If you haven't looked at the new Skulls, please do.

Agent White



To avoid people confusing the accent text for typos, they should only include accents when there are words staring with "w" in the sentence that can be written as "v"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
To avoid people confusing the accent text for typos, they should only include accents when there are words staring with "w" in the sentence that can be written as "v"
You want your nuclear wessels don't you?

Something witty and profound



I know on live we've had neutral "skull girlfriends" for some time. The most common vignette I'm familiar with is the two skull girlfriends that are hanging out with the boys. They say some witty stuff about it being cool to be dating skulls. Then they jet once combat starts.

But just tonight I came across this is the Hollows:

A skull lieutenant was talking to his girlfriend in a park. His first line of dialogue was:

[NPC] Death Head Buckshot: Well, you never want to do anything really. All you want to do is brag to your girlfriends. But you never really DO anything.
Once agro'd, she runs off and he says:

[NPC] Death Head Buckshot: Sorry, hon, it was fun while it lasted!
Has this exchange been there a long time? Or was this recently added foreshadowing of the "new girlfriends" in i24? Serious question.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
1. This is not a Comic Book. It's a game, an MMORPG to be exact. There may just be a sliiiight difference between the two, m'kay?
Nice deflection, but that does not change the fact that this MMO is based in a comics-style universe; and comics creators do nothing BUT recon, rewrite and blow **** up in an epic fashion - and they dont care if the fans like it or not, either. An example that comes to mind is Marvel's [fairly] recent doings re Asgard. If something like that was done to this game, you would have a coronary.

Those of us who actually read comics are used to it. We often dont like it, but we're used to it.

2. Point out to me where, exactly, I wanted 'NO CHANGE ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME EVER!' instead of pointing out what, specifically, was bugging me.
Hey, you are the one going Section Eight over a minor retcon to a relatively unimportant villain group, not me. Your posts generally tend toward bombast anyways, but just sayin'.

Christ on a cracker, are we STILL doing this, after so damn long?
We'll probably be doing it until the developers bow the knee and agree to your demands. Which is probably gonna be a while, I'd guess.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
You want your nuclear wessels don't you?
I'm just trying to figure out this "Wictor" thing.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
I like this idea a lot.

I've never liked the idea of fighting basically normal people. Warriors, Family, Cage (rent-a-cops? Come on...), etc. After level 20 or so, all the normal folks should go away. I feel we're way too powerful by that time to be fighting them. Especially when these groups get to around level 30. Not really working for me.
Oh god, please no. I'd really hate for this game to diverge so completely from super-hero stories into more broad Fantasy and Sci-fi stories and leave the idea of costumed crime fighting behind entirely.

It's one thing to have the option to fight gods at the end game, its another thing to only be able to fight gods.

Adding some *super* villains seems to clean this up. If a new Outcast villain group replaces the Warriors in Talos, I won't be sad. Super villains could also make additional appearances with other groups: working for the Family, for example. It would make a lot more sense, to me, if we're fighting Family because they're using super villains.
eh, I'd much more prefer to just have more options to find "named" villains in the street than completely revamp perfectly fine gang-based groups into generic spandex guys.
It could even be part of a larger story arc. Outcasts are gangers at lower levels. You manage to save a few, redeem them or whatever. The more hard-bitten ones put on spandex by level 20 and start their own villain groups.
.... Why?

You defeat some of those, they get locked up or go straight. Then the Outcasts that are left are the real hard core, and start working as mercenaries for other groups like the Family, etc. It provides a progression, and also a bit better explanation why we are fighting these guys, instead of just letting the cops taking care of it.
I don't see why this would be necessary.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Those of us who actually read comics are used to it. We often dont like it, but we're used to it.
One - "That happens in comic book publishing all the time" is a crappy excuse for anything.

Two - Read what you wrote. The discontented forumites here "don't like it". The difference is that they have a forum for expressing their dislike whereas the comic book publishers are insulated by their letters pages.

Look at it this way - when comic books retcon things, angry fans write letters to the editor. ANGRY letters to the editor. So, this kvetching is just like comics, so that makes it okay, right? Standards work both ways. The only difference is that the comic book letters pages are a very heavily moderated forum compared to this relatively unmoderated one.

Besides, after reading some of the stuff posted to the DC forums when New 52 went into effect, I find the idea of comic book readers being calmly "oh, well, we're used to this sort of thing" to be a fairly amusing one.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Oh god, please no. I'd really hate for this game to diverge so completely from super-hero stories into more broad Fantasy and Sci-fi stories and leave the idea of costumed crime fighting behind entirely.

It's one thing to have the option to fight gods at the end game, its another thing to only be able to fight gods.
Not to mention, taken to its logical conclusion, such an arrangement would prevent Natural origin characters to level past 20 as they're just "normal" folks after all.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Not to mention, taken to its logical conclusion, such an arrangement would prevent Natural origin characters to level past 20 as they're just "normal" folks after all.
A lot of people feel that way now, just because The Family have Tommy guns. I hope the future direction of the game doesn't indulge such people.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
This is a RPG. The backstory is the foundation of the game, regardless of how many players could care less about it. Other game studios treat their backstory and in-game history as a strength. They build on it and feed it to the players as a benefit of learning the game. This studio throws their backstory away and publically makes statements about how their developers should be able to make whatever new thing they want without concern about whether it fits the established backstory, contradicts it, or outright erases it.
I've argued since 2005 that telling story well - without the inconsistencies and half-retcons - is a form of reward stream for players. It's just not one that this group of devs cares to use, and like any disruption in the reward stream, it merits criticism from the player base.

I'm glad we're getting to color our powers these days, and that we're getting so much of what we've asked for. But consistent lore is not one of the things we're getting yet.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Those of us who actually read comics are used to it. We often dont like it, but we're used to it.
Somehow, "things have always been bad like this, so they should continue to be bad like this" doesn't strike me as very compelling reasoning.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
One - "That happens in comic book publishing all the time" is a crappy excuse for anything.

Two - Read what you wrote. The discontented forumites here "don't like it". The difference is that they have a forum for expressing their dislike whereas the comic book publishers are insulated by their letters pages.

Look at it this way - when comic books retcon things, angry fans write letters to the editor. ANGRY letters to the editor. So, this kvetching is just like comics, so that makes it okay, right? Standards work both ways. The only difference is that the comic book letters pages are a very heavily moderated forum compared to this relatively unmoderated one.

Besides, after reading some of the stuff posted to the DC forums when New 52 went into effect, I find the idea of comic book readers being calmly "oh, well, we're used to this sort of thing" to be a fairly amusing one.

Slick here has apparently pre-hacked my brain and reworded everything I would put much more better.

Saves me having to try and post it

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Somehow, "things have always been bad like this, so they should continue to be bad like this" doesn't strike me as very compelling reasoning.
You'd be amazed how often people try and use it, though...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I like them for the most part. And honestly I'm ok if I don't 100% love the enemy redesigns. I'm still going to fight them! I'm really glad to see them tackling more and more of the older groups and giving them a more detailed and updated unique look.

Character List



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Look at it this way - when comic books retcon things, angry fans write letters to the editor. ANGRY letters to the editor. So, this kvetching is just like comics, so that makes it okay, right? Standards work both ways.
The thing is, if you expect either response to make any significant difference in editorial policy, my (pessimistic) opinion is that you're deluded. They'll keep doing things the way they want to, fan outcry be damned (or rather, simply ignored).

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
The thing is, if you expect either response to make any significant difference in editorial policy, my (pessimistic) opinion is that you're deluded. They'll keep doing things the way they want to, fan outcry be damned (or rather, simply ignored).
This is the second time someone has thrown an underhanded "The devs won't listen to the players" remark into the thread. I fail to understand how anyone could take that standpoint given the current developer team and what they've been doing for us.

If that's NOT what you mean, please correct me.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
The thing is, if you expect either response to make any significant difference in editorial policy, my (pessimistic) opinion is that you're deluded. They'll keep doing things the way they want to, fan outcry be damned (or rather, simply ignored).
You're correct, mostly. This studio is actually pretty responsive to player input.

After eight years there are dozens of "hot buttons" that get pushed all of the time around here. For every one, there are a bunch of "usual suspects" that can be expected to have opinions on them. I am not unaware of the fact that I qualify as one of those "usual suspects". Given that, I don't expect anybody to take my opinions as any kind bellwether of the state of fandom.

Once in a while, "the usual suspects" bring an issue to light that attracts attention from the greater community. This is what happened with the CoT, for instance. When that happens, the studio sits up and takes notice; as they should. If I decide to weigh in on some topic like this one and anyone at the studio even notices, I expect that most of the time the notice amounts to "We can't ever make that Slickriptide happy, can we?" (I doubt that I'm even on their radar that far, frankly.)

However, if the topic generates interest from a dozen people who normally don't post at all, then I know I'm on to something real. I'm just as sure that Freitag and Zwillinger and the rest of the OCR team take note of those reactions and when Matt says "What are the native restless about today?" that one of them says "This topic here is generating discussion by more than the usual suspects. We should monitor where that one goes."

So, no. Nobody who comments here expects the studio to adjust the game to their liking and specification.

Occasionally, though, this sort of discussion does and has historically had an effect on the implementation of the game. It seldom derails and re-routes the train, but sometimes it results in the game taking a more player-oriented direction than what the initial target was intended to be.

Sometimes it's as simple as people complaining about having to "defeat" Sally to get a badge and an in-character article appearing in the Paragon Times that offers an explanation WHY Sally needs to be "defeated" over and above it being due to badge-awarding mechanics in the game engine.

Other times it has a larger effect like the CoT thing or the adjustements that some powers have had based on player feedback and such.

Bottom line, ;tldr summary - Nobody should expect the studio to act on their opinions but there's nothing wrong with civilly expressing your opinions or engaging in spirited debate about the proposed changes. Those debates do sometimes help the studio chart the course of the game's implementation.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
This is the second time someone has thrown an underhanded "The devs won't listen to the players" remark into the thread. I fail to understand how anyone could take that standpoint given the current developer team and what they've been doing for us.
I go by what I see.

Lots of people: Stop ignoring your own lore!
Current dev team: *continue ignoring own lore*

When do you expect this to change? Why?

Anyone may ask / demand answers of the gods. Getting them is another matter, and answers that aren't "no" still another.
The first of these is just shouting at the sky.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I go by what I see.

Lots of people: Stop ignoring your own lore!
Current dev team: *continue ignoring own lore*

When do you expect this to change? Why?.
And on the numerous occasions when the Devs do acknowledge and utilize their extensive COH Lore, we get umpteen complaints about the people who don't like it/want it changed/hate how it affects their own personal stories in-game.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I go by what I see.

Lots of people: Stop ignoring your own lore!
Current dev team: *continue ignoring own lore*

When do you expect this to change? Why?

Anyone may ask / demand answers of the gods. Getting them is another matter, and answers that aren't "no" still another.
Oddly enough, I sort of believe that this current question about the Skulls is a case of the studio trying to make good on the lore. Someone said "Hey, these Petrovic guys are kind of under-developed story-wise. If we are dressing up King's Row and giving the Skulls a real story, then we should acknowledge that we have them written up as having ethnic roots."

The problem is that the "in your face" way they were going about it changed the character of the gang so drastically (in my opinion, anyway) that it became a different gang with the same name. That bothers some people and bothers others not at all. Your mileage may vary.

Is a level 7-20 gang that most people will skip through in a day really worth spending time and effort on making them subtly ethnic? I dunno. For my gameplay and immersion it is, but for the financial bottom line of the studio, it might not be.

I'll be happy in the end if they can swing it to acknowledge that they started life as an ethnic gang but became something bigger and possibly even better/stronger than they would have been if the War had not forced them to grow beyond their ethnic roots.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Anyway, I would love to see them just add the Skulls symbol onto their jacket backs.
As far as I know, this would need to be done as a new texture for the whole jacket (actually, each and every jacket/vest they now use) that includes the symbol, as they don't have the tech to add a decal onto jacket backs (like a chest detail symbol)... still, I don't think that's out of the question, as far as time and difficulty... unless their budget/schedule just do not allow for it. However, in my opinion, if they scheduled the time to revamp the Skulls, they should have scheduled the time to do it right and include such an iconic aspect of the gang. Yes, the skull masks are more iconic and I like what they did with those! The symbol on the back covers their iconic image from behind (when you can't see their masks).
To me, not having those symbols makes this revamp feel like a cheap player-recreation job. Some new textures put it beyond what any of us could have done with the character creator tools at hand (minus the new mask).

Also, after running around and checking them out, I'd say that the occurrence of females showing up in spawns seems a little too frequent. I encountered several female only spawns and usually at least one female in every spawn on the streets. I like the addition, but it just feels out of place to have them so equally represented.

Just my opinions.
I am not against this revamp at all. And I don't think they've swung and missed in the slightest. I don't care for the club hair and I don't care for the club jeans, but the previous changes seem more important to me.
I'm with E-K on this one.

I think I encountered about 80% female Skulls. That ratio is weirdly high. (Unless there's a story reason for it that I didn't encounter.)

I don't know why the Skulls are getting revamped other than to modernize their look, but they are lacking that certain something which makes them stand out visually.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Oddly enough, I sort of believe that this current question about the Skulls is a case of the studio trying to make good on the lore. Someone said "Hey, these Petrovic guys are kind of under-developed story-wise. If we are dressing up King's Row and giving the Skulls a real story, then we should acknowledge that we have them written up as having ethnic roots."

The problem is that the "in your face" way they were going about it changed the character of the gang so drastically (in my opinion, anyway) that it became a different gang with the same name. That bothers some people and bothers others not at all. Your mileage may vary.

Is a level 7-20 gang that most people will skip through in a day really worth spending time and effort on making them subtly ethnic? I dunno. For my gameplay and immersion it is, but for the financial bottom line of the studio, it might not be.

I'll be happy in the end if they can swing it to acknowledge that they started life as an ethnic gang but became something bigger and possibly even better/stronger than they would have been if the War had not forced them to grow beyond their ethnic roots.
Seems to me they should make the Marrow brothers ethnic and everyone else just regular folks. Or maybe the various Bosses are all related to the Petrovics, while the soldiers are recruits from Paragon City. Because black people clearly aren't going to be Slavic. Well, not modern black people. ("I'll take obscure etymology joke for 300, Alex.")

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I don't know why the Skulls are getting revamped other than to modernize their look, but they are lacking that certain something which makes them stand out visually.
TRENCHCOATS AND HOODIES! THEY NEED BLACK TRENCHCOATS AND HOODIES! Nothing says "I <3 death and stuff" like trenchcoats and hoodies!

Oh, also, as far as magajoule's comment: the real problem is also that devs are ignoring lore they further established... two issues ago I believe? Edit: though, on the note of their accents, I'm pretty sure the devs already said in the beta forums they were fixing it. And that's the only thing that out and out used to establish any of the none petrovich brothers as Slavic.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



A 250mb patch has just gone up on the Beta server, so it's likely that there's up to 245mb of correct English for the Skulls random zone dialog.


[NPC] Gravedigger Slugger: Why you heroes dress so crazy? It makes me want to drown kitten.
Maybe less than 245mb then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork