Your Characters After COH




With a few exceptions, most of my characters in COH were based on the lore I found in the game.

But ... these are MY characters.

And I am not ready for their stories to end.

I will continue their adventures in writing.

And to the extent that I can, I will continue their adventurers in other games.

What about you? Will your characters sleep with the game or go on?

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Mine will sleep with the game. Their world is here. Paragon City is not vanishing. Only the portal that we use to travel to it.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
We're talking about this in another thread. Join us.

(I'd link to it, but I ate too many ice cream drumsticks so can't think properly.)
A link would be helpful ... I know my characters won't end with the game. And I intend on writing for them, and maybe some forum RP. I'd love to know of others doing the same. Maybe get to collaborate with those I could never RP with in game.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
I will continue their adventures in writing.

And to the extent that I can, I will continue their adventurers in other games.

What about you? Will your characters sleep with the game or go on?
My characters are, to the very last, directly tied to the lore of this game. Some have its fabric woven in more overtly than others, but all of them use at least its basic assumptions in some way. The two I can think of off-hand that have no link to some character or group in the game still assume that Paragon City exists and has a high concentration of heroes, for example.

To me, changing even that sort of link makes them a different character. For me, they will remain forever a part of the CoH world. I would never transplant them elsewhere.

That said, they will not sleep here. I will revisit them in my memories, perhaps in art or fiction, even if it is just fiction for my own enjoyment or that of close friends. Fiction I would never have the time to write if I was actually able to play the game, because I would do that instead.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
(I'd link to it, but I ate too many ice cream drumsticks so can't think properly.)
This... this is how I choose to remember you always.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



None of my characters are really useable outside of the CoH lore. I mean, if Paragon made a spiritual successor, then yeah, I'd likely use a lot of the same names. But the concepts would undoubtedly be different.

I plan on continuing some of my characters stories through stories of my own, though.



I already copied my main best I could into a friend's Mutants & Masterminds game. Tweaked his story and powers to better fit that system and the lore of my friend's game, but all in all that was minor. Now said friend just needs to run the game...



Well Neuronia started as Synapse (female) in a HERO System game, then became Neuronia here. She'll surface in another MMO I am sure.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



As I posted in another thread, Chad Gulzow-Man and co were created long before CoH was. They're no strangers to dimensional travel, so if another good superhero game ever surfaces, they'll likely appear there. And if not, then they'll at least remain active in my own stories.

Sadly, there are a lot of characters that belong in Paragon (or Praetoria) who won't be joining the Gulzow-Men. For example, my Freakshow lieutenants B1zZ3rK and Snap Crackle PUNCH! don't have business being elsewhere, as much as I'd like to reuse them.

Others are... iffy, at best. Year of the Monkey is a Staff/Stone Brute based on the Chinese legend of the Monkey King; he can go wherever he fits, really. The Polonium Kid, my radioactive cowboy, could equally be reused somewhere that allowed for him to use both pistols and radiation. The Emolator, the goth teenaged son of a fire demon, could resurface somewhere pretty easily too.

And then there's all the joke characters I've made over the years: Falcon Paunch, Master of Puppies, Pot O' Brass (the Steampunk Leprechaun), the All-Time Loser... They will all be sorely missed.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



My characters are all natives of Paragon's world and tied into the lore too much to migrate them. There's just no way, for instance, that Astorian Shade would ever make sense anywhere except Paragon City with its Astorian lore. The closest I've done is created a sort of elseworlds version of Sparkly Soldier Yuki in The Secret World, as a street-smart teenage demon hunter. She does at least look a lot like Yuki would in jeans and a hoody. I also tried rebuilding her in Champions Online as a test for any other characters, but after a few hours of work I ended up with a character that was just close enough to her to depressingly realize that it's never really going to look like her. Regardless, my characters are woven so much into this setting that any versions in another game would just, at best, be loosely based on them.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Most of mine are far too tightly tied to some aspect of the City world to translate well into other settings...

How could I have the Nemissary, for instance, without the Circle of Thorns? (He's a... well, let's call him a "mostly-reformed"... Death Mage-)

Grey Kestrel wouldn't be the same individual without her boss (Scirocco) to worry over, or her partner (a Mu Adept-) at her side.

The Elysion... my beloved "bird-things"... are Faathim's creatures. In a world without the Shadow Shard or the Rularuu, they just wouldn't be the same. They depend on having that foundation.

So, while I may have resin ball-jointed doll versions of a couple of them, and I'll probably sketch them occasionally or even tinker with writing them out, I doubt I'll ever try to recreate them in another MMO or tabletop game unless it's based in the City world.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



New Atlantic City, Home of America's Future...

Above a gigalopolis of glass and steel floated a solitary being. Clad in bulky power armour with sleek curves, plates of white overlaid with darkened detailing and joint-work, Zortel observed the costal city below her. Scanners in her helmet tuned into the NACPD radio frequencies, filtering through their reports with the help of an analysis program to pick out pertinent information.

"B&E at Gameforge Electronics Warehouse, Franklin Industrial Complex. Metahuman Criminal Activity reported. Available units respond." A female voice crackled over the frequency.

Her suits thruster systems gave a soft whine as they came online, transferring power over from the hover drive as she boosted her way towards the scene of the crime. Her suit's synthesized voice responded on the channel in low tones. "NACPD, this is Zortel en route to the Franklin Industrial Complex. ETA is reading at forty-seven seconds, will update situation on arrival."

"Noted, Zortel. Units responding to the B&E at the industrial complex, be advised that we have a hero en route. I repeat, hero en route to the Gameforge Electronics Warehouse."


They'll live on, revamped, re-imaged, re-interpreted. A brand new world for them.



I'm figuring that I'll accept the open invite of the folks over in CO. Some of them actually existed in my mind before CoH even debuted and those that didn't weren't wedded too heavily to the lore, so I can easily adapt their histories anywhere I take them. I'll just view it as a DC multiverse type of thing.



I am Mr. NoPants.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
I am Mr. NoPants.
Troy Hickman?



We've sadly never met but I believe we have similar tastes.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
We've sadly never met but I believe we have similar tastes.
I taste like Peach Iced Tea Snapple.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by troyhickman View Post
i taste like peach iced tea snapple.
*falls over laughing*



On a more serious note:

Some of my characters predate City of Heroes. They may make the jump to CO or some other Supers MMO like DCUO. My very first 50 was an adaptation of a Champions character. So she might wind up being a good fit back in Champions Online.

Others are tied somewhat to the lore of the game. Cyberman 8 was lost (buried and deactivated) in one of the old superhero bases in Faultline. And then recovered when the rebuilding started to take place. But his origin doesn't depend solely on being part of Paragon. In fact I've made a version of him in Champions Online already that plays very much like he does in City of Heroes.

A similar situation exists with Kara Skye. Though her mutant powers and education do depend on certain assumptions about the way the world of Paragon City works, those assumptions don't preclude her showing up in another game. The main problem is that she is a controller with gravity and kinetics, and neither CO or DCUO have anything like that. The closest I can get in Champions is a mix between a Force and Celestial freeform mix. And that still doesn't get the correct feel down. Champions is not very big on crowd control and hold powers. But her basic look with the wings and White hair and pointed ears works well there. And she never really had a specific costume in COH (she's my "clothes horse" character) so making an outfit for her there is a non-issue. So a version of her exists there. But I'm not sure how much play she'll get.


Then there are my Kheldians. My Peacebringer Lora'Lai and my Warshade Zmierzch.

There isn't any way for me to recreate them in another game. And they were NOT just human-form blasters with a unique special effect. No - both of them were "triple-changers", shifting and morphing from human to Squid to Rock lobster forms as needed for different roles as the situation required.

I've poked around on the Champions CC and recreated their human costumes. But I don't think they're going to be going over there. They are DEFINITELY tied too much to the Paragon Universe.

(I don't have any Arachnos Widows or soldiers, but I imagine the same thing for people who have those.)

So my Kheldians will be as lost to me as the game if/when it shuts down.



Many of mine will likely be adapted to other games, or freeform writing. It's much easier to retool an existing character for a new setting than it is to create one from scratch.



Some of mine may continue elsewhere, some may continue in different forms, some will remain where they were, their lives and stories will continue without me mashing buttons to make them do stuff.

I created something that looks like my main in DCUO, but...I feel nothing with it.

I created something different in CO...I feel nothing with it.

I've still got options in Second Life, but that's only RP. There's no way to have good gameplay in SL.