NCSoft Is Not Our Enemy, But I'm Really Questioning Their Business Sense

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
That female is laughably out of proportion and indeed, just looks stupid. Not to mention the typical Asian infantilisation of women is not exactly attractive to most Westerners. A ten-year-old's head on a body with DD-cup boobs....? Stupid. Sexy in Asia, stupid to Westerners.
I will propose a new campaign.
"Saving CoH is not about saving a game, it's about saving our culture and the sanity of our male gamers. We got to save our boob-slider to the right, waist cut into half, shoulders attached to the neck CoX body slider. If we need Sexy, we got to do Sexy the right way, dagnabit!"

I bet that blade and soul female avatar has scoliosis too, like female avatars of many games might have to do with carrying a huge and heavy weapon on one side all the time.

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I think that the graphics had a lot to do with the success of WoW. The graphics are very simplistic which meant that the game could be run reasonably well on a low end machine (so long as you stayed out of Ironforge). This really opened up the available consumer base since people could play it without needing a dedicated gaming rig. At the same time although the graphics were simple the art was top notch meaning that the game itself still looked very good.

This is a lesson that I think many game companies really need to learn (although not Paragon Studios, they clearly understand it). Good graphics does not mean good art and good art will cover up poor graphics a lot better than good graphics cover up poor art.
Well Ultima Online and some other MMO at that time had simpler graphics than WoW but they were not as colorful as WoW. Actually I don't know any other MMO at that time had that colorful graphics except CoH and to a degree SWG. There was 10six but I think it was on the verge of closure by the time WoW was launched and it was more like a strategy MMO.

Odlly one of thing I couldn't stand WoW was graphics. After playing SWG for a couple of years and newly started at CoH I couldn't stand WoW's cartoonish feeling, controls and mostly its limitations on class/race combinations. I never get the feeling of progress of my character in WoW though admitedly I (could) only (being able to stand up to) play up to level 14 for two weeks of first free month than gave game to a friend.

Rather than graphics I think advertisement had a big impact. There was already a loyal die-hard fan group of Blizzard but there was also seperate fans of Starcraft, Warcraft and Diablo and almost all of those were waiting for their MMO. Considering playing SC in Korea counts as a job and infact my talk with a friend at Korea revealed that if you are sucking at playing SC girls are not dating with you (you should be at least better than the girl that you wanna date) in high school tells alot where most of Bliizards success appeared. With only setting story in a medieval setting they not only get the Asian market but maange to keep West in their grasp too.