I don't feel VIP at all




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Doesn't the monthly spending limit cap at $200? Or is that per card, so you could still spend the full $900 all at once by cycling multiple CCs?
Max is $400 and it's per account. I use the same card for four accounts and was able to push past $500 one billing cycle to get all the Celestial pieces for the accounts.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Try to keep up, Nethergoat. For the same amount of money, Premium players get 13560 points compared to VIPs 6600 points per year. Premium effectively pays 50% of what VIPs do for things available on the store.
I don't know where you're getting your assumptions about premium players spending habits, but they don't seem very realistic.

And as a reality check, premium players "get" ZERO points compared to however many VIPs get as their stipend. They have to buy every point they want to spend (which is why re-subbing as a VIP has actually saved me money...)

What balances VIP is the stuff that isn't available on the store -- incarnates, bases, some other things I don't use and have forgotten. But if the VIP is not interested in that free stuff, they are getting screwed compared to Premium players. We've already established that earlier in the thread.
You've established nothing other than the fact that your own bizarre view of reality has little in common with the bulk of the playerbase.

If the VIP is "not interested in that stuff", then they can presumably go premium and save themselves some money, right?

I'm not seeing how that's a problem for anyone, except maybe Paragon if enough players find inventions, the market, incarnate content, tons of server slots & SSAs undesirable and decide to go Premium and buy power sets and costume bits ala carte.

Paragon seems happy with the status quo and they have the only vote that matters.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
It is more cost effective to buy points in bulk then pay a monthly sub.

Some people can't grasp this or cling to minor perks as being "worth it".
You are wrong. I state this as a fact. You are wrong, because you are putting your OPINION forth as if it were FACT. That automatically makes you wrong.

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Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Well, I spoke up on a thread that someone else started about how they do not feel VIPs are getting a good deal. I'm willing to believe that only a small minority of players feel as I do. But I know I'm not completely alone.
Realistically, even the guy standing on the street corner screaming about aliens controlling his mind isn't alone.

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Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Try to keep up, Nethergoat. For the same amount of money, Premium players get 13560 points compared to VIPs 6600 points per year. Premium effectively pays 50% of what VIPs do for things available on the store.

What balances VIP is the stuff that isn't available on the store -- incarnates, bases, some other things I don't use and have forgotten. But if the VIP is not interested in that free stuff, they are getting screwed compared to Premium players. We've already established that earlier in the thread.
I am not sure how you get this calculated i am not going to ask either since

a) premiums don't get tokens unless they pay for points or being have at least a month of subscription before going premium. Each token requires you to buy 1200 points which VIP gets free each month one.

b) VIP gets at least 400 points monthly premium none.

c) vip gets access to invention, auction, MA premium needs either specific tier (tier 4 for auction at earliest) and you need tokens to get those tiers.

d) vip gets all AT's while premium needs to pay 1200 pp (1000 for epics) for each or need to be a tier 5 earliest (which requires 14400 points to have enough token to open tier 5 or 12 month of subscription and this only non-epic AT's, epic AT's require vip or buying).

e) vip gets 12 character slot in each server while premium gets 2 global a character slot x5 bundle is 1600 points so there is a 3200 points of difference no matter what is your tier.

f) vips get going rogue and alignment system as well as first and night wards as free premiums need to pay for them.



I think the problem is all about perception and presentation. We should have more emphasis on maintaining a subscription...

… like a reward for years subscribed. The veteran rewards were replaced by a system where people with deep pockets can buy their way to the top, taking away that unspoken reward of people being perpetually jealous of our … subscription length. As a way to wave that epeen flag of honor again, I suggest that we get a 1% discount at the Paragon Market for every year subscribed. Yes, that's right, after 100 years of subscribing, we can get everything on the Market for free!


Hopefully by then the mapserver error on Emperor Cole's personal story will be fixed... Maybe we'll even have character models with fingers and asymmetric costumes...



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
It is more cost effective to buy points in bulk then pay a monthly sub.
I didn't know the Incarnate system could be unlocked with points?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



If you don't think being VIP is worth it, unsubscribe. You may find that you miss things you got with your VIP subscription, or you may not. But the thing is, you have a choice.

Not sure why this is so complicated....

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



g) There is no 1130 paragon point option if you are going to use yearly money spend on things than use proper numbers. There is 1320 pp model which is a tad bit more expensive than vip subsription (especially if you are in a more than one month model) and you totally forget about 12 tokens vips get in adition to 5 token from those 6600 point if nothing else (yes vip points counts towards token so at least at each three months you actually get 4 token instead of 3 if you are tier 9 there will be more)



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Realistically, even the guy standing on the street corner screaming about aliens controlling his mind isn't alone.
Yes, you win the AWESOME quote of the day award. Cheers!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Oh, btw... I bought Nature Affinity last night. With points I already had. From my VIP subscription.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



The fact that endgame content (ie: incarnate) is gated by a VIP subscription makes a lot of sense to me. Long time players are loathe to pass up the opportunity to uber-ize their main toons and free/freemiums eventually become jealous of those same players and decide a subscription is worth it.

If you're casual then go premium. But if you're like most of us then at some point you'll begin salivating over the prospect of laughing maniacally as +4/8 mobs tremble beneath your mighty, spikey, rockety boots.

That's why I do it anyway...

The Grim Saint - Virtueverse [1323 Badges]



ALSO! VIPs get access to VIP beta.

As a severe non-altoholic I find this to be extremely beneficial. I get to test new content on my main... and then play my main! YAY!

The Grim Saint - Virtueverse [1323 Badges]



This is all very interesting, in a random sort of way, but to me the value proposition for VIP status comes down to a very simple calculation.

I pay annually, as RemusShepherd does. I therefore pay $143.40 for one year sub. That sub comes with 6600 points.

The very best value proposition for a Premium player is to buy points $100 at a time, acquiring 9600 points for $100. That's 96 points per dollar. That means on an average basis my sub would have bought 13766 points.

The difference is 7166 points. The question is do I believe that what I get for being a VIP is worth 7166 points. In the last year, VIPs received eight powersets included with their subscription. That's worth close to the 7000 points right there. Before I count base access. Before I count the Incarnate system. Before I count inventions, SSAs, costumes, and all other content. Before I count character slots which VIPs get a lot more and I would have to fill in. Before any of that, I'm very close to breaking even just on powersets alone - based on the calculations above, within $15.60 of breaking even over an entire year, just on powersets alone. In other words, factoring in nothing else, I'm really paying $1.30 a month to be a VIP, relative to what a Premium would have to pay just to catch up with me through powersets. That buck and change is paying for base access, incarnate access, SSA content, server slots, VIP beta access, VIP costume sets, VIP paragon rewards, and VIP forum posting access.

Its honestly not worth doing the math to figure out much more than that. I would have to get hit by a bus to fail to break even. So for me, someone that actually plays the game a lot, plays the content, makes alts, plays the different powersets, tests things in beta, and uses lots of costume creator options, the choice is stupidly obvious.

Now, someone that doesn't play all the content, doesn't want to participate in the incarnate system, doesn't create a lot of alts, doesn't use a lot of options in the costume editor, may not get as much value from being a VIP. For them, being Premium might be more cost effective.

They should unsubscribe. That's what the option is there for.

Premium players aren't just people who never subscribed. They are also long time subscribers that have decided they don't need or want everything within a subscription, but they still want to play the game. For them, the premium option makes sense, and there's no shame in taking that option. Calls to act punitively against Premiums isn't just a question of long term players verses people just "buying their way in." Its also about whether long term players, people who have paid and subscribed for years, should have the option to pay less and play less, because that's more suited to their gaming preferences.

I see no reason why that should not be the case. If you think premium is a better deal, it might be. For you. VIP might be the better deal for others. That is exactly as it should be. One size does not fit all.

But for me, and players who play the game remotely like me, the odds of Premium being a better deal than VIP are extremely low.

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Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
(yes vip points counts towards token so at least at each three months you actually get 4 token instead of 3 if you are tier 9 there will be more)
This is wrong.

VIP point stipends do not count toward purchased points tokens. The only way to get tokens from points is to buy points.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
This is wrong.

VIP point stipends do not count toward purchased points tokens. The only way to get tokens from points is to buy points.
Nope they do I got two tokens this month while I didn't make any purchase of points. One token at an odd date other at the date when I get stipends and I was getting it like this in every three month or so since freedom launched.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Nope they do I got two tokens this month while I didn't make any purchase of points. One token at an odd date other at the date when I get stipends and I was getting it like this in every three month or so since freedom launched.
No they don't.

Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Your 400 bonus Paragon Points for your VIP Subscription do not count towards your earning another Paragon Reward Token in this system. Only points purchased count towards Tokens.
So we hate to break the news to you but you either miscounted the rewards you had, made a purchase you forgot about, or a bug awarded you an extra reward by mistake.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I didn't know the Incarnate system could be unlocked with points?
I also didn't know that Premiums could buy access to the VIP server with points, increase the number of character slots per server over 36, unlock the ability to pay base rent at the registrar, or buy access to the Test/Beta servers with points.

Maybe Gemini could be so kind as to post a screenshot where all that can be bought on the market without subscribing.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Nope they do I got two tokens this month while I didn't make any purchase of points. One token at an odd date other at the date when I get stipends and I was getting it like this in every three month or so since freedom launched.
Checking back over my bank statements to see exactly how many points I've bought, and combining that information with how many reward tokens I had when Freedom launched, and how many I have now, this can't be true. My current number of reward tokens matches the number I should have if the stipend doesn't count, and is 5 tokens (a year's worth of 550-point stipends) short of what I should have if the stipend does count.

I'm with Forbin: you're either mistaken in some way, or the system has made an error in your favor.



I don't feel like a VIP just like fish don't feel wet.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
They should unsubscribe. That's what the option is there for.
Yes. Obviously. Believe me, I have heard the entire thread screaming at me to unsubscribe. (The apparent fact that I have no friends left in this game, or on these forums, is a separate discussion.)

The *point* is that the system should be set up to encourage everyone to become a subscriber and then remain subscribed. That *is* the goal, isn't it?

That is not happening. Maybe only a minority is being lost this way, but they are being lost.

I want this game to survive and do well, and I want to enjoy playing it. Those are two separate desires, but they are not incompatible. I'm not enjoying it much and do not feel valued as a VIP. They could change that by making VIP status better, and I feel that would also help the game survive.

But if they feel that indulging fringe casual players like myself would break their bank, then obviously they shouldn't do it. And then obviously I should go.

Whether that slow bleed of disaffected VIPs spells dooom or not is something we'll just have to wait and see. I think the bleed and the doooom can be easily avoided, and that's why I'm speaking up.

This isn't about *me*. This is about a system that isn't doing what it was intended to do -- maximize subscribers. There's a leak in the system, and I was offering suggestions to plug it.

What happens to me...well, obviously nobody here cares, and nobody in Paragon Studio cares, and I'm losing the ability to care also, so it's just not important.

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Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
The *point* is that the system should be set up to encourage everyone to become a subscriber and then remain subscribed. That *is* the goal, isn't it?
I thought the goal was to get people to spend more money on the game.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Yes. Obviously. Believe me, I have heard the entire thread screaming at me to unsubscribe. (The apparent fact that I have no friends left in this game, or on these forums, is a separate discussion.)

...well, obviously nobody here cares, and nobody in Paragon Studio cares, and I'm losing the ability to care also, so it's just not important.
Sorry you feel that way but I completely understand. My original friends left ages ago and also many years ago, I found that it was best to seriously curb my postings here since I don't say things players like either(even if it is a relatively tame critique of the game not a "this sucks" post). Just try to accept it as constructive criticism and ignore the overwhelming backlash against your idea. It is what you will typically get if you are not posting something positive. Take a break, forget about these forums(and the community here), come back and enjoy the in-game activities/discussions/etc. I find it a difference experience than here.

Unfortunately, I don't have much more to offer because I'm on the other side and thoroughly enjoy being Premium.

Edit: Good luck with this crowd. You will need it. I'm going back to in-game activities where I can play with players that don't have an agenda other than enjoying the game. Not sure why I expected anything different when posting here. Kudo to Aura Famiia for just expressing raw kreativity.

And for the OP to be soo completely wrong makes you wonder why forumites need to tell them over and over and over again how wrong they are. If it was that obvious they wouldn't need to say anything and this subject could safely be on the 5th page with no more views by now. Strange way of 'promoting' the opposite view.




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I thought the goal was to get people to spend more money on the game.


Yeah Remus isn't going to get it. I think we should all just smile and head nod at this point.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



[QUOTE=Tutelary;4356627]Sorry you feel that way but I completely understand. My original friends left ages ago and also many years ago, I found that it was best to seriously curb my postings here since I don't say things players like either(even if it is a relatively tame critique of the game not a "this sucks" post). Just try to accept it as constructive criticism and ignore the overwhelming backlash against your idea. It is what you will typically get if you are not posting something positive. Take a break, forget about these forums(and the community here), come back and enjoy the in-game activities/discussions/etc. I find it a difference experience than here.

Unfortunately, I don't have much more to offer because I'm on the other side and thoroughly enjoy being Premium.[/QUOTE]

Soo you're telling remus to leave the game when there is a better option that you yourself use?


And telling Remus that we LIKE the way VIP is, is just as viable as him/her saying they dislike it.

Reducing the pay for powersets would cut off the increased funds the devs have to make more powersets. Full stop. Dropping back to only 1-2 free powersets a year would make the VIP option compeletely and utterly worthless trash compared to what we have now. This isn't rocket science.

If Remus wants to continue to put his or her head in the sand, after being repeatedly told that, I have no sympathy for him or her, as that tells me they don't want the game to improve. Full stop.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!