isn't that what some CoH players themselves complained about in CoH

In fact, I believe that's what CoH players have complained about in many western made games
What does "that" refer to? If you're talking about sexist... Sorry, "sexy" costumes, then that's not a problem at all. In most games with any degree of customization, you have the option to NOT walk around in a string bikini.

My problems with the art style is that it's confusing, nonsensical and weird for the sake of being weird with no options to break the specific style. So what if I DON'T want to look like I combat-rolled through someone's second hand clothes closet and then tumbled down a steep cliff? Can't.

Sure, I can see myself making one or two characters in that style, but there are only so many I can make that are defined as "weirdly dressed" before I run out of material. That's been at the centre of my pro-anime arguments since day one - anime in general is more than just THAT. It encompasses many styles, genres and visual approaches, yet Korean MMOs always seem to go for the exact same one, and I happen to find that one to be both ugly and overdone.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Hmmm...the complaints on their artistic style has me thinking.

Isn't that what some CoH players themselves complained about in CoH
Some. I think I heard a lot more anger when they introduced anime inspired pieces, about how a LOT of players hated them in the game, than I ever heard before or after about CoH not being animeish enough.

And about the breast size of the characters? Like CoH didn't have people maxing out or not leaving the breast slider at minimum (when the default was at the 50% mark).
That's the interesting bit. If you fly around the game you will find that super-sized boobs are not as common as we may guess at first. Perhaps its because we have a lot of female gamers playing female characters, but we have a farily good mixture of player created characters in all spectrum of breast slider settings.

That also may be key to Warcraft's success. It's not offensive to most women because unlike most MMOs it does not go crazy in the skinemax fan-service.

NCSoft isn't the only MMO publisher that has canceled games that had a fan base.
I think almost every case of MMO cancelation in the past (outside NCSoft) can be traced to either economical losses (Asheron's Call 2) or licensing agreements (Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies.)



Well, this makes me mad.

Yeah they don't care, notice, blah blah blah.

Whatever minuscule weight my opinion carries on the fate of NCSoft just trundled all the way across to the DIAF Nao! section of the scales of cosmic judgement.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Don't know about that. Carbine is directly controlled by the parent company in Korea so I would imagine they would have plenty of oversight and the look reminds me a JRPGs like Phantasy Star Online and action/combo/block attacks tells me that it's not our old school "press key, watch animation, cool down, press key" style.

Yes it's not hyper stylized like GW2 or Blade & Soul but I don't think it's a complete cultural disconnect like spandex clad super heroes.
Everything I see in the website screams American Saturday Morning Cartoon to me. Although I got t say, all background art scream World of Warcraft (and that scares me, the game may be a scifi skin on a fantasy MMO.)



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
That also may be key to Warcraft's success. It's not offensive to most women because unlike most MMOs it does not go crazy in the skinemax fan-service.
As far as models go, yes. But some of the textures they pack away for the female armor... well, let's just say it'd probably be better off not doing a google search for them.

Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
(and that scares me, the game may be a scifi skin on a fantasy MMO.)
Looking at you, SWTOR.

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Hmmm hopefully they will give us priority into a closed beta. Why hopefully?

Call a plumber.

Frankie says it best.



Well, I just was in the Wildstar website and looked again at the video section. Saw the gameplay video (I had not noticed it before.) It... bore me to death.

It is as slow as World of Warcraft, you go about killing X number of critters that are just standing about the world... its horrible!!! Well, scratch that off the list of games to look at in the future!