To all of you...




Thanks for years of awesome fun.
To you Zwillinger and the whole team for your great work. No one of us would`ve imagined that this would happen for the next years. We saw the game growing and really enjoyed to be a part of the evolution over the years.
There is not really a comparsion for CoX and we will miss it hardly.
Many of us might keep up hoping that the game will survive somehow, in this case it would be great to know you and your team to be a part of it in the future.
We all love the game, the work you all have done and how you all gave us the feeling to be a part of a big family.
This community, the Paragon Team are by far the best you can find in any game.
I really met awesome people here, friends.
I am happy to have been a part of this for a long time and honestly will miss you all.
Thanks again, best wishes and good luck to all for your future.
Remembering Union server will always feel like lost a home and a familiy....
@Nocturnal ONE



This sucks Zwill, it really does. And now I don't have any reason for having purchased this G600 Mouse now Why did you convince me to buy this wondrous thing for our awesome game?!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



Thanks, Zwill. You were an awesome community manager. <3

Everybody at Paragon Studios pretty much rocked, actually. Best of luck to all of them.

I'm just a holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

Thessalia, by Darkchildx2k



*Wipes the tears of Heroic Masculinity from his eyes*

Thank you Zwill! For everything you've done, for everything paragon studios team has done to make this game and this community great! I'll always remember you and beastyle chilling out in mercy at the launch of GR, and doing BAFS and Lambs (with your amazingly l33t 50+8 with no badges to show for it!!!) when they were new, up to recent events like the memorial on justice, these things make the team very unique and i know that spirit will live on!

*Manly hugs all around!*

~Monkerlotus~ (because i forgot the password to my first forums account years ago!)

WOOOOOOAH! it's like...i just....i can't.....WOW...



Dear Zwill and the Paragon Team,

This game was the only MMO to ever bring me back after a break of over a year. That is how good this game is, and how lovely the community you helped facilitate is.

I don't understand why NCSoft torpedoed the studio or this game, but I bet it will come back to haunt them.

All the very best for the future, from myself to all the members of the Paragon Studio.

Yours sincerely,

Sophia Llriandri



It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday

How do I say goodbye to what we had?
The good times that made us laugh
Outweigh the bad.

I thought we'd get to see forever
But forever's gone away
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

I don't know where this road
Is going to lead
All I know is where we've been
And what we've been through.

If we get to see tomorrow
I hope it's worth all the wait
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

And I'll take with me the memories
To be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

And I'll take with me the memories
To be my sunshine after the rain
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.

Zwill, Devs, Mods, Community: Thanks for the memories. Some have been good, some bad, but I will cherish the time I played City. Best wishes to all at Paragon.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Thank you Zwillinger for everything you done for this game and community. I hope that everything works out for you.

Also since a few rednames have done it, want to reveal what your personal account name is? j/k

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!




You gave this job your all, and from the bottom of my heart...THANK YOU.

I cannot begin to say how impressed I've been with all you've done with this community...a community that I will say to my dying day is the BEST online gaming community EVER.

I only pray you are able to find a new job with all good haste. You're in my prayers.

Like you, I can't stop crying. Me. A retired Navy Submariner. Never shed a tear for 20 years, and now I can't stop. Dammit, this is tough.

Be proud of what you've done here, Z. If anyone could be classified as a person with heroic intent in making this game better than any other MMORPG, you would get the Medal of Honor for your work here.


I will miss you Z.

Goodluck and Godspeed on a quick and timely and profitable job hunt.



Thank you Zwill . . . and the rest of Paragon. You will be missed.



Thanks, Zwill. I'll miss all of you, and I'll miss City of Heroes. And yeah, I thought Freedom wasn't a failure. Glad to know you guys were successful, even if I guess that wasn't enough in a corporate culture. Just know that we appreciate it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



give my best to the rest of the team Zwill, and i hope they land on there feet.

*hugs bro*

Unit 609-1231 mk VII lvl 50 Stalker claws/EA
BlazingWing lvl 50 Blaster Fire/Fire/Fire



Thank you, Zwil/Andy. Gonna miss you and your hats.

Author of There's Something in the Water (Arc # 60327)

Not only was that genuine frontier jibberish...

Courtesy: Preventing unnecessary homicides for over 4000 years.



Zwill, you should totally drop Trion a line. Their community reps consider you awesome, and I think you'd be a good fit for their team.




You are great at your job, of that there's no doubt. I've enjoyed reading your comments on the backstage parts of being a community manager, because it was so completely apparent how dedicated are to making this crazy business work. But that's not what set you apart.

It's your heart, sir - your enormous, magnificent heart. Paragon was lucky to have you on staff, and we were lucky to have known you.

I hope our paths cross again some day.

== Marc

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Thank you Zwill, for all that you and the rest o the community team did for us!





Thank you, Andy. You were the best community manager this game ever had.



No, thank you and you other Paragon guys, you all did the best with what you had, you were constantly pushing this game to be better, right up to the end. COH is unique and will be unique for a very long time. This is especially sad as i really felt it was finding its feet again. You guys desserved better than this!

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



Now who will I harass with old-fashioned swimwear?



Thank you Zwill. Your enthusiasm and effort as community manager kept me interested in a game I likely otherwise would have walked away from. Thanks to everyone else on the team as well. Paragon Studios was a special group that impacted a lot of people. City of Heroes was a great ride and one I won't soon forget.




Last winter I spent 6.5 years of accumulated in-game inf at a PERC bidding event to get to claim 2 hours of your playtime. Just to run some casual BAF iTrials and, more importantly, show you how much I valued you as a community manager.

Always remember how amazing you are, Zwillinger. You are one of the best community reps EVER!

*HUGS!* Thank you, thank you, thank you.




Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
Just when I'd stopped tearing up....

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Thank you Z and all the rest of the Devs. You have made this game something I called home since 04. Godspeed in whatever lays ahead of you. You will be missed, and after the closing of CoH's servers, this virtual reality of heroes and villains will be missed, a place I will always remember as a second home.

Thank you for all the hard work and putting up with our stuff, good and bad, to make this game the best MMORPG out there.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Thank you.

Thank you for making the job of my team a joy. A Community Manager couldn't ask for a better group of players to be given the opportunity to care for. The devotion and dedication you all have to the game and your fellow players has had a really positive impact on my approach to Community Management.

Today has been emotionally challenging for us all. I'm not a man prone to tears, but I couldn't help but crying as I read the messaging that we would be posting to you during our final Studio Meeting. Even though I was only here for awhile, Paragon was home. In my short tenure, I was blessed to see a new era for the game with Freedom, to watch artists pass the torch to each other as they shifted to new projects, to watch developers have a dialog with the Community rather and work together to make the game better and to work directly with you guys to make some amazing content like the Retro Sci Fi set.

Freedom brought a new life to City of Heroes. The game was, and still is, alive and vibrant with more new players joining the fight every day. It's important to know that Freedom wasn't a failure. This really is a refocusing of direction from NCsoft and unfortunately, Paragon didn't fit into that vision. Collectively, we hold no ill will towards NCsoft and thank them for many years of support.

I know that many of you have questions that need answered. I don't have a lot of answers right now, but please be assured that whomever remains behind to sunset CoH, whether it be myself or someone else, will provide updates as much as possible.

I just can't say this enough; it's been an honor and a privilege to play some small part in the history of this amazing game and it's Community. Remember all of the friendships, bonds and connections you've all made with each other. Cherish them and carry with you into the next adventure. You guys, the people, are what MMOs are all about. I'm tearing up again.
You're not alone. I've been in this game about a months since it launched, and was so looking forward to what was coming

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU