To all of you...




Thank you, Zwill. Thank you for everything you have done.

Godspeed to you.



May you never run out of hats, and they all keep you snug and warm and never blow off your head in high winds.

I will still be running the UK Player Meet this year. Hopefully we'll manage to all do a song and dance routine before we go. (If you've not seen it from the first Player Meet I did... it's HERE )

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



Zwill, I mostly lurk on threads rather than posting, but you and all the team have been awesome and patient beyond expectation. I've really appreciated most all my Dev interactions, and the stuff the team has put together. The excitement and the love for the genre, and the willingness to engage with the playerbase. Wherever you all end up, I wish you luck and joy and fortune. I'm sure it won't be half so good as you deserve.

This game has been a second family for 7 years and an opportunity to just let go and kick evil in the nuts when daily life gets to be too much. I've found a home here on Triumph, and on Victory, and all the other servers I've got lowbies on. Everywhere I have gone on this game has made me feel at home. It's been quiet diversion when my husband was in grad school and a way of spending time with friends across the state.

I love this game. Friends have gotten bored and moved on, and I still love this game. I've tried a few of the other MMOs, and none of them have come close. This is where I have loved being--where I could be the superhero I choose to be, or the villain that was so much fun (well, except for Sharkhead, but Sharkhead is just depressing). This has been my stress relief, my diversion, and my giggling fun, my family with jokes and love (and punching, don't forget punching).

I'm not sure what direction NCSoft thinks they're going in, but if it doesn't involve the most beautiful, flexible, and super MMO out there, they're going in the wrong one. I can only hope they wake up and take notice.

In case they don't, Thanks, Zwill. Thanks to you, and everyone else at Paragon Studios. And thanks to the great playerbase that made me not ever afraid to join random teams, recruit random people for monster fighting, or take time to help someone out.

Thank you.

--Isus Trikanda

10 50s, a 48, and and better than 100 sub-50 alts... the altitis is strong in this one.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Freedom brought a new life to City of Heroes. The game was, and still is, alive and vibrant with more new players joining the fight every day. It's important to know that Freedom wasn't a failure. This really is a refocusing of direction from NCsoft and unfortunately, Paragon didn't fit into that vision. Collectively, we hold no ill will towards NCsoft and thank them for many years of support.
Has there been any mention at all at the office of any other company that might be interested in taking up the game, or even trying to form an independent studio to run the game? Or is NCSoft not open to offers?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



(sigh) What can I say that hasn't already been said. Not much. Still mucho thanks for producing a great game (and on a mac/PC no less) that I'm more than happy to subscribe for. And good luck to you and the dev team future endeavors.

Still this sucks bigtime

(sorry, had to add that)



One final coffee talk?



Thanks for everything and all of your hard work Paragon, I have truly enjoyed my time over the last 8 years in the City... but I have had an absolute blast this last year with the new content and things you were giving us. I am in shock over this announcement. It is akin to a death in the family.

Zwillinger, you have been an outstanding community manager. Thanks to you and your team for all you've done to put up with us. This community can be hard to live with at times, but it's all for the love of this great game, on our part and yours.

Kudos to the devs and a big THANK YOU for giving us a home away from home, where the sky was always the limit. I am greatful to you all.

Smooth sailing Paragon, you will be missed.

Certified: Altaholic as defined by Memphis_Bill since 2005

Coming to you from a galaxy far, far away...



Thanks for all your work Zwill. Go on to bigger and better things.



Very, very disappointing.

The most heartfelt thanks to Zwill and all past and, um, I guess recently past people who made this game possible. Some really lucky companies will be gaining great assests shortly. You gave us a much needed and overwhelmingly great escape from the barrage of (mostly crappy) sword and sorcery MMOs. Again, THANK YOU!

And thank you to all the players over these many, many years. I can't even fathom how many people I got to "beat up the bad guys" with. This has been one of the most mature, helpful, and fun groups of online gamers I ever had the privilage to share a virtual world with. And I've seen many.

And nothing but ill will to NC Soft. All NC Soft games will be cancelled at the end of this month when this great game ends. No point putting money into anything that may randomly disappear tomorrow. It takes a Super Powered Idiot to cancel something that basically cornered a market and should only have been making money. If you have a few moments, please look over the list of profanity that would be blocked on these forums, and apply it to yourselves.

-- Lightbender, 8+ year veteran

CoH has been unique in the sea of cloned MMOs.There are years of possibilities still
in such a well designed, well supported and well loved game.Shutting it down now doesn't
make sense on any level except, perhaps, on some spreadsheet�s bottom line. I do not
consider this an act of a company that has the interests of its customers at heart.This
calls into question why I would want to be part of any further ventures involving NCSoft.



Thank you Z,

Thank you for caring that much as this game and the community meant a lot to a whole lot of us. I still feel collectively that we all deserved better than this. I know for a fact that the team of developers and Community Management there deserved better than this.

I hope you all land softly on your new paths and that we run into you soon. I'm gonna miss this particular team past and present very much. Godspeed.

CoH has been unique in the sea of cloned MMOs.There are years of possibilities still
in such a well designed, well supported and well loved game.Shutting it down now doesn't
make sense on any level except, perhaps, on some spreadsheet�s bottom line. I do not
consider this an act of a company that has the interests of its customers at heart.This
calls into question why I would want to be part of any further ventures involving NCSoft.



I'm really sorry that this is happening to you and the rest of the dev team Zwil. The fact is you don't deserve to be shafted by NCSoft. The thing is we all don't. You might not hold any ill will towards them, but you'll forgive me if I don't feel the same way. The fact is, they're complete idiots if they are going to give up on a proven franchise that has worked for over seven years and didn't show signs of ever stopping.
Really if I were in your shoes, I would be downright pissed.

Thank you for interacting with the community and truly making CoH a joy to play.



So there you go. Fine. Be that way. In this crazy, sometimes neurotic family, you were the unflappably nice one. But now you're gone, like all the rest. With that stupid, unbelievably awesome hat.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



I always thought you did a great job representing the company professionally while still showing your enthusiasm for the game. To me, CoH was, up until today, in a golden age, and you represented it well. Thanks.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



This development team and community deserved better than this from NC Soft period.

Best wishes to not only my favorite devs, but all of them that ever worked on the game. This is a great game that was alive and well not only in spirit but apparently financially since Freedom was not a failure.

Gotta wonder what the world has come to when succeeding and not being a failure is not enough and you still get fired because of some other failures that had nothing to do with you. INSANE.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I managed to remain relatively in control of myself with all this news but upon reading this, I teared up. Thank you for being awesome, Zwillinger. You, along with everyone at Paragon Studios, will be horribly missed.

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



I will miss this game.. and the many many hours of fun I had in it. When I heard the news I was in the mids of rebuilding not one, but two bases.. both I wanted to show off ...

But... I know that the reason I came back was the community. Any other game I tried... ANY other game... had a bunch of asocial persons running around. Here I found friends, and many good conversation. That was partly because of its fantastic Devs.

May your hats fit well forever !!! And good luck in any job after this...

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



I find it amazing that the devs twitters, FB posts and the posts made here have been filled with the grace and calm that they have been.

You guys produced an amazing game, doesn't matter if you've been working there a month or 10 years, everyone's done a terrific job.

I guess I'll never get my snipe the sniper badge in the game now, though. :/ I was so happy to hear someone would even bring that up. I was so happy to get a kirbydots code.

If you guys hadn't made such a great game we wouldn't be so sad to see it go.

/e holdtorch

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'm going to miss CoH very much, 5years here changed me for the better. I hope every one at Paragon can find a good job after this.

Signing off for now.

Nogard D. Airwing aka OmniNogard aka @Omni-Nogard

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Thank you.

Thank you for making the job of my team a joy. A Community Manager couldn't ask for a better group of players to be given the opportunity to care for. The devotion and dedication you all have to the game and your fellow players has had a really positive impact on my approach to Community Management.

Today has been emotionally challenging for us all. I'm not a man prone to tears, but I couldn't help but crying as I read the messaging that we would be posting to you during our final Studio Meeting. Even though I was only here for awhile, Paragon was home. In my short tenure, I was blessed to see a new era for the game with Freedom, to watch artists pass the torch to each other as they shifted to new projects, to watch developers have a dialog with the Community rather and work together to make the game better and to work directly with you guys to make some amazing content like the Retro Sci Fi set.

Freedom brought a new life to City of Heroes. The game was, and still is, alive and vibrant with more new players joining the fight every day. It's important to know that Freedom wasn't a failure. This really is a refocusing of direction from NCsoft and unfortunately, Paragon didn't fit into that vision. Collectively, we hold no ill will towards NCsoft and thank them for many years of support.

I know that many of you have questions that need answered. I don't have a lot of answers right now, but please be assured that whomever remains behind to sunset CoH, whether it be myself or someone else, will provide updates as much as possible.

I just can't say this enough; it's been an honor and a privilege to play some small part in the history of this amazing game and it's Community. Remember all of the friendships, bonds and connections you've all made with each other. Cherish them and carry with you into the next adventure. You guys, the people, are what MMOs are all about. I'm tearing up again.
Crap. Despite feeling a bit sick at heart and saddened at the other posts about the closing since i first saw them a little over three hours ago, this post actually had me crying a little.

i'm really going to miss the game, but not nearly as much as the players and Developers who are the main reason i've been subbed continuously since May of 2004. And the new stuff that was coming was some of my favorite stuff since the launch of the game.

Not that i won't have lots of other things to fill my time, but this game is the only MMO i've ever played for more than a month.

In fact it's the only video game i've ever played regularly for more than a year.





Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I'm sad and something broke up by reading this bad news, but than all the epic moments came up to my mind, which made smile and showed me how much fun i had playing the best mmo ever, made by the Team and i will go with mixed feelings.

So Thanks everyone and i wish u the best.

Farewell, Zwillinger.



We love you Zwill. Take care, keep in touch, k?



I Want to thank you, Zwill and all of the paragon studios devs for 7 years of enjoyment and mind blowing inspiration. I hope the whole dev team finds greenier pastures. You've given this community aspirations and epic bonds, which will take more than Ncsoft to break.

Thank you for everything.

NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.



Hugs back to you.

Cannot believe that NCSoft if scrubbing this game. Very sad day indeed. To you and all the other Devs. I wish you all the best in your future. You are a talented bunch.