Your Characters After COH




Admittedly, the story of my main (Kadmon) was originally no way related to the City Of story. He was adapted from my Ragnarok Online (yes, I know) character of the same name, a two-handed sword wielding Crusader. Because of this setup, the guy was practically unkillable in direct combat, and could heal himself (and others, but that's not really well-represented here in fighty-types ). Because he predated Titan Weapons, Willpower, two-handed animations on Katana, weapon customization, and at the time Invulnerability rooted you, I went with /Regen. He gained a rudimentary story (He was a knight during the middle ages who fought demons and got pulled forward in time because he was covered in the blood of a demon the Circle was trying to summon), which evolved as time went on to incorporate more and more things from the City lore, with my own personal touches on it.

Much of his story is modular, so he is easily transitioned into whatever setting I choose The added bonus that arises here is that many, MANY of my characters are in some way related to him (Prima Ombra is his counterpart from a dimension where Mu not only successfully overtook Oranbega, but became a tyrannical dictatorship over the world before vanishing, then resurfacing in the modern era), and also easily transition from one setting to another. The problems only really arise with some characters that are only really acquaintances of his (Max Kampfer, former 5th Column Nacht Fist; Grand Diviner, reformed Rikti Lineage of War Mentalist, etc.) who actually have some background in the story of the game. Sure, any Neo-Nazi group could give rise to a defector like Max, but only one game had the bug that inspired him (In issue 2, the boss Max in Citadel's TF would frequently spawn as the only enemy in his giant boss fight room. Against a team of eight heroes. I spun this into a story that carried the guy to level 50 )

All that said, I'm currently archiving the looks and stories of my characters, so that should the mood strike me in almost any other game, I can create something that is at least a reasonable facsimile.

Oh right, I did successfully recreate my Widow in CO (to a point), but other characters... Well, suffice it to say, I hate the way CO looks, and it is exceptionally difficult for me to get past that level of distaste.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



My character, Warped One (Virtue) was born and will always have originated here.

However, part of the character's theme since the beginning has been dimension hopping, So any other game where i am able to customize into a purple and gold color scheme ( Always been purple-black-gold, nothing else) it'll be fine to have it hop to say, Secret world or Champions.

That's also assuming the increasingly unlikely worse case scenario happens.



I'm not done with mine either, and two of my mains, including the most main among them, are lore-based. I've already made them as Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition characters (surprisingly possible and accurate!) and, God willing, some effort to put together a CoHverse campaign setting, which I will definitely help with, will happen.

{}... .-



Only 2 of my characters are pre-COH (Johanna Sinclair is the protagonist of my TRINITY BLOOD: UNEXPECTED RESULTS series, while Kakita Nasami is my L5R character who later became the protagonist of my SAMURAI 7: THE SWORD OF THE SOUL stories).

All the rest came from here. And their backgrounds are strongly tied to the lore. While Andrea Blake could certainly be 'ported' over to another system or fandom or whatever, the idea of Tava anywhere other than the COH-verse is almost unimaginable.


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