If you haven't looked at the new Skulls, please do.

Agent White



Originally Posted by Arnabas
People taking the time to express displeasure are those who care about the game.

Those who care about the game are keeping it alive, TYVM.
Don't you die on me! I can't make hateful forums comments and throw money at something I don't like if you do that!

I don't really see a problem with the Skulls revamp. The outfits look like versions of the old Skull outfits made with newer pieces, imo. Some things could be tweaked, I'll admit (adding the Skull emblems to the jackets, diversifying the group a bit as far as members go, just having the Petrovic brothers themselves have the Funetik Aksent while the other Skulls speak normally) but all in all it matches up to what we had with the low-res models pretty well. At the very least this revamp is going a lot better than the CoT one went.

Note - Just for extreme clarification on my part, the above comment is a jest. As one of the new Skulls would say: 'Is joke. Don't take seriously.'

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Here you go, Bloodspeaker. Just for you. Here's what I posted in the feedback thread with a few extras I'll add in after I post here just so you can see that I'm making suggestions.

First: Don't use the Pocket D hair on the males. Why? It's horrible. If you want the Skulls to look like Criss Angel, you did a bang-up job; if not, change the hair. The gang is not impressive at all with an image like this. It takes away from the "gangland" feel of Kings Row. It's derpy and makes male characters look like absolute dweebs.

Second: Get those jackets back! One of the biggest iconic symbols of the Skulls were their patent leather jackets with the white muscle tee underneath. Now they have really nice cotton vests and bomber jackets (clothing that's WAY too nice for the grit and grunge of Kings Row), and quite frankly it makes them look like spoiled rich kids, not a group of gun-toting death gangers.

Third: Not every Skull has to talk like the Heavy Weapons Guy. Cut that stuff out, it's nothing but kitsch and doesn't add anything to the backstory of the Skulls other than "LOOK WE'RE RUN BY RUSSIAN GUYS, ISN'T THAT COOL?" It's stereotypical at best and clashes with the lore.

Fourth: Clarify who Chernobog is, what his relation to the entire Skulls gang is, and where the Petrovic brothers are, or what happened to them if they're being moved aside in favor of Chernobog.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Really, it's that simple. And it's not just you.
Then you should really distribute the way you handle threads like this equally across the people who've participated in it rather than attacking me directly and trying to pass it off as feedback. Second, you should try to avoid insulting an entire thread when you're called on being too acerbic. Telling everyone who has an opinion on the matter that they're "toddling along" behind someone you clearly have a problem with is not good for your own personal PR.

Edit: If you don't care about your own personal PR, that's your prerogative.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Some one refresh my memory... Was there this much blood and thunder over the Circle revamp?
There was but it was much more broad based. And there were more campfires and sing-a-longs.

and s'mores

(And less Posi pointing out the current 'changes' actually fix things.)

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post

(And less Posi pointing out the current 'changes' actually fix things.)
Nope, pretty sure they tried that one back then, too.

It didn't work out so well

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
John, with all due respect I think you're knee-jerking a bit here.

In the end, we're all going to go on with our lives and nobody is going to shed tears if Emil Petrovic become Chernobog instead of Marrow Drinker. It's kinda hard to drink marrow in the first place and Chernobog is kind of a cool guy to be named after so really, it's not such a big deal.

The big deal is that the Powers That Be have been making a practice of being unfamiliar with their own product and of changing things whenever it suits them.

Case in point, about the Skulls - We all know that Skulls wear masks,right? When Atlas Park Mark 2 launched, Grym made it clear that whoever wrote his dialog thought that they wore face paint. It went live despite objections. Now, we have masks again and not just masks but masks that are going to become player costume elements.

Just yesterday, Matt made a post about how Marrowsnap was nothing special as a name, that HE created the name as a generic boss name and that any confusion on the matter of it being a specific boss name was most likely a confusion by the players based on lack of information (about which lack, don't get me started on Standard Lore Rant #3). It only took one following post to point out that the official studio website background information on the Petrovics says that they named themselves Marrow Snap and Marrow Drinker. Oops.

Matt would wave it off as a mistake, just a studio mistake that is being corrected/clarified. Regardless, it's not a single instance of such a mistake. It's a pattern that's been developing for years now.

The discontent and nit-pickiness if you care to classify it as such is a reaction to that. I don't ask that you change your opinion. I would ask that you look through the objections being raised here and on the beta forum and consider whether some of those objections (particularly about the Boris Badenov dialog) might be legitimate ones.

I will simply say what I've been saying - If the Skulls are being "clarified" to show that they've been an ethnic gang all along, then how is that making them more interesting and how is it improving the game? More to the point, what is being done to insure that continued gaffes about the story are dealt with appropriately, especially when the studio has publically stated an all-but-official policy that nobody should feel beholden to the established canon?

This is a RPG. The backstory is the foundation of the game, regardless of how many players could care less about it. Other game studios treat their backstory and in-game history as a strength. They build on it and feed it to the players as a benefit of learning the game. This studios throws their backstory away and publically makes statements about how their developers should be able to make whatever new thing they want without concern about whether it fits the established backstory, contradicts it, or outright erases it.

It is reasonable for people who care about the story to respond to that state of affairs. I support anyone who is fine with the changes to express their opinions and to BE fine with them. The game will go on regardless and few of us will quit in disgust over it. However, in return I ask that the opinions of the dissatisfied people be respected as well. Customers are customers and the studio needs to know about that dissatisfaction, especially in the rare case where it's not just the "usual suspects" complaining but a measurable percentage of normally quiet individuals.

Whether that's the case here or not remains to be seen. The final form of the whole thing remains to be seen. The studio has already said that they're dealing with the dialog. We'll see how they address any of the other suggestions/complaints or if they are comfortable with their design and choose to leave it as is. That's their perogative, too.

We all know that. There is constructive dialog happening here, not just ******** and kvetching. We should all do our part to keep it that way.
And frankly, this is where it should have started.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
If you don't mind, could you please explain this response?
I think he's under the impression that your OP, which is requesting people to log into Beta and give their opinions in the appropriate thread in Beta Forums, followed by your opinion of them, isn't enough for him. He seems to think it's a female-dog fest of epic proportions, though I'm not entirely sure where he's getting that from. He thinks you should have used more words to describe what's wrong and how to fix it (even though there's a thread for that in the Beta Forums).

Your subsequent posts were a little over the top, but the OP is what he seems to be hung up on, and I just can't see his version of it.

(Bloodspeaker: I understand that this is akin to putting words in your mouth, but do realize this is what you come across as, regardless of what you actually mean.)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
If you don't mind, could you please explain this response?
Sorry, as in "this kind of discussion."

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I think he's under the impression that your OP, which is requesting people to log into Beta and give their opinions in the appropriate thread in Beta Forums, followed by your opinion of them, isn't enough for him. He seems to think it's a female-dog fest of epic proportions, though I'm not entirely sure where he's getting that from. He thinks you should have used more words to describe what's wrong and how to fix it (even though there's a thread for that in the Beta Forums).

Your subsequent posts were a little over the top, but the OP is what he seems to be hung up on, and I just can't see his version of it.

(Bloodspeaker: I understand that this is akin to putting words in your mouth, but do realize this is what you come across as, regardless of what you actually mean.)
Pretty well sums it up. In any case, decided I wasn't reading enough into it (contrary to the usual problem). Comments largely removed.

Sorry for the excess touchiness. Too close to a long-standing peeve.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
Sorry, as in "this kind of discussion."
The thing is, that's the kind of discussion we've been having.

Oh, I agree and can't stand how most people start threads about topics I agree with, but their wording and such do harm to that cause (for lack of a better word).
However, I'll also point to this unfortunate truth... reasonable posts that state things rather objectively tend to get ignored.
It's a sad reality, but anyone who watches things can recognize this.
Now, that does not make me endorse intentionally going overboard. I just find that the only place I ever find people bothering to have discussions about such things is within threads that started with some ranting or overly generalized comments/stances and whathaveyou. Meanwhile, a nice civil first post can go unreplied to.

ANYWAY... The only relevant point being: We'd already gotten to having a reasonable discussion. Your insults and dismissals steered things away from such conversation (but brought us back around again, so... all good!).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha : I don't give a flying pony whether it's games, comics, books or parchment-bound stories scrawled in blood; Inconsistency is inconsistency, and ignoring pre-existing canon is doing just that. We might as well ignore ALL canon, EVER, if that's going to be the case.
Comic books have been handily rewriting or ignoring canon since well before either of us was even born. This will continue to happen.

And these are often not small rewrites, they are huge, sweeping things that often affect that entire universe.

I wish you well in your quest to make certain this never, ever but never happens again; I cannot help but have an image of Don Quixote tilting at windmills pop into my head, but regardless. I am sure that not only the creators of this game, but all comics creators everywhere will soon bow the knee to your edict of NO CHANGE ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME EVER!

Good luck wth that one. *gets microwave popcorn out of microwave, settles back to watch*

Meanwhile, these new Skulls look great and I am looking forward to getting my hands on those masks. Cheers!



Anyway, I would love to see them just add the Skulls symbol onto their jacket backs.
As far as I know, this would need to be done as a new texture for the whole jacket (actually, each and every jacket/vest they now use) that includes the symbol, as they don't have the tech to add a decal onto jacket backs (like a chest detail symbol)... still, I don't think that's out of the question, as far as time and difficulty... unless their budget/schedule just do not allow for it. However, in my opinion, if they scheduled the time to revamp the Skulls, they should have scheduled the time to do it right and include such an iconic aspect of the gang. Yes, the skull masks are more iconic and I like what they did with those! The symbol on the back covers their iconic image from behind (when you can't see their masks).
To me, not having those symbols makes this revamp feel like a cheap player-recreation job. Some new textures put it beyond what any of us could have done with the character creator tools at hand (minus the new mask).

Also, after running around and checking them out, I'd say that the occurrence of females showing up in spawns seems a little too frequent. I encountered several female only spawns and usually at least one female in every spawn on the streets. I like the addition, but it just feels out of place to have them so equally represented.

Just my opinions.
I am not against this revamp at all. And I don't think they've swung and missed in the slightest. I don't care for the club hair and I don't care for the club jeans, but the previous changes seem more important to me.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Comic books have been handily rewriting or ignoring canon since well before either of us was even born. This will continue to happen.

And these are often not small rewrites, they are huge, sweeping things that often affect that entire universe.

I wish you well in your quest to make certain this never, ever but never happens again; I cannot help but have an image of Don Quixote tilting at windmills pop into my head, but regardless. I am sure that not only the creators of this game, but all comics creators everywhere will soon bow the knee to your edict of NO CHANGE ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME EVER!
1. This is not a Comic Book. It's a game, an MMORPG to be exact. There may just be a sliiiight difference between the two, m'kay?

2. Point out to me where, exactly, I wanted 'NO CHANGE ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME EVER!' instead of pointing out what, specifically, was bugging me.

Christ on a cracker, are we STILL doing this, after so damn long?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



As far as diversity and gender make up that appears to be up to the RNG. I agree they should put the logo back on but won't be disappointed if they don't.

Basically there just needs to be some dialog stating that the brothers either changed their street names for some reason or the FSBA report was wrong. It happens. Marrow Drinker and what ever could be leaders just not THE leaders and certainly not the brothers.
Besides it's not like there isn't a precedent for villains changing their names. Past Pot Pete springs to mind.

Something witty and profound



I like the new look and redesign (mostly)! As long as they don't get retconned into a monoethnic gang (which from the earlier screenshots appears isn't the case) and don't all talk like freaking Boris and Natasha, it's cool. Yes even the hair.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Also, after running around and checking them out, I'd say that the occurrence of females showing up in spawns seems a little too frequent. I encountered several female only spawns and usually at least one female in every spawn on the streets. I like the addition, but it just feels out of place to have them so equally represented.

Just my opinions.
I am not against this revamp at all. And I don't think they've swung and missed in the slightest. I don't care for the club hair and I don't care for the club jeans, but the previous changes seem more important to me.
As someone else pointed out in response to Nalrok only seeing the white Skulls, this seems to be the random number generator at work rather than anything else.

I'm just a holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

Thessalia, by Darkchildx2k



Originally Posted by Thessalia View Post
As someone else pointed out in response to Nalrok only seeing the white Skulls, this seems to be the random number generator at work rather than anything else.
The RNG is racist, don't you know.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
The RNG is racist, don't you know.
If every dice roll starts coming up 666 we'll know the Hellions are behind it...



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
If every dice roll starts coming up 666 we'll know the Hellions are behind it...
That's just want Nemesis wants you to think.

Something witty and profound



All Skulls should use the Huge model, but each time we defeat one, there's a smaller one inside, and then a smaller one inside, and then a smaller one inside.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
All Skulls should use the Huge model, but each time we defeat one, there's a smaller one inside, and then a smaller one inside, and then a smaller one inside.
Okay, the Russian doll joke is funny.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
All Skulls should use the Huge model, but each time we defeat one, there's a smaller one inside, and then a smaller one inside, and then a smaller one inside.
I laughed.



I have almost no problems with the changes to the Skulls. Probably the best use of the Club Hair yet. I like the new female additions. I'm glad to still see some ethnic diversity, but I don't mind the clearer focus on the Slavic background. I've long thought the Skulls, Hellions, and Outcasts needed to be more distinctive. This goes a long way toward that.

I've not really read the accents much in-game on beta (haven't been on beta much this time 'round), but from the descriptions I've read here, I'm reminded of some advice my favorite creative writing teacher gave me: deliberate misspellings and grammar mistakes meant to convey accents should be used cautiously and sparingly. Instead of informing us about the character, it can quickly pull you out of the story and into the language of the story. Too much and your reader might think you're making fun of the character's background. Choose how you convey accents carefully, and let the reader's imagination fill in the rest. And it sounds like they've already heard this one loud and clear.

So if I had one problem with the revamp, it's the lack of skulls on the back of their jackets. The one time I did run into them in beta, I thought something was off but couldn't place it, and this is it precisely. They didn't look like Skulls from behind, only from the front.

So, overall, nice job (sorry, OP). This is MUCH better than the revamp to the CoT. Dang it, I still miss those generic, robed cult members.




Two Skulls walk into a bar.

The third Skull ducked, then ate the soul of the staff fighter.

******ba dum tish******

What many Skulls to change light bulb?

None. Light bulb embracing inner darkness!

******ba dum tish******

A Skull, A Hellion, an Outcast, and a Tsoo are walking through Astoria. A hundred husks and chambers leap out and block the way.

"My brethren are nearby, but I dare not attempt to pass these creatures to raise a summons," says the Tsoo.

They look at the Outcast. "Hey, I make ice cream and chilled scotch. I don't do zombies."

The Hellion declares, "My soul belongs to Dormamu. I won't let these bastards feed upon it."

The Skull looks around in disgust.

"Fine," he says. "If bad tough gang bangs is fraidy-cat, then Skulls show who real vojščak.

Jumping into the middle of the zombies, the Skull sprints away. The dry husks and rotting chambers converge, hesitate, then form an aisle for the Skull to run through and run alongside him as an honor guard.

"Wow!" says the Hellion. "That is one bad-*** dude!"

"Pffft!!" says the Tsoo. "Professional courtesy."

******ba dum tish******

Thanks, folks, I'm here all week!