I don't feel VIP at all




Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
I am at 4 year 10 month paid time there is still two month for my annual and since I canceled my subs earlier 10 sept will be last day for my vip days so it can't be an early annual one either.
Where it lists paid time on your master account does NOT include any free time from referrals or boxed sets, but that free time DOES count towards vet rewards.

So if you've never referred a friend, have a boxed set code, and have Going Rogue, that's two free months, which makes your 4 years 10 months actually 5 years.

And regardless, as Agge said, you're spreading misinformation. No matter how much you want to believe it, that is NOT how it works.




Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I understand the system, I just don't agree with how it is set up. I subscribed because I liked the game and I wanted to reward the developers. If I unsubscribe because I no longer enjoy the game, why would I continue playing?

I'm sure the concept of playing for free works for some psychologies, but not for me. I have money, I don't mind spending it. My time is much more valuable and I'm much stingier with that.
Yet you waste it ranting on a discussion board? Valuable indeed.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
If I unsubscribe because I no longer enjoy the game, why would I continue playing.
For the same reasons Perfect Pain bought a lifetime sub to a game she proclaimed she hated.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Where it lists paid time on your master account does NOT include any free time from referrals or boxed sets, but that free time DOES count towards vet rewards.

So if you've never referred a friend, have a boxed set code, and have Going Rogue, that's two free months, which makes your 4 years 10 months actually 5 years.

And regardless, as Agge said, you're spreading misinformation. No matter how much you want to believe it, that is NOT how it works.

Yep. My own annual date is way off by at least 6 months because of the editions and expansions I bought for the extra free months they came with.

Kangstor is simply wrong about his assumption that the monthly stipend counts toward additional Paragon Reward Tokens.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Cross-server teaming is where it's at - although a serverless environment would be epic.
Until we get either of those, you could always try out Exalted
The advantage of separate servers is that Freedom can be Freedom so no other server needs to be infes... like Freedom.

It'd be the tight knit servers that'd lose out to the farm selling spam of Freedom.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I understand the system, I just don't agree with how it is set up. I subscribed because I liked the game and I wanted to reward the developers. If I unsubscribe because I no longer enjoy the game, why would I continue playing?
See that means that you don't understand it. Yes people who don't like the game unsubscribe but not all people who unsubscribe don't like the game.

Under the Freedom model a subscription is not an all or nothing situation. It's a fixed set of perks that is accessible for $15/month. Some people consider this to be a good deal while others don't. As Arcana said this is simply human nature, people want different things and for some the subscription is a good deal and fro some it isn't.

So yeah if you don't enjoy the game you probably should stop playing but if you enjoy the game and simply don't find the subscription cost effective then quitting is a poor choice. Instead drop the subscription and spend $15 a month on Paragon Points. You already did the math earlier in the thread and clearly believe that the extra paragon points you'll get will be more valuable to you than the VIP perks. So there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Paragon Studios won't care since you'll be providing them the same income you'll just be spending it differently.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Where it lists paid time on your master account does NOT include any free time from referrals or boxed sets, but that free time DOES count towards vet rewards.

So if you've never referred a friend, have a boxed set code, and have Going Rogue, that's two free months, which makes your 4 years 10 months actually 5 years.

And regardless, as Agge said, you're spreading misinformation. No matter how much you want to believe it, that is NOT how it works.
I am just telling what happened to with my account and this was not only time I got an extra token either like I said almost in every 3 month or so I got one extra token in the second week of that month. Admitedly I bought too much point and can't backtrack all of my purchases but I always bought points with bulk so one extra token in about every three or so months quiet obvious to see.

Like someone said maybe it is a bug or they changed how things handled since posi's statement or on a rare occasion system was giving me a token that forgotten because of my bulky purchases. I am currently sitting at 129(34 being unspent) total tokens and billing only shows 6 month back of purchases so can't check it unless I try to get my credit card report but it is only available for a year back too so can't check my june 2011 purchases which had some bulky purchases to open tier 9.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
People post about how disappointed they are with VIP status every time a new powerset is released. A simple tweak to the VIP rewards would make all these threads go away.
People complained about certain ATs and powers being locked behind CoV or GR. People will ALWAYS complain about something. If they change the system somehow, there will be something new that will bug people.

Imagining that just a couple "simple tweaks" would end complaints is unrealistic.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by _Hush_ View Post
.However, you shouldn't have to pay for powers as V.I.P period their apart of the game. Everything else doesn't matter me that's my only "gripe".
As has been explained to you numerous times by several people already, you're asking for a state that has never been the case. You can pretend like there was a time when all new powers were given as part of your $15 fee, but it doesn't really exist. So the fact that they've changed to a different version of the same paradigm shouldn't be an issue.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
How is it contradicting what I said? I didn't say all or every, I said very limited and usually. I never said we never got any for free, I just didn't bother picking them out of the list and doing a count, because the number we paid for was obviously greater.

You're right that everyone was given CoV, but that was more than a year after their release. Which is precisely my point. We're talking about getting powersets when they come out. Over the history of the game, most new powersets have been behind a pay wall of one form or another when they come out.
Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
This is what you said:

This isn't true, and there were powersets offered alongside trick arrow and archery, and you didn't need to buy CoH to gain access to the other free powersets.

You're shifting what you said, though, which was that everything after trick arrow and archery required purchasing CoV or Going Rogue, and that is not true. Now you're trying to say you actually said something else. It's not a thing if you correct yourself, but what you wrote doesn't communicate what you're saying it communicated.
Oooh you caught me. I forgot to make one statement conditional in the entire post by leaving out an almost, and that means you get to say I'm saying the opposite.

When a power set is brand new, there is usually a premium for getting it.

Most of the new sets had to be paid for. Trying to twist what I wrote because of one missing word doesn't change that. If I hadn't put the main point in giant letters you might be right that it got confusing. However when I write in a caveat 3 times during the same post, it's probably safe to assume the one sentence that doesn't have one was a minor error and not the actual point.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I agree with you completely, _Hush_. The free stuff VIPs get is uneven. We get some new powersets, which is good. We also get new content in the Incarnate trials and SSAs, but most of that has been awful. Allowing VIPs access to a tedious grind is *not* doing them any favors.

All that being said, you have to remember that VIPs are actually the least important players in CoH. The management wants to make money through microtransactions, they want everyone to pay that way, and so they structure their content to entice people to be Premium. They do not want VIPs. So it's no use whining about them not treating VIPs very well. We are no longer their preferred customers, so of course they're not going to be as generous to us as to their micro-paying horde.

If you want to get back in the management's good graces, stop being a VIP player. Turn off your subscription and spend money on the Paragon market. You'll get more for your money that way and you'll feel more appreciated.
What you're not taking into consideration is that VIPs are steady, reoccurring income for them that often will spend MORE money on the market on top of their subscription. Saying "they don't want VIPs" is just outright laughably ignorant.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I am *an* example of a long term player, but perhaps not the ur-example. Maybe I was, once, but all who were like me left the game. Someday there'll only be fossils of the great old players, our bones imprinted in the rocks of the high-rez revamp of the Hollows someday...
Considering a lot of people politely disagreeing with you (like me) have been playing nearly as long as you, it's pretty backhanded to refer to the folks who might have agreed with you as the great ones.

The point I was trying to make subtly I'll have to make more bluntly it seems. Most of the people I talk to when I play are old timers, so are most of the names I recognize in this thread. They're still playing, I'm still playing. We've nearly all taken breaks now and then, but we still come back. And by and large from what I've seen here and ingame, people with a sweeping negative opinion of the new system like yourself are in the minority.

As for getting things we asked for? Every issue I see things I've wanted and asked for more than once over the years. They may not be precisely as I envisioned them, but 98% alike is good enough for me. If the fact you keep asking for things and they never happen is bringing you down, maybe you ought to think about how those things relate to the average player, or the majority.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
I am just telling what happened to with my account and this was not only time I got an extra token either like I said almost in every 3 month or so I got one extra token in the second week of that month. Admitedly I bought too much point and can't backtrack all of my purchases but I always bought points with bulk so one extra token in about every three or so months quiet obvious to see.

Like someone said maybe it is a bug or they changed how things handled since posi's statement or on a rare occasion system was giving me a token that forgotten because of my bulky purchases. I am currently sitting at 129(34 being unspent) total tokens and billing only shows 6 month back of purchases so can't check it unless I try to get my credit card report but it is only available for a year back too so can't check my june 2011 purchases which had some bulky purchases to open tier 9.
No the devs haven't changed how things are handled, if they had there would have been a big announcement and everyone would have been talking about it in dozens of threads.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
... so can't check my june 2011 purchases which had some bulky purchases to open tier 9.
Freedom (and the Paragon Rewards Tree) didn't go live until September 2011; any purchases for anything outside of subscription time prior to Freedom's launch didn't count towards Paragon Rewards status. Therefore, the previous year worth of credit card statements should suffice at this time.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Needing only 500,000 subs to turn a profit they still have room to fall before reaching the "catastrophic" range.
Considering that the average MMO never even reaches 500k, much less gets above it, I find that "only" to be laughable...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I am *an* example of a long term player, but perhaps not the ur-example. Maybe I was, once, but all who were like me left the game. Someday there'll only be fossils of the great old players, our bones imprinted in the rocks of the high-rez revamp of the Hollows someday...
So, what exactly qualifies an old player as a "great" old player? Do they have to agree with your OPINION? What does that make the rest of us who've been around since beta?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Most of the new sets had to be paid for. Trying to twist what I wrote because of one missing word doesn't change that. If I hadn't put the main point in giant letters you might be right that it got confusing. However when I write in a caveat 3 times during the same post, it's probably safe to assume the one sentence that doesn't have one was a minor error and not the actual point.
Why should I assume what appears to be fairly unambiguous and clear phrasing to be a minor error? Why would I (and how could I) guess or interpret what you were actually thinking when the literal statement you made seemed logically sound, if factually incorrect? Why are you getting so upset because I commented on that instead of simply saying, "My mistake, I meant to say "almost all the sets..." What do you get out of trying to cast me as someone trying to "gotcha" you?

I simply saw what appeared to be a factual error and pointed it out. I am sorry if it upset you, but I am really not trying to have a go at you, and I am sorry that you seem to think I am. Largely, I agree with what you've posted in this thread.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
So, what exactly qualifies an old player as a "great" old player? Do they have to agree with your OPINION? What does that make the rest of us who've been around since beta?
Tentacles and not being subject to Euclidean space.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Considering that the average MMO never even reaches 500k, much less gets above it, I find that "only" to be laughable...
It's "only" because that's the number BioWare has said is necessary for TOR to actually turn a profit. I would imagine that's from a combination of spending a massive amount of money during development, having to pay both EA and Lucas Arts, as well as rather expensive servers... plus, wanting to make up the cost of the game within X time (i.e. they wouldn't be happy with making $1 more/year than what it takes to keep the game running... they wanna make their money back within X time).

They were aiming to be able to be a top-tier MMO that has a population in the millions, so they were budgeting much higher than your 'average' MMO (if an MMO with a massive IP behind it can't beat out an MMO by a no-name company thats creating their own IP from scratch, then it's probably a failure).

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Considering that the average MMO never even reaches 500k, much less gets above it, I find that "only" to be laughable...
It certainly would not be considered the average MMO and I think you know that. Having said that, I am still not sure what the point of your post is, mind elaborating?

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I quite like being VIP , the $15 dollars a month is easily doable, even on my budget, I have bought every powerset in the game so far (though I still haven't found a Beam Rifle combo I can get in to), have most everything on the tier 9 row of the vet tree thingie (technical i know), and have access to everything the game has to offer (I'm still addicted to iTrials ), and I haven't paid a cent over my sub. Not to mention spending a few spare points on costume pieces and super packs.

So for me, everything has been 'free' because i've kept my VIP Status.

Now if Bio Armor was to come out tomorrow, I might have to wait a couple of weeks for my next stipend to come in as I am sitting at 550 odd ish, and being that the 2 blaster secondaries are going to be free, I still don't think i'll have to put any extra money down.

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Originally Posted by Remus Shepherd
I am *an* example of a long term player, but perhaps not the ur-example. Maybe I was, once, but all who were like me left the game. Someday there'll only be fossils of the great old players, our bones imprinted in the rocks of the high-rez revamp of the Hollows someday...
Considering a lot of people politely disagreeing with you (like me) have been playing nearly as long as you, it's pretty backhanded to refer to the folks who might have agreed with you as the great ones.
I made an obviously flippant remark and punctuated it with a smiley. Come on, don't take it so seriously. I meant no disrespect to players or Elder Gods. I've stopped trying to introduce levity into this discussion, please forgive my earlier attempts.

But you do bring up one interesting point.

And by and large from what I've seen here and ingame, people with a sweeping negative opinion of the new system like yourself are in the minority.
Have you considered the possibility that you only see long-time players who agree with the system because all the others left? An observation made with extreme sampling bias is no datum at all.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Have you considered that this system remains in place because it works?

Have you considered that your system could severely reduce the output of content?

There are many things to consider.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Have you considered the possibility that you only see long-time players who agree with the system because all the others left? An observation made with extreme sampling bias is no datum at all.
For any that left, enough others have taken their place. Regardless of how good a game is, eventually people will drift away. It doesn't matter, people leave.

If you're not aware, NCSoft is not a company that keeps a failing game around MMO around for long. Look no further than their own track record for shutting down ones that didn't make the cut. And then, look at CoH. If CoH was still struggling even after going with the hybrid model, it'd quite likely would be on NCSoft's chopping block by now... but it's not, quite the opposite. The hybrid model has been a huge success, both financially and popularly with the playerbase. We get more when we stop subscribing. We get more when we subscribe. And, we have more options to go above and beyond just our subscription.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



There is nothing wrong with the system. This is a simple opt in opt out type deal. These threads and posts about a better system etc... are little more than digital versions of punked.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.