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Originally Posted by Dollhouse View Post
Torchlight 2 is the REAL Diablo III...

Torchlight 2 is also highly moddable, and $20 (to Diablo 3's $60). Plus if you pre-order TL2 on Steam, I think you get TL1 for free.

For me, Diablo 3 only recently became playable at the highest difficulties. IMO it's a a very flawed game that might be saved by an expansion pack, which isn't a very high form of praise.



CoH has been far from my only game/MMO as I tend to get around.

If nothing can be done to save City of Heroes I'll likely get my hero fix in Champions. I've had it installed for a while now, just never had a reason to get into it.

For any scrapper who ever loved solo'ing AV's? Consider looking into Vindictus. Its a F2P MMO that isn't pay2win. Soloing raid bosses in this game (for me) is like taking AV soloing to the next level. You have your build, your gear, and on top of that reaction time becomes a huge factor as rather than a fluid attack chain of 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 you are forced to actually duck, dodge, and position yourself to not get flattened. Here is a quick vid I did this afternoon against a mid level boss.


I have some friends bugging me to try out The Secret World so I'll probably give it a try.

Was looking forward to getting GW2 and trying it out, but now I'll hold off.

I have Diablo 3 but found the exceptionally bland "Get Main stat + vit + all res + Crit damage + crit chance" gear grind to be mind numbingly boring.



CoH was my first MMO. I've tried many since then but have always had an active CoH account and it has always been my favorite.

I'm playing TSW lately. Maybe I'll try to like CO again. It never took with CoH around, but maybe if it is gone it will be different.

I'm gonna miss you guys.

"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes." - Sweet_Sarah



I'm not sure where I am going to go either. While I can get into a sword and sorcery type game, I have loved CoH for 6 years now and have played it constantly day after day since. CoH was the reason I got a computer and internet lol.

Now my choices are DCUO and Champions. I'm not particularly fond of the DC universe and certainly not of it's character creator.... if you can really call it that. Don't get me wrong, I tried DCUO and leveled a character to lvl 9 ish but I just can't get into it really at all.

As for Champions, I downloaded it over the weekend as COH has become unplayable to me for a little bit. I love my characters and would like to see them exist somewhere and CO seems to have the character creator in a universe that is superhero related. But OMG are the controls wonky as hell. I am a controller player (Logitech, not the AT) and Champion's controller support is "Buy an Xbox 360 controller". Seriously?

So thinking I might be homeless as well if CoH goes under. I so hope to God it doesn't though.

Maybe I'll give Marvel Heroes a shot as I have 3 adult brothers who are looking forward to this. But sadly (and in my honest opinion a complete mistake on the company's part) it doesn't allow for any character creation at all. Uber suckfest

The petition link to Save CoH:



I keep wanting to play CO, despite all my ranting in this topic. Mainly, I think I was just taking out all my anger at NC Soft out on the game itself. I was mad at it for not being CoH, but for being close enough to CoH to constantly remind me of it.

Maybe. The "No Native Mac Client" thing is still the biggest hurdle, and they don't look to be developing one any time soon. Or ever.



I've tried CO and I've uninstalled it again. There are so many things "wrong" with it.

The animations are terrible. For example: If you're flying and firing from your palms your upper half moves, but your legs stay still.

The feel of the game is very tacky. CO's graphics might be more detailed, but that doesn't make them better. CoHs feel much more "real".

The gameplay and missions are even more repetitive and dull than some of CoHs older content.

I think the biggest problem is just the differing approaches of the two games. CoH comes from the angle that you are a being with super powers put into a real world. CO feels more like you are a character in a comic. The former is a lot more immersive (at least for me) than the latter.

I was playing Crysis last night (which is rather nice because I imagine the Korean oppressors to be NC Soft Senior Management) which will keep me entertained for a bit, there's the DLC for Skyrim which I'm looking at, I might jump back on to MechWarrior Legends in prep for MWO later on and although I'm somewhat ashamed to even be considering it, GW2 does look quite good.

If CoH does die (and I have to say, that's looking increasingly likely) the one positive that it will bring is that there will be a sizeable hole in the MMO market rife for development. A Superhero MMO should be massively popular simply because superheroes are so popular at the moment and it's something different to the tired fantasy setting. The only reason why the offerings that we have haven't been popular are simply because they're not actually very good.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



I've tried Champions Online multiple times, and I just can't get into it. I was so excited when I got into the alpha test, and later the beta testing, but it just didn't grab me. I don't like the combat, the graphics look wonky, and the story didn't really grab me. It felt too much like a silver age game, and I didn't really like that.

I've tried DCUO a few times, but the character creator isn't that great, and I don't like playing in an established universe. I have my own problems with DC's comic universe that don't help either.

I tried WoW once a long time ago, but it never really grabbed my attention. I couldn't get into it.

I tried the original Guild Wars since it was on sale for ten bucks on Amazon once. I think I've played for a total of about fifteen minutes. I didn't like it. Guild Wars 2 looks really interesting, but like most everyone else, I'm hesitant to buy another NCSoft published game.

I tried the beta of The Secret World and while I like the concept, I don't really like the story that much. I mean, it's cool and all, but it's not really along my interests.

I tried a trial of Star Trek Online. I'm not a big Star Trek fan, but the game itself just felt really weird/boring.

I played TOR from it's beginning until about...March? Or April? Hard to say for sure. I kind of regret it now. On the one hand, the story-telling for some of the classes is top notch. The Imperial Agent story was simply fantastic. But other stories are hit and miss, and the combat feels really weak at times. On some characters, even basic mobs gave me trouble. I think I'm just too used to being able to wade into eight mobs at once and live to tell the tale. In TOR I had to be very cautious.

There's no other online game that really grabs my attention. Chances are, when SWTOR goes free to play, I'll return and check it out, see if I can't hook up with a few people from Pinnacle if they still play. I might check out Guild Wars 2 in the future if it looks like it's future will be somewhat stable.

Nothing will really replace CoH though. I've invested too much time and imagination into CoH to try and transfer that elsewhere. None of my characters would really work in another Universe. For better or worse, Paragon/Praetoria/Rogue Isles will always be their home.



I'm starting to think I'll just start playing Call of Duty all the time....




I was never really interested in MMO's before this game, and have been bored out of my skull by the others I've tried since. So, more of the non-MMO types for me. At least my namesake main will live on in my friend's Mutants & Masterminds game... if he ever gets to starting it.



My biggest problem, aside from CoH ruining me when it comes to community and character customization, is that I have an old computer that can play CoH fine on regular, non-Ultra settings but still gets laggy sometimes zoning on TFs.

I've tried CO and the art style is hard to get past, even without the black lines, and it just seems like it's hard to get into in general if you're there by yourself.

STO was fun at first, but then when you get past the tutorial it's like.. "ok now what?" and you're stuck staring into the abyss of the game by yourself.

Which's what made DCUO so nice is that you can just plug in and go if you don't mind how they handle the appearance of your characters (loot driven), because the game is basically a single player game online because you have to search for the chat windows, etc. But after awhile it gets lonely and it has a tendency to crash my ancient computer to desktop so it's like.. meh, I might as well be playing a Fallout. That's just as multiplayer as DCUO and it crashes less.



As others have said this is the first mmo I have ever played. Hooked me right from the start. During the time I started and now I have tried other MMO's each time I end up back at CoH.

Personally if CoH does not get saved I will be through my back log of games I have on steam and playing them. Doubt I will ever play another mmo. After playing CoH for 8 years and other multi player games, I'm starting to like the idea of a single player game again.



The Secret World - Arcadia, Dragon as far as MMORPG's goes, I enjoy the modern setting with the dark undertones. Reminds me of the old Swedish RPG Kult before religious groups forced authorites to alter its content. Other than that it'll be Battlefield 3, Killing Floor, Borderlands (maybe 2), Mass Effect/Dead Space/Deus Ex/Dragon Age series.



Took a crack at that CO after some egging on from a friend that been playing there for ages. Interesting is what I must say. So far, at least in the early levels, there is no need for a team to level effectively, thus no need to even bother with worrying about the people there and socializing. It's like playing a stand alone console game except it's online. Not sure if Im going to switch there for good or not, but I'm going to give the game a fair shot. My friend said he has a couple of 40s without so much as saying a single word to anyone or having to form a team to get through the story arc equivalent. Also asked him about the board community...

But from what I can see, they have some sort of whip melee, and the scythe weapon of some sort. Good stuff.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Dollhouse View Post
Torchlight 2 is the REAL Diablo III...
I have already pre-paid for Torchlight 2 on Steam (which got me Torchlight 1 for free).

I have also given $10 to Path of Exile and joined its beta. It seems very much like what Diablo 3 should have been. The Skill Tree offers loads and loads of alternate paths/builds. Look is equipment based, but it's been ok so far.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Where is everyone going? I'd like some ideas and some discussions on what games offer what.
Nowhere, yet, of course.

We played Aion for a little while and I could see visiting my Ranger occasionally (I actually like Aion's take on archery more than City's archery blast), but there are so many mechanical things that I miss. Fast movement without timers, for one. There are things I like about Aion, but they tend to be more in the presentation (world design, textures, animations) than in the mechanical systems.

We went to PAX looking around for something we might play if City closes, but didn't find much. The Marvel MMO might be fun as long as you're okay with playing an established character instead of your own creation, but it looked like it might have click loot. I HATE click loot, and that's speaking as a fast clicker with low lag.

Other than that, don't know. MMOs never appealed to me much before City, and they may not after.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



I wasn't going to post anything about this until after November 30, because I'm here until the bitter end, and I wish everyone else felt like I do, but it seems like a bunch of you are dealing with it in your own ways. For those readers who played (or ever wanted to play) Earth and Beyond, I want you to see another choice.

Earth and Beyond Emulator, an Online Role-playing Galaxy

EA shut Earth and Beyond down in September 2004. The exact sunset date was etched into my brain for years--it was one of the saddest days of my gaming hobby, second only to August 31, 2012. But a community rose from the ashes, surrounding a group of talented programmers, animators, artists and bug hunters--all players--calling themselves Net-7 Entertainment. The Titan Network's dedication has often reminded me of Net-7 Entertainment, and I always suspected that if CoH's final days beckoned, the Titan Network would step up.

If you want to imagine how far a group like the Titan Network's dedication can stretch, think about the fact that hundreds of disenfranchised Earth and Beyond die-hards spent nearly a decade getting their beloved game back to a feature-complete beta state--and those were different days, with probably less than a quarter of the player base that City of Heroes enjoys. Five years of that were almost completely thankless, filled with seemingly insurmountable bugs and other setbacks. My biggest alpha-testing guinea pig was a nephew that helped me find bugs on my private server to report on the forums, before they had a publicly funded server that could hold several hundred players without crashing.

I recommend this game because it still looks and plays great (the way that textures work, your higher resolution video cards and monitors will make you think you're seeing a graphics overhaul). Also, part of the reason City of Heroes lured me in was because of all the similar design elements in the areas of class customization and a rich, story-driven game universe that's GREAT to team up in and benefit from role-based abilities, ship components, and buffs. Plus that, when you're done customizing your character, you get to design a ship using various parts, textures, and colors whose concepts were imagined by Doug Chiang. And Net 7 Entertainment has taken it to the next level(!), adding in-game features like shared character vaults, offline access to your inventories, entire new solar systems and accessible planets, and those three mythical character classes that never made it into the game (including their ships). And--folks, the content designers have the original Story Bible (it's available for anyone to see if they want).

It's a tight-knit community all on one server, a community that knows what hard times are like, paid for by grateful (and optional) player donations that have always exceeded the funding goals, enabling the dev team to power this player-run game with some dreamy technology. When school's out, the concurrent users have spiked to nearly a thousand. There are always players flying around and looking to team up. The players didn't just take back their game. They made it better.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I wasn't going to post anything about this until after November 30, because I'm here until the bitter end, and I wish everyone else felt like I do, but it seems like a bunch of you are dealing with it in your own ways. For those readers who played (or ever wanted to play) Earth and Beyond, I want you to see another choice.

Earth and Beyond Emulator, an Online Role-playing Galaxy

EA shut Earth and Beyond down in September 2004. The exact sunset date was etched into my brain for years--it was one of the saddest days of my gaming hobby, second only to August 31, 2012. But a community rose from the ashes, surrounding a group of talented programmers, animators, artists and bug hunters--all players--calling themselves Net-7 Entertainment. The Titan Network's dedication has often reminded me of Net-7 Entertainment, and I always suspected that if CoH's final days beckoned, the Titan Network would step up.

If you want to imagine how far a group like the Titan Network's dedication can stretch, think about the fact that hundreds of disenfranchised Earth and Beyond die-hards spent nearly a decade getting their beloved game back to a feature-complete beta state--and those were different days, with probably less than a quarter of the player base that City of Heroes enjoys. Five years of that were almost completely thankless, filled with seemingly insurmountable bugs and other setbacks. My biggest alpha-testing guinea pig was a nephew that helped me find bugs on my private server to report on the forums, before they had a publicly funded server that could hold several hundred players without crashing. But dammit, I was going to pull my character out of EA's cold, soulless hands and bring him back. We all were. And we did.

I recommend this game because it still looks and plays great (the way that textures work, your higher resolution video cards and monitors will make you think you're seeing a graphics overhaul). Also, part of the reason City of Heroes lured me in was because of all the similar design elements in the areas of class customization and a rich, story-driven game universe that's GREAT to team up in and benefit from role-based abilities, ship components, and buffs. Plus that, when you're done customizing your character, you get to design a ship using various parts, textures, and colors whose concepts were imagined by Doug Chiang. And Net 7 Entertainment has taken it to the next level(!), adding in-game features like shared character vaults, offline access to your inventories, entire new solar systems and accessible planets, and those three mythical character classes that never made it into the game (including their ships). And--folks, the content designers have the original Story Bible (it's available for anyone to see if they want).

It's a tight-knit community all on one server, a community that knows what hard times are like, paid for by grateful (and optional) player donations that have always exceeded the funding goals, enabling the dev team to power this player-run game with some dreamy technology. When school's out, the concurrent users have spiked to nearly a thousand. There are always players flying around and looking to team up. The players didn't just take back their game. They made it better.
That is good stuff there. How did they do it? Did they aquire the IP and codes and go to work from there or did they just replicate it?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
That is good stuff there. How did they do it? Did they aquire the IP and codes and go to work from there or did they just replicate it?
Net-7 decrypted, reverse engineered, reverse hacked (no dupin naow folks, sowwy), spit, greased, bled, sweat, cursed--and then got to work proving that a EULA is no match for love.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
CoH is the only game I've played for the past five or so years. Once the numbness wears off I'll probably go try DCU simply to see if it satisfies my super hero fix.

Guess I'll finally get around to buying/trying Diablo 3.
I too looked hard at Diablo 3. They had a video of somesort of Ice user doing amazing things...maybe I will try Champions Online...I dunno. I am extremely heartsore over City Of Heroes.

Lisa-Sadder than I was when I responded to an earlier post.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Net-7 decrypted, reverse engineered, reverse hacked (no dupin naow folks, sowwy), spit, greased, bled, sweat, cursed--and then got to work proving that a EULA is no match for love.
Do we have people here that can and willing to do that?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Do we have people here that can and willing to do that?
It's like Plan E or F for the Titan Network Crew.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
It's like Plan E or F for the Titan Network Crew.
Good thing it's not plan M, because Hardison dies in plan M.



I think that The Secret World may be an avenue for me to go to.

It has all the aspects of world mysteries that I enjoy in books and movies, so I could be happy there I suppose.

I've emailed them for a trial period. If they give one out, I'll probably buy the game and subscribe.

Still hoping that this game can be saved though ...........

edit ....

I'm also going to look at F2P versions of STO and AoC ......

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Are we only talking about MMOs? There are non MMOs that are fun you know :P.
Fable, Black & White, Mass Effect, Left 4 Dead, Portal, Elder Scroll games.

I didn't read all 20 pages. But Marvel Heroes might be fun, it is free.
Also Champions is a awesome game, DC sucks Champion much better then DC ; )

I am sure there will be another awesome game just like CoH.... Maybe even City of Heroes 2.

NCsoft and Cryptic are the ones who start the Super Hero theme games.... There are like two or other new ones listed on MMORPG.com other then Champions, and DC...
I hope there a upgraded CoH version someday. I will miss this game even though I never play it anymore :P I like seeing my heroes and running around the cities.